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How to Deploy Supernodes in V Systems Blockchain

Jacob Gadikian edited this page Apr 16, 2020 · 42 revisions


In V Systems, only supernodes have the right to mint blocks and get VSYS coin rewards. This document explains in detail how to set up a supernode on Ubuntu 18.04. Additionally, a few recommendations are provided to increase security of the blockchain and the safety of your coins.


Submit Form

All the Supernode information is list in . To become a Supernode, you need to submit this application form to declare your Supernode name, logo, etc.

Supernode Hardware

In current stage, the system requirement is a minimum 16GB of RAM, direct access to SSD and 10 Gbps network.

The comparable Amazon Web Services (AWS) EC2 instance is i3 large.

It is strongly recommended each supernode maintains a standby node of similar spec (usually used as full node. If supernode is down, the standby node can switch to supernode immediately).

The cost of AWS i3 large is $200 ~ $400 per month for 2 servers (supernode and standby node).

Considering hard disk spend of smart contract and decentralized database in the feature, we estimate the server cost will be increased 10% every 2 years.

Supernode Software

Operating System

All Java 1.8 and Python runnable operating systems run V Systems. (including Ubuntu, CentOS, MacOS, Windows etc.).

We recommend and support Ubuntu 18.04, so this document assumes that you have provisioned a fresh machine with Ubuntu 18.04 on it.

Step 1: Install a V Systems Mainnet Node

On a freshly provisioned Ubuntu 18.04 machine, do the following:

cd ~/

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

sudo apt install openjdk-8-jre-headless


sudo dpkg -i v_systems_0.2.2_mainnet.deb

Step 2: Configuration

Set your configuration file, located at /etc/vsys/vsys.conf.

# V Systems node settings
vsys {
  # Path Settings
  directory = <system data & wallet data folder path>
  data-directory = <block data folder path>
  # Application logging level. Could be DEBUG | INFO | WARN | ERROR. Default value is INFO.
  logging-level = INFO
  # P2P Network settings
  network {
    known-peers = ["<peer ip>:<peer port>"]
    black-list-residence-time = 30s
    peers-broadcast-interval = 5s
    connection-timeout = 30s
    # Network address to bind to
    bind-address = ""
    # Node name to send during handshake. Comment this string out to set random node name.
    # node-name = "My MAINNET node"
    # String with IP address and port to send as external address during handshake. Could be set automatically if uPnP is enabled.
    declared-address = "localhost:9921"
  # Wallet settings
  wallet {
    # Password to protect wallet file
    password = ""
    # Wallet seed as string
    # seed = ""
  # Blockchain settings
  blockchain.type = TESTNET   # Should be TESTNET or MAINNET
  # Matcher settings
  matcher.enable = no
  # Minter settings
  miner {
    enable = yes
    offline = no
    quorum = 1
    generation-delay = 1s
    interval-after-last-block-then-generation-is-allowed = 120h
    tf-like-scheduling = no
    # Left to empty as default to minter address
    reward-address = ""
  # Node's REST API settings
  rest-api {
    # Enable/disable node's REST API
    enable = yes
    # Network address to bind to
    bind-address = ""
    # Hash of API key string
    api-key-hash = "Fo8fR7J1gB3k2WoaE6gYKMwgWfoh9EtZtXAMBxYYCJWG"
  checkpoints.public-key = "A9MX22tXpNdTTx5wBf3CunZz299c1nnca6kH3MzL312L"

Some key points of configuration

  • The directory and data-directory should be set to your own path. For data-directory, we suggest you mount a large disk and set the directory to this disk.

  • It is better to choose more than 3 peers to fill the known-peers field. You could check known-peers from default config file (Testnet Config, Mainnet Config). Some known-peers for current reference:

     # For TestNet
     known-peers = ["","","","",""]
     # For MainNet (contact us to get more known peers)
     known-peers = ["","","",""]
  • The blockchain.type should be filled with TESTNET or MAINNET.

  • The enable in miner is used for control minting. If the node is supernode, please set to "yes". Or if it is standby server, please set to "no".

