Lock contract allows users to lock a specific token in the contract for some period of time. This allows users to guarantee they have a certain amount of funds upon lock expiration. This may be helpful in implementing some kinds of staking interactions with users of a VSYS token for instance.
is the token id of the token that deposited into this lock contract.
For testing purpose, you can create a new token contract , then issue some tokens and deposit into the lock contract.
import py_vsys as pv
# acnt: pv.Account
# tok_id: str
# Register a new Lock contract
nc = await pv.LockCtrt.register(by=acnt,tok_id=tok_id)
print(nc.ctrt_id) # print the id of the newly registered contract
Example output
import py_vsys as pv
# ch: pv.Chain
nc_id = "CEvsegnqoPWF1e4ATyvmqx5PxDcEy6G6vZa"
nc = pv.LockCtrt(ctrt_id=nc_id, chain=ch)
The address that made this lock contract instance.
# nc: pv.LockCtrt
print(await nc.maker)
Example output
The token id of the token that deposited into this lock contract.
# nc: pv.LockCtrt
print(await nc.tok_id)
Example output
The token balance within this contract.
Note that the balance is the same no matter the token is locked or not.
# nc: pv.LockCtrt
# acnt: pv.Account
print(await nc.get_ctrt_bal(addr=acnt.addr.data))
Example output
The expire timestamp.
# nc: pv.LockCtrt
# acnt: pv.Account
print(await nc.get_ctrt_lock_time(addr=acnt.addr.data))
Example output
Lock the token until the expire time. The token can't be withdrawn before the expire time.
import py_vsys as pv
# acnt: pv.Account
# expire_time: int
expire_time = int(time.time())+600 # for 10 mins
resp = await nc.lock(by=acnt,expire_at=expire_time)
Example output
{'type': 9, 'id': 'DXPuKGAf27AY5t6oc8beSxJyXAE4AsoP7XqWDMdWoVTp', 'fee': 30000000, 'feeScale': 100, 'timestamp': 1646386606987950080, 'proofs': [{'proofType': 'Curve25519', 'publicKey': 'AGy4ASY2CmVPSjQX4rNHrSHmcYAL4DNBawdyKT7p8vot', 'address': 'AU8h6YH5iJuwFzcUdGugUwKo2E8tbEHdtqu', 'signature': '5zLVSpA9rsoWArCAfpUuxRGyirfRd2s9wv9Rdy2FVNPJRMFoWuAJjkHACnQmVyKoaC7tXYsZjV3KRWFY3BqVVPpj'}], 'contractId': 'CEvsegnqoPWF1e4ATyvmqx5PxDcEy6G6vZa', 'functionIndex': 0, 'functionData': '14Nhwdtu2ifVeF', 'attachment': ''}