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File metadata and controls

102 lines (83 loc) · 2.99 KB

Plugin Options

The widget options can be set at the time of creation:

var $img = $("#image1").imgViewer({
  dragable: false,
  onClick: function( e, pos ) {
       $("#position").html("relx: " + pos.x + " rely: " + pos.y + " zoom: " + this.options.zoom() );

or afterwards by:

$img.imgViewer("option", "zoomable", false);

The current value of an option can be retrieved by:

$img.imgViewer("option", "zoomMax");

dragable - Controls if image will be dragable

  • Default: true

  • Example - to disable image dragging:

$("#image1").imgViewer("option", "dragable", false);

zoomStep - controls zoom change for each mousewheel click

  • Default: 0.1

  • Example:

$("#image1").imgViewer("option", "zoomStep", 0.05);

zoom - Get/Set the current zoom level

  • Default: 1 (ie the entire image is visible)

  • Example - to display the image magnified 3x:

$("#image1").imgViewer("option", "zoom", 3);

zoomMax - Get/Set the zoom limitage

  • Default: 0 (ie no limit on zoom)

  • Note: values less than 1 have no affect

  • Example - to restrict zoom to 3x or less:

$("#image1").imgViewer("option", "zoomMax", 3);

zoomable - Controls if image will be zoomable

  • Default: true

  • Example - to disable image zooming:

$("#image1").imgViewer("option", "zoomable", false);

onClick - mouseclick callback on the image

  • Default: $.noop

  • Note: within the callback function this refers to the imgViewer object

  • Callback Arguments:

  • e: the original click event object

  • Example - to display the relative image coordinate clicked (relative image coordinates range from 0 to 1 where 0,0 correspondes to the topleft corner and 1,1 the bottom right):

$("#image1").imgViewer("option", "onClick", function(e) {
    var pos = this.cursorToImg( e.pageX, e.pageY);
    $("#click_position").html(e.pageX + " " + e.pageY + " " + pos.x + " " + pos.y);

onUpdate - Callback triggered after the image has been redisplayed

  • Default: $.noop

  • Note: within the callback function this refers to the imgViewer object

  • Callback Arguments:

  • None

  • Example - to display the relative image coordinate at the centre of the view:

$("#image1").imgViewer("option", "onUpdate", function() {
    var pos = {
        relx: this.vCenter.x/$(this.img).width(),
        rely: this.vCenter.y/$(this.img).height()
    $("#centre_position").html(pos.relx + " " + pos.rely);

onReady - Callback triggered when the plugin is fully initialised

  • Default: $.noop

  • Note: within the callback function this refers to the imgViewer object

  • Callback Arguments:

  • None

  • Example - to zoom and pan the image to a focal point on widget load:

    onReady: function() {
        this.options.zoom = 3;