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Velero Plugin for vSphere in Vanilla Kubernetes Cluster

Table of Contents

  1. Compatibility
  2. Prerequisites
  3. Install
  4. Upgrade
  5. Uninstall
  6. Backup
  7. Restore


Velero Plugin for vSphere Version vSphere Version Kubernetes Version vSphere CSI Driver Version Velero Version vSphere Plugin Deprecated vSphere Plugin EOL Date
1.5.2 8.0P02 1.28 3.1.1 1.12.1 No N/A
1.5.1 8.0U2 1.27 3.0.1 1.11.1 No N/A
1.5.1 8.0U1 1.26-1.27 3.0.1 1.10.2, 1.11.1 No N/A
1.4.2 8.0 1.24-1.25 2.7.0 1.9.2 No N/A
1.4.2 7.0U3h 1.24-1.25 2.7.0 1.9.2 No N/A
1.4.1 8.0 1.24-1.25 2.7.0 1.9.2 No N/A
1.4.0 6.7U3 P06 - 7.0U3 1.20-1.23 2.2.2, 2.3.1, 2.4.1, 2.5.1, 2.6.1 1.8.1 No N/A
1.3.1 6.7U3 P06 - 7.0U3 1.19-1.22 2.2.2, 2.3.1, 2.4.1 1.7.0 No N/A
1.3.0 6.7U3 P06 - 7.0U3 1.19-1.22 2.2.2, 2.3.1, 2.4.1 1.7.0 Yes December 2022
1.2.1 6.7U3 P06 - 7.0U2 1.19-1.21 2.1.2, 2.2.2, 2.3.1 1.5.1 Yes June 2023
1.2.0 6.7U3 P06 - 7.0U2 1.19-1.21 2.1.2, 2.2.2, 2.3.1 1.5.1 Yes December 2022
1.1.1 6.7U3 P06 - 7.0U1c/P02 1.17-1.19 2.0.1, 2.1.0 1.5.1 No N/A
1.1.0 6.7U3 P06 - 7.0U1c/P02 1.17-1.21 2.0.1, 2.1.0 1.5.1 Yes December 2022

Note: Velero Plugin for vSphere 1.0.2 and earlier: EOL. Note: Velero Plugin for vSphere 1.2.x does not work for TKGm which is fixed in 1.3.0+. Note: Velero Plugin for vSphere does not support vSphere CSI Driver deployed as a process with multiple replicas in a Kubernetes multi-node control plane setup.


  • Meet the prerequisites of vSphere CSI driver on vSphere roles and privileges - please refer to vSphere Roles and Privileges of vSphere CSI Driver.
  • Meet the prerequisites of Virtual Disk Development Kit (VDDK).
    • Please refer to Credentials and Privileges for VMDK Access of VDDK Programming Guide. Note: please apply privileges at the vCenter Server level.
    • Please make sure to open port 902 on any ESXi that hosts Kubernetes node VMs. This port requirement is specific to the NBD transport mode of VDDK. Below is an example of networking setup in Vanilla cluster on vSphere. Networking in Vanilla


  1. Install Velero
  2. Install Object Storage Plugin
  3. Create VC Credential Secret
  4. Create Velero vSphere Plugin Config
  5. Install Velero vSphere Plugin

Install Object Storage Plugin

Volume backups are stored in an object store bucket. They are stored in the same bucket configured for the object storage plugin of Velero. Before installing the vSphere plugin, a Velero object storage plugin is required.

Currently, only AWS plugin is supported and compatible with vSphere plugin. Please refer to velero-plugin-for-aws for more details about using AWS S3 as the object store for backups. S3-compatible object stores, e.g, MinIO, are also supported via AWS plugin. Please refer to install with MinIO.

Create VC Credential Secret

You can retrieve these values from Secret vsphere-config-secret in vmware-system-csi namespace for 2.3 and later vSphere CSI driver OR Secret vsphere-config-secret in kube-system namespace for 2.2 or earlier vSphere CSI driver. In other cases these values can be obtained from vSphere Admin.

% cat csi-vsphere.conf
cluster-id = "cluster1"

[VirtualCenter ""]
user = "[email protected]"
password = "password"
port = "443"

% kubectl -n <velero-namespace> create secret generic velero-vsphere-config-secret --from-file=csi-vsphere.conf

NOTE: If the configuration values contain Golang escape characters, please ensure it is properly escaped. See example below.