  • To ensure minting security, we suggest filling reward-address with your cold wallet address. You can download cold wallet in or generated by wallet generator

  • For security reason, it is better to set you own api-key-hash. You could check the hash by this command

     curl -X POST -d '<input your api key>' ''
  • Finnaly, we save the file, for example name it as "vsys.conf".

Step 3: Run

$ screen -S vsys-node
$ sudo java -jar v-systems*.jar vsys.conf

Detach your screen by Ctrl + A + D .

To inspect the screen

$ screen -x vsys-node

The Conditions of Becoming Supernode

Before introducing the conditions, we need declare some concept of balance first:

  • The regular balance is the coins you hold.
  • available balance = regular - leased out
  • effective balance = regular - leases out + leased in
  • The Minting Average Balance (MAB) is a new concept balance in SPoS. The MAB is related with Coin Age. When some coins are just transferred or leased to a new address, the MAB of these coins will be 0 and start to grow when new blocks are generated. The coin age will be full after 86400 blocks generated. That means, with current 15 supernodes generating block, your MAB will reach the max after about 4 days.

(Important)The conditions that contend successful are as the following:

  • The available balance >= 50000 V Coins (transaction fee cost).
  • The effective balance >= 1 million V Coins after contend (Supernode minimum effective balance limit).
  • The mintingAverage balance > target supernode's MAB.

Raise Stake to Increase MAB

Once the node startup, you can check your node status via API (You can open browser and input url http://<node ip>:9922 to see all APIs).

Step 1: Check node wallet address

Use HTTP GET calling /addresses API to get all addresses:

$ curl -X GET 'http://<node ip>:9922/addresses'



Ask your supporters to lease to your node wallet address and then the lease-in coins will increase your MAB, until 4 days that MAB reach the max.

Step 2: Check balance

To check balance of address, use HTTP GET to call /addresses/balance/details/{address}

$ curl -X GET 'http://<node ip>:9922/addresses/balance/details/ATy98tPdobDBKA35n5CJed6u3AmxKLT3TTV'


	'address': 'ATy98tPdobDBKA35n5CJed6u3AmxKLT3TTV',
	'regular': 109010000000, 		# regular balance
	'available': 108910000000,  		# available balance (regular - leased out)
	'effective': 108910000000,  		# effective balance (regular - leases out + leased in)
	'mintingAverage': 108909964800,  	# MAB value
	'height': 643936

(100000000 = 1 V Coin)

Step 3: Check MAB of target supernode

Use HTTP GET calling /consensus/allSlotsInfo API to get all supernode mintingAverageBalance (MAB) information:

$ curl -X GET 'http://<node ip>:9922/consensus/allSlotsInfo'


    "height": 2304399
    "slotId": 0,
    "address": "ATxpELPa3yhE5h4XELxtPrW9TfXPrmYE7ze",
    "mintingAverageBalance": 289999980000000
    "slotId": 1,
    "address": "ATtRykARbyJS1RwNsA6Rn1Um3S7FuVSovHK",
    "mintingAverageBalance": 203029935461020
    "slotId": 2,
    "address": "ATtchuwHVQmNTsRA8ba19juGK9m1gNsUS1V",
    "mintingAverageBalance": 149999999990400
    "slotId": 3,
    "address": "AU4AoB2WzeXiJvgDhCZmr6B7uDqAzGymG3L",
    "mintingAverageBalance": 495476103824140

Select one supernode that MAB is lower than yours. If you contend failed due to insufficient MAB, your contending fee would NOT be returned.

Start Contend Action

When everything is ready (available balance >= 50000 V Coins, effective balance >= 1 million V Coins, and mintingAverage balance > target supernode's MAB), you can start to contend now.

Use Python SDK (Method 1)

If you are familiar with python, we suggest you use pyvsystems to contend. The following is the sample code that contend on testnet:

import pyvsystems as pv
from pyvsystems import Account
custom_wrapper = pv.create_api_wrapper('http://<node ip>:9922', api_key='')
ts_chain = pv.Chain(chain_name='testnet', chain_id='T', address_version=5, api_wrapper=custom_wrapper)
my_node = Account(chain=ts_chain, private_key='<your base58 private key>')
my_node.contend(<target slot id>)

Use Swagger (Method 2)

You could open http://<node ip>:9922 in browser.

