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Waves is a project centered around generative art and Web3 tech, creating unique art based on experiences and immortalizng them on chain.

Getting Started

The repo is based off the Web3 starter kit by Oba-One and is a monorepo using pnpm with all code held under packages directory. Packages consists of API, Clients, and Contracts and can be ran simultonolesouly E2E in a local environment.

In order to run this project you need these dependencies:

  • Node version 18+ for running scripts and PNPM.
  • PNPM version 6+ for package management.
  • Docker for database services Postgres and Redis.
  • Foundry for compiling/deploying smart contracts and running local blockchain node.


Test can be ran at both the package level and root with pnpm run test.

Testing Structure:

  • Clients use vitest and testing library for writing and running tests
  • API uses Supertest in conjunction with Jest for writing and executing tests
  • Contracts tests are written in Solidity and ran via MUD which uses Foundry's Forge for running tests.


The repo is architected with packages holding different code for dirrefent aspect of an application from clients to contracts. API and contract packages are singletons while clients may hold multiple for different interfaces (web, mobile)

Languages used:

  • Typescript - Used for both client and API code with a types folder holding global type declerations and types created directly in routes, hooks, components, and views.
  • Solidity - Language for writing Ethereum based contracts, compiling, and deploying.

Core libraries:

  • React - Library for rendering UI and controlling basic state
  • Vite - Build library for client UIs
  • Express - Server based library handling server setup, routing, middleware
  • Prisma - Database client and schema manager controlling SQL based DB
  • Mud - On chain autonomous world based on ECS model with an indexer for querying chain state.


Project is open sourced and open for contributors who want to help with different aspects of the project. A roadmap for developers will be coming soon to have a clear view on work.

If you would like to contribute here are the following steps:

  • Fork the repo and get your local environment up and running, if any issues post in the Waves labs discussion tab.
  • Pick up an open task from the project board that's not assigned and fully defined, create a branch with the issue name.
  • Once done open a PR to merge into the development branch of the Waves repo
  • Once approved make sure your branch is up to date with main and complete the merge.