If your VC password is pwd\123, the configuration file's password key-value should be password = "pwd\\123".


  • VC password: pwd\123
    • Config file: password = "pwd\\123"
  • VC password: pwd\nWithNewline
    • Config file: password = "pwd\\nWithNewLine"
  • VC password: Admin!23\'"
    • Config file: password = "Admin!23\\\'\""

Create Velero vSphere Plugin Config

The config map provides information about the cluster flavor and VC Credential Secret created in the previous step during install.

% cat <<EOF | kubectl -n <velero-namespace> apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: velero-vsphere-plugin-config
  cluster_flavor: VANILLA
  vsphere_secret_name: velero-vsphere-config-secret
  vsphere_secret_namespace: velero

Install Velero vSphere Plugin

velero plugin add <plugin-image>

For Version 1.3.0 the command is

velero plugin add vsphereveleroplugin/velero-plugin-for-vsphere:v1.3.0

Please refer to velero-plugin-for-vsphere tags for correct tags for versions 1.3.0 and higher.

Install in Air-gapped environment

If it is an air-gapped environment, please refer to Install Notes with Customized Images for extra required steps.

Install with self-signed certificate

To use velero-plugin-for-vsphere with a storage provider secured by a self-signed certificate, please refer to velero-plugin-for-vsphere with a storage provider secured by a self-signed certificate.


An alternate to upgrading would be to Uninstall and do a fresh Install

  1. Scale down Velero and plugin components
  2. Create vSphere Credentials Secret
  3. Create Velero vSphere Plugin Configuration
  4. Update the plugin image
  5. Scale up velero deployment

Scale down Velero and plugin components

The following command scales down the velero deployment and deletes backup-driver and datamgr-for-vsphere-plugin

kubectl -n <velero-namespace> delete deploy/backup-driver
kubectl -n <velero-namespace> delete daemonset datamgr-for-vsphere-plugin
kubectl -n <velero-namespace> scale deploy/velero --replicas=0

Create vSphere Credentials Secret

You can retrieve these values from Secret vsphere-config-secret in vmware-system-csi namespace for 2.3 and later vSphere CSI driver OR Secret vsphere-config-secret in kube-system namespace for 2.2 or earlier vSphere CSI driver

% cat csi-vsphere.conf
cluster-id = "cluster1"

[VirtualCenter ""]
user = "[email protected]"
password = "password"
port = "443"

% kubectl -n <velero-namespace> create secret generic velero-vsphere-config-secret --from-file=csi-vsphere.conf

Create Velero vSphere Plugin Configuration

The config map provides information about the cluster flavor and VC Credential Secret created in the previous step during install.

% cat <<EOF | kubectl -n <velero-namespace> apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: velero-vsphere-plugin-config
  cluster_flavor: VANILLA
  vsphere_secret_name: velero-vsphere-config-secret
  vsphere_secret_namespace: <velero-namespace>

Update the plugin image

kubectl -n velero set image deployment/velero velero-plugin-for-vsphere=vsphereveleroplugin/velero-plugin-for-vsphere:v1.3.0

Scale up Velero deployment

kubectl -n <velero-namespace> scale deploy/velero --replicas=1


To uninstall the plugin, run the following command to remove the InitContainer of velero-plugin-for-vsphere from the Velero deployment first.

velero plugin remove <plugin image>

To finish the cleanup, delete the Backup Driver deployment, Data Manager daemonset and their related CRDs.

kubectl -n velero delete deployment.apps/backup-driver
kubectl delete crds \
kubectl -n velero delete daemonset.apps/datamgr-for-vsphere-plugin
kubectl delete crds


Backup vSphere CNS Block Volumes

Below is an example command of Velero backup.

velero backup create <backup name> --include-namespaces=my-namespace

For more backup options, please refer to Velero Document.

Velero backup will be marked as Completed after all local snapshots have been taken and Kubernetes metadata, except volume snapshots, has been uploaded to the object store. At this point, async data movement tasks, i.e., the upload of volume snapshot, are still happening in the background and may take some time to complete. We can check the status of volume snapshot by monitoring Snapshot/Upload CRs as below.


