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How to interface with a SmartMeter

The Basics

The SmartMeter has to be connected to power.
At first boot, the SmartMeter will open a WiFi-Network called "smartmeterX".
It is not password protected, so you can simply connect to it. Open a TCP connection to IP smartmeterX.local (or at port 54321. This will show you basic information of the SmartMeter as a JSON encoded messages.

Info:{"cmd":"info","type":"SmartMeter","version":"2.2","compiled":"Mar_2_2021_09:57:58","sys_time":"03/02/2021 10:37:07.662","name":"smartmeterX","ip":"","mqtt_server":"-","stream_server":"-","time_server":"","sampling_rate":4000,"buffer_size":3670016,"psram":true,"rtc":false,"calV":1,"calI":1,"state":"idle","relay":1,"calibration":[1,1],"ssids":"[energywifi]","ssid":"-","rssi":-71,"bssid":"-"}

You will further notice that a lifeness log messages is sent each second. We will further see how to use commands to interface with a SmartMeter.

Each command sent to the SmartMeter over USB or a TCP channel requires JSON encoding and is answered by a JSON encoded answer message preceded by a the text "Info:". If an error occurred while processing the commmand, the error key is set true in the returned JSON.

Each command sent to the [PowerMeter] over USB or a TCP channel requires JSON encoding as {"cmd":<cmdName>,[optional]} and is answered by a JSON encoded answer message preceded by a the text "Info:". If an error occurred while processing the commmand, the error key is set true in the returned JSON.


CMD Description
"info" Get basic information
"getPower" Get active, reactive and apparent power
"getVoltage" Get current RMS voltage level
"getCurrent" Get RMS current
"getEnergy" Get energy in Wh and time period
"getPeriod" Get current net frequency
"getPhaseAngle" Get phase angle between voltage and current
"mdns" Set new mDNS and general [PowerMeter] name
"addWifi" Add WiFi AP
"delWifi" Remove WiFi AP
"calibration" Set calibration parameter
"restart" Restart [PowerMeter]
"dailyRestart" Schedule reset every day
"factoryReset" Reset to standard values
"basicReset" Reset everything but the name
"resetEnergy" Reset accumulated energy
"sample" Start receiving high frequency data
"reqSamples" Get certain amount of high frequency samples
"cts" Allow/forbid to stream samples
"stop" Stop receiving data
"log" Change log level
"clearLog" Clear logs
"getLog" Returns all warning and error log messages
"mqttServer" Set MQTT server
"streamServer" Set stream server
"ntp" Trigger NTP sync
"timeServer" Set time server for NTP


The info command will print information about the SmartMeter. As this is the most often required command, it is automatically sent to each new connected TCP client.

Log Level

Choose between the following log levels: all, debug, info, warning, error
Each new connection is initialized with log level info.

Info:{"error":false,"msg":"Log Level set to: warning"}


This command should be used to give the SmartMeter a new unique name. It will be used to announce presence over MDNS and if no known network is found, an AP is opened using this name.

Info:[I]03/02 10:42:24: MDNS Name: smartmeterX
Info:{"error":false,"msg":"Set MDNS name to: smartmeterX","mdns_name":"smartmeterX"}


Restarts the SmartMeter. The TCP connection will be lost.


Resets everything to defaults. The default values are:

  • name: smartmeterX
  • wifi aps: energywifi -> (pwd: silkykayak943)
  • timeserver:
  • streamserver: -
  • mqtt broker: -
  • energy<U/I> = 1.0
  • energy = 0
  • resetHour = resetMinute = -1

If you want to reset everything except the name, use: {"cmd":"basicReset"}


The SmartMeter has some decent logging capabilities. Despite logging over a connected TCP connection and Serial. Warning and Error messages are logged to internal flash memory. The getLog command will dump the all logs in the flash and contains two JSON response messages.

Info:{"cmd":"log","msg":"*** LOGFile *** [E]03/02 11:26:20: Cannot connect to MQTT Server -//n*** LOGFile *** "}

All newlines are replaces by "//n".
To clear all log messages, use {"cmd":"clearLog"}.


