In order to try the architecture locally, we will use Kind, a tool for running Kubernetes clusters using Docker containers as nodes. Therefore, Docker should be up and running.
Kubectl, the Kubernetes command-line tool.
In order to be able to install some of the programs in the Kubernetes cluster, you will need helm and krew.
With the deployment
folder as working directory run
kind create cluster --config kind-cluster.yaml
This will create a Kubernetes cluster with one control plane node and three worker nodes.
You should be able to see the docker containers with the names 'kind-control-plane', and 'kind-worker1' to 'kind-worker3' when checking with docker ps
In order to stop and delete the cluster, do:
kind delete cluster
First, create a namespace for Minio's deployment and prepare persistent volumes. Then, install Minio operator using krew.
Note that we are using the default storage class provided by Kind. In any other scenario, you might need to create a storage class and change the storageClassName
field on minio-persistent-volumes.yaml. Moreover, Minio's tool DirectPV can be used to automatically discover and mount drives.
kubectl create ns minio
kubectl apply -f persistent-volumes.yaml
kubectl krew update
kubectl krew install minio
kubectl minio init
When the minio operator is up and running (kubectl get pods -n minio-operator
), do the following to access the operator through your browser on localhost:9090.
kubectl minio proxy -n minio-operator
A JWT token will be printed on the console, which is necessary to log into the operator.
For testing purposes, we will create an unsecured Minio server pool with 4 servers and 4 drives per server, as per the official recommendation:
MinIO recommends a minimum of 4 nodes per server pool with 4 drives per server. With the default erasure code parity setting of EC:4, this topology can continue serving read and write operations despite the loss of up to 4 drives or one node.
See additional deployment guidelines here.
Configure the Minio cluster as shown in the pictures. In the example, we allocate a total 128 Gi of space; but you can modify this to suit your needs and space restrictions.
Additionally, since this is just a demo, you may disable audit logs and monitoring to save resources.
Once the minio deployment is ready, you can stop the proxy for the operator.
This Minio tenant can be removed through the operator or by deleting its namespace (kubectl delete ns minio
Access and delete Minio
Now Minio is deployed in the namespace minio
. Kubernetes internal apps can access it through minio.minio:80
, with the admin user minio123 and password minio123.
We can interact with it through the command line via Minio mc, and also via the aws cli.
Externally, all minio tenants can be deleted and managed from the Minio operator. Alternatively, we can easily access the Minio tenant console directly by port-forwarding one of minio's pods:
kubectl port-forward -n minio minio-pool-0-0 9090:9090
We will use Postgres as a database for storing data, but we will also need it to provide databases for other tools we will use, such as Superset, Hive Metastore or Argo Workflows.
We will install PostgreSQL through Kubegres, a Kubernetes operator that deploys Postgres instances with data replication and failover enabled out-of-the box.
Again, we will be using Kind's default storage class. If this was not the case, additional configuration steps would be necessary.
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/reactive-tech/kubegres/v1.15/kubegres.yaml
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready pod --all --namespace=kubegres-system
kubectl apply -f postgres-secret.yaml
kubectl apply -f postgres-init.yaml
kubectl apply -f postgres.yaml
kubectl get pods -w
Wait for three pods (postgres-n-0) to be created.
The Secret
contains the secrets for all the databases that will be created on our Postgres cluster. -
The ConfigMap
contains the initialization script that will create all the databases that we will need as we install additional tools. If desired, it can be modified to perform additional initialization steps. -
The file
is a Kubegres resouce that contains the necessary information to set up the Postgres cluster.
The Postgres service will be avaible for internal applications through postgres.default:5432
Three databases have been created: hivemetastore
, superset
and data
. You can check the access credentials on postgres-secret.yaml
In order to access through localhost, use port-forward:
kubectl port-forward postgres-1-0 5432:5432
See section 6 here to understand the services that were created and how they relate to each other.
If you want to delete the Postgres cluster that we just created, run:
kubectl delete kubegres postgres
We will install Argo on its own namespace, following the official quickstart guide.
It will be configured to use our own PostgreSQL and MinIO as storage backends. MinIO, specifically, will be used by default to store artifacts between workflows.
kubectl create ns argo
kubectl apply -n argo -f argo.yaml
In argo.yaml we configure Argo Workflows to work with our current PostgreSQL and MinIO instances. Additionally, it contains a job to create a bucket in MinIO named 'argo-workflows'. Artifacts generated during workflows will be stored here.
To access the UI, use port-forward and go to: https://localhost:2746.
kubectl -n argo port-forward deployment/argo-server 2746:2746
In order to interact with Argo Workflows through the command line, you need to install the ARGO CLI following the instructions here. After installation you will be able to, among other things:
Submit jobs:
argo submit -n argo --watch your-workflow.yaml
Check logs for latest job:
argo logs -n argo @latest
You can also see all the pods by using
kubectl get pods
in theargo
namespace. The logs of the pods might be more complete through kubectl. -
Terminate the job that is running:
argo terminate -n argo @latest
Delete completed jobs
argo delete -n argo --completed
In the examples folder you'll find workflows to download raw data into MinIO and save some of this data into our PostgreSQL database.