The main purpose of the checkoutScm step is to remove some complexity from pipeline scripts and bring back some functionality not existing yet in Jenkins pipeline.
Especially in company environments where you have one account for Jenkins checkouts setting the correct credentials in each project/pipeline script can be annoying.
If you provide a JSON file at this location
in the format described in
Credentials the step will
automatically try to lookup the credentials for the provided scm url and
use them
This step uses the best match by using the PatternMatcher so the Credential with the most matching characters will be used for checkout.
With Jenkins pipeline the support for the GIT_BRANCH environment variable was removed. This step reenables this functionality by calling the setGitBranch step after checkout.
💡 If you are using Mode 2 (Job SCM) you have to
add the "Check out to specific local branch" extension with empty branch
With pipeline also the SCM_URL environment variable disappeared. This step reenables this functionality by calling the setScmUrl step after checkout
The checkoutScm option run with two modes
This mode is used when your Jenkinsfile and the project to build are not in the same repository.
You have to provide a configuration for this step. The configuration
uses the same format/syntax as the checkout: General SCM
step for GIT.
💡 See also How to Customize Checkout for Pipeline Multibranch
You have to provide at least the repository url
for the checkout or a
or userRemoteConfigs
import static io.wcm.devops.jenkins.pipeline.utils.ConfigConstants.*
(SCM) : [
(SCM_URL) : "[email protected]/group/project.git",
import static io.wcm.devops.jenkins.pipeline.utils.ConfigConstants.*
(SCM) : [
(SCM_URL) : "[email protected]/group/project.git",
(SCM_BRANCHES) : [[name: '*/master'], [name: '*/develop']],
(SCM_EXTENSIONS) : [[$class: 'LocalBranch']]
import static io.wcm.devops.jenkins.pipeline.utils.ConfigConstants.*
(SCM) : [
(SCM_URL) : "[email protected]/group/project.git",
(SCM_CREDENTIALS_ID) : "jenkins-credential-id",
(SCM_BRANCHES) : [[name: '*/master'], [name: '*/develop']],
import static io.wcm.devops.jenkins.pipeline.utils.ConfigConstants.*
(SCM) : [
(SCM_BRANCHES) : [[name: '*/master'], [name: '*/develop']],
(SCM_EXTENSIONS) : [[$class: 'LocalBranch']],
(SCM_USER_REMOTE_CONFIGS) : [[credentialsId: 'jenkins-credential-id', url: '[email protected]/group/project.git']]
This mode is used when your Jenkinsfile and the project to build are in
the same repository. In this case the pipeline has an scm
which contains the configuration made on the Job page.
To do a checkout within your pipeline script with this mode you have to call the step in your pipeline as follows:
import static io.wcm.devops.jenkins.pipeline.utils.ConfigConstants.*
(SCM): [
The scm checkout will be executed exactly with the options you specified on the job page so you can for example to merges with branches, specifiy advanced clone behaviors etc.
The GIT_BRANCH and SCM_URL detection also works in this mode
💡 In order to detect the branch name please add the "Checkout to specific local branch" option
💡 When useScmVar
is set to true this will overwrite any other option specified
Complete list of all configuration options. Please note that they can not be used all at the same time.
All configuration options must be inside the scm
map element to be evaluated and used by the step.
💡 Use the "pipeline-syntax" helper which is available on pipeline job configuration pages to generate the configuration options
import static io.wcm.devops.jenkins.pipeline.utils.ConfigConstants.*
(SCM) : [
(SCM_BRANCHES): [[name: 'branch identifier']],
(SCM_CREDENTIALS_ID): "jenkins credential id",
(SCM_EXTENSIONS): [[$class: 'Class of git extension']],
(SCM_URL): "repository-url",
(SCM_USER_REMOTE_CONFIG): [credentialsId: 'jenkins-credential-id', url: '[email protected]/group/project.git'],
(SCM_USER_REMOTE_CONFIGS): [[credentialsId: 'jenkins-credential-id', url: '[email protected]/group/project.git']],
Constant | ConfigConstants.SCM_BRANCHES |
Type | List of Map [name: 'name-of-branch'] |
Default | [[name:'*/master'], [name: '*/develop']] |
Use this configuration option to specify the branches you want to checkout
❗ This configuration option is not used when useScmVar
is set to true
Constant | ConfigConstants.SCM_CREDENTIALS_ID |
Type | String |
Default | null |
When provided this credential id is used to generate the
for checkout. If not provided the step will try to
do a credential auto lookup by using
❗ This configuration option is not used when
are set
Type | Boolean |
Default | false |
Set to either false or true. At the moment no use case was found where true made sense. It is safe to omit this configuration option.
❗ This configuration option is not used when useScmVar
is set to true
Constant | ConfigConstants.SCM_EXTENSIONS |
Type | List of Map |
Default | [[$class: 'LocalBranch']] |
Use this config option to specify your extensions like "Clean before checkout" or "Checkout to specific local branch"
To ensure that GIT_BRANCH is set correctly always add the LocalBranch
Constant | ConfigConstants.SCM_SUBMODULE_CONFIG |
Type | List |
Default | [] |
For now no use case was found for this option but to make sure all config options are supported this option was added
❗ This configuration option is not used when useScmVar
is set to true
Constant | ConfigConstants.SCM_URL |
Type | String |
Default | null |
The url to the repository, e.g. "[email protected]/group/project.git"
❗ This configuration option is not used when
are set
Constant | ConfigConstants.SCM_USER_REMOTE_CONFIG |
Type | Map with format [credentialsId: 'jenkins-credential-id', url: '[email protected]/group/project.git'] |
Default | null |
Can be used to define one userRemoteConfig
. This option will be transformed into userRemoteConfigs
by putting it in a List
❗ This configuration option is not used when
are set
Constant | ConfigConstants.SCM_USER_REMOTE_CONFIGS |
Type | List of Map with format [[credentialsId: 'jenkins-credential-id', url: '[email protected]/group/project.git']] |
Default | null |
❗ This configuration option is not used when
are set
Constant | ConfigConstants.SCM_USE_SCM_VAR |
Type | Boolean |
Default | false |
When set to true
the step uses the scm
variable of the pipeline to
checkout the scm.