From 664148d0656db77995d6b12f620e24322751ab07 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Gregg Tavares
Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2023 02:54:21 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] add rasterization diagram
webgpu/lessons/webgpu-fundamentals.js | 289 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
webgpu/lessons/ | 15 ++
webgpu/lessons/ | 21 ++
3 files changed, 325 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 webgpu/lessons/webgpu-fundamentals.js
create mode 100644 webgpu/lessons/
diff --git a/webgpu/lessons/webgpu-fundamentals.js b/webgpu/lessons/webgpu-fundamentals.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7e4b4f21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webgpu/lessons/webgpu-fundamentals.js
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+import {
+ renderDiagrams
+} from './resources/diagrams.js';
+import {
+ createElem as el,
+} from './resources/elem.js';
+import { SVG as svg } from '/3rdparty/svg.esm.js';
+import { clamp } from './resources/utils.js';
+const darkColors = {
+ main: '#fff',
+ outline: '#000',
+ point: '#80DDFF80',
+ clear: [0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1],
+ pixel: [1, 0, 0, 1],
+ dots: 'yellow',
+ grid: '#000',
+ handle: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)',
+const lightColors = {
+ main: '#000',
+ outline: '#fff',
+ point: '#8000FF20',
+ clear: [0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1],
+ pixel: [1, 0.25, 0.25, 1],
+ dots: 'blue',
+ grid: '#888',
+ handle: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)',
+const darkMatcher = window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)');
+let colorScheme;
+const updateColorScheme = () => {
+ const isDarkMode = darkMatcher.matches;
+ colorScheme = isDarkMode ? darkColors : lightColors;
+ //hLine.stroke(colorScheme.main);
+ //vLine.stroke(colorScheme.main);
+ //marker.fill(colorScheme.main);
+ //pointOuter.stroke(colorScheme.main);
+ //pointInner.fill(colorScheme.point);
+const devicePromise = navigator.gpu?.requestAdapter()
+ .then(adapter => adapter.requestDevice());
+const makeText = (parent, t) => {
+ return parent.text(t)
+ .font({
+ family: 'monospace',
+ weight: 'bold',
+ size: '20',
+ anchor: 'middle',
+ })
+ .fill(colorScheme.main)
+ .css({
+ 'user-select': 'none',
+ filter: `
+ drop-shadow( 1px 0px 0px ${colorScheme.outline})
+ drop-shadow( 0px 1px 0px ${colorScheme.outline})
+ drop-shadow(-1px 0px 0px ${colorScheme.outline})
+ drop-shadow( 0px -1px 0px ${colorScheme.outline})
+ `,
+ });
+async function showClipSpaceToTexels({webgpuCanvas, infoCanvas}) {
+ const device = await devicePromise;
+ webgpuCanvas.width = 15;
+ webgpuCanvas.height = 11;
+ const context = webgpuCanvas.getContext('webgpu');
+ const presentationFormat = navigator.gpu.getPreferredCanvasFormat();
+ context.configure({
+ device,
+ format: presentationFormat,
+ });
+ const points = [
+ [ 0.0, 0.5, ],
+ [ -0.5, -0.5, ],
+ [ 0.5, -0.5, ],
+ ];
+ const module = device.createShaderModule({
+ label: 'our hardcoded "a" triangle',
+ code: `
+ struct OurVertexShaderOutput {
+ @builtin(position) position: vec4f,
+ @location(0) texcoord: vec2f,
+ };
+ @vertex fn vs(
+ @location(0) xy: vec2f
+ ) -> OurVertexShaderOutput {
+ var vsOutput: OurVertexShaderOutput;
+ vsOutput.position = vec4f(xy, 0.0, 1.0);
