Releases: virtualmin/slib
Progressing Progress Bars
Fix the race condition that caused spinner to not spin after an out of the ordinary exit.
Reasonable Memory
This release fixes a typo that led to memory_ok only being satisfied with 100GB or memory when what we really want is 1GB of memory.
Memories Redux
Same as before, only with a smaller minimum memory demand.
Thanks for the memories
Added a memory_ok function to check for sufficient memory (>=1GB).
TODO: Needs to be generalized and accept a minimum and ask for swap size.
Grave Errors
This release makes fatal errors a little more informative by printing out some of the run log when exiting.
Also improves the look of the progress bar Unicode thingy.
Silent Killer
This is a minor release to make it not chatter about attempting to reap leftover processes.
Nothing but net
This release probably fixes network device and IP detection.
Quit Yer Jabbering
Redirect some unnecessary output to null.
It's log, log, log!
What rolls down stairs, alone or in pairs?
This one fixes a couple of ugly typos in the logging functions.
Trapper Keeper
Trap exit signals...maybe reaping all spinners will make this work.