All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- DNSBL icon showing if not listed
- Removed modal popup
- link to whois
- Moved composer to v1 and v2 and must be run in each during install
- Updated GuzzleHttp to 6.2.1
- Changed Guzzle Cache to work with Guzzle 6.2.1
- Upgraded to PHP7
- Updated MongoDB driver
- Updated ForecastIO to DarkSky
- Updated HTTP response codes
- Support for MongoDB replicsets
- Realtime traffic map with US and world view
- Whois + Google fallback to get city/state, lat/lng if IP is not found in MaxMind
- Cachet status page support
- PHPUnit tests
- Check for DNSBL function, issue with dev environment
- Check that IP address starts with digit less than 240 (IANA-RESERVED)
- Check for lat/lng in route for weather lookup
- Added time zone parse for city if no city in MaxMind response
- Update GeoIP to use new MaxMind GeoLite2-City
- Update map provider to Leaflet
- Update map style
- Update logo
- Update PHP5.5
- IPV6 support
- Language support for 'de','en','es','fr','ja','pt-BR','ru','zh-CN'
- Forecast.IO to get the senders weather
- What3Words, see README for adding and API key
- Composer for PHP libraries
- node, npm, bower for new map styles
- .htaccess file
- Fix map panning