+ return vsOutput;
+ }
+ @fragment fn fs() -> @location(0) vec4f {
+ return vec4f(${colorScheme.pixel});
+ }
+ `,
+ });
+ const pipeline = device.createRenderPipeline({
+ label: 'hardcoded textured quad pipeline',
+ layout: 'auto',
+ vertex: {
+ module,
+ entryPoint: 'vs',
+ buffers: [
+ {
+ arrayStride: 8,
+ attributes: [
+ {shaderLocation: 0, offset: 0, format: 'float32x2'},
+ ],
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ fragment: {
+ module,
+ entryPoint: 'fs',
+ targets: [{ format: presentationFormat }],
+ },
+ });
+ const vertexBuffer = device.createBuffer({
+ size: 3 * 2 * 4,
+ usage: GPUBufferUsage.VERTEX | GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST,
+ });
+ const renderPassDescriptor = {
+ label: 'our basic canvas renderPass',
+ colorAttachments: [
+ {
+ // view: <- to be filled out when we render
+ clearValue: colorScheme.clear,
+ loadOp: 'clear',
+ storeOp: 'store',
+ },
+ ],
+ };
+ const svgWidth = 750;
+ const svgHeight = 550;
+ const draw = svg().addTo(infoCanvas).viewbox(0, 0, svgWidth, svgHeight);
+ const grid =;
+ const clipSpaceToSVG = (x, y) => {
+ return [(x * 0.5 + 0.5) * svgWidth + 0.5, (-y * 0.5 + 0.5) * svgHeight + 0.5];
+ };
+ const clipSpaceToSVGPathPart = (x, y) => {
+ return clipSpaceToSVG(x, y).join(' ');
+ };
+ const gridPath = [];
+ for (let y = 1; y < webgpuCanvas.height; ++y) {
+ const yy = y / webgpuCanvas.height * 2 - 1;
+ gridPath.push(`M${clipSpaceToSVGPathPart(-1, yy)} L${clipSpaceToSVGPathPart(1, yy)}`);
+ }
+ for (let x = 1; x < webgpuCanvas.width; ++x) {
+ const xx = x / webgpuCanvas.width * 2 - 1;
+ gridPath.push(`M${clipSpaceToSVGPathPart(xx, 1)} L${clipSpaceToSVGPathPart(xx, -1)}`);
+ }
+ grid.path(gridPath.join(' '));
+ const dots =;
+ for (let y = 0; y < webgpuCanvas.height; ++y) {
+ for (let x = 0; x < webgpuCanvas.width; ++x) {
+ (x + 0.5) / webgpuCanvas.width * svgWidth,
+ (y + 0.5) / webgpuCanvas.height * svgHeight);
+ }
+ }
+ const triangle = draw.path('').stroke(colorScheme.main).fill('none');
+ const triPoints =, i) => {
+ const group =;
+ const rect = group.rect(20, 20).center(0, 0).fill(colorScheme.handle);
+ rect.on('pointerdown', (e) => onDown(e, i), {passive: false});
+ return {
+ group,
+ text: makeText(group, `p${i}`),
+ };
+ });
+ let handleNdx;
+ let startMousePos;
+ let startHandlePos;
+ const svgSize = [svgWidth, svgHeight];
+ const clipFlip = [1, -1];
+ function getRelativePointerPosition(e) {
+ const rect = draw.node.getBoundingClientRect();
+ return [
+ /*e.offsetX*/ (e.clientX - rect.left) * svgWidth / draw.node.clientWidth,
+ /*e.offsetY*/ (e.clientY - ) * svgHeight / draw.node.clientHeight,
+ ];
+ }
+ function getRelativePointerClipSpacePosition(e) {
+ return getRelativePointerPosition(e).map((v, i) => (v / svgSize[i] * 2 - 1) * clipFlip[i]);
+ }
+ function onMove(e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ const p = getRelativePointerClipSpacePosition(e);
+ points[handleNdx] =, ndx) =>
+ clamp(p[ndx] - startMousePos[ndx] + startHandlePos, -1, 1)
+ );
+ render();
+ }
+ function onUp() {
+ window.removeEventListener('pointermove', onMove);
+ window.removeEventListener('pointerup', onUp);
+ }
+ function onDown(e, _handleNdx) {
+ startMousePos = getRelativePointerClipSpacePosition(e);
+ startHandlePos = points[_handleNdx].slice();
+ handleNdx = _handleNdx;
