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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog (modification: no type change headlines) and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

5.2.1 - 2024-02-08

  • Hotfix release adding a missing debug dependency to the @ethereumjs/trie package (dependency), PR #3271

5.2.0 - 2024-02-08

Dencun Hardfork Support

While all EIPs contained in the upcoming Dencun hardfork run pretty much stable within the EthereumJS libraries for quite some time, this is the first release round which puts all this in the official space and removes "experimental" labelling preparing for an imminent Dencun launch on the last testnets (Holesky) and mainnet activation! 🎉

Dencun hardfork on the execution side is called Cancun and can be activated within the EthereumJS libraries (default hardfork still Shanghai) with a following common instance:

import * as kzg from 'c-kzg'
import { Common, Chain, Hardfork } from '@ethereumjs/common'
import { initKZG } from '@ethereumjs/util'

initKZG(kzg, __dirname + '/../../client/src/trustedSetups/official.txt')
const common = new Common({
  chain: Chain.Mainnet,
  hardfork: Hardfork.Cancun,
  customCrypto: { kzg: kzg },
console.log(common.customCrypto.kzg) // Should print the initialized KZG interface

Note that the kzg initialization slightly changed from previous experimental releases and a custom KZG instance is now passed to Common by using the customCrypto parameter, see PR #3262.

At the moment using the Node.js bindings for the c-kzg library is the only option to get KZG related functionality to work, note that this solution is not browser compatible. We are currently working on a WASM build of that respective library. Let us know on the urgency of this task! 😆

While EIP-4844 - activating shard blob transactions - is for sure the most prominent EIP from this hardfork, enabling better scaling for the Ethereum ecosystem by providing cheaper block space for L2s, there are in total 6 EIPs contained in the Dencun hardfork. The following is an overview of which EthereumJS libraries mainly implement the various EIPs:

  • EIP-1153: Transient storage opcodes (@ethereumjs/evm)
  • EIP-4788: Beacon block root in the EVM (@ethereumjs/block, @ethereumjs/evm, @ethereumjs/vm)
  • EIP-4844: Shard Blob Transactions (@ethereumjs/tx, @ethereumjs/block, @ethereumjs/evm)
  • EIP-5656: MCOPY - Memory copying instruction (@ethereumjs/evm)
  • EIP-6780: SELFDESTRUCT only in same transaction (@ethereumjs/vm)
  • EIP-7516: BLOBBASEFEE opcode (@ethereumjs/block, @ethereumjs/evm)

WASM Crypto Support

With this release round there is a new way to replace the native JS crypto primitives used within the EthereumJS ecosystem by custom/other implementations in a controlled fashion, see PR #3192.

This can e.g. be used to replace time-consuming primitives like the commonly used keccak256 hash function with a more performant WASM based implementation, see @ethereumjs/common README for some detailed guidance on how to use.

New addSignature() API Method

There is a new dedicated method addSignature() introduced for all tx types which allows to add the raw signature values to a transaction without the need to call into tx.sign(), which would need a private key to do so, see PR #3238.

This functionality is e.g. handy for hardware wallet implementations where the signature generation is taking place externally.

Self-Contained (and Working 🙂) README Examples

All code examples in EthereumJS monorepo library README files are now self-contained and can be executed "out of the box" by simply copying them over and running "as is", see tracking issue #3234 for an overview. Additionally all examples can now be found in the respective library examples folder (in fact the README examples are now auto-embedded from over there). As a nice side effect all examples are now run in CI on new PRs and so do not risk to get outdated or broken over time.

5.1.0 - 2023-10-26

More Type-Aligned Library Structure

This release gently introduces a backwards-compatible new/adopted library structure which is more aligned with the idea of independent tx types, bundling various functionalities together in a way that is not necessarily hierarchical, see PR #2993 and #3010.

Reused functionality (e.g. calculating the upfront-cost (getUpfrontCost()) of an EIP-1559-compatible tx - is internally bundled in capability files (e.g. capabilities/eip1559.ts), which provide static call access to the respective methods.

These methods are then called and the functionality exposed by the respective methods in the tx classes, see the following example code for an FeeMarketEIP1559Transaction:

getUpfrontCost(baseFee: bigint = BigInt(0)): bigint {
    return EIP1559.getUpfrontCost(this, baseFee)

This makes creating additional or custom tx types and reusing of existing functionality substantially easier and makes the library substantially more robust by largely consolidating previously redundant code parts.

Dencun devnet-11 Compatibility

This release contains various fixes and spec updates related to the Dencun (Deneb/Cancun) HF and is now compatible with the specs as used in devnet-11 (October 2023).

  • Update peer dependency for kzg module to use the official trusted setup for mainnet, PR #3107

Other Changes

  • Performance: cache tx sender to avoid redundant and costly ecrecover calls, PR #2985
  • Add new method getDataFee() to BlobEIP4844Transaction, PR #2955

5.0.0 - 2023-08-09

Final release version from the breaking release round from Summer 2023 on the EthereumJS libraries, thanks to the whole team for this amazing accomplishment! ❤️ 🥳

See RC1 release notes for the main change description.

Following additional changes since RC1:

  • 4844: Rename dataGas to blobGas (see EIP-4844 PR #7354), PR #2919

5.0.0-rc.1 - 2023-07-18

This is the release candidate (RC1) for the upcoming breaking releases on the various EthereumJS libraries. The associated release notes below are the main source of information on the changeset, also for the upcoming final releases, where we'll just provide change addition summaries + references to these RC1 notes.

At time of the RC1 releases there is/was no plan for a second RC round and breaking releases following relatively shorty (2-3 weeks) after the RC1 round. Things may change though depending on the feedback we'll receive.


This round of breaking releases brings the EthereumJS libraries to the browser. Finally! 🤩

While you could use our libraries in the browser libraries before, there had been caveats.


The largest two undertakings: First: we have rewritten all (half) of our API and elimited the usage of Node.js specific Buffer all over the place and have rewritten with using Uint8Array byte objects. Second: we went throuh our whole stack, rewrote imports and exports, replaced and updated dependencies all over and are now able to provide a hybrid CommonJS/ESM build, for all libraries. Both of these things are huge.

Together with some few other modifications this now allows to run each (maybe adding an asterisk for client and devp2p) of our libraries directly in the browser - more or less without any modifications - see the examples/browser.html file in each package folder for an easy to set up example.

This is generally a big thing for Ethereum cause this brings the full Ethereum Execution Layer (EL) protocol stack to the browser in an easy accessible way for developers, for the first time ever! 🎉

This will allow for easy-to-setup browser applications both around the existing as well as the upcoming Ethereum EL protocol stack in the future. 🏄🏾‍♂️ We are beyond excitement to see what you guys will be building with this for "Browser-Ethereum". 🤓

Browser is not the only thing though why this release round is exciting: default Shanghai hardfork, full Cancun support, significantly smaller bundle sizes for various libraries, new database abstractions, a simpler to use EVM, API clean-ups throughout the whole stack. These are just the most prominent additional things here to mention which will make the developer heart beat a bit faster hopefully when you are scanning to the vast release notes for every of the 15 (!) releases! 🧑🏽‍💻

So: jump right in and enjoy. We can't wait to hear your feedback and see if you agree that these releases are as good as we think they are. 🙂 ❤️

The EthereumJS Team

Default Shanghai HF / Merge -> Paris Renaming / Full Cancun Hardfork Support

The Shanghai hardfork is now the default HF in @ethereumjs/common and therefore for all libraries who use a Common-based HF setting internally (e.g. Tx, Block or EVM), see PR #2655.