Calibrate the SmartMeter. <calV_LX> and <calI_LX> are floating point values with the default value 1.0. Every measured voltage and current value is multiplied by the calibration factor. Power and Energy are multiplied by <calV_LX>*<calI_LX>.

Reset Energy

Simply resets the accumulated energy stored in flash.

Time synchronization

Will perform an NTP time synchronization.

Info:[I]03/02 11:28:14: NTP synced with conf: 11
Info:{"msg":"Time synced","error":false,"current_time":"03/02/2021 11:27:40.182"}

To set a new NTP timeserver, use the command: {"cmd":"timeServer", "payload":{"server":"<serverAddress>"}}. The serverAddress can be also be its DNS name e.g.

Info:[I]03/02 11:28:14: NTP synced with conf: 11
Info:{"error":false,"msg":"Set TimeServer address to:","time_server":""}


Add wifi AP: {"cmd":"addWifi", "payload":{"ssid":"<ssidName>","pwd":"<pwdName>"}}

Info:{"error":false,"ssid":"Test","pwd":"TestPwd","msg":"New Ap, SSID: Test, PW: TestPwd","ssids":"[energywifi, Test]"}

Remove a wifi AP: {"cmd":"delWifi", "payload":{"ssid":"<ssidName>"}}

Info:{"error":false,"msg":"Removed SSID: Test","ssids":"[energywifi]"}


Once connected to an MQTT server, the SmartMeter will publish the current power consumption each 5 seconds and each state change of the relay. To set the MQTT server, use the command: {"cmd":"mqttServer", "payload":{"server":"<ServerAddress>"}} Currently, only the MQTT standard server port 1883 is supported.

Info:[I]03/02 11:38:42: MQTT connected to
Info:[I]03/02 11:38:42: Subscribing to: SmartMeter/+
Info:[I]03/02 11:38:42: Subscribing to: SmartMeter/smartmeterX/+
Info:{"error":false,"msg":"Set MQTTServer address to:","mqtt_server":""}

NOTE: In sampling mode, MQTT is disabled for performance reason.

Receiving MQTT messages

Each 5 seconds, information about the power consumption is sent. It contains the sum of the active power in Watt and active energy in kWh of all grid lines, the mean of the RMS voltage in V of all grid lines, the sum of the _RMS current in A of all grid lines and the current timestamp. You can also enable

powermeter/smartmeter001/state/sample {"power":1116.89,"current":4.82,"volt":236.56,"ts":"1614681575"}

Sending MQTT messages

Mqtt can also be used to send any command. Special topics are used to switch the relay or to get basic electricity related measurements, but any of the available commands can be sent.

  • Sample a single value using topic powermeter/<name>/sample and message one of v,i,p,q,s (RMS voltage,RMS Current, active, reactive, or apparent power ). On no, or any other message, the active power is sent.
    mosquitto_pub -h -t 'powermeter/smartmeter001/sample' -m 'v'
    The response contains a JSON dictionary with the key value, unit and ts, example:
    powermeter/smartmeter001/state/info {"value":"228.43,228.48,228.33","unit":"V","ts":"03/08/2021 11:42:34.848"}
    The individual values represent the values for the indivudal grid lines (L1, L2, L3)
  • You can also send any command, which can be sent over a bare TCP connection using topic powermeter/<name>/cmd
    mosquitto_pub -h -t 'powermeter/smartmeter001/cmd' -m '{"cmd":"info"}'
  • If you have multiple SmartMeters and want to send the message to all at the same time (e.g. to change some global settings such as the MQTT broker), you can simple ditch the specific SmartMeter name and all will answer.
    powermeter/sample p
    powermeter/smartmeter001/state/sample {"value":"228.43,228.48,228.33","unit":"V","ts":"03/08/2021 11:42:34.848"}
    powermeter/SmartMeter002/state/sample {"value":"228.44,228.45,229.10","unit":"V","ts":"03/08/2021 11:42:34.947"}

Getting Energy Data

To obtain one shot measurements, several commands exist for all kinds of electrical quantities. All data is returned as a JSON dict with the command and the measurement's unit.

