+++ template = "misc.html" weight = 100 +++
Ralf Biedert (mail)
The content on cheats.rs is hosted on Amazon Web Services and dispatched via various edge locations (Cloudfront) around the globe. We enable "all" edge locations to minimize hops and latency and because, you know, you are worth it :)
Access logs for content hosting are disabled in the AWS configuration, and we are not aware of any user tracking present in this configuration. Only aggregate statistics are provided, most notably, aggregated referrer information on a domain level, and aggregated visitor information on a country level, such as:
cheats.rs 75.55% Not Specified 19.12% news.ycombinator.com 2.41% www.google.com 0.55%
United States 30.53% Germany 9.38% United Kingdom 6.24%
Unfortunately, at the time of writing, we use embedded fonts that are hosted on Google Fonts (help with fixing that would be greatly appreciated!). No cookies are retained to our knowledge. Google has an entry on this matter: What does using the Google Fonts API mean for the privacy of my users?.
The user's local storage may be used for storing user settings between sessions (e.g., dark mode, ligatures). This information never leaves the user's machine.
Supporting developer assets and metadata are usually hosted on Github so their privacy and tracking legalese applies.
We use the following model:
tl;dr, if you want to
- copy a Rust snippet or example: CC0, just do it
- copy or embed the entire site: CC-BY, please give credit (also to 3rd party assets, see below).
In detail, this cheat sheet ("work") consists of:
- text (tables, guides, Rust snippets) addressing language-related content viewable on cheats.rs ("content")
- code (HTML + CSS; not Rust code), logos, graphics, assets and the resulting presentation ("supporting assets")
- metadata, such as the real names of contributors (e.g., on Github or the site), information from the Git repo, any other information not directly related to end-user content ... ("metadata")
The content of this work is licensed as CC0 from the European Union, with contributions from all over the world.
Supporting assets produced by this project are CC-BY. Third party supporting assets retain their original license.
Metadata is not governed by any of these licenses.
- normalize.css, Nicolas Gallagher and Jonathan Neal, MIT licensed
- Fira Code, Nikita Prokopov, OFL-1.1
- Zola Book theme, Vincent Prouillet, MIT licensed
- prism.js, Lea Verou, MIT licensed
We do our best to keep things correct, but no warranty is given any information presented on this site is actually true. Use at your own risk.
Feel free to use this issue tracker to submit improvements.
This work refers to trademarked products. In particular the "Rust" and "Cargo" names and logos are trademarks of the Mozilla Foundation and may only be used according to their trademark policy.