Also the Merge HF has been renamed to Paris (Hardfork.Paris) which is the correct HF name on the execution side, see #2652. To set the HF to Paris in Common you can do:

import { Chain, Common, Hardfork } from '@ethereumjs/common'
const common = new Common({ chain: Chain.Mainnet, hardfork: Hardfork.Paris })

And third on hardforks 🙂: the upcoming Cancun hardfork is now fully supported and all EIPs are included (see PRs #2659 and #2892). The Cancun HF can be activated with:

import { Chain, Common, Hardfork } from '@ethereumjs/common'
const common = new Common({ chain: Chain.Mainnet, hardfork: Hardfork.Cancun })

Note that not all Cancun EIPs are in a FINAL EIP state though and particularly EIP-4844 will likely still receive some changes.

API Validation Methods Clean-Up

We have cleaned up and unified the validation methods in the Tx library, see PR #2792.

The Tx.validate() method (so: for all tx types), previously overloaded with different return types depending on the input, has been split up into:

Tx.isValid(): boolean
Tx.getValidationErrors(): string[] // If you are interested in the errors, can also be used for validation by checking return array length

The overloaded method Tx.getMessageToSign() has been split up into two methods:

getMessageToSign(): Uint8Array | Uint8Array[] // For the unhashed message
getHashedMessageToSign(): Uint8Array // For the hashed message

EIP-4844 Support (Status: Review, 4844-devnet-7, July 2023)

While there might be last-round final tweaks, EIP-4844 is closing in on its final format. A lot of spec changes happened during the last 2-3 months and these are included in this release round. So the released version should be relatively close to a future production ready version.

This release supports EIP-4844 along this snapshot b9a5a11from the EIP repository with the EIP being in Review status and features/changes included which made it into 4844-devnet-7.

KZG Initialization -> @ethereumjs/util

The global initialization method for the KZG setup has been moved to a dedicated kzg.ts module in @ethereumjs/util for easy reuse across the libraries, see PR #2567.

The initKZG() method can be used as follows:

// Make the kzg library available globally
import * as kzg from 'c-kzg'
import { initKZG } from '@ethereumjs/util'

// Initialize the trusted setup
initKZG(kzg, 'path/to/my/trusted_setup.txt')

For further information on this see the respective section in @ethereumjs-util README.

Simple Blob Constructor Parameter

We have added a new blobsData parameter to BlobEIP4844TxData which allows for an easier Tx initialization with arbitrary blob data, see PR #2755.

You can simply pass any arbitrary data to this new data parameter, and separate blobs are automatically extracted and kzgCommitments and versionedHashes computed for you 🤯:

import { BlobEIP4844Transaction } from '@ethereumjs/tx'

const simpleBlobTx = BlobEIP4844Transaction.fromTxData(
    blobsData: ['hello world'],
    maxFeePerDataGas: 100000000n,
    gasLimit: 0xffffffn,
    to: 0x1122334455667788991011121314151617181920,
  { common }

Library Changes

The following changes are included:

  • Update blob tx type to 0x03, PR #2363
  • Fix the deserialization of blob txs and add no empty blobs validation, PR #2640
  • Update eip4844 blocks/txs to decoupled blobs spec, PR #2567
  • Update c-kzg to big endian implementation (versioned hashes), PR #2746
  • Update the kzg validation and replace trusted setup with latest (devnet6), PR #2756

Hybrid CJS/ESM Build

We now provide both a CommonJS and an ESM build for all our libraries. 🥳 This transition was a huge undertaking and should make the usage of our libraries in the browser a lot more straight-forward, see PR #2685, #2783, #2786, #2764, #2804 and #2809 (and others). We rewrote the whole set of imports and exports within the libraries, updated or completely removed a lot of dependencies along the way and removed the usage of all native Node.js primitives (like https or util).

There are now two different build directories in our dist folder, being dist/cjs for the CommonJS and dist/esm for the ESM build. That means that direct imports (which you generally should try to avoid, rather open an issue on your import needs), need an update within your code (do a dist or the like code search).

Both builds have respective separate entrypoints in the distributed package.json file.

A CommonJS import of our libraries can then be done like this:

const { Chain, Common } = require('@ethereumjs/common')
const common = new Common({ chain: Chain.Mainnet })

And this is how an ESM import looks like:

import { Chain, Common } from '@ethereumjs/common'
const common = new Common({ chain: Chain.Mainnet })

Using ESM will give you additional advantages over CJS beyond browser usage like static code analysis / Tree Shaking which CJS can not provide.

Side note: along this transition we also rewrote our whole test suite (yes!!!) to now work with Vitest instead of Tape.

Buffer -> Uint8Array

With these releases we remove all Node.js specific Buffer usages from our libraries and replace these with Uint8Array representations, which are available both in Node.js and the browser (Buffer is a subclass of Uint8Array). While this is a big step towards interoperability and browser compatibility of our libraries, this is also one of the most invasive operations we have ever done, see the huge changeset from PR #2566 and #2607. 😋

We nevertheless think this is very much worth it and we tried to make transition work as easy as possible.

How to upgrade?

For this library you should check if you use one of the following constructors, methods, constants or types and do a search and update input and/or output values or general usages and add conversion methods if necessary:

// All tx types (Transaction is placeholder for specific type class, e.g. FeeMarketEIP1559Transaction)
TransactionFactory.fromTxData() // data field
Transaction.fromValuesArray() // whole array
Transaction.accessList: AccessListBytes // property
Transaction.serialize(): Uint8Array
Transaction.getMessageToSign(), Transaction.getHashedMessageToSign() // Generally refactored
Transaction.hash(): Uint8Array
Transaction.getMessageToVerifySignature(): Uint8Array
Transaction.getSenderPublicKey(): Uint8Array
Transaction.sign(privateKey: Uint8Array): TransactionObject

// TransactionFactory

// 2930 transactions
TransactionFactory.fromTxData() // accessList

// 1559 transactions
// All 2930 changes + ...
FeeMarketEIP1559Transaction.maxFeePerGas // property
FeeMarketEIP1559Transaction.maxPriorityFeePerGas // property

// 4844 transactions
// All 1559 changes + ...
BlobEIP4844Transaction.fromTxData() // versionedHashes, blobs, kzgCommitments, kzgProof
BlobEIP4844Transaction.versionedHashes: Uint8Array[] // property
BlobEIP4844Transaction.blobs?: Uint8Array[] // optional property
BlobEIP4844Transaction.kzgCommitments?: Uint8Array[] // optional property
BlobEIP4844Transaction.aggregateKzgProof?: Uint8Array // optional property
BlobEIP4844Transaction.unsignedHash(): Uint8Array

// Types
type AccessListBytesItem // old: AccessListBufferItem
type AccessListBytes // old: AccessListBuffer
isAccessListBytes() // old: isAccessListBuffer()
type TxData

// util

// blobHelpers

We have converted existing Buffer conversion methods to Uint8Array conversion methods in the @ethereumjs/util bytes module, see the respective README section for guidance.