  • {"cmd":"getPower"}
    Returns active, reactive and apparent power.

  • {"cmd":"getVoltage"}
    Returns RMS voltage level.

  • {"cmd":"getCurrent"}
    Returns RMS current level.

  • {"cmd":"getEnergy"}
    Returns energy since reset for all three supply legs. Includes time span.

    Info:{"error":false,"cmd":"getEnergy","energy":[10149.5684,5101.23238,4509.21022],"unit":"Wh","startTs":1632219770,"start":"09/20/2021 12:22:50.068","days":1}
  • {"cmd":"getPeriod"}
    Get current net frequency. Resolution is 8us according to datasheet.

  • {"cmd":"getPhaseAngle"}
    Returns phase angle between voltage and current.

Getting High Frequency Data

Finally, to get some high frequency data out of the SmartMeters beyond whats possible using mqtt, you have multiple possibilities.

Using FFmpeg

Using ffmpeg is by far the most simple way to store high frequency data. Thus, the sampling rate remains at 4kHz and only current and voltage measurements are streamed. On your host computer, simply install ffmpeg and run the following:

ffmpeg -nostdin -hide_banner -fflags +nobuffer+flush_packets -f f32le -ar 9000.0 -guess_layout_max 0 -ac 2.0 -flush_packets 1 -thread_queue_size 512 -analyzeduration 0 -i tcp://<SmartMeterIP>:54322 -c:a wavpack -frame_size 8000 -metadata:s:a:0 CHANNELS=2 -metadata:s:a:0 CHANNEL_TAGS="v_l1,i_l1,v_l2,i_l2,v_l3,i_l3" -metadata:s:a:0 title="<smartmeterName>" -map 0 -y output.mkv 

You can directly use the MDNS name for <smartmeterIP>. Some of the settings in call such as the metadata are of course optional.

Using a stream server

At your future data sink (which simply might be your computer), host a TCP server at port 54322. Find you IP address and set it as the target stream server for each SmartMeter using the command {"cmd":"streamServer", "payload":{"server":"<YourIp>"}}. The SmartMeter will check if the stream server is available each 30s and automatically connects to it. For the data format, see Data Format.

Using a sampling command

This is the most complicated command of the SmartMeter. It has multiple and potentially optional parameter which will be explained in the following.

{"cmd":"sample", "payload":{"type":"<type>", "measures":"<measures>", "rate":<rate>, "prefix":<prefix>, "port":<port>,"time":<time>,"flowCtr":<flowCtr>,"slot":[<slot>,<slots>],"ntpConf":<ntpConf>}}

Example: The response for the command {"cmd":"stop","payload":{"type":"TCP","rate":1}} is:



  • <type> + optional: <port>: The Type of the data stream.

    • "Serial": sampled data is sent over USB Serial connection
    • "TCP": sampled data is sent over TCP connection (the one you opened to it).
    • "UDP": sampled data is sent over a UDP connection. You need to specify the UDP Port with <port>.
    • "MQTT": sampled data is sent over MQTT (broker must be set, see MQTT).
    • "FFMPEG": connect with an ffmpeg call to the stream server on port 54322. No prefix is supported and no line ending, just the raw data. Can be used directly with ffmpeg streaming. Allows to change settings while using ffmpeg streaming.
  • <rate>: The goal sampling rate of the data.

