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Code Coverage, green squares, etc only show in test file... #3464

mmcgee-aya opened this issue Feb 11, 2025 · 4 comments

Code Coverage, green squares, etc only show in test file... #3464

mmcgee-aya opened this issue Feb 11, 2025 · 4 comments


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**I am working for a company that has several angular projects. Wallaby works in some repos, the one I am assingned to currently does not. Wallaby does indeed show the test are passing or failing, but I can't see the green dots/square or code coverage in the source file (the class under test.).

Any help would be appreciate. I do NOT think I can give you access to repo. If I can I will strip it down to nothing and create a repo!**

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      ignoreCoverage: '__REGEXP /ignore coverage|istanbul ignore|c8 ignore/',
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          "   } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic/testing';\n" +
          '\n' +
          '  // Initialize the Angular testing environment.\n' +
          '  getTestBed().initTestEnvironment(BrowserDynamicTestingModule, platformBrowserDynamicTesting(), {\n' +
          '    errorOnUnknownElements: true,\n' +
          '    errorOnUnknownProperties: true\n' +
          '  });'
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  debug: [
    '2025-02-11T16:18:11.500Z project waiting for initial run signal\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:11.504Z model Initialization Completed: 211ms\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:11.601Z config Attempting automatic configuration for angular\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:11.604Z angular/cli config Detected Angular CLI.\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:11.606Z angular/cli config Angular currentDirPath: "C:\\repos\\Applications\\CandidatePortal", workspaceDirPath: "C:\\repos\\Applications\\CandidatePortal"\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:12.493Z ui.service Starting UI service on port: 55000\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:12.495Z ui.service UI service started on port: 55000\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.265Z angular/cli karma project config Using builtin C:/repos/Applications/CandidatePortal/src/test.js.\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.287Z config Finished attempting automatic configuration for angular (1686ms)\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.288Z project Wallaby Node version: v20.18.0\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.288Z project Wallaby config: C:\\repos\\Applications\\CandidatePortal\\auto.detect\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.336Z fs File system starting\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.596Z fs File system scan completed\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.600Z project File cache: C:\\Users\\MichaelMcGee\\.vscode\\extensions\\wallabyjs.wallaby-vscode-1.0.421\\projects\\b6a5ad5b9db12582\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.631Z workers Parallelism for initial run: 18, for regular run: 9\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.631Z workers Starting run worker instance #0\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.631Z chromeRunner launch new instance (path: <default>, flags: --headless --disable-gpu --deterministic-fetch)\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.635Z workers Starting run worker instance #1\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.635Z chromeRunner launch new instance (path: <default>, flags: --headless --disable-gpu --deterministic-fetch)\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.637Z workers Starting run worker instance #2\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.637Z chromeRunner launch new instance (path: <default>, flags: --headless --disable-gpu --deterministic-fetch)\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.639Z workers Starting run worker instance #3\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.639Z chromeRunner launch new instance (path: <default>, flags: --headless --disable-gpu --deterministic-fetch)\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.641Z workers Starting run worker instance #4\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.641Z chromeRunner launch new instance (path: <default>, flags: --headless --disable-gpu --deterministic-fetch)\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.644Z workers Starting run worker instance #5\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.644Z chromeRunner launch new instance (path: <default>, flags: --headless --disable-gpu --deterministic-fetch)\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.647Z workers Starting run worker instance #6\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.647Z chromeRunner launch new instance (path: <default>, flags: --headless --disable-gpu --deterministic-fetch)\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.650Z workers Starting run worker instance #7\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.650Z chromeRunner launch new instance (path: <default>, flags: --headless --disable-gpu --deterministic-fetch)\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.653Z workers Starting run worker instance #8\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.653Z chromeRunner launch new instance (path: <default>, flags: --headless --disable-gpu --deterministic-fetch)\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.656Z workers Starting run worker instance #9\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.656Z chromeRunner launch new instance (path: <default>, flags: --headless --disable-gpu --deterministic-fetch)\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.659Z workers Starting run worker instance #10\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.659Z chromeRunner launch new instance (path: <default>, flags: --headless --disable-gpu --deterministic-fetch)\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.662Z workers Starting run worker instance #11\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.662Z chromeRunner launch new instance (path: <default>, flags: --headless --disable-gpu --deterministic-fetch)\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.666Z workers Starting run worker instance #12\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.666Z chromeRunner launch new instance (path: <default>, flags: --headless --disable-gpu --deterministic-fetch)\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.670Z workers Starting run worker instance #13\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.670Z