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v5.0.0 Migration guide

This document should serve as a guide to breaking changes for users moving from code using the v4.x.x version of the SDK to v5.x.x.



Previously, there were different builder objects for authentication. For example:

// username and password
IBMWatsonBasicAuthConfig config = new IBMWatsonBasicAuthConfig.Builder()

// IAM
IBMWatsonIAMOptions options = new IBMWatsonIAMOptions.Builder()

This could be set multiple ways:

// in the constructor
IBMWatsonIAMOptions options = new IBMWatsonIAMOptions.Builder()
IBMAssistantV1 service = new IBMAssistantV1('2019-02-28', options);

// after instantiation

// inline in the constructor (only for username and password!)
IBMAssistantV1 service = new IBMAssistantV1('2019-02-28', '<username>', '<password>');

Overall, it was a little too open-ended and very confusing to follow. For this release, we've decided to standardize things, while developing a pattern that should be more scalable.


There are 5 authentication variants supplied in the SDK (shown below), and it's possible now to create your own authentication implementation if you need something specific by implementing the IBMWatsonAuthenticator interface.


You can authenticate with basic auth using the IBMWatsonBasicAuthenticator. This allows you to pass in a username and password.

IBMWatsonAuthenticator authenticator = new IBMWatsonBasicAuthenticator('<username>', '<password>');
Bearer token

Use the IBMWatsonBearerTokenAuthenticator. This one accepts just the bearer token.

IBMWatsonAuthenticator authenticator = new IBMWatsonBearerTokenAuthenticator('<bearer_token>');
Cloud Pak for Data

This class helps you authenticate with your services on (Cloud Pak for Data)[

// constructor with required parameters
IBMWatsonAuthenticator authenticator = new IBMWatsonCloudPakForDataAuthenticator(

There's also another constructor to send request headers on the token exchange.


Like the IBMWatsonCloudPakForDataAuthenticator, there's a basic constructor

IBMWatsonAuthenticator authenticator = new IBMWatsonIAMAuthenticator('<token>');

and another one to supply additional arguments like a particular token exchange URL, a client ID and secret, and the same option to send headers.


Finally, there's the IBMWatsonNoAuthAuthenticator, which is pretty self-explanatory. Pass this when you don't need any authentication to happen.

IBMAssistantV1 service = new IBMAssistantV1('2019-02-28', new IBMWatsonNoAuthAuthenticator());

Setting the service url


For a while now, we've allowed users to set the service URL with setEndPoint():

IBMWatsonIAMOptions options = new IBMWatsonIAMOptions.Builder()
IBMAssistantV1 service = new IBMAssistantV1('2019-02-28', options);

To align with our other SDKs and be a bit more clear, that method has been renamed to setServiceURL():

IBMWatsonAuthenticator authenticator = new IBMWatsonIAMAuthenticator('<token>');
IBMAssistantV1 service = new IBMAssistantV1('2019-02-28', authenticator);

Model property names

There was a big change to the whole SDK which finally standardized the naming convention! This means that if you dig into the code, you won't see snake cased property names with the weird _serialized_name suffix anymore. This change shouldn't be very visible from a user's perspective, but in case it does show up, this is why.

More model builders

If you've used the SDK before, you're probably familiar with the use of the builder pattern across the board. With this release, we've tweaked the generation process to capture better which are models that are being constructed to be sent to the service. These are models we'd prefer to have builders, making it easier to put them together.

There are unfortunately a decent number of models which move to this pattern, but it's one we expect to use well into the future. Here's the comprehensive list of models that now use this:

Assistant v1
  • CaptureGroup
  • DialogNodeAction
  • DialogNodeNextStep
  • DialogNodeOutputGeneric
  • DialogNodeOutputModifiers
  • DialogNodeOutputOptionsElement
  • DialogNodeOutputOptionsElementValue
  • DialogNodeOutputTextValuesElement
  • DialogNodeVisitedDetails
  • DialogSuggestion
  • DialogSuggestionValue
  • LogMessage
  • Mention
  • MessageContextMetadata
  • MessageRequest
  • RuntimeEntity
  • RuntimeIntent
  • WorkspaceSystemSettings
  • WorkspaceSystemSettingsDisambiguation
  • WorkspaceSystemSettingsTooling
Assistant v2
  • CaptureGroup
  • MessageContext
  • MessageContextGlobal
  • MessageContextGlobalSystem
  • MessageContextSkill
  • MessageInputOptions
  • RuntimeEntity
  • RuntimeIntent
Compare and Comply
  • Category
  • FeedbackDataInput
  • Label
  • Location
  • OriginalLabelsIn
  • ShortDoc
  • TypeLabel
  • UpdatedLabelsIn
  • Configuration
  • Conversions
  • CredentialDetails
  • Credentials
  • Enrichment
  • EventData
  • Expansion
  • Expansions
  • FontSetting
  • HtmlSettings
  • NluEnrichmentConcepts
  • NluEnrichmentRelations
  • NormalizationOperation
  • PdfHeadingDetection
  • PdfSettings
  • SegmentSettings
  • Source
  • SourceOptions
  • SourceOptionsBuckets
  • SourceOptionsFolder
  • SourceOptionsObject
  • SourceOptionsSiteColl
  • SourceOptionsWebCrawl
  • SourceSchedule
  • TokenDictRule
  • TrainingExample
  • WordHeadingDetection
  • WordSettings
  • WordStyle
  • XPathPatterns
Natural Language Classifier
  • ClassifyInput
Natural Language Understanding
  • MetadataOptions
  • SyntaxOptionsTokens
Speech to Text
  • CustomWord
Text to Speech
  • Translation
  • Word
  • Words

Service changes

Assistant v1
  • group_serialized_name was renamed to xGroup in the CaptureGroup model
  • includeCount is no longer a parameter of the listWorkspaces() method
  • includeCount is no longer a parameter of the listIntents() method
  • includeCount is no longer a parameter of the listExamples() method
  • includeCount is no longer a parameter of the listCounterexamples() method
  • includeCount is no longer a parameter of the listEntities() method
  • includeCount is no longer a parameter of the listValues() method
  • includeCount is no longer a parameter of the listSynonyms() method
  • includeCount is no longer a parameter of the listDialogNodes() method
  • valueType was renamed to type in the createValue() method
  • newValueType was renamed to newType in the updateValue() method
  • nodeType was renamed to type in the createDialogNode() method
  • nodeType was renamed to type in the createDialogNode() method
  • newNodeType was renamed to newType in the updateDialogNode() method
  • queryType property was added to the DialogNodeOutputGeneric model
  • query property was added to the DialogNodeOutputGeneric model
  • filter property was added to the DialogNodeOutputGeneric model
  • discoveryVersion property was added to the DialogNodeOutputGeneric model
  • output property type was converted from IBMWatsonMapModel to DialogSuggestionOutput in the DialogSuggestion model
  • LogMessage model no longer has additionalProperties
  • DialogRuntimeResponseGeneric was renamed to RuntimeResponseGeneric
  • RuntimeEntity model no longer has additionalProperties
  • RuntimeIntent model no longer has additionalProperties
Assistant v2
  • DialogRuntimeResponseGeneric was renamed to RuntimeResponseGeneric
Compare Comply v1
  • convertToHtml() method does not require a filename parameter
Discovery v1
  • returnFields was renamed to xReturn in the query() method
  • loggingOptOut was renamed to xWatsonLoggingOptOut in the query() method
  • spellingSuggestions was added to the query() method
  • collectionIds is no longer a parameter of the query() method
  • returnFields was renamed to xReturn in the QueryNotices() method
  • loggingOptOut was renamed to xWatsonLoggingOptOut in the federatedQuery() method
  • collectionIds is now required in the federatedQuery() method
  • returnFields was renamed to xReturn in the federatedQuery() method
  • returnFields was renamed to xReturn in the federatedQueryNotices() method
  • enrichmentName was renamed to enrichment in the Enrichment model
  • fieldName was renamed to field in the Field model
  • testConfigurationInEnvironment() method was removed
  • queryEntities() method was removed
  • queryRelations() method was removed
Language Translator v3
  • defaultModels was renamed to xDefault in the listModels() method
  • translationOutput was renamed to translation in the Translation model
Natural Language Classifier v1
  • metadata was renamed to trainingMetadata in the createClassifier() method
Speech to Text v1
  • finalResults was renamed to xFinal in the SpeakerLabelsResult model
  • finalResults was renamed to xFinal in the SpeechRecognitionResult model
Visual Recognition v3
  • detectFaces() method was removed
  • class_serialized_name was renamed to xClass in the ModelClass model
  • class_serialized_name was renamed to xClass in the ClassResult model