    • Integer value between 1 and 32000 (default: 8000)
  • <measures> (optional):

    • "v,i" or "v,i,v,i,v,i": will return 3x voltage and current as "v_l1,i_l1,v_l2,i_l2,v_l3,i_l3"
    • "v,i_L1": will return voltage and current of L1
    • "v,i_L2": will return voltage and current of L2
    • "v,i_L3": will return voltage and current of L3
    • "p,q" or "p,p,p,q,q,q": will return 3x active and reactive power as "p_l1,p_l2,p_l3,q_l1,q_l2,q_l3"
    • "v,i_RMS" or "v,v,v,i,i,i_RMS": will return 3x RMS voltage and RMS current
    • Default: "v,i"
  • <prefix> (optional):

    • "true" or "false": if true, each chunk of measurement will be sent with the prefix "Data:"<chunk_length><packet_num><data>
    • <chunk_length>: 2 bytes stating the length the amount of bytes in <data>, format: <H
    • <packet_num>: running packet number as 4 bytes integer, format: <I
    • Default: true
  • <ntpConf> (optional):

    • Integer, interpreted as milliseconds. The NTP request before starting the sampling needs to be confident within this threshold value.
    • NOTE: NTP requests are send over UDP to the specified NTP server. The time it takes to get the answer needs to be considered as well for millisecond resolution. As the request has to be sent to the server and from the server back to the SmartMeter, half of the time the request took is added to the received NTP time. The request is thus only confident up to the time it took to receive the response, as in the worst case - if a response took 10ms - it could be 0ms for sending to the server and 10ms for getting the response. This would mean, the time is off the actual time about 5ms - which is our confidence level. As most sampling is stored relative (start time + sampling rate), getting the start time as exact as possible is crucial.
    • Default: no NTP request is sent
  • <flowCtr> (optional):

    • "true" or "false": if true, the sink has to request x amount of samples with the reqSamples command or actively enable sending with a cts command.
    • Default: false
    • Request <numSamples> using the command: {"cmd":"reqSamples","samples":<numSamples>}
      • <numSamples>: long, must be between 10 and 2000
      • NOTE: In order for the command to work, the SmartMeter must be sampling and during the sampling command flowCtr must have been set to true!
  • <time> (optional):

    • Unix timestamp at which sampling should be started. The timestamp must be in the future more than 500ms but is not allowed to be further in time then 20s.
    • NOTE: This can be used to start sampling with multiple devices at an exact point in time. Sampling further starts at a positive voltage zero crossing. Therewith, SmartMeters at the same phase are synchronized within 1/fL with fL being the grid line frequency.
    • Default: Sampling is started immediately
  • [<slot>,<slots>] (optional):

    • <slot> integer, the slot number in which data is sent
    • <slots> integer, the total number of slots
    • The idea is that only one device sends data at the same time in a network with multiple device d_i. Each device will only send data if the following condition is true: now.seconds%slots == slot
    • Example: 3 devices di with configs: d0 = [0,3], d1 = [1,3], d2 = [2,3]. All devices send data each 3 seconds. e.g. d0 at second 0,3,6,...
    • NOTE: This only works, if all data sampled can be send out in this second. If you e.g. have 10 devices, one device has to send 10s of data every 10s within just 1s. If the SmartMeter is not able to sent all data within this second, buffer overflows will occur. However, it avoids wifi/tcp collisions caused by multiple SmartMeters.
    • Default: false

Pause streaming

You can use flow control during sampling with the command: {"cmd":"cts","value":<value>}

  • <value> can be true or false. True to let device stream data, false to pause.
  • NOTE: does not necessarily have to be paired with sampling in which flowCtr was set to true.

Stop streaming

Send this command to stop sampling or streaming. As a response, you get information about the sampling process.

Info:{"msg":"Received stop command","sample_duration":16157,"samples":16,"sent_samples":16,"start_ts":"1614697441.119","stop_ts":"1614697457.276","ip":"","avg_rate":0.955618,"cmd":"stop"}



You can send ? without a JSON encoding to test if the device is still reachable. It will return Info: Setup done and will stop sampling! (Just for backward compatibility)


As a keepalive command, you can send !. This simply gets ignored but might prevent the TCP connection from being closed automatically if nothing is sent.

Data Format

The data is returned encoded as 32 Bit MSB first float values. If not explicitly disabled using "prefix":"false", data is preceded by a prefix.

  • <chunk_length>: 2 bytes describing the length of this data chunk, format: <H
  • <packet_num>: running packet number as 4 bytes integer, format: <I If disable or the stream type is set to FFMPEG, just the <data> is returned.