% MELTEHH(1) meltEHH (vcflib) | meltEHH (VCF statistics) % Erik Garrison and vcflib contributors
meltEHH --target 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 --pos 10 --file my.phased.vcf \ --region chr1:1-1000 > STDOUT 2> STDERR
**meltEHH** provides the data to plot extended haplotype homozygosity
(EHH) curves and produces the data to generate the following plot:
<img src="https://github.com/vcflib/vcflib/blob/master/examples/example-ehh.png?raw=true" alt="" width=400>
**meltEHH** provides the data to plot EHH curves.
Output : 4 columns :
1. seqid
2. position
3. EHH
4. ref or alt [0 == ref]
required: t,target <STRING> A zero base comma separated list of target
individuals corresponding to VCF columns
required: r,region <STRING> A tabix compliant genomic range
format: "seqid:start-end" or "seqid"
required: f,file <STRING> Proper formatted and phased VCF.
required: y,type <STRING> Genotype likelihood format: GT,PL,GL,GP
required: p,position <INT> Variant position to melt.
optional: a,af <DOUBLE> Alternative alleles with frequencies less
than [0.05] are skipped.
Type: statistics
0 : Success
not 0 : Failure
Copyright 2011-2023 (C) Erik Garrison and vcflib contributors. MIT licensed.