For each volume snapshot, a Snapshot CR will be created in the same namespace as the PVC that is snapshotted. We can get all Snapshots in PVC namespace by running the following command.

kubectl get -n <pvc namespace> snapshot

Here is an example Snapshot CR in YAML.

kind: Snapshot
  creationTimestamp: "2020-12-17T22:34:17Z"
  generation: 1
  labels: test-dp-1217 "true"
  managedFields: ...
  name: snap-20d44de3-bd67-4b0f-be4b-278c62676276
  namespace: test-ns-mctwohb
  resourceVersion: "2515406"
  selfLink: /apis/
  uid: 6ead6881-be4f-45fa-b01d-0505d540615f
  backupRepository: br-fa2b8bec-e99b-407a-9f95-dce31ff2bca6
    apiGroup: ""
    kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
    name: etcd0-pv-claim
  completionTimestamp: "2020-12-17T22:37:42Z"
  metadata: 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
  phase: Uploaded
  progress: {}
  snapshotID: pvc:test-ns-mctwohb/etcd0-pv-claim:aXZkOmQ4NzQwNDE0LTZmZjMtNDZjNi05YjM4LTllNDdlNDBhZmIwNjozZDU3MDU3ZC1lMDcwLTRkNDktYmJlNC0xY2Y0YWYxM2NiNjQ
  svcSnapshotName: ""

Snapshot CRD has a number of phases for the .status.phase field:

  • New: not processed yet
  • Snapshotted: local snapshot was taken
  • SnapshotFailed: local snapshot was failed
  • Uploading: the snapshot is being uploaded
  • Uploaded: the snapshot is uploaded
  • UploadFailed: the snapshot is failed to be uploaded
  • Canceling: the upload of snapshot is being cancelled
  • Canceled: the upload of snapshot is cancelled
  • CleanupAfterUploadFailed: the Cleanup of local snapshot after the upload of snapshot was failed
  • UploadFailedAfterRetry: the snapshot is failed to be uploaded after retries, and local snapshot is deleted


For each volume snapshot to be uploaded to object store, an Upload CR will be created in the same namespace as Velero. We can get all Uploads in Velero namespace by running the following command.

kubectl get -n <velero namespace> upload

Here is an example Upload CR in YAML.

kind: Upload
  creationTimestamp: "2020-12-17T22:34:37Z"
  generation: 3
  labels: "true"
  managedFields: ...
  name: upload-3d57057d-e070-4d49-bbe4-1cf4af13cb64
  namespace: velero
  resourceVersion: "2516001"
  selfLink: /apis/
  uid: d9457028-732e-43f5-b286-2902b1273000
  backupRepository: br-fa2b8bec-e99b-407a-9f95-dce31ff2bca6
  backupTimestamp: "2020-12-17T22:34:37Z"
  snapshotID: ivd:d8740414-6ff3-46c6-9b38-9e47e40afb06:3d57057d-e070-4d49-bbe4-1cf4af13cb64
  snapshotReference: test-ns-mctwohb/snap-20d44de3-bd67-4b0f-be4b-278c62676276
  completionTimestamp: "2020-12-17T22:37:42Z"
  message: Upload completed
  nextRetryTimestamp: "2020-12-17T22:34:37Z"
  phase: Completed
  processingNode: k8s-node-0797
  progress: {}
  startTimestamp: "2020-12-17T22:34:38Z"

Upload CRD has a number of phases for the .status.phase field:

  • New: not processed yet
  • InProgress: upload is in progress
  • Completed: upload is completed
  • UploadError: upload is failed
  • CleanupFailed: delete local snapshot failed after the upload, this case will also be retried
  • Canceling: upload is being cancelled. It would happen if velero backup delete is called while the upload of snapshot is in progress.
  • Canceled: upload is cancelled.
  • UploadFailedAfterRetry: Upload failed after retries and local snapshot is deleted.

UploadError uploads will be periodically retried. At that point their phase will return to InProgress. After an upload has been successfully completed, its record will remain for a period of time and eventually be removed.

Migrated CNS block volume

If the CNS block volume is migrated, refer to CSI migrated volume support.

Backup vSphere CNS File Volumes

The Velero Plugin for vSphere is designed to backup vSphere CNS block volumes. vSphere CNS file volumes should be backed up with the File System Backup. File volumes must be annotated for File System backup. Block and file volumes may be backed up together.

