- Payment Channel Contract
Payment Channels have been implemented in a large number of blockchains as a method to increase the scalability of any protocol. By taking a large number of the transactions between two parties off-chain, it can significantly reduce the time and money cost of transactions.
The payment channel contract in VSYS is a one-way payment channel, which means that the paying user is considered as sender
and the receiving user is receiver
is the token id of the token that deposited into this payment channel contract.
For testing purpose, you can create a new token contract , then issue some tokens and deposit into the payment channel contract.
import * as jv from '@virtualeconomy/js-vsys';
// acnt: pv.Account
// tokId: str
// Register a new Payment Channel contract
const nc = await jv.PayChanCtrt.register(acnt, tokId);
console.log(nc.ctrtId); // print the id of the newly registered contract
Example output
CtrtID { data: 'CF78zQNY1kRBSVckXnnQFGveCTWBXpQaF4i' }
ncId is the payment channel contract's id.
import * as jv from '@virtualeconomy/js-vsys';
// ch: Chain
// ncId: string
const ncId = 'CF78zQNY1kRBSVckXnnQFGveCTWBXpQaF4i';
const nc = new jv.PayChanCtrt(ncId, ch);
The address that made this payment channel contract instance.
// nc: jv.PayChanCtrt
console.log(await nc.getMaker());
Example output
Addr { data: 'ATse3RcjEzwc5JHDPcduPYe4qA2mWhSNZaV' }
The token id of the token that deposited into this payment channel contract.
// nc: jv.PayChanCtrt
console.log(await nc.getTokId());
Example output
TokenID { data: 'TWum8FrkHp3qooZShMtm3q4GKneV66evJibiwL3EM' }
The token balance within this contract.
// nc: jv.PayChanCtrt
// acnt: pv.Account
const bal = await nc.getCtrtBal(acnt0.addr.data);
Example output
Token { data: BigNumber { s: 1, e: 2, c: [ 300 ] }, unit: 1 }
The channel creator.
// nc: jv.PayChanCtrt
// chanId: string e.g. '5dv575QktQMfB9YEi1qyzm5yi9YMMApGNZyddTbsxmpK'
// chanId is the transaction id of the createAndLoad function.
console.log(await nc.getChanCreator(chanId));
Example output
Addr { data: 'ATse3RcjEzwc5JHDPcduPYe4qA2mWhSNZaV' }
The channel creator's public key.
// nc: PayChanCtrt
// chanId: string e.g. '5dv575QktQMfB9YEi1qyzm5yi9YMMApGNZyddTbsxmpK'
// chanId is the transaction id of the createAndLoad function.
console.log(await nc.getChanCreatorPubKey(chanId));
Example output
PubKey { data: 'FwuW4LhiBFn6uu5id9nZGtp9o1RUG3DoX5MhyZibrjkE' }
The recipient of the channel.
// nc: PayChanCtrt
// chanId: string e.g. '5dv575QktQMfB9YEi1qyzm5yi9YMMApGNZyddTbsxmpK'
// chanId is the transaction id of the createAndLoad function.
console.log(await nc.getChanRecipient(chanId));
Example output
Addr { data: 'AUFDmJqrcwphseJccD1vkR7xbRciMijMpw4' }
The accumulated load of the channel.
// nc: PayChanCtrt
// chanId: string e.g. '5dv575QktQMfB9YEi1qyzm5yi9YMMApGNZyddTbsxmpK'
// chanId is the transaction id of the createAndLoad function.
const bal = await nc.getChanAccumLoad(chanId);
Example output
Token { data: BigNumber { s: 1, e: 2, c: [ 300 ] }, unit: 1 }
The accumulated payment of the channel.
// nc: PayChanCtrt
// chanId: string e.g. '5dv575QktQMfB9YEi1qyzm5yi9YMMApGNZyddTbsxmpK'
// chanId is the transaction id of the createAndLoad function.
const bal = await nc.getChanAccumPay(chanId);
Example output
Token { data: BigNumber { s: 1, e: 2, c: [ 200 ] }, unit: 1 }
The expiration time of the channel.