Use POST /spos/contend to contend. The post json is as the following:

  "sender": "<your node address>",
  "slotId": <target slot id>,
  "fee": 5000000000000,
  "feeScale": 100

Note: If you get Provided API key is not correct error, please make sure you have input correct api_key on top right of swagger client and clicked "Explore". And also set the correct api-key-hash in your config file.

Check Contend Result

Once contend successfully and your node keeps running, check the balance of reward-address and you will get minting reward every minute.

And you can check slot status via API as well. Use HTTP GET calling /consensus/slotInfo/{slotId}:

$ curl -X GET 'http://<node ip>:9922/consensus/slotInfo/<slot id>'


  "slotId": <slot id>,
  "address": "ATy98tPdobDBKA35n5CJed6u3AmxKLT3TTV",
  "mintingAverageBalance": 299999980000000,
  "height": 604399

If the address becomes your node address, that means you have contended successfully.

Check List After Contend

Security Issue

For security reason, we suggest the supernode modify firewall rule and not open 9922 in public network, only for internal network using. If you want to use swagger client, you could startup another full node with 9922 port opened. To make communication among the nodes easy and smooth, please keep 9921 port opening. It can reduce block missing rate.

Supernode Maintains

After Contend, you should also startup a standby node, so that when your supernode server is down, you can switch to standby node as soon as possible. To switch the server, you can change the enable of miner in config file.

# V Systems node settings
  # Minter settings
  miner {
    enable = no  # <-- set "yes" for supernode and "no" for standby node

Keep standby node sync the blocks. When you want to switch the server, just switch config file and restart node. We strongly suggest that the maintainer use software program to monitor the Supernode status. Once Supernode is down, it can automatically switch config file and restart node.

Pay Interest to Leaser

The supporter who leased to your supernode increased your MAB. That makes your supernode harder to be contended. You can define your own rules to pay interest to your supporter. To check the active lease payment, you can use GET /transactions/activeLeaseList/{address} API (Attention: Do not call this API on your supernode server.Because this API would use a lot of server resource and would make loss rate of block generation increased).

$ curl -X GET 'http://<node ip>:9922/transactions/activeLeaseList/<your node wallet address>'


      "type": 3,
      "id": "suVzh32ENbQp8xR93e3wJeDuLXWuZR1z1ABCBgGK6EB",
      "fee": 10000000,
      "timestamp": 1551866686000000000,
      "proofs": [
          "proofType": "Curve25519",
          "publicKey": "6Wf58gqyuQRCpD42shE3QroGgyp4NBf3sKUKrUPkUkjd",
          "signature": "V7J3ofPVyLvNNzLcGN7hgkkZBGj1wFmpVvdN7taQGgviVwiFYWYio23oyQ1JUrMuecymTNqXnJVrFPFBG1PX5HY7"
      "amount": 630000000000,
      "recipient": "ATy98tPdobDBKA35n5CJed6u3AmxKLT3TTV",
      "feeScale": 100,
      "status": "Success",
      "feeCharged": 10000000,
      "height": 601221
      "type": 3,
      "id": "b1dc5rbXjrVJu7xbgvMBrfUDSQbJ2hpUdbKV77ZvweM",
      "fee": 10000000,
      "timestamp": 1551949975000000000,
      "proofs": [
          "proofType": "Curve25519",
          "publicKey": "RJ9jFFrJvqNL9TTQCbaf5M4o9h5AMKhYejriUsH4B37a",
          "signature": "5RorSByhxziJeHW9z29eZqhBpYPj6q2hrctmGwct5xLY6o6n4JNUDhr2TGPF84Sarhfb8o6RhhoN15k2oezV8HW2"
      "amount": 53895000000000,
      "recipient": "ATy98tPdobDBKA35n5CJed6u3AmxKLT3TTV",
      "feeScale": 100,
      "status": "Success",
      "feeCharged": 10000000,
      "height": 601801

Calculate the lease contribute with your own rule and pay interest to your supporter who keeping leasing to your supernode!