Prefixed Hex Strings as Default

The mixed usage of prefixed and unprefixed hex strings is a constant source of errors in byte-handling code bases.

We have therefore decided to go "prefixed" by default, see PR #2830 and #2845.

The hexToBytes and bytesToHex methods, also similar methods like intToHex, now take 0x-prefixed hex strings as input and output prefixed strings. The corresponding unprefixed methods are marked as deprecated and usage should be avoided.

Please therefore check you code base on updating and ensure that values you are passing to constructors and methods are prefixed with a 0x.

Other Changes

  • Support for Node.js 16 has been removed (minimal version: Node.js 18), PR #2859
  • Migrate fromEthersProvider() to more general fromJsonRpcProvider() constructor, remove Ethers dependency, PR #2663
  • EIP-4844: De-sszify 4844 blob transaction, PR #2708
  • Normalize toJSON() for different tx types, PR #2707
  • Remove @chainsafe/ssz dependency, PR #2717

4.1.2 - 2023-04-20


  • Add allowUnlimitedInitcodeSize option to partially disable EIP-3860, PR #2594
  • Better Optimism RPC compatibility, new TransactionFactory.fromRPCTx() static constructor, PR #2613


  • Fixed EIP-3860 (max init code size) check when deserializing RLPs, PR #2601
  • EIP-3860: only check max init code size on create contract tx, PR #2575


  • Removed Ethers dependency, alternative fromEthersProvider() static constructor implementation, PR #2633
  • Bump @ethereumjs/util @chainsafe/ssz dependency to 0.11.1 (no WASM, native SHA-256 implementation, ES2019 compatible, explicit imports), PRs #2622, #2564 and #2656
  • Update ethereum-cryptography from 1.2 to 2.0 (switch from noble-secp256k1 to noble-curves), PR #2641

4.1.1 - 2023-02-27

  • Pinned @ethereumjs/util @chainsafe/ssz dependency to v0.9.4 due to ES2021 features used in v0.10.+ causing compatibility issues, PR #2555
  • Fixed kzg imports, PR #2552

4.1.0 - 2023-02-21

DEPRECATED: Release is deprecated due to broken dependencies, please update to the subsequent bugfix release version.

Functional Shanghai Support

This release fully supports all EIPs included in the Shanghai feature hardfork scheduled for early 2023. Note that a timestamp to trigger the Shanghai fork update is only added for the sepolia testnet and not yet for goerli or mainnet.

You can instantiate a Shanghai-enabled Common instance for your transactions with:

import { Common, Chain, Hardfork } from '@ethereumjs/common'

const common = new Common({ chain: Chain.Mainnet, hardfork: Hardfork.Shanghai })

Experimental EIP-4844 Shard Blob Transactions Support

This release supports an experimental version of the blob transaction type introduced with EIP-4844 as being specified in the 01d3209 EIP version from February 8, 2023 and deployed along eip4844-devnet-4 (January 2023), see PR #2349 as well as PRs #2522 and #2526.

Note: This functionality needs a manual KZG library installation and global initialization, see KZG Setup for instructions.


See the following code snipped for an example on how to instantiate.

import { Chain, Common, Hardfork } from '@ethereumjs/common'
import { BlobEIP4844Transaction, initKZG } from '@ethereumjs/tx'
import * as kzg from 'c-kzg'

initKZG(kzg, 'path/to/my/trusted_setup.txt')
const common = new Common({ chain: Chain.Mainnet, hardfork: Hardfork.Shanghai, eips: [4844] })

const txData = {
  data: '0x1a8451e600000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
  gasLimit: '0x02625a00',
  maxPriorityFeePerGas: '0x01',
  maxFeePerGas: '0xff',
  maxFeePerDataGas: '0xfff',
  nonce: '0x00',
  to: '0xcccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc',
  value: '0x0186a0',
  v: '0x01',
  r: '0xafb6e247b1c490e284053c87ab5f6b59e219d51f743f7a4d83e400782bc7e4b9',
  s: '0x479a268e0e0acd4de3f1e28e4fac2a6b32a4195e8dfa9d19147abe8807aa6f64',
  chainId: '0x01',
  accessList: [],
  type: '0x05',
  versionedHashes: ['0xabc...'], // Test with empty array on a first run
  kzgCommitments: ['0xdef...'], // Test with empty array on a first run
  blobs: ['0xghi...'], // Test with empty array on a first run

const tx = BlobEIP4844Transaction.fromTxData(txData, { common })

Note that versionedHashes and kzgCommitments have a real length of 32 bytes and blobs have a real length of 4096 bytes and values are trimmed here for brevity.

See the Blob Transaction Tests for examples of usage in instantiating, serializing, and deserializing these transactions.

4.0.2 - 2022-12-09

Maintenance release with dependency updates, PR #2445

4.0.1 - 2022-10-18

Support for Geth genesis.json Genesis Format

For lots of custom chains (for e.g. devnets and testnets), you might come across a Geth genesis.json config which has both config specification for the chain as well as the genesis state specification.

Common now has a new constructor Common.fromGethGenesis() - see PRs #2300 and #2319 - which can be used in following manner to instantiate for example a VM run or a tx with a genesis.json based Common:

import { Common } from '@ethereumjs/common'
// Load geth genesis json file into lets say `genesisJson` and optional `chain` and `genesisHash`
const common = Common.fromGethGenesis(genesisJson, { chain: 'customChain', genesisHash })
// If you don't have `genesisHash` while initiating common, you can later configure common (for e.g.
// calculating it afterwards by using the `@ethereumjs/blockchain` package)

New Ethers Static Constructor

There is a new static constructor TransactionFactory.fromEthersProvider() which has been added to the library, see PR #2315. The new constructor allows for an easy instantiation of a fitting transaction object using an Ethers provider connecting e.g. to a local node or a service provider like Infura.

Other Changes and Fixes

  • Disallow tx initialization with values incorrectly passed in as arrays, PR #2284

4.0.0 - 2022-09-06

Final release - tada 🎉 - of a wider breaking release round on the EthereumJS monorepo libraries, see the Beta 1 release notes for the main long change set description as well as the Beta 2, Beta 3 and Release Candidate (RC) 1 release notes for notes on some additional changes (CHANGELOG).


  • Internal refactor: removed ambiguous boolean checks within conditional clauses, PR #2250

4.0.0-rc.1 - 2022-08-29

Release candidate 1 for the upcoming breaking release round on the EthereumJS monorepo libraries, see the Beta 1 release notes for the main long change set description as well as the Beta 2 and 3 release notes for notes on some additional changes (CHANGELOG).

Fixed Mainnet Merge HF Default

Since this bug was so severe it gets its own section: mainnet in the underlying @ethereumjs/common library (Chain.Mainnet) was accidentally not updated yet to default to the merge HF (Hardfork.Merge) by an undiscovered overwrite back to london.

This has been fixed in PR #2206 and mainnet now default to the merge as well.

Maintenance Updates

  • Added engine field to package.json limiting Node versions to v14 or higher, PR #2164
  • Replaced nyc (code coverage) configurations with c8 configurations, PR #2192
  • Code formats improvements by adding various new linting rules, see Issue #1935

4.0.0-beta.3 - 2022-08-10

Beta 3 release for the upcoming breaking release round on the EthereumJS monorepo libraries, see the Beta 1 release notes for the main long change set description as well as the Beta 2 release notes for notes on some additional changes (CHANGELOG).

