% SEGMENTIHS(1) segmentIhs (vcflib) | segmentIhs (VCF statistics) % Erik Garrison and vcflib contributors
segmentFst -s 2 -f iHS.normalized.output.txt
Creates genomic segments (bed file) for regions with high wcFst
Output : 8 columns :
1. Seqid
2. Start (zero based)
3. End (zero based)
4. Average iHS
5. Average high Fst (iHS > -s)
6. N iHS values in segment
7. N high iHS values in segment
8. Segment length
required: -f -- Output from normalizeIHS
optional: -s -- High absolute iHS cutoff [2]
Type: statistics
0 : Success
not 0 : Failure
Copyright 2011-2023 (C) Erik Garrison and vcflib contributors. MIT licensed.