// nc: PayChanCtrt
// chanId: string e.g. '5dv575QktQMfB9YEi1qyzm5yi9YMMApGNZyddTbsxmpK'
// chanId is the transaction id of the createAndLoad function.
const ts = await nc.getChanAccumPay(chanId);
Example output
VSYSTimestamp { data: BigNumber { s: 1, e: 18, c: [ 16463, 88206000000000 ] } }
The channel status.(check if the channel is still alive)
// nc: PayChanCtrt
// chanId: string e.g. '5dv575QktQMfB9YEi1qyzm5yi9YMMApGNZyddTbsxmpK'
// chanId is the transaction id of the createAndLoad function.
console.log(await nc.getChanStatus(chanId));
Example output
Create the payment channel and loads an amount into it.
Note that this transaction id is the channel id.
import * as jv from '@virtualeconomy/js-vsys';
// acnt: Account
// receipt: string
// amount: number
// expiredTime: number
const resp = await nc.createAndLoad(
acnt, // account
acnt1.addr.data, // string
amount, // number
expiredTime // expiredTime
Example output
type: 9,
id: 'CK9X5ihyYFWNaTnyKTDpKSBiCvMv995GymftHdA49cxu',
fee: 30000000,
feeScale: 100,
timestamp: 1655180876173000000,
proofs: [
proofType: 'Curve25519',
publicKey: 'FwuW4LhiBFn6uu5id9nZGtp9o1RUG3DoX5MhyZibrjkE',
address: 'ATse3RcjEzwc5JHDPcduPYe4qA2mWhSNZaV',
signature: '4R3LjDu4VHLED8iFQCX417Nx3DQ46w5NrFajT7KJLX1k2Fs1LWdf4UMiyScBu1Bid9Pgap76AgGUUjz99sGzTXnQ'
contractId: 'CF78zQNY1kRBSVckXnnQFGveCTWBXpQaF4i',
functionIndex: 0,
functionData: '1L43p6UZAJwBbkrGR5Xmkksnzh3juUkZNenxMnsvQeH5rHjbUxCfCmsMrv1EhTM',
attachment: ''
Extend the expiration time of the channel to the new input timestamp.
import * as jv from '@virtualeconomy/js-vsys';
// acnt: Account
// chanId: string
// expiredTime: number
const resp = await nc.extendExpTime(
acnt, // acnt
chanId, // chanId
expiredTime // expiredTime
Example output
type: 9,
id: 'BQo3DsdktZ7uDbPNcLgKkr2VNQTJBrSneH68iTy9reFj',
fee: 30000000,
feeScale: 100,
timestamp: 1655185652231000000,
proofs: [
proofType: 'Curve25519',
publicKey: 'FwuW4LhiBFn6uu5id9nZGtp9o1RUG3DoX5MhyZibrjkE',
address: 'ATse3RcjEzwc5JHDPcduPYe4qA2mWhSNZaV',
signature: '5z1vsF9Sba4coaLPSVw75Zf6RATGqbGd1q6N2KYxF37edKanCMUEXbmh1z5tqR4GMwZhmcXdkJyy4sqMVsQQYjE9'
contractId: 'CF78zQNY1kRBSVckXnnQFGveCTWBXpQaF4i',
functionIndex: 1,
functionData: '13w3j89HJuJoqWz8kk9gachT1W2ZBkCT3XQCEeHbiTipxU4biYxpXaD3uokRqh',
attachment: ''
Load more tokens into the channel.