Merge Hardfork Default

Since the Merge HF is getting close we have decided to directly jump on the Merge HF (before: Istanbul) as default in the underlying @ethereumjs/common library and skip the London default HF as we initially intended to set (see Beta 1 CHANGELOG), see PR #2087.

This means that if this library is instantiated without providing an explicit Common, the Merge HF will be set as the default hardfork and the behavior of the library changes according to up-to-Merge HF rules.

If you want to prevent these kind of implicit HF switches in the future it is likely a good practice to just always do your upper-level library instantiations with a Common instance setting an explicit HF, e.g.:

import { Common, Chain, Hardfork } from '@ethereumjs/common'

const common = new Common({ chain: Chain.Mainnet, hardfork: Hardfork.London })
const tx = LegacyTransaction.fromTxData(
    // Provide your tx data here or use default values
  { common }

4.0.0-beta.2 - 2022-07-15

Beta 2 release for the upcoming breaking release round on the EthereumJS monorepo libraries, see the Beta 1 release notes (CHANGELOG) for the main change set description.

Removed Default Exports

The change with the biggest effect on UX since the last Beta 1 releases is for sure that we have removed default exports all accross the monorepo, see PR #2018, we even now added a new linting rule that completely disallows using.

Default exports were a common source of error and confusion when using our libraries in a CommonJS context, leading to issues like Issue #978.

Now every import is a named import and we think the long term benefits will very much outweigh the one-time hassle of some import adoptions.

Common Library Import Updates

Since our @ethereumjs/common library is used all accross our libraries for chain and HF instantiation this will likely be the one being the most prevalent regarding the need for some import updates.

So Common import and usage is changing from:

import Common, { Chain, Hardfork } from '@ethereumjs/common'

const common = new Common({ chain: Chain.Mainnet, hardfork: Hardfork.Merge })


import { Common, Chain, Hardfork } from '@ethereumjs/common'

const common = new Common({ chain: Chain.Mainnet, hardfork: Hardfork.Merge })

Removed Default Imports in this Library

While the root import of the tx type classes didn't change you might need to adopt your tx type imports if you have some custom or unusual ways to import (e.g. using deeper-referencing than necessary import paths).

Other Changes

  • Added ESLint strict boolean expressions linting rule, PR #2030

4.0.0-beta.1 - 2022-06-30

This release is part of a larger breaking release round where all EthereumJS monorepo libraries (VM, Tx, Trie, other) get major version upgrades. This round of releases has been prepared for a long time and we are really pleased with and proud of the result, thanks to all team members and contributors who worked so hard and made this possible! 🙂 ❤️

We have gotten rid of a lot of technical debt and inconsistencies and removed unused functionality, renamed methods, improved on the API and on TypeScript typing, to name a few of the more local type of refactoring changes. There are also broader structural changes like a full transition to native JavaScript BigInt values as well as various somewhat deep-reaching refactorings, both within a single package as well as some reaching beyond the scope of a single package. Also two completely new packages - @ethereumjs/evm (in addition to the existing @ethereumjs/vm package) and @ethereumjs/statemanager - have been created, leading to a more modular Ethereum JavaScript VM.

We are very much confident that users of the libraries will greatly benefit from the changes being introduced. However - along the upgrade process - these releases require some extra attention and care since the changeset is both so big and deep reaching. We highly recommend to closely read the release notes, we have done our best to create a full picture on the changes with some special emphasis on delicate code and API parts and give some explicit guidance on how to upgrade and where problems might arise!

So, enjoy the releases (this is a first round of Beta releases, with final releases following a couple of weeks after if things go well)! 🎉

The EthereumJS Team

London Hardfork Default

In this release the underlying @ethereumjs/common version is updated to v3 which sets the default HF to London (before: Istanbul).

This means that a Transaction object instantiated without providing an explicit Common is using London as the default hardfork as well and behavior of the library changes according to up-to-London HF rules.

If you want to prevent these kind of implicit HF switches in the future it is likely a good practice to just always do your upper-level library instantiations with a Common instance setting an explicit HF, e.g.:

import Common, { Chain, Hardfork } from '@ethereumjs/common'

const common = new Common({ chain: Chain.Mainnet, hardfork: Hardfork.Merge })
const tx = LegacyTransaction.fromTxData(
    // Provide your tx data here or use default values
  { common }

BigInt Introduction / ES2020 Build Target

With this round of breaking releases the whole EthereumJS library stack removes the BN.js library and switches to use native JavaScript BigInt values for large-number operations and interactions.

This makes the libraries more secure and robust (no more BN.js v4 vs v5 incompatibilities) and generally comes with substantial performance gains for the large-number-arithmetic-intense parts of the libraries (particularly the VM).

To allow for BigInt support our build target has been updated to ES2020. We feel that some still remaining browser compatibility issues on the edges (old Safari versions e.g.) are justified by the substantial gains this step brings along.

See #1671 and #1771 for the core BigInt transition PRs.

Disabled esModuleInterop and allowSyntheticDefaultImports TypeScript Compiler Options

The above TypeScript options provide some semantic sugar like allowing to write an import like import React from "react" instead of import * as React from "react", see esModuleInterop and allowSyntheticDefaultImports docs for some details.

While this is convenient it deviates from the ESM specification and forces downstream users into these options which might not be desirable, see this TypeScript Semver docs section for some more detailed argumentation.

Along the breaking releases we have therefore deactivated both of these options and you might therefore need to adopt some import statements accordingly. Note that you still have got the possibility to activate these options in your bundle and/or transpilation pipeline (but now you also have the option to not do which you didn't have before).

BigInt-Related API Changes

All transaction data input which have been previously taken in as BNLike (see Util library) - like gasPrice or nonce - are now taken in as BigIntLike and internally stored as a BigInt.

Have a look at your object instantiations on how you do things and if you need to update.

The following method signatures have been changed along the update and need some attention:

  • getBaseFee(): bigint
  • getDataFee(): bigint
  • getUpfrontCost(): bigint

API Method/Getter Removals

Additionally the following deprecated methods/getters have been removed from the API, see PR #1742:

  • get transactionType()
  • get senderR() (alias for r)
  • get senderS() (alias for s)
  • get yParity() (alias for v)
  • tx.fromRlpSerializedTx()
  • TransactionFactory.getTransactionClass()

Reduced Bundle Size (MB -> KB)

The bundle size of the library has been dramatically reduced going down from MBs to KBs due to a reworked genesis code handling throughout the library stack in PR #1916 allowing the Common library to now ship without the bundled (large) genesis state definitions (especially for mainnet).

RLP Changes

If you are dealing with RLP encoded data and use the EthereumJS RLP library for decoding, please note that RLP library also got a major update and has been renamed along the way from rlp to a namespaced @ethereumjs/rlp, see RLP v4.0.0-beta.1 (and following) release notes in the CHANGELOG.

If you are updating from v2 you will likely also stumble upon the fact that with v3 RLP replaces Buffers as input and output values in favor of Uint8Arrays for improved performance and greater compatibility with browsers.

New conversion functions have also been added to the @ethereumjs/util library, see RLP docs on how to use and do the conversion.

