% NORMALIZE-IHS(1) normalize-iHS (vcflib) | normalize-iHS (VCF genotype) % Erik Garrison and vcflib contributors
normalizeHS -s 0.01 -f input.txt
normalizes iHS or XP-EHH scores.
A cross-population extended haplotype homozygosity (XP-EHH) score is
directional: a positive score suggests selection is likely to have
happened in population A, whereas a negative score suggests the same
about population B. See for example
Output : **normalize-iHS** adds one additional column to input (normalized score).
required: -f -- Output from iHS or XPEHH
optional: -s -- Max AF diff for window [0.01]
Type: genotype
0 : Success
not 0 : Failure
Copyright 2011-2023 (C) Erik Garrison and vcflib contributors. MIT licensed.