+ window.addEventListener('pointermove', onMove, {passive: false});
+ window.addEventListener('pointerup', onUp);
+ onMove(e);
+ }
+ function updatePoints() {
+ device.queue.writeBuffer(vertexBuffer, 0, new Float32Array(points.flat()));
+ const ps =, i) => {
+ const {group, text} = triPoints[i];
+ const pp = clipSpaceToSVG(...p);
+ group.transform({translateX: pp[0], translateY: pp[1]});
+ text
+ .text( => v.toFixed(2)).join(','))
+ .transform({
+ translateX: Math.max(70 - pp[0], 0) + Math.min(svgWidth - 70 - pp[0], 0),
+ translateY: -20 + Math.max(40 - pp[1], 0),
+ });
+ return `${i === 0 ? 'M' : 'L'}${clipSpaceToSVGPathPart(...p)}`;
+ }).join(' ');
+ triangle.plot(`${ps} Z`);
+ }
+ //const t2 = v => v.toFixed(2).padStart(5);
+ function render() {
+ updatePoints();
+ //info.textContent =, i) => `p${i}: ${ => t2(v)).join(', ')}`).join('\n');
+ renderPassDescriptor.colorAttachments[0].view =
+ context.getCurrentTexture().createView();
+ const encoder = device.createCommandEncoder({
+ label: 'render quad encoder',
+ });
+ const pass = encoder.beginRenderPass(renderPassDescriptor);
+ pass.setPipeline(pipeline);
+ pass.setVertexBuffer(0, vertexBuffer);
+ pass.draw(3);
+ pass.end();
+ const commandBuffer = encoder.finish();
+ device.queue.submit([commandBuffer]);
+ }
+ render();
+ 'clip-space-to-texels': (elem) => {
+ const webgpuCanvas = el('canvas', {style: { display: 'block' }, className: 'fill-container nearest-neighbor-like'});
+ const infoCanvas = el('div', {style: { display: 'block' }, className: 'fill-container align-top-left'});
+ const diagramDiv = el('div', { style: { position: 'relative' } }, [
+ webgpuCanvas,
+ infoCanvas,
+ ]);
+ showClipSpaceToTexels({infoCanvas, webgpuCanvas});
+ elem.appendChild(diagramDiv);
+ },
diff --git a/webgpu/lessons/ b/webgpu/lessons/
index fccf48ef..49c1c360 100644
--- a/webgpu/lessons/
+++ b/webgpu/lessons/
@@ -536,6 +536,19 @@ like `setPipeline`, and `draw` only add commands to a command buffer.
They don't actually execute the commands. The commands are executed
when we submit the command buffer to the device queue.
+WebGPU takes every 3 vertices we return from our vertex shader uses
+them to rasterize a triangle. It does this by determining which pixels'
+centers are inside the triangle. It then calls our fragment shader for
+each pixel to ask what color to make it.
+Imagine the texture we are rendering
+to was 15x11 pixels. These are the pixels that would be drawn to
So, now we've seen a very small working WebGPU example. It should be pretty
obvious that hard coding a triangle inside a shader is not very flexible. We
need ways to provide data and we'll cover those in the following articles. The
@@ -1010,6 +1023,8 @@ when the lost
promise resolves.
diff --git a/webgpu/lessons/ b/webgpu/lessons/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3a616298
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webgpu/lessons/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Title: WebGPU Rasterization
+Description: How WebGPU draws things
+TOC: Rasterization
+This article provides some details into how WebGPU draws
+points, lines, and triangles. Render pipelines generally
+render points, lines, or triangles. Compute pipelines
+can update textures or buffers directly, effectively doing
+"software rasterization". This article is about the former,
+sometimes called "hardware rasterization".