diff --git a/index.html b/index.html index f646c23..41e5523 100644 --- a/index.html +++ b/index.html @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
The symbol of death is not defined in the GB rules, but is a punctuation mark which is widely used by the commons. The symbol of death is a solid black border outside the character frame of a person's name to indicate the person is deceased. Its Western counterpart would be the dagger punctuation mark (U+2020 DAGGER [†] and U+2021 DOUBLE DAGGER [‡]).
示亡号并未列于标点符号相关标准文件,但却是民间经常使用的俗用符号。示亡号亦称示殁号,为在人名文字外框描上实心的黑色边线表示已经过世,类似西文中剑标(U+2020 DAGGER [†]与U+2021 DOUBLE DAGGER [‡])之用法。
示亡號並未列於標點符號相關標準文件,但卻是民間經常使用的俗用符號。示亡號亦稱示殁號,為在人名文字外框描上實心的黑色邊線表示已經過世,類似西文中劍標(U+2020 DAGGER [†]與U+2021 DOUBLE DAGGER [‡])之用法。
Mandarin Phonetic Symbols (國語注音符號) or Taiwanese Dialect Phonetic Symbols (台灣方音符號), hereinafter referred to as ‘Bopomofo’, are systems for phonetic annotation mainly used in Taiwan, although other areas may also include Bopomofo in certain dictionaries or textbooks. In most cases, Bopomofo appears on the right side of its corresponding base text. Exceptions are very rare.
-Due to the characteristics of the Latin alphabet, such annotations appear in horizontal writing mode only. Texts for children who are native speakers usually provide reading assistance for each individual character, while texts for those who are learning Chinese as a second language mainly indicate pronunciation for whole words, but occasionally, both of them are set almost the same. There is space between the base text when whole words are annotated, and the interlinear annotation characters will have unique requirements such as sentence case, or punctuation marks corresponding to base characters. The composition of early publications using pinyin was quite variable and not consistent. In general, both character-based and word-based annotations were quite common. No further description of the early pinyin will be found in this document.
-Bilingual annotations aim to provide a Chinese translation of text in foreign languages or acronyms, or to offer the original text for words that have been translated into Chinese. This is mainly used for proper nouns, titles or those terms whose concepts are difficult to convey after translation. It is commonly found in translated works, mainly in light novels.
-Annotating with both Romanization and Bopomofo is a practical way to indicate the reading to readers who know only one of these systems, as well as helping study of or enquiries about the other one. Normally, when Romanization and Bopomofo are both provided, the Bopomofo symbols are placed on the right side of the Han character while Romanization is set at the bottom of the Han character in horizontal writing mode and to the left side in vertical writing mode.
-Mandarin non-neutral tones and dialectal non-checked tones, are placed outside the upper right corner of the last phonetic symbol. In vertical Bopomofo, half the space taken by a tone mark will be above the top of the adjacent phonetic character; in horizontal Bopomofo, half the space taken by a tone mark will appear to the right of the phonetic character. As seen in [[[#zhuyin-regular-tone]]].
-The dialectal checked tones are set outside the lower right corner of the phonetic symbols. As seen in [[[#zhuyin-checked-tone]]].
-The Mandarin neutral tone comes before the phonetic symbols. In vertical Bopomofo, the height of the tone mark is 10% of that of its base character, while its width is the same as that of the phonetic characters. In horizontal Bopomofo, the width of the tone mark is 10% of that of its base characters, while its height is the same as that of the phonetic characters. As seen in [[[#zhuyin-neutral-tone]]].
-Erhuayin, also known as rhotacization of syllable finals, is a special phonetic phenomenon in Modern Standard Chinese (Mandarin). Due to the limitations of annotating single Han characters, the Bopomofo annotations fail to indicate the continuity of Erhuayin and the change of the final sound, while Romanization shows the features of Erhuayin effectively.