issues Search Results · repo:watson-developer-cloud/visual-recognition-coreml language:Swift
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inwatson-developer-cloud/visual-recognition-coreml (press backspace or delete to remove)I have the same problem and my (Zip file) is just 25 MB ,and our internet upload is good.
Originally posted by @MrAjakkala in ...
- Opened on Jun 26, 2020
- #48
Upon attempting to run the CoreML Custom on a physical device it just produces a Thread 1: Signal SIGBART error.
However, running on a simulator it works fine?? P
- 2
- Opened on Nov 2, 2019
- #47
StarterKit support: To be consistent with the kits on the Apple Console, we would like to have the Watson SDK
VisualRecognitionV3 framework installed by Cocoapods, which takes a fraction of the time.
- 1
- Opened on Jan 16, 2019
- #41
For us to replace the current Core ML starter kit with this code, the following must be addressed:
- [ ] The instructions for creating the custom need to be updated - the Watson Studio section is not ...
- Opened on Jan 16, 2019
- #40
@stevemart @devinaconley In the past .mlmodel files and .zip files full of training data were stored and changed in this
repo. This has caused an enormous growth in the git history and has left us with ...
- 1
- Opened on Sep 11, 2018
- #37
The Core Ml Custom example work fine with Xcode 9.3 but with Xcode 10 does not recognize the module VisualRecognitionV3,
any idea how to solve it?
- 7
- Opened on Jun 20, 2018
- #22
Do we think we could combine the Copy your Model ID and Adding the classifierID sections so the steps read more
chronologically? Specifically it would be more natural for a user to copy and paste each ...
- 2
- Opened on Jun 5, 2018
- #21
I m still getting this issue 99% of the time.
I would have re-opened the issue but I don t appear to have the ability to.
- 25
- Opened on Apr 9, 2018
- #18
Will you add some Core ML models for Face recognition (age, gender) ? Thanks
- 1
- Opened on Mar 27, 2018
- #15

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