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306 lines (193 loc) · 23.7 KB

File metadata and controls

306 lines (193 loc) · 23.7 KB

Release History


Release Date: Unreleased


  • Adds support for VMware Cloud Foundation 5.2. GH-217


  • Updates Request-DatastoreStorageCapacity to handle datastores with a size of 0. GH-217


Release Date: 2024-05-28


  • Updated Invoke-VcfHealthReport cmdlet to handle . or - in the report path. GH-217
  • Updated Invoke-VcfAlertReport cmdlet to handle . or - in the report path. GH-217
  • Updated Invoke-VcfConfigReport cmdlet to handle . or - in the report path. GH-217
  • Updated Invoke-VcfUpgradePrecheck cmdlet to handle . or - in the report path. GH-217
  • Updated Invoke-VcfOverviewReport cmdlet to handle . or - in the report path. GH-217


  • Updated VMware.PowerCLI from v13.1.0 to v13.2.1 GH-218
  • Updated PowerValidatedSolutions from v2.8.0 to v2.10.0. GH-218


Release Date: 2024-02-06


  • Updated Request-VcenterStorageHealth cmdlet to output an error message if authentication to vCenter Server fails. GH-209


Release Date: 2024-01-30


  • Updated Publish-VmConnectedCdrom function to generate JSON output. GH-204
  • Updated Publish-EsxiConnectionHealth function to generate JSON output. GH-204
  • Updated Publish-SddcManagerFreePool function to generate JSON output. GH-204


  • Updated PowerVCF from v2.4.0 to v2.1.0. GH-206
  • Updated PowerValidatedSolutions from v2.7.0 to v2.8.0. GH-206


Release Date: 2023-12-15

Breaking Change:

  • Removes support for Microsoft Windows PowerShell 5.1. Please use Microsoft PowerShell 7.2.0 or later. GH-200


  • Added a prerequisite check to Invoke-VcfHealthReport function to verify that the tar utility is present on Windows if using Windows PowerShell 5.1 (Desktop) or PowerShell 7 (Core). The tar utility is included with Windows Server 2019 and later and is noted as a system requirement in the documentation. GH-191
  • Added support for use of secure strings for sensitive parameters. GH-199


  • Updated PowerVCF from v2.3.0 to v2.4.0. GH-200
  • Updated PowerValidatedSolutions from v2.6.0 to v2.7.0. GH-200


Release Date: 2023-10-18


  • Updated Start-Create* and Invoke-* functions to address file path generation issues in Linux. GH-182


Release Date: 2023-09-25


  • Updated code to use Join-Path for file paths to simplify the code and better support Windows and Linux.


Release Date: 2023-08-29


  • Updated Request-VcenterStorageHealth to exclude /dev/mapper/archive_vg-archive from the output per KB 76563. GH-167


  • Updated VMware.PowerCLI from v13.0.0 to v13.1.0. GH-171
  • Updated PowerValidatedSolutions from v2.5.0 to v2.6.0. GH-171
  • Added PowerShell Gallery downloads badge to the docs/ GH-171


Release Date: 2023-07-25


  • Added the RequiredModules key to the module manifest to specify the minimum dependencies required to install and run the PowerShell module. GH-155
  • Updated Test-VcfReportingPrereq to verify that the minimum dependencies are met to run the PowerShell module based on the module's manifest. GH-155


  • Updated PowerValidatedSolutions from v2.4.0 to v2.5.0. GH-155


Release Date: 2023-06-27


  • Updates Publish-StorageCapacityHealth to correct GH-147. GH-148


  • Updated PowerValidatedSolutions from v2.3.0 to v2.4.0. GH-150


Release Date: 2023-05-30


  • Updates Publish-NsxtTier0BgpStatus to correctly format the HTML output if the NSX Tier-0 is not configured for BGP. GH-134


  • Added Publish-HardwareCompatibilityHealth to return the hardware compatibility health from the SoS Health Summary JSON data. GH-129
  • Updated Invoke-VcfHealthReport to include the hardware compatibility health using the Publish-HardwareCompatibilityHealth cmdlet. GH-129
  • Added component size checks for vCenter Server instances and NSX Local Manager clusters to the overview report. GH-130
  • Added Publish-PingConnectivityHealth to return the ping connectivity health from the SoS Health Summary JSON data. GH-132
  • Updated Publish-ComponentConnectivityHealth to include the ping connectivity health using the Publish-PingConnectivityHealth cmdlet. GH-132


  • Updated Request-VcenterAuthentication to support isolated workload domains. GH-131
  • Updated Request-DatastoreStorageCapacity to support isolated workload domains. GH-131


  • Updated the NSX product name and terms. GH-135
  • Added .PARAMETER entries for user-facing functions. GH-141


Release Date: 2023-05-12

Bug Fix:

  • Updated Request-SoSHealthJson to omit the precheckReport and versionHealth from the SoS API request payload if the version is not VMware Cloud Foundation 4.5.0 or later.


