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Releases: watson-developer-cloud/salesforce-sdk


26 Aug 16:25
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4.4.1 (2019-08-26)

Bug Fixes

  • core: Fix format for multipart-form boundary string (109dac2)
  • core: Only supply default filename if we're actually trying to use one (fbfab01)


21 Aug 19:59
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4.4.0 (2019-08-21)

Bug Fixes

  • Compare and Comply: Fix model definition for BodyCells (f8eeff7)
  • Compare and Comply: Fix model definition for KeyValuePair (113f5ce)


  • Compare and Comply: Add ContractCurrencies model to ClassifyReturn (91bf91c)


25 Jul 12:07
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4.3.0 (2019-07-25)

Bug Fixes

  • Compare and Comply: Add correct getter for contract types and additional props (0c36cc8)


  • Assistant v2: Add search skill support (31c0d14)
  • Compare and Comply: Add new models and response props (dcc06c4)
  • Natural Language Understanding: Add confidence prop to EntitiesResult and EntityMention (de27481)
  • Speech to Text: Add updated prop to AcousticModel and LanguageModel (93e4f9e)


21 Jun 17:44
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4.2.0 (2019-06-21)

Bug Fixes

  • auth: Add null checks in auth validation (e67500c)


  • Add alternate auth format and support for ICP4D (834ea38)
  • Assistant v1: Add intents and entities props to DialogNodeOutputOptionsElementValue (f5ce27d)
  • Assistant v2: Add MessageContextSkill and builder for DialogRuntimeResponseGeneric (8f6d789)
  • Discovery: Add new models and fix nesting of Colection to match API response (e141e7f)
  • Language Translator: Add methods and models around document translation (4e6e314)
  • Natural Language Understanding: Add models around analysis explanation (2d6c5ce)
  • Speech to Text: Add new metrics-related models (4d83143)


18 Jun 19:18
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4.1.0 (2019-06-18)


  • Add alternate auth format and support for ICP4D (834ea38)


08 May 20:19
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Bug Fixes

  • core: Fix error in IBMWatsonIAMTokenManager that was preventing deployment (1e64f82)


09 Apr 17:22
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4.0.1 (2019-04-09)

Bug Fixes

  • core: Look for iam_apikey for IAM auth in credential file (90c103d)


01 Apr 16:50
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Breaking changes

Assistant v1

Model changes

  • CreateCounterexample renamed to Counterexample
  • CreateDialogNode renamed to DialogNode
  • CreateExample renamed to Example
  • EntityExport renamed to Entity
  • InputData renamed to MessageInput
  • IntentExport renamed to Intent
  • LogExport renamed to Log
  • Mentions renamed to Mention
  • ValueExport renamed to Value
  • WorkspaceExport renamed to Workspace

Property changes

  • DialogNode
    • dialogNodeId renamed to dialogNode
  • Entity
    • entityName renamed to entity
  • EntityMention
    • exampleText renamed to text
    • intentName renamed to intent
  • Example
    • exampleText renamed to text
  • Intent
    • intentName renamed to intent
  • Synonym
    • synonymText renamed to synonym
  • Value
    • valueText renamed to value


  • MessageInput is now dynamic
  • addValue() method in CreateEntityOptionsBuilder renamed to addValues()

Assistant v2

Model changes

  • MessageContextSkill has been deleted

Compare and Comply

Model changes

  • Category renamed to CategoryComparison
  • TypeLabel renamed to TypeLabelComparison

Property changes

  • BodyCells
    • rowHeaderIds type changed from List<String> to List<RowHeaderIds>
    • rowHeaderTexts type changed from List<String> to List<RowHeaderTexts>
    • rowHeaderTextsNormalized type changed from List<String> to List<RowHeaderTextsNormalized>
    • columnHeaderIds type changed from List<String> to List<ColumnHeaderIds>
    • columnHeaderTexts type changed from List<String> to List<ColumnHeaderTexts>
    • columnHeaderTextsNormalized type changed from List<String> to List<ColumnHeaderTextsNormalized>
  • ClassifyElementsOptions
    • modelId renamed to model
    • filename has been deleted
  • CompareDocumentsOptions
    • modelId renamed to model
    • file1Filename has been deleted
    • file2Filename has been deleted
  • ConvertToHtmlOptions
    • modelId renamed to model
  • CreateBatchOptions
    • modelId renamed to model
    • inputCredentialsFilename has been deleted
    • outputCredentialsFilename has been deleted
  • DeleteFeedbackOptions
    • modelId renamed to model
  • ExtractTablesOptions
    • modelId renamed to model
    • filename has been deleted
  • GetFeedbackOptions
    • modelId renamed to model
  • UpdateBatchOptions
    • modelId renamed to model


Property changes

  • CreateConfigurationOptions
    • name is now required
  • CreateExpansionsOptions
    • expansions is now required
  • DiskUsage
    • percentUsed has been deleted
    • total has been deleted
    • totalBytes has been deleted
    • used has been deleted
  • DocumentStatus
    • created has been deleted
    • updated has been deleted
  • FederatedQueryOptions
    • collectionIds type changed from List<String> to String
    • passagesFields type changed from List<String> to String
    • returnFields type changed from List<String> to String
    • similarDocumentIds type changed from List<String> to String
    • similarFields type changed from List<String> to String
    • sort type changed from List<String> to String
  • IndexCapacity
    • memoryUsage has been deleted
  • QueryResult
    • score has been deleted
  • QueryNoticesResult
    • score has been deleted
  • QueryOptions
    • collectionIds type changed from List<String> to String
    • passagesFields type changed from List<String> to String
    • returnFields type changed from List<String> to String
    • similarDocumentIds type changed from List<String> to String
    • similarFields type changed from List<String> to String
    • sort type changed from List<String> to String
  • UpdateConfigurationOptions
    • name is now required


  • CreateConfigurationOptionsBuilder
    • CreateConfigurationOptionsBuilder(String environmentId) changed to CreateConfigurationOptionsBuilder(String environmentId, String name)
    • addEnrichments() renamed to addEnrichment()
    • addNormalizations() renamed to addNormalization()
  • CreateExpansionsOptionsBuilder
    • CreateExpansionsOptionsBuilder(String environmentId, String collectionId) changed to CreateExpansionsOptionsBuilder(String environmentId, String collectionId, List<Expansion> expansions)
  • UpdateConfigurationOptionsBuilder
    • UpdateConfigurationOptionsBuilder(String environmentId, String configurationId) changed to UpdateConfigurationOptionsBuilder(String environmentId, String configurationId, String name)
    • addEnrichments() renamed to addEnrichment()
    • addNormalizations() renamed to addNormalization()

Language Translator

Property changes

  • CreateModelOptions
    • forcedGlossaryFilename has been deleted
    • parallelCorpusFilename has been deleted

Natural Language Classifier

Property changes

  • CreateClassifierOptions
    • metadataFilename has been deleted
    • trainingDataFilename has been deleted


  • Old versions of classify(), createClassifier(), deleteClassifier(), getClassifier(), and getClassifiers() without options model parameters have been removed

Natural Language Understanding

Model changes

  • CategoriesOptions is no longer dynamic
  • MetadataOptions is no longer dynamic
  • MetadataResult renamed to AnalysisResultsMetadata
  • SemanticRolesAction renamed to SemanticRolesResultAction
  • SemanticRolesObject renamed to SemanticRolesResultObject
  • SemanticRolesSubject renamed to SemanticRolesResultSubject
  • Usage renamed to AnalysisResultsUsage

Speech to Text

Property changes

  • AddCorpusOptions
    • corpusFilename has been deleted
  • AudioListing
    • duration type changed from Double to Long
  • AudioResource
    • duration type changed from Double to Long


  • CreateJobOptionsBuilder constructor with InputStream audio and String contentType parameters removed
  • RecognizeOptionsBuilder constructor with InputStream audio and String contentType parameters removed

Text to Speech

Property changes

  • AddWordOptions
    • translation is now required
  • AddWordsOptions
    • words is now required

Visual Recognition

Property changes

  • ClassifyOptions
    • parameters property has been deleted
    • imagesFilename now required if imagesFile is specified
  • CreateClassifierOptions
    • positiveExamplesFilename property has been deleted
  • DetectFacesOptions
    • parameters property has been deleted
    • imagesFilename now required if imagesFile is specified
  • UpdateClassifierOptions
    • positiveExamplesFilename property has been deleted

Non-breaking changes

Assistant v1

Model changes

  • Counterexample
    • Now has a builder
  • CreateCounterexampleOptions
    • Allows for setting a Counterexample object in the builder
  • CreateDialogNodeOptions
    • Allows for setting a DialogNode object in the builder
  • CreateSynonymOptions
    • Allows for setting a Synonym object in the builder
  • CreateValueOptions
    • Allows for setting a CreateValue object in the builder
  • DialogNode
    • Now has a builder
  • Example
    • Now has a builder
  • Synonym
    • Now has a builder
  • Value
    • Now has a builder

Property changes

  • CreateEntity
    • created has been added
    • updated has been added
  • CreateIntent
    • created has been added
    • updated has been added
  • DialogRuntimeResponseGeneric
    • dialogNode has been added
  • DialogSuggestion
    • dialogNode has been added
  • Entity
    • values has been added
  • Intent
    • examples has been added
  • MessageRequest
    • actions has been added
  • Workspace
    • counterexamples has been added
    • dialogNodes has been added
    • entities has been added
    • intents has been added
    • status property has been added
    • Status interface has been added

Compare and Comply

Model changes

  • ColumnHeaderIds added
  • ColumnHeaderTexts added
  • ColumnHeaderTextsNormalized added
  • ContractType added
  • Key added
  • KeyValuePair added
  • RowHeaderIds added
  • RowHeaderTexts added
  • RowHeaderTextsNormalized added
  • Value added

Property changes

  • ClassifyReturn
    • contractType added
  • Tables
    • keyValuePairs added


Model changes

  • SourceOptionsBuckets added

Property changes

  • CreateCredentialsOptions
    • CLOUD_OBJECT_STORAGE constant added to SourceType interface
  • Credentials
    • CLOUD_OBJECT_STORAGE constant added to SourceType interface
  • CredentialDetails
    • accessKeyId added
    • endpoint added
    • secretAccessKey added
  • QueryNoticesResult
    • title added
  • QueryResult
    • title added
  • SourceOptions
    • buckets added
    • crawlAllBuckets added

Natural Language Understanding

Model changes

  • CategoriesOptions
    • Now has a builder
  • SentenceResult added
  • SyntaxOptions added
  • SyntaxOptionsTokens added
  • TokenResult added

Property changes

  • AnalysisResults
    • syntax added
  • CategoriesOptions
    • model added
  • Features
    • `s...
Read more


05 Feb 15:20
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Assistant v1

  • Fix: Remove unnecessary dynamic status from MessageResponse model

Compare and Comply

  • Feat: Add attributes property to BodyCells model
  • Feat: Add ADDRESS enum to Attribute model
  • Feat: Add confidenceLevel property to ContractAmts, EffectiveDates, and TerminationDates models
  • Feat: Add importance property to Parties model


  • Feat: Add getStopwordListStatus method

Speech to Text

  • Feat: Add force parameter to UpdateAcousticModelOptions


04 Feb 15:17
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3.3.0 (2019-02-04)

Bug Fixes

  • Assistant v2: Correct MessageOutput class definition (1c23759)


  • Assistant v2: Add MessageContextSkill model (554f8df)
  • core: Add method to retrieve and parse values from a credential file (6536364)
  • Discovery: Add stopword list and gateway methods (a4b5f26)
  • Speech to Text: Add addGrammar method (e88e179)
  • Speech to Text: Add deleteGrammar method (a67d676)
  • Speech to Text: Add getGrammar method (9855fa7)
  • Speech to Text: Add grammarName and redaction as params to createJob() and recognize() (ddc5f8f)
  • Visual Recognition: Add acceptLanguage as param for detectFaces() (bc60c22)
  • Visual Recognition: Add genderLabel prop to FaceGender (5cc3017)