import * as jv from '@virtualeconomy/js-vsys';
// acnt: Account
// chanId: string
// amount: number
const resp = await nc.load(
acnt, // account
chanId, // chanId
amount // amount
Example output
type: 9,
id: 'FGnvtcoSMdMFx87No45RkEwACK5wwtfdJCDnrPpBuvFY',
fee: 30000000,
feeScale: 100,
timestamp: 1655185987297000000,
proofs: [
proofType: 'Curve25519',
publicKey: 'FwuW4LhiBFn6uu5id9nZGtp9o1RUG3DoX5MhyZibrjkE',
address: 'ATse3RcjEzwc5JHDPcduPYe4qA2mWhSNZaV',
signature: '4WNhqkEfRtVa38CwuPLSKsGc7KWGTGQMPYH8Ft5LGRqkh3E3Aasur3iDpMzXV8C4K6up914zFEDyyXGU2hCHrdNp'
contractId: 'CF78zQNY1kRBSVckXnnQFGveCTWBXpQaF4i',
functionIndex: 2,
functionData: '13w3j89HJuJoqWz8kk9gachT1W2ZBkCT3XQCEeHbiTipxU4biYtPcT1fkpTqJ7',
attachment: ''
Abort the channel, triggering a 2-day grace period where the recipient can still collect payments. After 2 days, the payer can unload all the remaining funds that was locked in the channel.
import * as jv from '@virtualeconomy/js-vsys';
// acnt: Account
// chanId: string
const resp = await nc.abort(acnt0, chanId);
Example output
type: 9,
id: '2UtbM2JU8cModdpUHVSAmtUE8vbUQmkks47jgz7f5tzY',
fee: 30000000,
feeScale: 100,
timestamp: 1655186138342000000,
proofs: [
proofType: 'Curve25519',
publicKey: 'FwuW4LhiBFn6uu5id9nZGtp9o1RUG3DoX5MhyZibrjkE',
address: 'ATse3RcjEzwc5JHDPcduPYe4qA2mWhSNZaV',
signature: 'urmAkLYsA513vNJQHd3pLhHYV9juJFVPkgEdFgymWWm33Yn4jKv6F2CkrV8pyNDrQbrUrJrBC1W89CwKcmEtbYr'
contractId: 'CF78zQNY1kRBSVckXnnQFGveCTWBXpQaF4i',
functionIndex: 3,
functionData: '1TeCHbscabzz1zay7FwUwoEXvkNwBMtFfYxzM7hDRoF2ddXAX',
attachment: ''
Unload all the funcs locked in the channel (only works if the channel has expired).
import * as jv from '@virtualeconomy/js-vsys';
// acnt: Account
// chanId: string
const resp = await nc.unload(acnt0, chanId);
Example output
type: 9,
id: '2voS1zgyXDcvTGoBMhrTbAgWdLBgT1P5DghhomLX6je4',
fee: 30000000,
feeScale: 100,
timestamp: 1655186248816000000,
proofs: [
proofType: 'Curve25519',
publicKey: 'FwuW4LhiBFn6uu5id9nZGtp9o1RUG3DoX5MhyZibrjkE',
address: 'ATse3RcjEzwc5JHDPcduPYe4qA2mWhSNZaV',
signature: '3LDp5reEQE2hTKyQKZtVsxjNbBNR24Hk98L2qM7aEw5zVjDA2prjiZhpiavXmcAyhzQWMD2GDpXWz3Nn2n1royAY'
contractId: 'CF78zQNY1kRBSVckXnnQFGveCTWBXpQaF4i',
functionIndex: 4,
functionData: '1TeCHbscabzz1zay7FwUwoEXvkNwBMtFfYxzM7hDRoF2ddXAX',
attachment: ''
Collect the payment from the channel (only works if the channel has expired).
import * as jv from '@virtualeconomy/js-vsys';
// acnt: Account
// chanId: string
// amount: number
// signature: string
const resp = await nc.collectPayment(
acnt, // account
chanId, // chanId
amount, // amount
signature // signature
Example output
Generate the offchain payment signature.
import * as jv from '@virtualeconomy/js-vsys';
// keyPair: md.KeyPair
// chanId: string
// amount: number
const resp = await nc.offchainPay(
keyPair, // keyPair
chan_id, // chanId
amount // amount
Example output
Verify the payment signature.
import * as jv from '@virtualeconomy/js-vsys';
// chanId: string
// amount: number
// signature: string
const resp = await nc.verifySig(
chanId // chanId
amount // amount
signature // signature
Example output