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This is a startup development configuration template used to build the JavaScript/Node.js library.
The build tool is based on rollup and typescript, among other tools.
Run npm run build
, the following bundles will eventually be generated.
├── bundle.esm.js
├── bundle.esm.min.js
├── bundle.umd.js
└── bundle.umd.min.js
Will also generate the corresponding sourcemap file.
Development mode
$ npm run dev # or $ npm run esbuild-dev
Development mode (web server)
$ npm run dev-serve # or $ npm run esbuild-dev-serve
Run test
$ npm run test
Build bundle
$ npm run build
Build Html documents from Markdown documents
$ npm run build:docs-html
See the scripts
field in package.json for more commands.
Adopt community commit format best practices:
# Before
git commit
# Now
npm run commit
This constraint relies on tools commitizen and commitlint provided by the community.
The version management of this module adopts the specifications recommended by the community Semantic Versioning. Follow version changes and maintain a CHANGELOG.md(Learn why).
# Update version and generate changelog before publishing to npm repository
npm run release
# Or, preview
npm run release -- --dry-run
# Then publish to npm, if yes is not selected when auto-publishing to npm
npm publish # npm publish --access public
These jobs are done with the help of release-it tool provided by the community.