Other Changes

  • The hash() function is now throwing when called on an unsigned legacy tx (this aligns the behavior with the other tx types), PR #1894
  • Signature processing code has been updated to use @ethereumjs/util v8, PR #1945

3.5.2 - 2022-06-02

  • Fixed a bug where tx options would not propagate from an unsigned to a signed tx when using the sign() function (there are not that many tx options, this is therefore in most cases not practically relevant and rather a guard for future option additions), PR #1884
  • Stricter v value validation for legacy txs, PR #1905

3.5.1 - 2022-03-15

EIP-3860 Support: Limit and Meter Initcode

Support for EIP-3860 has been added to the Tx library. This EIP limits the maximum size of initcode to 49152, see PR #1619.

Note that this EIP is not part of a specific hardfork yet and is considered EXPERIMENTAL (implementation can change along bugfix releases).

For now the EIP has to be activated manually which can be done by using a respective Common instance:

const common = new Common({ chain: Chain.Mainnet, hardfork: Hardfork.London, eips: [3860] })

3.5.0 - 2022-02-01

This release comes with various additional checks on integrity and maximally allowed values for input values on tx creation. All these checks are activated by default as being suggested by the respective EIPs (e.g. EIP-2681).

  • EIP-2681 support: Limit account nonce to 2^64-1, PR #1568
  • gasLimit limited to 2^64-1 (MAX_UINT64) (geth behaviour), PR #1568
  • No-leading-zeros validation for serialized (RLP based) integer value input, so e.g the nonce or gasLimit values (fromSerializedTx() and fromValuesArray() static constructor methods), PR #1568
  • MAX_INTEGER (2^256) gasLimit * maxFeePerGas, gasLimit * gasPrice checks, PR #1568
  • Tx creation now fails when trying to instantiate with a negative BN value, PR #1606

3.4.0 - 2021-11-09

ArrowGlacier HF Support

This release adds support for the upcoming ArrowGlacier HF (see PR #1527) targeted for December 2021. The only included EIP is EIP-4345 which delays the difficulty bomb to June/July 2022.

Please note that for backwards-compatibility reasons the associated Common is still instantiated with istanbul by default.

An ArrowGlacier transaction can be instantiated with:

import { Transaction } from '@ethereumjs/tx'
import Common, { Chain, Hardfork } from '@ethereumjs/common'

const common = new Common({ chain: Chain.Mainnet, hardfork: Hardfork.ArrowGlacier })
const tx = LegacyTransaction.fromTxData({}, { common })

Additional Error Context for Error Messages

This release extends the text of the error messages in the library with some consistent context information (see PR #1540), here an example for illustration:


Invalid Signature: s-values greater than secp256k1n/2 are considered invalid


Invalid Signature: s-values greater than secp256k1n/2 are considered invalid (tx type=1 hash=0xbf78bd19410294cb3c08fbbbdd675b4bd79e46b96b38e850091f5c03e0571be0 nonce=0 value=0 signed=true hf=london gasPrice=0 accessListCount=0)

The extended errors give substantial more object and chain context and should ease debugging.

Potentially breaking: Attention! If you do react on errors in your code and do exact errror matching (error.message === 'invalid transaction trie') things will break. Please make sure to do error comparisons with something like error.message.includes('invalid transaction trie') instead. This should generally be the pattern used for all error message comparisions and is assured to be future proof on all error messages (we won't change the core text in non-breaking releases).

Other Changes

  • The dataFee from tx.getDataFee() now gets cached for txs created with the freeze option (activated by default), PR #1532 and PR #1550

3.3.2 - 2021-09-30

This release updates the ethereumjs-util library to v7.1.2 which provides a safer conversion of integer values with the intToHex and intToBuffer functions by replacing the re-exported functions with own implementations which throw on wrong integer input (decimal values, non-safe integers, negative numbers,...), see PR #1500.

An upgrade is recommended since this provides a safer user experience for the tx library by not allowing malformed integer values to be passed in for tx number values (e.g. gasPrice or maxPriorityFeePerGas) which could lead to undefined behavior before.

3.3.1 - 2021-09-24

  • The hash from the tx.hash() method now gets cached for txs created with the freeze option (activated by default), PR #1445
  • Fixed getMessageToSign() return type for EIP1559Transaction, PR #1382

3.3.0 - 2021-07-08

Finalized London HF Support

This release integrates a Common library version which provides the london HF blocks for all networks including mainnet and is therefore the first release with finalized London HF support.

Improved L2 Tx Support

This tx release bumps the Common library dependency version to v2.4.0 and is therefore assured to work with the reworked Common.custom() method which can be used for an easier instantiation of common custom chain instances for sending txs to a custom (L2) network.

Common.custom() comes with support for predefined custom chains (Arbitrum testnet, Polygon testnet & mainnet, xDai chain), see e.g. the following code example:

import { Transaction } from '@ethereumjs/tx'
import Common from '@ethereumjs/common'

const from = 'PUBLIC_KEY'
const PRIV_KEY = process.argv[2]

const common = Common.custom(CustomChain.xDaiChain)

const txData = {
  nonce: 0,
  gasPrice: 1000000000,
  gasLimit: 21000,
  value: 1,

const tx = LegacyTransaction.fromTxData(txData, { common })
const signedTx = tx.sign(Buffer.from(PRIV_KEY, 'hex'))

For a non-predefined custom chain it is also possible to just provide a chain ID as well as other parameters to Common:

const common = Common.custom({ chainId: 1234 })

See the tx README for some more detailed documentation on the new improved L2 support for the tx library.

New supports(capability) Method

There is a new tx.supports(capability) method which can be used for a cleaner and more future-proof switch on txs based on the supported (EIP) capabilities. This is useful if you don't know about your tx type in advance, e.g. since txs are taken from a generic source (a tx pool, user input,...) and instantiated with the provided tx factory.

While it sometimes might make sense to do a switch by tx.type it is often more fitting a use case (and also more future proof) to do a switch by a desired tx capability. Does the tx support an EIP-1559 style gas fee market mechanism? Does the tx support access lists?

Such a switch can now be done with the method above

import { Transaction, Capability } from '@ethereumjs/tx'

// 1. Instantiate tx

// 2. Switch by capability
if (tx.supports(Capability.EIP2930AccessLists)) {
  // Do something which only makes sense for txs with support for access lists

The following capabilities are currently supported:

enum Capabilitiy {
  EIP155ReplayProtection: 155, // Only for legacy txs
  EIP1559FeeMarket: 1559,
  EIP2718TypedTransaction: 2718, // Use for a typed-tx-or-not switch
  EIP2930AccessLists: 2930

Included Source Files

Source files from the src folder are now included in the distribution build, see PR #1301. This allows for a better debugging experience in debug tools like Chrome DevTools by having working source map references to the original sources available for inspection.

3.2.1 - 2021-06-11

This release comes with significant library usability improvements by allowing a tx instantiation more independently from the Common library. This was reported and requested by Web3.js (thanks to @gregthegreek for giving some guidance on the discussion) and others, since they needed the possibility of a tx instantiation in unknown contexts where the chain or HF state is somewhat unclear.

