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File metadata and controls

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This section is a work-in-progress and outlines issues that arise during or relate to deployment. The main assumption is that we are deploying to Dokku PaaS.

Configure initial app

Configure the initial Dokku app and database with the following commands.

  • create app dokku apps:create companionship-care-app
  • configure app domain sudo dokku domains:add companionship-care-app <>
  • set DJANGO_ALLOWED_HOSTS to include app domain dokku config:set companionship-care-app DJANGO_ALLOWED_HOSTS=<>
  • set DJANGO_CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS to include app domain dokku config:set companionship-care-app DJANGO_CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS=<>


If this is the first time going througn this guide, install the Postgres extension.

  • install Postgres plugin dokku plugin:install

Create the Postgres database as described below.

  • create Postgres DB dokku postgres:create companionship-care-db
  • link DB to app dokku postgres:link companionship-care-db companionship-care-app

Set up SSL

If this is the first time going through this guide, install the LestEncrypt extension.

  • install Let's Encrypt dokku plugin:install
  • configure Let's Encrypt email sudo dokku config:set --no-restart --global DOKKU_LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL=<[email protected]>
  • auto-update Let's Encrypt certificate sudo dokku letsencrypt:cron-job --add

Enable HTTPS support with the following commands on the Dokku server.

  • enable Let's Encrypt for app sudo dokku letsencrypt:enable companionship-care-app

Push code from local computer

Now that the Dokku app and database are configured, push code from a local computer to the Dokku server.

  • add Git remote on local computer git remote add dokku dokku@<dokku_server>:companionship-care-app
  • push changes to dokku remote git push dokku main:main

Follow the prompts to create the initial superuser.

Create initial Django superuser

Create an initial superuser on the deployed app with the following commands.

  • enter the Dokku app dokku enter companionship-care-app
  • create the Django superuser python project/ createsuperuser

File storage

The following steps will allow persistent file uploads for the Companionship Care app. Below, we assume the Dokku app name is companionship-care-app and create a filesystem storage directory with the same name for consistency.

Create storage directory

Create a Dokku storage directory with the same name as the app, for consistency.

dokku storage:ensure-directory companionship-care-app

Add local companionship user

Ensure there is a local companionship user with the same uid as the companionship user in the Docker container.

useradd companionship --uid 33777

Change ownership of storage directory

Ensure the storage directory is owned by the companionship user.

chown companionship /var/lib/dokku/data/storage/companionship-care-app
chgrp companionship /var/lib/dokku/data/storage/companionship-care-app

Mount the storage container into the Docker image

Ensure the storage directory is mounted to the MEDIA_ROOT directory within the Docker container.

dokku storage:mount companionship-care-app /var/lib/dokku/data/storage/companionship-care-app:/app/project/media

Restart the app

The app needs to be restarted in order for changes to take effect.

dokku ps:restart companionship-care-app

Upload max filesize

In order to upload images, we need to override the Dokku default filesize limit of 1 megabyte.

dokku nginx:set companionship-care-app client-max-body-size 10m

After setting client-max-body-size, the nginx config needs to be rebuilt.

dokku proxy:build-config companionship-care-app

SMTP configuration

In order for the app to be able to send emails, set the following environment variables.

  • DJANGO_USE_SMTP_SERVER - tells Django to use SMTP instead of Console
  • EMAIL_HOST - hostname of SMTP service
  • EMAIL_PORT - port for SMTP service
  • EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD - user password
  • EMAIL_USE_TLS - boolean for using TLS, defaults to true
  • DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL - the email address for the from field

As a reminder, the command for setting environment variables follows. For convenience, set multiple values with a single command by separating the variables with a single space.

dokku config:set companionship-care-app VARIABLE_NAME=value VARIABLE_TWO=value