Release Date: 2023-04-25


  • Updated Publish-CertificateHealth with thresholds based on certificate expiration. GH-107
  • Updated Publish-CertificateHealth to include an "Expires In (Days)" column. GH-107
  • Updated Publish-CertificateHealth to include ESXi host certificates. GH-107
  • Updated Publish-PasswordHealth to include an "Expires In (Days)" column. GH-111
  • Added Publish-VersionHealth to return the version health from the SoS Health Summary JSON data. GH-123
  • Updated Invoke-VcfHealthReport to include the version health using the Publish-VersionHealth cmdlet. GH-123
  • Added Show-ReportingOutput cmdlet to format output to the console when PowerVCF is not installed. GH-121
  • Updated Publish-VsanHealth to include the results for capacity utilization and the active resync of objects GH-124
  • Updated Publish-VsanHealth to include the results for stretched cluster health and stretched cluster tests. GH-126


  • Breaking: Updated Invoke-VcfReportingPrereq to:
    • Use -sddcManagerFqdn, sddcManagerUser, and sddcManagerPass parameters to check the SDDC Manager version. GH-117
    • Use Write-LogMessage to apply colors to the output and log the output to a file using the -logPath parameter. GH-117
  • Breaking: Updated Invoke-VcfHealthReport to use -sddcManagerLocalUser and -sddcManagerLocalPass parameters instead of -SddcManagerRootPass. Examples use the local vcf user account for the SDDC Manager virtual appliance. GH-113
  • Breaking: Updated Publish-StorageCapacityHealth to use -localUser and -localPass parameters instead of -rootPass. Examples use the local vcf user account for the SDDC Manager virtual appliance. GH-113
  • Breaking: Updated Request-SddcManagerStorageHealth to use -localUser and -localPass parameters instead of -rootPass. Examples use the local vcf user account for the SDDC Manager virtual appliance. GH-113
  • Breaking: Removed Invoke-VcfPasswordPolicy and supporting content. Please use the VMware.CloudFoundation.PasswordManagement module. GH-118
  • Breaking: Renamed Request-VrealizeOverview to Request-VMwareAriaSuiteOverview and updated outputs to the rebranded product names. GH-128
  • Updated Request-SoSHealthJson to use the API to retrieve the SoS Health Summary JSON results. GH-102
  • Updated Publish-PasswordHealth to return the results from the SoS Health Summary JSON data. GH-111
  • Updated Invoke-VcfHealthReport to use the Publish-PasswordHealth cmdlet. GH-111
  • Removed Publish-LocalUserExpiry and supporting functions in favor of the Publish-PasswordHealth cmdlet. GH-111
  • Removed Request-LocalUserExpiry which supported the Publish-LocalUserExpiry cmdlet. Results are now returned from the SoS Health Summary JSON data. GH-120
  • Removed Request-SddcManagerUserExpiry which supported the Publish-LocalUserExpiry cmdlet. GH-120
  • Removed Request-vCenterUserExpiry which supported the Publish-LocalUserExpiry cmdlet. GH-120
  • Removed Request-NsxtManagerUserExpiry which supported the Publish-LocalUserExpiry cmdlet. GH-120
  • Removed Request-NsxtEdgeUserExpiry which supported the Publish-LocalUserExpiry cmdlet. GH-120
  • Removed Request-Request-vRslcmUserExpiry which supported the Publish-LocalUserExpiry cmdlet. GH-120


  • Updated PowerVCF from v2.2.0 to v2.3.0. GH-125
  • Updated PowerValidatedSolutions from v2.0.1 to v2.2.0. GH-117
  • Updated VMware.PowerCLI from v12.7.0 to v13.0.0. GH-117
  • Updated VMware.vSphere.SsoAdmin from v1.3.8 to v1.3.9. GH-117


Release Date: 2023-02-28


  • Updated Request-VcenterBackupStatus backup message to remove the SDDC Manager FQDN when backups are located on the SDDC Manager. Required for Health Monitoring and Reporting solution alerts. GH-95
  • Updated Publish-vCenterHealth to correctly link and display the vCenter Server Ring Topology Health from SoS. GH-94
  • Resolves an issue with the display name of the vRealize Log Insight product name in the Request-VrealizeOverviewdue to an upstream error in the .SYNOPSIS of Get-VCFvRLI in PowerVCF. GH-86
  • Updated Test-VcfReportingPrereq to return results when run on Photon OS. GH-82