chromeRunner launch new instance (path: <default>, flags: --headless --disable-gpu --deterministic-fetch)\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.674Z workers Starting run worker instance #14\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.674Z chromeRunner launch new instance (path: <default>, flags: --headless --disable-gpu --deterministic-fetch)\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.677Z workers Starting run worker instance #15\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.677Z chromeRunner launch new instance (path: <default>, flags: --headless --disable-gpu --deterministic-fetch)\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.681Z workers Starting run worker instance #16\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.681Z chromeRunner launch new instance (path: <default>, flags: --headless --disable-gpu --deterministic-fetch)\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.684Z workers Starting run worker instance #17\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.684Z chromeRunner launch new instance (path: <default>, flags: --headless --disable-gpu --deterministic-fetch)\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.693Z workers Web server is listening at 59278\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.919Z project Stopping process pool\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.919Z project File cache is up-to-date, starting full test run\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.923Z project Running postprocessor\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.926Z postprocessor Processing started.\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.926Z postprocessor Initializing.\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.926Z postprocessor Initializing entry.\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.926Z postprocessor Sanitizing configuration.\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.927Z postprocessor Adjusting configuration.\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:13.933Z postprocessor Creating compiler.\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:14.179Z postprocessor Customizing compiler.\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:14.179Z postprocessor Compilation started.\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:23.764Z chromeRunner Connection to Chrome Debugger Protocol on timed out\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:23.764Z chromeRunner Connection to Chrome Debugger Protocol on timed out\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:23.764Z chromeRunner Connection to Chrome Debugger Protocol on timed out\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:23.764Z chromeRunner Connection to Chrome Debugger Protocol on timed out\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:23.764Z chromeRunner Connection to Chrome Debugger Protocol on timed out\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:23.764Z chromeRunner Connection to Chrome Debugger Protocol on timed out\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:23.764Z chromeRunner Connection to Chrome Debugger Protocol on timed out\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:23.764Z chromeRunner Connection to Chrome Debugger Protocol on timed out\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:23.765Z chromeRunner Connection to Chrome Debugger Protocol on timed out\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:23.765Z chromeRunner Connection to Chrome Debugger Protocol on timed out\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:23.765Z chromeRunner Connection to Chrome Debugger Protocol on timed out\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:23.765Z chromeRunner Connection to Chrome Debugger Protocol on timed out\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:23.765Z chromeRunner Connection to Chrome Debugger Protocol on timed out\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:23.765Z chromeRunner Connection to Chrome Debugger Protocol on timed out\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:23.765Z chromeRunner Connection to Chrome Debugger Protocol on timed out\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:23.765Z chromeRunner Connection to Chrome Debugger Protocol on timed out\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:23.765Z chromeRunner Connection to Chrome Debugger Protocol on timed out\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:23.765Z chromeRunner Connection to Chrome Debugger Protocol on timed out\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:24.354Z chromeRunner Connection to Chrome Debugger Protocol on succeeded\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:24.354Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #0\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:24.355Z chromeRunner Connection to Chrome Debugger Protocol on succeeded\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:24.355Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #1\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:24.355Z chromeRunner Connection to Chrome Debugger Protocol on succeeded\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:24.355Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #2\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:24.355Z chromeRunner Connection to Chrome Debugger Protocol on succeeded\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:24.355Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #3\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:24.355Z chromeRunner Connection to Chrome Debugger Protocol on succeeded\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:24.355Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #4\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:24.355Z chromeRunner Connection to Chrome Debugger Protocol on succeeded\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:24.355Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #5\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:24.355Z chromeRunner Connection to Chrome Debugger Protocol on succeeded\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:24.355Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #6\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:24.355Z chromeRunner Connection to Chrome Debugger Protocol on succeeded\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:24.355Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #7\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:24.355Z chromeRunner Connection to Chrome Debugger Protocol on succeeded\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:24.355Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #8\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:24.355Z