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The Club board is made up of 6 members:

  • 4 members elected for 2-years.
  • 2 members are designated by the UiO Science Library.

Election will be organized every year for renewing half of the board (2 members).

The board will appoint a board chair and board secretary and these positions will rotate every semester. The board chair and board secretary are in charge of organizing annual election for board renewal.


Elections will be held at the start of each fall semester. Candidates will self nominate with a short (<300 words) statement that will be publicly posted for voters to review.

The criteria for individuals to stand for election to the board are:

  • Is a member of the Carpentry@UiO
  • Has participated in a Carpentries event in any capacity (learner, helper, instructor, organizer, or host) at UiO or elsewhere in the past 2 years.

Amendments to the Charter

Amendments to the charter can be proposed by existing board members in writing in advance of any board meeting.

Amendments require a 2/3 majority vote to be accepted.