To use File System Backup for file volumes, please use the --use-node-agent flag to velero install command when installing Velero. Annotate all PVs backed by vSphere CNS file volumes before running any velero backup commands by using the following command for each pod that contains one or more file volumes to back up:



Below is an example command of Velero restore.

velero restore create --from-backup <your-backup-name>

Note that a StorageClass with the WaitForFirstConsumer Volume Binding Mode is not supported at restore time. Only a StorageClass with the Immediate Volume Binding Mode is supported at restore time. You'll have to change the Volume Binding Mode from WaitForFirstConsumer to Immediate for restore to work.

For the volume restores with changing storage class, please refer to StorageClass Mapping

For more restore options, please refer to Velero Document.

Velero restore will be marked as Completed when volume snapshots and other Kubernetes metadata have been successfully restored to the current cluster. At this point, all tasks of vSphere plugin related to this restore are completed as well. There are no any async data movement tasks behind the scene as that in the case of Velero backup.

Before Velero restore is Completed, we can check the status of volume restore by monitoring CloneFromSnapshot/Download CRs as below.


For restore from each volume snapshot, a CloneFromSnapshot CR will be created in the same namespace as the PVC that is originally snapshotted. We can get all CloneFromSnapshots in PVC namespace by running the following command.

kubectl -n <pvc namespace> get clonefromsnapshot

Here is an example CloneFromSnapshot CR in YAML.

kind: CloneFromSnapshot
  creationTimestamp: "2020-12-17T23:32:40Z"
  generation: 1
  labels: "true"
  managedFields: ...
  name: fa218f2d-e6b3-48ab-a2ce-4820bfe2e16f
  namespace: test-ns-mctwohb
  resourceVersion: "2525829"
  selfLink: /apis/
  uid: 94b49e3e-26ae-4534-ad0f-3ee89a8d0bc4
  apiGroup: ""
  backupRepository: br-fa2b8bec-e99b-407a-9f95-dce31ff2bca6
  cloneCancel: false
  kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  metadata: 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
  snapshotID: pvc:test-ns-mctwohb/kibishii-data-kibishii-deployment-0:aXZkOmNmNmExMWY2LThiZjMtNDk4MC1iMmZlLWU3ZjQ3OTFiYWI4MjpkYzM1ZDMyNy05MjczLTQ3ZmItYWY3OC05MWVmN2FhOTUwMTk
  completionTimestamp: "2020-12-17T23:33:19Z"
  message: Download completed
  phase: Completed
    apiGroup: ""
    kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
    name: ivd:bd95c217-6d02-4e3c-a250-24a621a1f077

CloneFromSnapshot CRD has some key phases for the .status.phase field:

  • New: clone from snapshot is not completed
  • Completed: clone from snapshot is completed
  • Failed: clone from snapshot is failed


From each restore of volume snapshot to be downloaded from object store, a Download CR will be created in the same namespace as Velero. We can get all Downloads in Velero namespace by running the following command.

kubectl -n <velero namespace> get download

Here is an example Download CR in YAML.

kind: Download
  creationTimestamp: "2020-12-17T23:30:08Z"
  generation: 2
  labels: "true"
  managedFields: ...
  name: download-3d57057d-e070-4d49-bbe4-1cf4af13cb64-95787192-bdb8-4486-8687-41da136b0d8e
  namespace: velero
  resourceVersion: "2525216"
  selfLink: /apis/
  uid: cba567a1-9911-4ab2-bec5-01eb46e0900c
  backupRepositoryName: br-fa2b8bec-e99b-407a-9f95-dce31ff2bca6
  clonefromSnapshotReference: test-ns-mctwohb/78e8ef4d-51ed-4238-abdf-2c1691efe792
  protectedEntityID: ivd:84539900-da90-4f12-a175-beb1bcbb4536
  restoreTimestamp: "2020-12-17T23:30:08Z"
  snapshotID: ivd:d8740414-6ff3-46c6-9b38-9e47e40afb06:3d57057d-e070-4d49-bbe4-1cf4af13cb64
  nextRetryTimestamp: "2020-12-17T23:30:08Z"
  phase: InProgress
  processingNode: k8s-node-0583
  progress: {}
  startTimestamp: "2020-12-17T23:30:08Z"

Download CRD has some key phases for the .status.phase field:

  • New: not processed yet
  • InProgress: download is in progress
  • Completed: download is completed
  • Retry: download is retried. When there is any failure during the download of backup data, download will be retried
  • Failed: download is failed