chromeRunner Connection to Chrome Debugger Protocol on succeeded\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:24.355Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #9\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:24.355Z chromeRunner Connection to Chrome Debugger Protocol on succeeded\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:24.355Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #10\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:24.355Z chromeRunner Connection to Chrome Debugger Protocol on succeeded\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:24.355Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #11\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:24.355Z chromeRunner Connection to Chrome Debugger Protocol on succeeded\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:24.355Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #12\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:24.355Z chromeRunner Connection to Chrome Debugger Protocol on succeeded\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:24.356Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #13\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:24.356Z chromeRunner Connection to Chrome Debugger Protocol on succeeded\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:24.356Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #14\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:24.356Z chromeRunner Connection to Chrome Debugger Protocol on succeeded\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:24.356Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #15\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:24.356Z chromeRunner Connection to Chrome Debugger Protocol on succeeded\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:24.356Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #16\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:24.356Z chromeRunner Connection to Chrome Debugger Protocol on succeeded\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:24.356Z workers Started run worker instance (immediate) #17\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:24.969Z postprocessor Compilation finished.\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:25.057Z postprocessor Emitting 1598 files.\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:25.108Z postprocessor Processing finished.\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:25.169Z project Postprocessor execution finished\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:25.169Z project Test run started; run priority: 3\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:25.172Z project Running all tests\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:25.182Z workers Starting test run, priority: 3\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:25.182Z chromeRunner Starting sandbox [worker #0, session #z71ep]\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:25.182Z chromeRunner Preparing sandbox [worker #0, session #z71ep]\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:25.185Z browserRunner Total files to load in sandbox: 5\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:25.187Z browserRunner Sandbox is generated [worker #0, session #z71ep]: http://localhost:59278/wallaby_sandbox0.html\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:25.187Z chromeRunner Prepared sandbox [worker #0, session #z71ep]\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:25.187Z workers [worker #0, session #z71ep] Running tests in sandbox\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:25.738Z workers [z71ep] Loaded 2 test(s)\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:25.847Z workers [z71ep] Test executed: should redirect to login\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:25.889Z workers [z71ep] Test executed: should parseUrl to email-verification when email not confirmed\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:25.936Z workers [z71ep] Run 2 test(s), skipped 0 test(s)\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:25.940Z workers [z71ep] Sandbox is responsive, closing it\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:25.940Z chromeRunner Closing tab as requested\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:25.941Z chromeRunner Closing Chrome Tab\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:25.944Z project Test run finished\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:25.948Z project Processed console.log entries\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:25.948Z project Processed loading sequences\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:25.949Z project Processed executed tests\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:25.990Z project Processed code coverage\n',
    '2025-02-11T16:18:26.049Z project Test run result processed and sent to IDE\n'
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Could you please share the wallaby section of your package.json? From the diagnostic report, it looks like the files property is manually configured there.

files: [ { pattern: 'src/app/shared/api/api.ts', ignore: true, trigger: true, load: true, file: true } ]

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"wallaby": {
"tests": [
"hints": {
"ignoreCoverageForFile": ""
"files": [
"compilerOptions": {
"types": []

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// Wallaby configuration file, see link for more information

module.exports = function () {
return {
autoDetect: true,
files: {
override: function (filePatterns) {
filePatterns.push({ pattern: 'testing//*.ts' });
filePatterns.push({ pattern: 'testing/
/*.js' });
return filePatterns;

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Thanks for providing the additional details.

With the configuration that you've set, the files setting doesn't have any files to include to capture coverage. So the only files that you'll see indicators for are your src/**/*.spec.ts files.

Based on your configuration, we think that everything will work for you if you remove the wallaby section from your configuration file.

If it does not, you should create a Wallaby configuration file with appropriate overrides (as I think you suggested in your second comment), described in our docs. If you need a configuration file, we think the following will work for you:


module.exports = () => ({
  files: {
    override: (patterns) => {
      return [...patterns, '!src/app/shared/api/api.ts'];

Once you have created the configuration file, you will need to make sure to select to use your configuration file after running the Wallaby.js: Select Configuration command.

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