So we've decided to do the following tweaks to the libray:

New Rules for Internal Default HF Setting

Up to v3.2.0 it was simply necessary/mandatory to pass in a Common instance for typed tx instantiation (otherwise the instantiation process would have thrown an error). For compatibility reasons the tx library was still on istanbul as the default HF and both EIP-2930 (access lists) and EIP-1559 (fee market) txs needed a higher (berlin respectively london) HF setting. After some reflection we have therefore decided to adopt our tx library tx type default HF setting and go with the following expanded rule:

"The default HF is the default HF from Common if the tx type is active on that HF. Otherwise it is set to the first greater HF where the tx is active."

This has been done in PR #1292. This should be safe to do since there just are no txs of the specific type before this new default HF (EIP-2930: istanbul -> berlin, EIP-1559: istanbul -> london).

More Intelligent Default Chain Instantiation

We tried to get more intelligent on the instantiation with a default chain if no Common is provided. On older versions of the library mainnet was the default fallback here. For typed txs the chain ID is also provided as a data parameter along instantiation. This chain ID parameter is now used for the internal Common and therefore the internal chain setting. Same for signed EIP-155 respecting legacy txs, there the chain ID is now extracted from the v parameter provided and initialized with the internal Common accordingly. For unsigned or non-EIP-1559 legacy txs the chain for Common still defaults back to mainnet.

Both these changes with the new default HF rules and the more intelligent chain ID instantiation now allows for an e.g. EIP-155 tx instantiation without a Common (and generally for a safer non-Common tx instantiation) like this:

import Common from '@ethereumjs/common'
import { FeeMarketEIP1559Transaction } from '@ethereumjs/tx'

const txData = {
  data: '0x1a8451e600000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
  gasLimit: '0x02625a00',
  maxPriorityFeePerGas: '0x01',
  maxFeePerGas: '0xff',
  nonce: '0x00',
  to: '0xcccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc',
  value: '0x0186a0',
  v: '0x01',
  r: '0xafb6e247b1c490e284053c87ab5f6b59e219d51f743f7a4d83e400782bc7e4b9',
  s: '0x479a268e0e0acd4de3f1e28e4fac2a6b32a4195e8dfa9d19147abe8807aa6f64',
  chainId: '0x01',
  accessList: [],
  type: '0x02',

const tx = FeeMarketEIP1559Transaction.fromTxData(txData)

Note that depending on your usage context it might still be a good idea to instantiate with Common since you then have a deterministic state setup, explicitly know what rule set your tx is operating on, and are safe towards eventual future behavioral changes (e.g. on a default HF update along a major version tx library bump).

Signing Txs with a Hardware Wallet

This is just a note on documentation. There has been some confusion around how to use the tx library for signing of a tx with a HW wallet device (e.g. a Ledger) - see Issue #1228 - especially around the usage of tx.getMessageToSign(). This is now better documented in the code. Dropping here the associated code on how to do for awareness, for some more context have a look into the associated issue:

import { rlp } from 'ethereumjs-util'
import Common from '@ethereumjs/common'
import { Transaction } from '@ethereumjs/tx'

const common = new Common({ chain: 'goerli', hardfork: 'berlin' })
const tx = LegacyTransaction.fromTxData({}, { common })

const message = tx.getMessageToSign(false)
const serializedMessage = rlp.encode(message) // use this for the ledger input

Other Changes

  • EIP-1559 Validation (spec update): The maxFeePerGas and maxPriorityFeePerGas parameters are now limited in size to not exceed 256-bit to prevent chain spamming, PR #1272
  • Code docs have been improved substantially, PR #1283
  • Deprecation of tx.transactionType, use tx.type instead, PR #1283
  • Deprecation of tx.yParity, tx.senderR and tx.senderS, use v, r and s instead, PR #1283

3.2.0 - 2021-05-26

Functional London HF Support (no finalized HF blocks yet)

This Tx release comes with full functional support for the london hardfork (all EIPs are finalized and integrated and london HF can be activated, there are no final block numbers for the HF integrated though yet). There is a new EIP-1559 transaction type FeeMarketEIP1559Transaction (type 2) added together with the new data types FeeMarketEIP1559TxData (for instantiation with the fromTxData() static constructor method) and FeeMarketEIP1559ValuesArray (for instantiation with fromValuesArray()), see PR #1148 for the main implementation work.

An EIP-1559 tx inherits the access list feature from the AccessListEIP2930Transaction (type 1) but comes with its own gas fee market mechanism. There is no gasPrice field in favor of two new gas related properties maxFeePerGas - which represents the total gas fee the tx sender is willing to pay for the tx (including the priority fee) - and the maxPriorityFeePerGas property - which represents the fee the sender is willing to give as some tip to the miner to prioritize a tx.

An EIP-1559 tx can be instantiated with:

import Common from '@ethereumjs/common'
import { FeeMarketEIP1559Transaction } from '@ethereumjs/tx'

const common = new Common({ chain: 'mainnet', hardfork: 'london' })

const txData = {
  data: '0x1a8451e600000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
  gasLimit: '0x02625a00',
  maxPriorityFeePerGas: '0x01',
  maxFeePerGas: '0xff',
  nonce: '0x00',
  to: '0xcccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc',
  value: '0x0186a0',
  v: '0x01',
  r: '0xafb6e247b1c490e284053c87ab5f6b59e219d51f743f7a4d83e400782bc7e4b9',
  s: '0x479a268e0e0acd4de3f1e28e4fac2a6b32a4195e8dfa9d19147abe8807aa6f64',
  chainId: '0x01',
  accessList: [],
  type: '0x02',

const tx = FeeMarketEIP1559Transaction.fromTxData(txData, { common })

Please note that the default HF is still set to istanbul. You therefore need to explicitly set the hardfork parameter for instantiating a Tx instance with a london HF activated.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed getMessageToSign() return type for typed txs, PR #1255

Other Changes

  • Deprecated TransactionFactory.getTransactionClass() method, PR #1148

3.1.4 - 2021-04-22

  • Added a new boolean hashMessage parameter (defaulting to true) to getMessageToSign() to allow for returning the raw unsigned EIP-155 tx and not only the hash, PR #1188

3.1.3 - 2021-04-09

This release fixes a critical EIP-2930 tx constructor bug which slipped through our tests and where a tx is not initialized correctly when a v value of 0 is passed (which is a common case for EIP-2930 txs). This makes the typed txs unusable on prior versions and an update from a version v3.1.0 or higher is necessary for working typed tx support. Releases v3.1.0, v3.1.1 and v3.1.2 are marked as deprecated.

Change Summary

  • Fixed AccessListEIP2930Transaction constructor bug with v=0, PR #1190
  • Added alias type for transactionType so it can be interpreted correctly for an AccessListEIP2930Transaction instantiation when passed to fromTxData(), PR #1185
  • TransactionFactory.fromTxData(): fixed a bug where instantiation was breaking when type was passed in as a 0x-prefixed hex string, PR #1185
  • AccessListEIP2930Transaction: added a test that initializes correctly from its own data (adds coverage for type property alias), PR #1185
  • EIP-2930 aliases for senderS, senderR, yParity are now marked as deprecated, use v, r, s instead

3.1.2 - 2021-03-31

DEPRECATED: Release is deprecated in favor of 3.1.3 which fixes a critical EIP-2930 tx constructor bug.