  • Updated Publish-* cmdlets to support JSON generation. Required for Health Monitoring and Reporting solution. GH-79
    • Publish-BackupStatus
    • Publish-NsxtTransportNodeStatus
    • Publish-NsxtTier0BgpStatus
    • Publish-SnapshotStatus
    • Publish-LocalUserExpiry
    • Publish-StorageCapacityHealth
  • Added Publish-NsxtHealthNonSOS and Publish-ComponentConnectivityHealthNonSOS cmdlets. Required for Health Monitoring and Reporting solution. GH-79
  • Updated in Publish-* cmdlets that support JSON generation to specify encoding needed for Python to read it the content. Required for Health Monitoring and Reporting solution alerts. GH-93
  • Added CPU Cores per Socket to the ESXi Host Overview on the overview report. GH-85
  • Added an option to Request-ESXiOverview to report on the VCF+ subscription cores and export the results to CSV. GH-87


  • Updated to remove the Known Issues section and adds references to the GitHub issue tracker for support. GH-88
  • Updated documentation to include support for DellEMC VxRAIL. GH-98


  • Removed the password policy functions that were moved to PowerValidatedSolutions v2.0.0. GH-100
  • Updated PowerValidatedSolutions from v2.0.0 to v2.0.1. GH-99


Release Date: 2023-01-31


  • Updated Request0VcenterOverview to use the PowerVCF cmdlets to return the workload domain's cluster and host counts from the SDDC Manager inventory versus directly from the vSphere inventory. This will ensure that the host count does not include any HCX nodes. GH-65
  • Updated Publish-NsxtCombinedHealth to use $json when calling Publish-NsxtHealth. GH-59
  • Updated Request-NsxtEdgeUserExpiry to resolve error if an NSX Edge root password is different from an NSX Manager root password. GH-75


  • Updated Invoke-VcfPasswordPolicy cmdlet with new password expiration, complexity and account lockout details. GH-53


  • Added a section for Updating the Module to the documentation. GH-57


  • Updated PowerValidatedSolutions from v1.10.0 to v2.0.0. GH-35


  • Refactored Publish-StorageCapacityHealth for code efficiency. GH-64
  • Refactored Invoke-VcfPasswordPolicy for code efficiency. GH-63
  • Refactored Invoke-VcfConfigReport for code efficiency. GH-62
  • Refactored Invoke-VcfAlertReport for code efficiency. GH-61
  • Refactored Invoke-VcfHealthReport for code efficiency. GH-60
  • Transferred Publish-EsxiPasswordPolicy to PowerValidatedSolutions module. GH-55


Release Date: 2022-12-20


  • Updated Request-NsxtVidmStatus and Request-NsxtComputeManagerStatus functions to resolve an issue supporting workload domains with shared NSX Local Managers on the health report. GH-25
  • Updated Request-NsxtComputeManagerStatus function to resolve an issue with supporting workload domains with shared NSX Local Managers on the health report; a false negative for "rogue" compute managers (vCenter Server instances) registered in NSX Local Managers. GH-42
  • Updated Publish-CertificateHealth function to resolve an issue accurately displaying the certificate health on the health report. GH-43
  • Updated Request-SddcManagerFreePool function to resolve an issue returning the free pool health for the Health report if the ESXi host license is expired. GH-32
  • Updated Test-VcfReportingPrereq to display an error on the PowerShell console if the version of a PowerShell module dependency does not meet the minimum requirements. GH-35


  • Added support for including the number of ESXi hosts per cluster in the system overview Report. GH-46
  • Added Request-EsxiOverview and updates Publish-VcfSystemOverview functions to return the high-level status of each ESXi host on the system overview report. GH-33
  • Added support for vRealize Log Insight, vRealize Operations, vRealize Automation, and Workspace ONE Access in the Request-LocalUserExpiry function. GH-32
  • Removed the Test-VcfReportingPrereq from the Invoke-* function which reduces report initialization time. GH-24
  • Updated Test-VcfReportingPrereq to display the version of an installed PowerShell module dependency. GH-27


  • Replaces local getNsxtServerDetail function with Get-NsxtServerDetail function exported from PowerValidatedSolutions. GH-35


  • Updated PowerValidatedSolutions from v1.7.0 to v1.10.0. GH-35
  • Updated VMware.PowerCLI from v12.4.1 to v12.7.0. GH-35
  • Updated VMware.vSphere.SsoAdmin from v1.3.7 to v1.3.8. GH-35


Release Date: 2022-10-10

Initial availability of the PowerShell module for VMware Cloud Foundation Reporting.