zkJSON is still under active development, and neither the circuits nor the contracts have been audited. Please use it for only experimental purposes.
Make sure you have Circom and Hardhat installed globally.
git clone https://github.com/weavedb/zkjson.git
cd zkjson
For the db
yarn ceremony --power 16
For the rollup
yarn ceremony --power 20
Beware that power 20 takes hours.
We need to compile 2 circuits.
yarn compile --power 16 --circuit db
yarn compile --power 20 --circuit rollup
cd ..
mkdir myrollup
cd myrollup
npx hardhat init
yarn add zkjson
cp ../zkjson/circom/build/circuit/db/verifier.sol contracts/verifier_db.sol
cp ../zkjson/circom/build/circuit/rollup/verifier.sol contracts/verifier_rollup.sol
Rename the contract name to Groth16VerifierJSON
as we will have multiple verifiers with the same name.
Open myrollup/contracts/verifier_db.sol
and rename
contract Groth16Verifier {
contract Groth16VerifierDB {
Then open myrollup/contracts/verifier_rollup.sol
and rename
contract Groth16Verifier {
contract Groth16VerifierRU {
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0;
import "../node_modules/zkrjson/contracts/ZKRollup.sol";
interface VerifierDB {
function verifyProof(uint[2] calldata _pA, uint[2][2] calldata _pB, uint[2] calldata _pC, uint[14] calldata _pubSignals) view external returns (bool);
contract MyRollup is ZKRollup {
uint constant SIZE_PATH = 5;
uint constant SIZE_VAL = 5;
address public verifierDB;
constructor (address _verifierRU, address _verifierDB, address _committer){
verifierRU = _verifierRU;
verifierDB = _verifierDB;
committer = _committer;
function validateQuery(uint[] memory path, uint[] memory zkp) private view returns(uint[] memory){
verify(zkp, VerifierDB.verifyProof.selector, verifierDB);
return _validateQueryRU(path, zkp, SIZE_PATH, SIZE_VAL);
function qInt (uint[] memory path, uint[] memory zkp) public view returns (int) {
uint[] memory value = validateQuery(path, zkp);
return _qInt(value);
function qFloat (uint[] memory path, uint[] memory zkp) public view returns (uint[3] memory) {
uint[] memory value = validateQuery(path, zkp);
return _qFloat(value);
function qRaw (uint[] memory path, uint[] memory zkp) public view returns (uint[] memory) {
uint[] memory value = validateQuery(path, zkp);
return _qRaw(value);
function qString (uint[] memory path, uint[] memory zkp) public view returns (string memory) {
uint[] memory value = validateQuery(path, zkp);
return _qString(value);
function qBool (uint[] memory path, uint[] memory zkp) public view returns (bool) {
uint[] memory value = validateQuery(path, zkp);
return _qBool(value);
function qNull (uint[] memory path, uint[] memory zkp) public view returns (bool) {
uint[] memory value = validateQuery(path, zkp);
return _qNull(value);
const { loadFixture } = require("@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers")
const { toIndex, path, DB } = require("zkjson")
const { resolve } = require("path")
const { expect } = require("chai")
async function deploy() {
const [committer] = await ethers.getSigners()
const VerifierRU = await ethers.getContractFactory("Groth16VerifierRU")
const verifierRU = await VerifierRU.deploy()
const VerifierDB = await ethers.getContractFactory("Groth16VerifierDB")
const verifierDB = await VerifierDB.deploy()
const MyRU = await ethers.getContractFactory("MyRollup")
const myru = await MyRU.deploy( verifierRU.address, verifierDB.address, committer.address )
return { myru, committer }
describe("MyRollup", function () {
let myru, committer, db, col_id, ru
beforeEach(async () => {
const dep = await loadFixture(deploy)
myru = dep.myru
committer = dep.committer
it("should verify rollup transactions", async function () {
db = new DB({
level: 100,
size_path: 5,
size_val: 5,
size_json: 256,
size_txs: 10,
level_col: 8,
wasmRU: resolve( __dirname, "../../zkjson/circom/build/circuits/rollup/index_js/index.wasm" ),
zkeyRU: resolve( __dirname, "../../zkjson/circom/build/circuits/rollup/index_0001.zkey" ),
wasm: resolve( __dirname, "../../zkjson/circom/build/circuits/db/index_js/index.wasm" ),
zkey: resolve( __dirname, "../../zkjson/circom/build/circuits/db/index_0001.zkey" ),
await db.init()
col_id = await db.addCollection()
const people = [
{ name: "Bob", age: 10 },
{ name: "Alice", age: 20 },
{ name: "Mike", age: 30 },
{ name: "Beth", age: 40 },
let txs = people.map(v => { return [col_id, v.name, v] })
// batch commit write queries
const zkp = await db.genRollupProof(txs)
await myru.commit(zkp)
// query Bob's age
const zkp2 = await db.genProof({ json: people[0], col_id, path: "age", id: "Bob" })
expect((await myru.qInt([col_id, toIndex("Bob"), ...path("age")], zkp2)).toNumber()).to.eql(10)
// query Beth's name
const zkp3 = await db.genProof({ json: people[3], col_id, path: "name", id: "Beth" })
expect(await myru.qString([col_id, toIndex("Beth"), ...path("name")], zkp3)).to.eql("Beth")
Then run the tests.
yarn hardhat test test/MyRollup.js