  • Fixed default value for empty access lists in the AccessListEIP2930Transaction.fromValuesArray() static constructor method, PR #1179

3.1.1 - 2021-03-23

DEPRECATED: Release is deprecated in favor of 3.1.3 which fixes a critical EIP-2930 tx constructor bug.

This release fixes a bug in the v3.1.0 Berlin HF @ethereumjs/tx release where the import path for eip2930Transaction was broken on operating systems with case sensitive filename resolution.

The v3.1.0 release has been deprecated in favor of this new version.

3.1.0 - 2021-03-18

DEPRECATED: Release is deprecated in favor of 3.1.1 which fixes an import-path bug.

Berlin HF Support

This release comes with full support for the berlin hardfork by updating the library to support typed transactions (EIP-2718). The first supported transaction type is the AccessListEIP2930Transaction (EIP-2930) which adds optional access lists to the mix and is activated along with the berlin hardfork.

EIP-2930 transactions can be instantiated with:

import Common from '@ethereumjs/common'
import { AccessListEIP2930Transaction } from '@ethereumjs/tx'

const common = new Common({ chain: 'mainnet', hardfork: 'berlin' })

const txData = {
  data: '0x1a8451e600000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
  gasLimit: '0x02625a00',
  gasPrice: '0x01',
  nonce: '0x00',
  to: '0xcccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc',
  value: '0x0186a0',
  v: '0x01',
  r: '0xafb6e247b1c490e284053c87ab5f6b59e219d51f743f7a4d83e400782bc7e4b9',
  s: '0x479a268e0e0acd4de3f1e28e4fac2a6b32a4195e8dfa9d19147abe8807aa6f64',
  chainId: '0x01',
  accessList: [
      address: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000101',
      storageKeys: [
  type: '0x01',

const tx = AccessListEIP2930Transaction.fromTxData(txData, { common })

Please note that the default HF is still set to istanbul. You therefore need to explicitly set the hardfork parameter for instantiating a Transaction instance with a berlin HF activated.

The now called "legacy" transactions are still supported and can be used as before by using the Transaction class. If the type of a tx is only known at runtime there is a new TransactionFactory class introduced for your convenience. This factory class decides on the tx type based on the input data and uses the corresponding tx type class for instantiation.

For more guidance on how to use the new tx types and the tx factory have a look at the README of this library which has received an extensive update along with this release.

EthereumJS Libraries - Typed Transactions Readiness

If you are using this library in conjunction with other EthereumJS libraries make sure to minimally have the following library versions installed for typed transaction support:

  • @ethereumjs/common v2.2.0
  • @ethereumjs/tx v3.1.0
  • @ethereumjs/block v3.2.0
  • @ethereumjs/blockchain v5.2.0
  • @ethereumjs/vm v5.2.0

EIP-2718/EIP-2930 Changes

  • Base implementation of both EIPs, PR #1048
  • Tx Renaming / Improve backwards-compatibility, PR #1138
  • Improvements and additional tests, PR #1141
  • Further improvements and small fixes, PR #1144

3.0.2 - 2021-02-16

Follow-up release on v3.0.1 which only partly addressed a critical bug. An update is - again - strongly recommended.

  • Fixes tx.isSigned() always returning true when using the Tx.fromValuesArray() static constructor, see PR #1077
  • The Common instance passed is now copied to avoid side-effects towards the outer common instance on HF updates, PR #1088

3.0.1 - 2021-01-20

  • Fixes tx.isSigned() always returning true - so also for unsigned transactions - due to a bug in the Transaction class constructor. This bug is regarded as critical and an update is strongly recommended. See PR #1042

3.0.0 - 2020-11-24

New Package Name

Attention! This new version is part of a series of EthereumJS releases all moving to a new scoped package name format. In this case the library is renamed as follows:

  • ethereumjs-tx -> @ethereumjs/tx

Please update your library references accordingly or install with:

npm i @ethereumjs/tx

Major Refactoring - Breaking Changes

This release is a major refactoring of the transaction library to simplify and strengthen its code base. Refactoring work has been done along PR #812 and PR #887.

New Constructor Params

The constructor has been reworked and new static factory methods fromTxData, fromRlpSerializedTx, and fromValuesArray have been added for a more TypeScript friendly and less error-prone way to initialize a Transaction object. The direct usage of the main constructor (now just being an alias to Tx.fromTxData(), see PR #944) is now discouraged and the static factory methods should be used.

Breaking: Note that you need to adopt your Transaction initialization code since the constructor API has changed!


// Initializing from serialized data
const s1 = tx1.serialize().toString('hex')
const tx = Transaction.fromRlpSerializedTx(toBuffer('0x' + s1))

// Initializing with object
const txData = {
  gasPrice: 1000,
  gasLimit: 10000000,
  value: 42,
const tx = LegacyTransaction.fromTxData(txData)

// Initializing from array of 0x-prefixed strings.
// First, convert to array of Buffers.
const arr =
const tx = Transaction.fromValuesArray(arr)

Learn more about the full API in the docs.


The returned transaction is now frozen and immutable. To work with a maliable transaction, copy it with const fakeTx = Object.create(tx). For security reasons it is highly recommended to stay in a freezed Transaction context on usage.

If you need Transaction mutability - e.g. because you want to subclass Transaction and modifiy its behavior - there is a freeze option to prevent the Object.freeze() call on initialization, see PR #941.


The tx.from alias was removed, please use const from = tx.getSenderAddress().

Message to sign

Getting a message to sign has been changed from calling tx.hash(false) to tx.getMessageToSign().

Fake Transaction

The FakeTransaction class was removed since its functionality can now be implemented with less code. To create a fake tansaction for use in e.g. VM.runTx() overwrite getSenderAddress with your own Address. See a full example in the section in the README.

New Default Hardfork

Breaking: The default HF on the library has been updated from petersburg to istanbul, see PR #906.

The HF setting is now automatically taken from the HF set for Common.DEAULT_HARDFORK, see PR #863.

Dual ES5 and ES2017 Builds

We significantly updated our internal tool and CI setup along the work on PR #913 with an update to ESLint from TSLint for code linting and formatting and the introduction of a new build setup.

Packages now target ES2017 for Node.js builds (the main entrypoint from package.json) and introduce a separate ES5 build distributed along using the browser directive as an entrypoint, see PR #921. This will result in performance benefits for Node.js consumers, see here for a releated discussion.

Other Changes

Changes and Refactoring

  • Updated ethereumjs-util to v7, PR #748
  • Replaced new Buffer() (deprecated) statements with Buffer.from(), PR #721
  • Dropped ethereumjs-testing dev dependency, PR #953

3.0.0-rc.1 - 2020-11-19

This is the first release candidate towards a final library release, see beta.2 and especially beta.1 release notes for an overview on the full changes since the last publicly released version.

  • Dropped ethereumjs-testing dev dependency, PR #953

3.0.0-beta.2 - 2020-11-12

This is the second beta release towards a final library release, see beta.1 release notes for an overview on the full changes since the last publicly released version.

