diff --git a/2024/ig-security.html b/2024/ig-security.html index be52630..434e29d 100644 --- a/2024/ig-security.html +++ b/2024/ig-security.html @@ -206,11 +206,22 @@

Success Criteria

  • Systematizing the security review of Web standards.
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    SING will seek a horizontal review of its deliverables for accessibility, internationalization, and privacy with the relevant Working and Interest Groups and with the TAG.


    SING should collaborate with the WICG and TAG to coordinate security review of specifications early in their development lifecycle.




    For its deliverables, this Interest Group will seek a horizontal review for accessibility, internationalization, and privacy with the relevant Working and Interest Groups and with the TAG.


    This Interest Group should collaborate with all the groups developing specifications to coordinate threat modeling and security review in the early phase of their development lifecycle.


    W3C Groups

    Advisory Board (AB)
    This Interest Group will coordinate with the AB to improve the process for security reviews.
    Technical Architecture Group (TAG)
    This Interest Group will coordinate with the TAG for the Self-Review Questionnaire: Security and Privacy, for a Threat Model related the Web Platform, and to harmonize and improve horizontal reviews.
    Privacy Interest Group (PING)
    This Interest Group will coordinate with PING for the Self-Review Questionnaire: Security and Privacy, for Threat Models related to Privacy and Harm, and to harmonize and improve horizontal reviews.
    Web Application Security Working Group (WebAppSec)
    This Interest Group will coordinate with WebAppSec for developing security features and mitigations, and for Threat Models related to the Web Platform.
    Threat Modeling Community Group (TMCG)
    This Interest Group will coordinate with TMCG to work on Threat Models of different types, and creating a feedback loop on the Threat Modeling guide,
    Accessible Platform Architectures (APA) Working Group
    This Interest Group will coordinate with APA to harmonize and improve horizontal reviews.
    Internationalization (i18n) Working Group
    This Interest Group will coordinate with i18n to harmonize and improve horizontal reviews.

    External Organizations

    W3C needs to coordinate with other security groups, alliances, and standards development organizations to improve the Web's security. The following list provides examples of organizations: