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V O I D os


⌜ V O I D os ⌟ is an Operating System that uses V O I D lang to run and create applications and games.


The project is in the process of development.

AboutStructureSecurityModern & RetroA Bit of HistoryV O I D gameV O I D socialV O I D langV O I D techV O I D ideologyV O I D licenseV O I D task


The operating system is in a single file. This makes it easy to transfer it to different devices, backup and control damage or modification.


The operating system contains viewing and editing media and office files, working with the file system, web browser, social network client and server, network routing load balancing, interfacing with peripherals, virtualization tools, AI helper, creating applications and 3D・2D games.


Each application can run in a separate isolated space, with a limited set of actions, or in a separate virtual machine, so that no data corruption or stealing occurs.

Modern & Retro

An operating system with V O I D lang that can run both on modern and retro computers, as well as emulate them.

Atari 65XE






MOS 6502

Intel 8088

Intel 80286

Intel Core i9

CPU Released






3 510

29 000

134 000

17 800 000 000


8 μm

3 μm

1.5 μm

10 nm


8 bit

16 bit

16 bit

64 bit





3 684

Clock Rate

1.79 Mhz

4.77 Mhz

12 Mhz

6 GHz

Data Bus

8 bit

16 bit

16 bit

64 bit

Address Bus

16 bit

20 bit

24 bit

64 bit


64 kb

64 kb

640 kb

192 Gb




40 Mb

16 Tb











Cassette Tape





















300 baud

300 baud

300 baud











7 680





4 320












16 (256)

4 (16)

16 (64)

68 719 476 736

The operating system can be written using Assembly and C++ languages. Or with V O I D lang and direct use of opcodes.

        .org $c000    ; Starting address of the program

start   lda #<message ; Load message address
        sta $07f8     ; Set string output address
        lda #>message
        sta $07f9

        lda #13       ; Select color (text white, background black)
        jsr $e544     ; Calling system function

loop    lda message,x ; Load character from string
        beq done      ; If the character is null, terminate
        jsr $e716     ; Output the character to the screen
        inx           ; Increase string index
        bne loop      ; Go to next character

done    rts           ; Return from the program

message .byte "Hi World :D", 0 ; Message string
MOS Technology 6502
Intel 8086
Intel 80286
ADC Add with carry AAA Adjust after Addition AAA ASCII adjust for addition
AND And (with accumulator) AAD ASCII Adjust before Division AAD ASCII adjust for division
ASL Arithmetic shift left AAM ASCII Adjust after Multiplication AAM ASCII adjust for multiply
BCC Branch on carry clear AAS ASCII Adjust after Subtraction AAS ASCII adjust for subtraction
BCS Branch on carry set ADC Add with Carry ADC Add byte or word with carry
BEQ Branch on equal (zero set) ADD Add ADD Add byte or word
BIT Bit test AND Logical AND between all bits of two operands AND "And" byte or word
BMI Branch on minus (negative set) CALL Transfers control to procedure BOUND Detects values outside prescribed range
BNE Branch on not equal (zero clear) CBW Convert byte into word CALL Call procedure
BPL Branch on plus (negative clear) CLC Clear Carry flag CBW Convert byte to word
BRK Break / interrupt CLD Clear Direction flag CLC Clear carry flag
BVC Branch on overflow clear CLI Clear Interrupt enable flag CLD Clear direction flag
BVS Branch on overflow set CMC Complement Carry flag CLI Clear interrupt enable flag
CLC Clear carry CMP Compare CMC Complement carry flag
CLD Clear decimal CMPSB Compare bytes: ES:[DI] from DS:[SI] CMP Compare byte or word
CLI Clear interrupt disable CMPSW Compare words: ES:[DI] from DS:[SI] CMPS Compare byte or word string
CLV Clear overflow CWD Convert Word to Double word CWD Convert word to doubleword
CMP Compare (with accumulator) DAA Decimal adjust After Addition DAA Decimal adjust for addition
CPX Compare with X DAS Decimal adjust After Subtraction DAS Decimal adjust for subtraction
CPY Compare with Y DEC Decrement DEC Decrement byte or word by 1
DEC Decrement DIV Unsigned divide DIV Divide byte or word unsigned
DEX Decrement X HLT Halt the System ENTER Format stack for procedure entry
DEY Decrement Y IDIV Signed divide ESC Escape to extension processor
EOR Exclusive or (with accumulator) IMUL Signed multiply HLT Halt until interrupt or reset
INC Increment IN Input from port into AL or AX IDIV Integer divide byte or word
INX Increment X INC Increment IMUL Integer multiply byte or word
INY Increment Y INT Interrupt numbered by immediate byte (0..255) IN Input byte or word
JMP Jump INTO Interrupt 4 if Overflow flag is 1 INC Increment byte or word by 1
JSR Jump subroutine IRET Interrupt Return INS Input bytes or word string
LDA Load accumulator JA Short Jump if first operand is Above second operand (as set by CMP instruction) INT Interrupt
LDX Load X JAE Short Jump if first operand is Above or Equal to second operand (as set by CMP instruction) INTO Interrupt if overflow
LDY Load Y JB Short Jump if first operand is Below second operand (as set by CMP instruction) IRET Interrupt return
LSR Logical shift right JBE Short Jump if first operand is Below or Equal to second operand (as set by CMP instruction) JA Jump if above
NOP No operation JC Short Jump if Carry flag is set to 1 JAE Jump if above or equal
ORA Or with accumulator JCXZ Short Jump if CX register is 0 JB Jump if below
PHA Push accumulator JE Short Jump if first operand is Equal to second operand (as set by CMP instruction) JBE Jump if below or equal
PHP Push processor status (SR) JG Short Jump if first operand is Greater then second operand (as set by CMP instruction) JC Jump if carry
PLA Pull accumulator JGE Short Jump if first operand is Greater or Equal to second operand (as set by CMP instruction) JCXZ Jump if register CX = 0
PLP Pull processor status (SR) JL Short Jump if first operand is Less then second operand (as set by CMP instruction) JE Jump if equal
ROL Rotate left JLE Short Jump if first operand is Less or Equal to second operand (as set by CMP instruction) JG Jump if greater
ROR Rotate right JMP Unconditional Jump. Transfers control to another part of the program JGE Jump if greater or equal
RTI Return from interrupt JNA Short Jump if first operand is Not Above second operand (as set by CMP instruction) JL Jump if less
RTS Return from subroutine JNAE Short Jump if first operand is Not Above and Not Equal to second operand (as set by CMP instruction) JLE Jump if less or equal
SBC Subtract with carry JNB Short Jump if first operand is Not Below second operand (as set by CMP instruction) JMP Jump
SEC Set carry JNBE Short Jump if first operand is Not Below and Not Equal to second operand (as set by CMP instruction) JNA Jump if not above
SED Set decimal JNC Short Jump if Carry flag is set to 0 JNAE Jump if not above nor equal
SEI Set interrupt disable JNE Short Jump if first operand is Not Equal to second operand (as set by CMP instruction) JNB Jump if not below
STA Store accumulator JNG Short Jump if first operand is Not Greater then second operand (as set by CMP instruction) JNBE Jump if not below nor equal
STX Store X JNGE Short Jump if first operand is Not Greater and Not Equal to second operand (as set by CMP instruction) JNC Jump if not carry
STY Store Y JNL Short Jump if first operand is Not Less then second operand (as set by CMP instruction) JNE Jump if not equal
TAX Transfer accumulator to X JNLE Short Jump if first operand is Not Less and Not Equal to second operand (as set by CMP instruction) JNG Jump if not greater
TAY Transfer accumulator to Y JNO Short Jump if Not Overflow JNGE Jump if not greater nor equal
TSX Transfer stack pointer to X JNP Short Jump if No Parity (odd) JNL Jump if not less
TXA Transfer X to accumulator JNS Short Jump if Not Signed (if positive) JNLE Jump if not less nor equal
TXS Transfer X to stack pointer JNZ Short Jump if Not Zero (not equal) JNO Jump if not overflow
TYA Transfer Y to accumulator JO Short Jump if Overflow JNP Jump if not parity
JP Short Jump if Parity (even) JNS Jump if not sign
JPE Short Jump if Parity Even JNZ Jump if not zero
JPO Short Jump if Parity Odd JO Jump if overflow
JS Short Jump if Signed (if negative) JP Jump if parity
JZ Short Jump if Zero (equal) JPE Jump if parity even
LAHF Load AH from 8 low bits of Flags register JPO Jump if parity odd
LDS Load memory double word into word register and DS JS Jump if sign
LEA Load Effective Address JZ Jump if zero
LES Load memory double word into word register and ES LAHF Load AH register from flags
LODSB Load byte at DS:[SI] into AL LDS Load pointer using DS
LODSW Load word at DS:[SI] into AX LEA Load effective address
LOOP Decrease CX, jump to label if CX not zero LEAVE Restore stack for procedure exit
LOOPE Decrease CX, jump to label if CX not zero and Equal (ZF = 1) LES Load pointer using ES
LOOPNE Decrease CX, jump to label if CX not zero and Not Equal (ZF = 0) LMSW Load machine status word
LOOPNZ Decrease CX, jump to label if CX not zero and ZF = 0 LOCK Lock bus during next instruction
LOOPZ Decrease CX, jump to label if CX not zero and ZF = 1 LODS Load byte or word string
MOV Copy operand2 to operand1 LOOP Loop
MOVSB Copy byte at DS:[SI] to ES:[DI]. Update SI and DI LOOPE Loop if equal
MOVSW Copy word at DS:[SI] to ES:[DI]. Update SI and DI LOOPNE Loop if not equal
MUL Unsigned multiply LOOPNZ Loop if not zero
NEG Negate. Makes operand negative LOOPZ Loop if zero
NOP No Operation MOV Move byte or word
NOT Invert each bit of the operand MOVS Move byte or word string
OR Logical OR between all bits of two operands MUL Multiply byte or word unsigned
OUT Output from AL or AX to port NEG Negate byte or word
POP Get 16 bit value from the stack NOP No operation
POPF Get flags register from the stack NOT "Not" byte or word
PUSH Store 16 bit value in the stack OR "Inclusive or" byte or word
PUSHF Store flags register in the stack OUT Output byte or word
RCL Rotate operand1 left through Carry Flag OUTS Output bytes or word string
RCR Rotate operand1 right through Carry Flag POP Pop word off stack
REP Repeat following MOVSB, MOVSW, LODSB, LODSW, STOSB, STOSW instructions CX times POPA Pop all registers from stack
REPE Repeat following CMPSB, CMPSW, SCASB, SCASW instructions while ZF = 1 (result is Equal), maximum CX times POPF Pop flags off stack
REPNE Repeat following CMPSB, CMPSW, SCASB, SCASW instructions while ZF = 0 (result is Not Equal), maximum CX times PUSH Push word onto stack
REPNZ Repeat following CMPSB, CMPSW, SCASB, SCASW instructions while ZF = 0 (result is Not Zero), maximum CX times PUSHA Push all registers on stack
REPZ Repeat following CMPSB, CMPSW, SCASB, SCASW instructions while ZF = 1 (result is Zero), maximum CX times PUSHF Push flags onto stack
RET Return from near procedure RCL Rotate through carry left byte or word
RETF Return from Far procedure RCR Rotate through carry right byte or word
ROL Rotate operand1 left REP Repeat
ROR Rotate operand1 right REPE Repeat while equal
SAHF Store AH register into low 8 bits of Flags register REPNE Repeat while not equal
SAL Shift Arithmetic operand1 Left REPNZ Repeat while not not zero
SAR Shift Arithmetic operand1 Right REPZ Repeat while zero
SBB Subtract with Borrow RET Return from procedure
SCASB Compare bytes: AL from ES:[DI] ROL Rotate left byte or word
SCASW Compare words: AX from ES:[DI] ROR Rotate right byte or word
SHL Shift operand1 Left SAHF Store AH register in flags
SHR Shift operand1 Right SAR Shift arithmetic right byte or word
STC Set Carry flag SBB Subtract byte or word with borrow
STD Set Direction flag SCAS Scan byte or word string
STI Set Interrupt enable flag SHR Shift logical right byte or word
STOSB Store byte in AL into ES:[DI] SMSW Store machine status word
STOSW Store word in AX into ES:[DI] STC Set carry flag
SUB Subtract STD Set direction flag
TEST Logical AND between all bits of two operands for flags only STI Set interrupt enable flag
XCHG Exchange values of two operands STOS Store byte or word string
XLATB Translate byte from table SUB Subtract byte or word
XOR Logical XOR (Exclusive OR) between all bits of two operands TEST "Test" byte or word
WAIT Wait for BUSY not active
XCHG Exchange byte or word
XLAT Translate byte
XOR "Exclusive or" byte or word

A Bit of History

The first computers were just advanced calculators. Intel's first processor 4004 was designed to run the Busicom calculator. To operate such a calculator, the Operating System was a programming language. Thus the IBM 5100 operating system was represented by two languages BASIC and APL (for working with matrix and other scientific calculations).

Retroinformática: IBM 5100 (1975)

Later operating systems extended their file handling functionality. Unix, CP/M, DOS were simplified versions of programming languages for working with the file system.

DEC VT100 3 KB RAM (1978)

And even later, with the appearance of multitasking operating systems, applications began to use operating system API calls to access devices and display user interface (UI).

Macintosh 128K (1984)

Computer technology is continually evolving.

Type Name Year
Calculating Abacus

2500 BC

Print Johannes Gutenberg's Printing Press


Programmatic Control Jacquard Machine


Multiplying Arithmometer


Programming Language Short Code




Game Spacewar!


Multitasking OS PDP-6


Graphical OS Alto Executive


Network Ethernet for Xerox Alto


CPU Intel 8086


Spreadsheet VisiCalc


3D Game Battlezone


HTTP Server CERN httpd


Web Browser WorldWideWeb


Encoding Unicode


Data Compression Gzip


Web Language JavaScript


Social Network SixDegrees


Web Data Format JSON


3D Craft Game Minecraft


AI Stable Diffusion


Ideology V O I D


Now it has come to the point where applications can be created in simple descriptive language V O I D lang, and all the complex functionality residing directly in the V O I D os.

V O I D game

⌜V O I D game⌟ is a game that creates an infinite number of games, v-apps and content.

V O I D social

⌜ V O I D social ⌟ is a social network where you can quickly and easily communicate without words with people all over the world.

V O I D lang

⌜ V O I D lang ⌟ is the language for rapidly creating applications in the V O I D or JSON format. It is used as a replacement for both the standard Bash/CMD/etc. languages and for writing UI Applications, Servers and Games. The language uses one of the languages already preinstalled in the system. So you don't need to install anything else. Code and data are not separated. So the whole application fits in one V O I D or JSON file. Since the code is presented as data, applications can be easily generated with AI, updated, installed and launched remotely.

V O I D tech

⌜ V O I D tech ⌟ are combinable devices controlled by V O I D ai for creating individual stand-alone productions, as well as creating individual products with unique designs and in the required quantities.

V O I D ideology

⌜V O I D⌟ is not only about compact technologies, but also an ideology that shows where these technologies are taking us.

V O I D license

⌜ V O I D license ⌟ is a license to distribute digital content and goods. Expressed in a single sentence:


You can use it in both private and open source, embed it in free or paid products. Modify. Create your own solutions based on it. No need to specify the author.

V O I D task


By adding your code to the repository, you are publishing it under the V O I D licence.

Find out current tasks and payment at V O I D task