  • Added freeze option to allow for transaction freeze deactivation (e.g. to allow for subclassing tx and adding additional parameters), see PR #941
  • Breaking: Reworked constructor to take in data as a TxData typed dictionary instead of single values, the Tx.fromTxData() factory method becomes an alias for the constructor with this change, see PR #944

3.0.0-beta.1 - 2020-10-22

New Package Name

Attention! This new version is part of a series of EthereumJS releases all moving to a new scoped package name format. In this case the library is renamed as follows:

  • ethereumjs-tx -> @ethereumjs/tx

Please update your library references accordingly or install with:

npm i @ethereumjs/tx

Major Refactoring - Breaking Changes

This release is a major refactoring of the transaction library to simplify and strengthen its code base. Refactoring work has been done along PR #812 and PR #887.

New Constructor Params

The constructor used to accept a varying amount of options but now has the following shape:

    nonce: BN,
    gasPrice: BN,
    gasLimit: BN,
    to: Address | undefined,
    value: BN,
    data: Buffer,
    v?: BN,
    r?: BN,
    s?: BN,
    opts?: TxOptions

Initializing from other data types is assisted with new static factory helpers fromTxData, fromRlpSerializedTx, and fromValuesArray.


// Initializing from serialized data
const s1 = tx1.serialize().toString('hex')
const tx = Transaction.fromRlpSerializedTx(toBuffer('0x' + s1))

// Initializing with object
const txData = {
  gasPrice: 1000,
  gasLimit: 10000000,
  value: 42,
const tx = LegacyTransaction.fromTxData(txData)

// Initializing from array of 0x-prefixed strings.
// First, convert to array of Buffers.
const arr =
const tx = Transaction.fromValuesArray(arr)

Learn more about the full API in the docs.


The returned transaction is now frozen and immutable. To work with a maliable transaction, copy it with const fakeTx = Object.create(tx).


The tx.from alias was removed, please use const from = tx.getSenderAddress().

Message to sign

Getting a message to sign has been changed from calling tx.hash(false) to tx.getMessageToSign().

Fake Transaction

The FakeTransaction class was removed since its functionality can now be implemented with less code. To create a fake tansaction for use in e.g. VM.runTx() overwrite getSenderAddress with your own Address. See a full example in the section in the README.

New Default Hardfork

Breaking: The default HF on the library has been updated from petersburg to istanbul, see PR #906. The HF setting is now automatically taken from the HF set for Common.DEAULT_HARDFORK, see PR #863.

Dual ES5 and ES2017 Builds

We significantly updated our internal tool and CI setup along the work on PR #913 with an update to ESLint from TSLint for code linting and formatting and the introduction of a new build setup.

Packages now target ES2017 for Node.js builds (the main entrypoint from package.json) and introduce a separate ES5 build distributed along using the browser directive as an entrypoint, see PR #921. This will result in performance benefits for Node.js consumers, see here for a releated discussion.

Other Changes

Changes and Refactoring

  • Updated ethereumjs-util to v7, PR #748
  • Replaced new Buffer() (deprecated) statements with Buffer.from(), PR #721

2.1.2 - 2019-12-19

  • Added support for the MuirGlacier HF by updating the ethereumjs-common dependency to v1.5.0

2.1.1 - 2019-08-30

  • Added support for Istanbul reduced non-zero call data gas prices (EIP-2028), PR #171

2.1.0 - 2019-06-28

Using testnets and custom/private networks is now easier

This release is focused on making this library easier to use in chains other than mainnet.

Using standard testnets can be as easy as passing their names to the Transaction constructor. For example, new Transaction(rawTx, {chain: 'ropsten', hardfork: 'byzantium'}) is enough to use this library with Ropsten on Byzantium.

If you are using a custom network, you can take advantage of ethereumjs-common, which contains all the network parameters. In this version of ethereumjs-tx you can use its new Common.forCustomNetwork to create a Common instance based on a standard network with some parameters changed. You can see an example of how to do this here.

List of changes:

  • Upgraded ethereumjs-common to ^1.3.0
  • Added more documentation and examples on how to create transactions for public testnets and custom networks.

2.0.0 - 2019-06-03

TypeScript / Module Import / Node Support

First TypeScript based release of the library, see PR #145 for details.

This comes along with some changes on the API, Node import of the exposed classes now goes like this:

const EthereumTx = require('ethereumjs-transaction').Transaction
const FakeEthereumTx = require('ethereumjs-transaction').FakeTransaction

The library now also comes with a type declaration file distributed along with the package published.

Along with this release we drop official support for Node versions 4,5 and 6. Officially tested versions are now Node 8, 10 and 11 (see PRs #138 and #146).

Hardfork Support / Official Test Updates

Along with a long overdue update of the official Ethereum Transaction tests (see PRs #131 and #138 for FakeTransaction) and an introduction of setting chain and hardfork by using our shared ethereumjs-common class (see PR #131) the transaction library now supports all HFs up to the Petersburg hardfork, see constructor option docs for information on instantiation and default values (current hardfork default: petersburg).

API Changes:

  • Removal of the data.chainId parameter, use the opts.chain parameter or a custom Common instance

Default EIP-155 Support

Along with defaulting to a post-Spurious Dragon HF replay protection from EIP-155 is now activated by default. Transactions are subsequently also by default signed with EIP-155 replay protection, see PRs #153, #147 and #143.

This comes with some changes in how different v values passed on instantation or changed on runtime are handled:

  • The constructor throws if the v value is present, indicates that EIP-155 was enabled, and the chain id it indicates doesn't match the one of the internal common object
  • No default v is set. If a transaction isn't signed, it would be an empty buffer
  • If v is changed after construction its value is validated in its setter

For activating non-EIP-155 behavior instantiate the transaction with a pre-Spurious Dragon hardfork option.

1.3.7 - 2018-07-25

  • Fix bug causing FakeTransaction.from to not retrieve sender address from tx signature, see PR #118

1.3.6 - 2018-07-02

  • Fixes issue #108 with the FakeTransaction.hash() function by reverting the introduced signature handling changes in Fake transaction hash creation from PR #94 introduced in v1.3.5. The signature is now again only created and added to the hash when from address is set and from is not defaulting to the zero adress any more, see PR #110
  • Added additional tests to cover issue described above

1.3.5 - 2018-06-22

  • Include signature by default in FakeTransaction.hash, PR #97
  • Fix FakeTransaction signature failure bug, PR #94

1.3.4 - 2018-03-06

  • Fix a bug producing hash collisions on FakeTransaction for different senders, PR #81
  • Switched from deprecated es2015 to env babel preset, PR #86
  • Dropped Node 4 support

1.3.3 - 2017-07-12

  • Allow zeros in v,r,s signature values
  • Dropped browserify transform from package.json
  • (combined v1.3.3 and v1.3.2 release notes)

1.3.1 - 2017-05-13

  • Added ES5 build

1.3.0 - 2017-04-24

  • EIP155: allow v value to be greater than one byte (replay attack protection)
  • Added browserify ES2015 transform to package.json
  • Improved documentation
  • (combined v1.3.0, v1.2.5 and v1.2.4 release notes)

1.2.3 - 2017-01-30

  • EIP155 hash implementation
  • README example and doc fixes

1.2.2 - 2016-12-15

  • Moved chainId param to txParams, parse sig for chainId (EIP155 refactor)
  • Test improvements
  • (combined v1.2.2 and v1.2.1 release notes)

1.2.0 - 2016-12-14

  • Added EIP155 changes
  • Renamed chain_id to chainId
  • Node 4/5 compatibility
  • ES6 standards

Older releases: