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1. 介绍


经过四处打听,你得知一个称之为“Yendor的护身符(Amulet of Yendor)”的小玩意儿。如果你能找到它,它将为你带来巨大的财富。你曾知道的一个传说也提到找到了那个护身符的人,将被诸神赋予永生。有传言说护身符位于Gehennom农谷(Valley of Gehennom)之外,在危险迷宫(Mazes of Menace)内的深处。听到这些传说后,你立即意识到有一些深远而隐秘的原因,你要下到洞穴里去寻找他们所说的护身符。即使关于护身符力量的谣言是不真实的,你还是决定至少应该能够将冒险经历的故事以可观的价格卖给当地的吟游诗人,特别是在一路上遭遇到的任何恐怖或是神奇的生物。你在当地的酒馆里度过了最后一个晚上,当你看着自己成功的几率越来越低时,你变得越来越沮丧。



1.  Introduction

     Recently,  you  have  begun to find yourself unfulfilled and
distant in your daily occupation.  Strange dreams of prospecting,
stealing,  crusading,  and  combat have haunted you in your sleep
for many months, but you aren't sure of the reason.   You  wonder
whether  you have in fact been having those dreams all your life,
and somehow managed to forget about them until now.  Some  nights
you awaken suddenly and cry out, terrified at the vivid recollec-
tion of the strange and powerful creatures that seem to be  lurk-
ing  behind  every  corner  of  the dungeon in your dream.  Could
these details haunting your dreams be real?  As each night  pass-
es,  you feel the desire to enter the mysterious caverns near the
ruins grow stronger.  Each morning, however, you quickly put  the
idea  out  of  your head as you recall the tales of those who en-
tered the caverns before you and did not return.  Eventually  you
can  resist  the yearning to seek out the fantastic place in your
dreams no longer.  After all, when other  adventurers  came  back
this  way after spending time in the caverns, they usually seemed
better off than when they passed through the first time.  And who
was to say that all of those who did not return had not just kept

     Asking around, you hear about a bauble, called the Amulet of
Yendor  by  some, which, if you can find it, will bring you great
wealth.  One legend you were told even mentioned that the one who
finds  the  amulet  will be granted immortality by the gods.  The
amulet is rumored to be somewhere beyond the Valley of  Gehennom,
deep  within  the Mazes of Menace.  Upon hearing the legends, you
immediately realize that there is some profound and  undiscovered
reason that you are to descend into the caverns and seek out that
amulet of which they spoke.  Even if the rumors of  the  amulet's
powers are untrue, you decide that you should at least be able to
sell the tales of your adventures to the local  minstrels  for  a
tidy  sum,  especially if you encounter any of the terrifying and
magical creatures of your dreams along the way.   You  spend  one
last  night  fortifying  yourself at the local inn, becoming more
and more depressed as you watch the odds of  your  success  being
posted on the inn's walls getting lower and lower.

     In  the  morning you awake, collect your belongings, and set
off for the dungeon.  After several days  of  uneventful  travel,
you  see the ancient ruins that mark the entrance to the Mazes of
Menace.  It is late at night, so you make camp  at  the  entrance
and  spend the night sleeping under the open skies.  In the morn-
ing, you gather your gear, eat what may be your  last  meal  out-
side, and enter the dungeon...