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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog (modification: no type change headlines) and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

9.0.2 - 2024-02-08

Self-Contained (and Working 🙂) README Examples

All code examples in EthereumJS monorepo library README files are now self-contained and can be executed "out of the box" by simply copying them over and running "as is", see tracking issue #3234 for an overview. Additionally all examples can now be found in the respective library examples folder (in fact the README examples are now auto-embedded from over there). As a nice side effect all examples are now run in CI on new PRs and so do not risk to get outdated or broken over time.

Other Changes

  • Adjust byte bigint utils, PR #3159
  • Check that hex to byte conversion is valid in hexToBytes, PR #3185
  • Performance-optimized hexToBytes, PR #3203

9.0.1 - 2023-10-26

Dencun devnet-11 Compatibility

This release contains various fixes and spec updates related to the Dencun (Deneb/Cancun) HF and is now compatible with the specs as used in devnet-11 (October 2023).

  • Update peer dependency for kzg module to use the official trusted setup for mainnet, PR #3107

Other Changes

  • Performance: New reoccurringly used BigInt constants (BIGINT_0, BIGINT_32, BIGINT_2EXP96,...) in the bytes module for reusage along performance optimizations, PR #3050
  • Performance: bytesToBigInt() performance optimization for 1-byte bytes, PR #3054
  • Fix a bug in fromUtf8(), PR #3112

9.0.0 - 2023-08-09

Final release version from the breaking release round from Summer 2023 on the EthereumJS libraries, thanks to the whole team for this amazing accomplishment! ❤️ 🥳

See RC1 release notes for the main change description.

9.0.0-rc.1 - 2023-07-18

This is the release candidate (RC1) for the upcoming breaking releases on the various EthereumJS libraries. The associated release notes below are the main source of information on the changeset, also for the upcoming final releases, where we'll just provide change addition summaries + references to these RC1 notes.

At time of the RC1 releases there is/was no plan for a second RC round and breaking releases following relatively shorty (2-3 weeks) after the RC1 round. Things may change though depending on the feedback we'll receive.


This round of breaking releases brings the EthereumJS libraries to the browser. Finally! 🤩

While you could use our libraries in the browser libraries before, there had been caveats.


The largest two undertakings: First: we have rewritten all (half) of our API and elimited the usage of Node.js specific Buffer all over the place and have rewritten with using Uint8Array byte objects. Second: we went throuh our whole stack, rewrote imports and exports, replaced and updated dependencies all over and are now able to provide a hybrid CommonJS/ESM build, for all libraries. Both of these things are huge.

Together with some few other modifications this now allows to run each (maybe adding an asterisk for client and devp2p) of our libraries directly in the browser - more or less without any modifications - see the examples/browser.html file in each package folder for an easy to set up example.

This is generally a big thing for Ethereum cause this brings the full Ethereum Execution Layer (EL) protocol stack to the browser in an easy accessible way for developers, for the first time ever! 🎉

This will allow for easy-to-setup browser applications both around the existing as well as the upcoming Ethereum EL protocol stack in the future. 🏄🏾‍♂️ We are beyond excitement to see what you guys will be building with this for "Browser-Ethereum". 🤓

Browser is not the only thing though why this release round is exciting: default Shanghai hardfork, full Cancun support, significantly smaller bundle sizes for various libraries, new database abstractions, a simpler to use EVM, API clean-ups throughout the whole stack. These are just the most prominent additional things here to mention which will make the developer heart beat a bit faster hopefully when you are scanning to the vast release notes for every of the 15 (!) releases! 🧑🏽‍💻

So: jump right in and enjoy. We can't wait to hear your feedback and see if you agree that these releases are as good as we think they are. 🙂 ❤️

The EthereumJS Team

Hybrid CJS/ESM Build

We now provide both a CommonJS and an ESM build for all our libraries. 🥳 This transition was a huge undertaking and should make the usage of our libraries in the browser a lot more straight-forward, see PR #2685, #2783, #2786, #2764, #2804 and #2809 (and others). We rewrote the whole set of imports and exports within the libraries, updated or completely removed a lot of dependencies along the way and removed the usage of all native Node.js primitives (like https or util).

There are now two different build directories in our dist folder, being dist/cjs for the CommonJS and dist/esm for the ESM build. That means that direct imports (which you generally should try to avoid, rather open an issue on your import needs), need an update within your code (do a dist or the like code search).

Both builds have respective separate entrypoints in the distributed package.json file.

A CommonJS import of our libraries can then be done like this:

const { Chain, Common } = require('@ethereumjs/common')
const common = new Common({ chain: Chain.Mainnet })

And this is how an ESM import looks like:

import { Chain, Common } from '@ethereumjs/common'
const common = new Common({ chain: Chain.Mainnet })

Using ESM will give you additional advantages over CJS beyond browser usage like static code analysis / Tree Shaking which CJS can not provide.

Side note: along this transition we also rewrote our whole test suite (yes!!!) to now work with Vitest instead of Tape.

Buffer -> Uint8Array

With these releases we remove all Node.js specific Buffer usages from our libraries and replace these with Uint8Array representations, which are available both in Node.js and the browser (Buffer is a subclass of Uint8Array). While this is a big step towards interoperability and browser compatibility of our libraries, this is also one of the most invasive operations we have ever done, see the huge changeset from PR #2566 and #2607. 😋

We nevertheless think this is very much worth it and we tried to make transition work as easy as possible.

How to upgrade?

For this library you should check if you use one of the following constructors, methods, constants or types and do a search and update input and/or output values or general usages and add conversion methods if necessary:

// account
new Account()
Account.fromAccountData(accountData: AccountData) // AccountData interface values
Account.raw(): Uint8Array[]
Account.serialize(): Uint8Array
generateAddress(), generateAddress2()
isValidPrivate(), isValidPublic()
pubToAddress(), privateToPublic(), privateToAddress(), importPublic()
accountBodyFromSlim(), accountBodyToSlim(), accountBodyToRLP()

// address
new Address()
Address.fromPublicKey(pubKey: Uint8Array): Address
Address.fromPrivateKey(privateKey: Uint8Array): Address
Address.generate2(from: Address, salt: Uint8Array, initCode: Uint8Array): Address
Adress.toBytes // old: Address.toBuffer()

// bytes
// All Buffer related functionality removed, do "Buffer" search
// New helper methods for Uint8Array conversions

// constants

// helpers
assertIsBytes() // old: assertIsBuffer()

// signature
interface ECDSASignature
ecsign(), ecrecover(), toRpcSig(), toCompactSig(), fromRpcSig()

// types
type BigIntLike
type BytesLike // old: BufferLike
type AddressLike

// withdrawal
type WithdrawalBytes // old: WithdrawalBuffer
Withdrawal.fromValuesArray(withdrawalArray: WithdrawalBytes)
Withdrawal.toBytesArray() // old: Withdrawal.toBufferArray()

We have converted existing Buffer conversion methods to Uint8Array conversion methods in the @ethereumjs/util bytes module (so: within this library), see the respective README section for guidance.

Other Changes

  • Support for Node.js 16 has been removed (minimal version: Node.js 18), PR #2859
  • Remove @chainsafe/ssz dependency, PR #2717
  • Dedicated db and mapDB modules for DB abstraction support for upstream libraries (e.g. Blockchain), PR #2669
  • Dedicated kzg module for KZG setup initialization across libraries, PR #2567

8.0.6 - 2023-04-20

  • Bump @chainsafe/ssz dependency to 0.11.1 (no WASM, native SHA-256 implementation, ES2019 compatible, explicit imports), PRs #2622, #2564 and #2656
  • Update ethereum-cryptography from 1.2 to 2.0 (switch from noble-secp256k1 to noble-curves), PR #2641

8.0.5 - 2023-02-27

  • Pinned @chainsafe/ssz dependency to v0.9.4 due to ES2021 features used in v0.10.+ causing compatibility issues, PR #2555

8.0.4 - 2023-02-21

DEPRECATED: Release is deprecated due to broken dependencies, please update to the subsequent bugfix release version.

  • Removed async library dependency, PR #2514
  • New GWEI_TO_WEI constant in a newly created units module, PR #2483
  • Change withdrawal amount representation from Wei to Gwei (see EIP-4895 PR #6325) in withdrawal module Withdrawal class, PR #2483 )
  • Added @chainsafe/ssz dependency, new prepartory ssz container module, PR #2488
  • Use literal value instead of formula for MAX_INTEGER_BIGINT, PR #2536

8.0.3 - 2022-12-09

  • New withdrawal module exposing an EIP-4895 Withdrawal-representing class and other withdrawal helpers (input type, JSON RPC interface), PR #2401

8.0.2 - 2022-10-21

8.0.1 - 2022-10-19

  • Added new Lock functionality, PR #2308

8.0.0 - 2022-09-06

Final release - tada 🎉 - of a wider breaking release round on the EthereumJS monorepo libraries, see the Beta 1 release notes for the main long change set description as well as the Beta 2, Beta 3 and Release Candidate (RC) 1 release notes for notes on some additional changes (CHANGELOG).


  • Internal refactor: removed ambiguous boolean checks within conditional clauses, PR #2261

8.0.0-rc.1 - 2022-08-29

Release candidate 1 for the upcoming breaking release round on the EthereumJS monorepo libraries, see the Beta 1 release notes for the main long change set description as well as the Beta 2 and 3 release notes for notes on some additional changes (CHANGELOG).


  • Breaking: Renamed Account.stateRoot to Account.storageRoot for clarity in account module, PR #2140

Maintenance Updates

  • Added engine field to package.json limiting Node versions to v14 or higher, PR #2164
  • Replaced nyc (code coverage) configurations with c8 configurations, PR #2192
  • Code formats improvements by adding various new linting rules, see Issue #1935

8.0.0-beta.3 - 2022-08-10

Beta 3 release for the upcoming breaking release round on the EthereumJS monorepo libraries, see the Beta 1 release notes for the main long change set description as well as the Beta 2 release notes for notes on some additional changes (CHANGELOG).

Alignment release without direct changes on the library.

8.0.0-beta.2 - 2022-07-15

Beta 2 release for the upcoming breaking release round on the EthereumJS monorepo libraries, see the Beta 1 release notes (CHANGELOG) for the main change set description.

Removed Default Exports

The change with the biggest effect on UX since the last Beta 1 releases is for sure that we have removed default exports all accross the monorepo, see PR #2018, we even now added a new linting rule that completely disallows using.

Default exports were a common source of error and confusion when using our libraries in a CommonJS context, leading to issues like Issue #978.

Now every import is a named import and we think the long term benefits will very much outweigh the one-time hassle of some import adoptions.

The Util library itself has no import changes along this update.

Other Changes

  • Added ESLint strict boolean expressions linting rule, PR #2030

8.0.0-beta.1 - 2022-06-30

This release is part of a larger breaking release round where all EthereumJS monorepo libraries (VM, Tx, Trie, other) get major version upgrades. This round of releases has been prepared for a long time and we are really pleased with and proud of the result, thanks to all team members and contributors who worked so hard and made this possible! 🙂 ❤️

We have gotten rid of a lot of technical debt and inconsistencies and removed unused functionality, renamed methods, improved on the API and on TypeScript typing, to name a few of the more local type of refactoring changes. There are also broader structural changes like a full transition to native JavaScript BigInt values as well as various somewhat deep-reaching refactorings, both within a single package as well as some reaching beyond the scope of a single package. Also two completely new packages - @ethereumjs/evm (in addition to the existing @ethereumjs/vm package) and @ethereumjs/statemanager - have been created, leading to a more modular Ethereum JavaScript VM.

We are very much confident that users of the libraries will greatly benefit from the changes being introduced. However - along the upgrade process - these releases require some extra attention and care since the changeset is both so big and deep reaching. We highly recommend to closely read the release notes, we have done our best to create a full picture on the changes with some special emphasis on delicate code and API parts and give some explicit guidance on how to upgrade and where problems might arise!

So, enjoy the releases (this is a first round of Beta releases, with final releases following a couple of weeks after if things go well)! 🎉

The EthereumJS Team

New Package Name

Attention! This library release aligns (and therefore: changes!) the library name with the other EthereumJS libraries and switches to the new scoped package name format, see PR #1952. In this case the library is renamed as follows:

  • ethereumjs-util -> @ethereumjs/util

Please update your library references accordingly and install with:

npm i @ethereumjs/util

BigInt Introduction / ES2020 Build Target

With this round of breaking releases the whole EthereumJS library stack removes the BN.js library and switches to use native JavaScript BigInt values for large-number operations and interactions.

This makes the libraries more secure and robust (no more BN.js v4 vs v5 incompatibilities) and generally comes with substantial performance gains for the large-number-arithmetic-intense parts of the libraries (particularly the VM).

To allow for BigInt support our build target has been updated to ES2020. We feel that some still remaining browser compatibility issues on the edges (old Safari versions e.g.) are justified by the substantial gains this step brings along.

See #1671 and #1771 for the core BigInt transition PRs.

Disabled esModuleInterop and allowSyntheticDefaultImports TypeScript Compiler Options

The above TypeScript options provide some semantic sugar like allowing to write an import like import React from "react" instead of import * as React from "react", see esModuleInterop and allowSyntheticDefaultImports docs for some details.

While this is convenient it deviates from the ESM specification and forces downstream users into these options which might not be desirable, see this TypeScript Semver docs section for some more detailed argumentation.

Along the breaking releases we have therefore deactivated both of these options and you might therefore need to adopt some import statements accordingly. Note that you still have got the possibility to activate these options in your bundle and/or transpilation pipeline (but now you also have the option to not do which you didn't have before).

BigInt Helpers and API Changes

The Util library is a utility library for other EthereumJS and third-party libraries. Some core helpers around the newly introduced BigInt usage have been added to this library to be available throughout the stack, see BigInt related PRs as well as PR #1825.

There is a new BigIntLike type representing some BigInt-compatible type flavors (bigint | PrefixedHexString | number | Buffer) and replacing the old BNLike type. This is used for typing of various API methods.

In the bytes module the generic toBuffer() method now also allows for bigint input and new helpers bufferToBigInt(), bigIntToBuffer(), bigIntToUnpaddedBuffer() (useful for RLP) and bigIntToHex() are introduced.

All constants module BN constants have been replaced with corresponding BigInt versions (same name, so you need to update!).

The nonce and balance properties from the Account class are now taken in and represented as BigInt values.

Last but not least the signatures of the following API methods have been changed to take in BigInt instead of BN values:

  • address: Address.generate(from: Address, nonce: bigint): Address
  • bytes: fromSigned(num: Buffer): bigint
  • bytes: toUnsigned(num: bigint): Buffer
  • signature: ecsign(msgHash: Buffer, privateKey: Buffer, chainId?: bigint): ECDSASignature
  • signature: ecrecover(msgHash: Buffer, v: bigint, r: Buffer, s: Buffer, chainId?: bigint): Buffer
  • signature: toRpcSig(v: bigint, r: Buffer, s: Buffer, chainId?: bigint): string)
  • signature: toCompactSig(v: bigint, r: Buffer, s: Buffer, chainId?: bigint): string
  • signature: fromRpcSig(sig: string): ECDSASignature (see ECDSASignature type)

And finally the BN export has been removed from the library.

Hash Module Removal

There is now a stable and audited base layer cryptography and hashing library with ethereum-cryptography, bundling the various Ethereum needs under a single package.

The abstraction layer provided by the hash module in the Util package is therefore not needed any more and would just be some unnecessary chaining of hash function calls. Therefore the module has been removed from the library in favor of using the ethereum-cryptography library directly, see PR #1859.

Please replace your hash function calls accordingly.

Signature Module Clean-Up

The signature code in the signature module has been cleaned up and partly refactored.

There is now a single ECDSASignature signature TypeScript interface which now takes in v as a BigInt value and not a number any more, the ECDSASignatureBuffer interface has been removed.

The previously overloaded (multiple possible signature variations) ecsign() function has been simplified and now adheres to only one signature using BigInt as chainId input and the new ECDSASignature format as output:

  • ecsign(msgHash: Buffer, privateKey: Buffer, chainId?: bigint): ECDSASignature

Various other methods have been moved over to bigint usage, see "BigInt Helpers and API Changes" for a summary.

Other Changes

  • Removal of the deprecated object module, PR #1809
  • Removal of deprecated alias bigIntToRlp, PR #1809
  • New bytes -> short() method for Buffer string output formatting, PR #1817

7.1.5 - 2022-06-02

  • More flexible signature module methods now allow for passing in v values of 0 and 1 in the context of typed txs (e.g. EIP-1559 txs): ecrecover(), toRpcSig(), toCompactSig(), isValidSignature(), PR #1905

7.1.4 - 2022-02-01

Buffer <-> Uint8Array Conversion Helpers (RLP v3)

The new RLP v3 release is accepting and returning Uint8Array objects instead of Buffer for improved browser compatibility and usage.

There are two new helper functions in the bytes module from the Util library introduced in PR #1648 to help with associated Buffer conversions (while this is our main reason for introducing these functions the functionality can of course be used for other things as well):

  • arrToBufArr(): Converts a Uint8Array or NestedUint8Array to Buffer or NestedBufferArray
  • bufArrToArr(): Converts a Buffer or NestedBufferArray to Uint8Array or NestedUint8Array

Note: the RLP version exposed by this package as a re-export is still RLP v2. This won't change along additional v7 Util releases and other current monorepo libraries (VM, Tx,...) are also still using the v2 RLP version.


  • New validateNoLeadingZeroes() function in bytes module for validating Buffers to have no leading zeros (mainly within an RLP context), PR #1568
  • New MAX_UINT64 constant which can be used to check if a BN instance exceeds the max. possible 64-bit integer value, PR #1568


  • toBuffer (bytes module) now throws when a negative BN is provided as input, PR #1606
  • Dependencies: deduplicated RLP import, PR #1549

7.1.3 - 2021-10-12

Removal of ethjs-util Package Re-Export

This release replaces ethjs-util dependency with an internal.ts file which re-exports all the used functions (thanks to @talentlessguy for the PR).

This has a list of benefits:

  • Less maintenance burden (fewer dependencies to care about)
  • Better types and avoids use of deprecated APIs (e.g. new Buffer)
  • Smaller bundle/install size

See: PR #1517

Related Changes / Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug in toUtf8 not working correctly with leading or trailing single 0s, see PR #1522
  • Rewrote toUtf8 function and added extended code docs, method now throws on malformed uneven hex input values, see PR #1525

7.1.2 - 2021-09-30

  • Replaced the ethjs-util intToHex and intToBuffer re-exports with own implementations which throw on wrong integer input (decimal values, non-safe integers, negative numbers,...) to allow for a safer integer type input, PR #1500

7.1.1 - 2021-09-24

  • Fixed a bug in toType() helper function to now return null/undefined for respective input values, PR #1477
  • Add note discouraging use of EIP-1191 format checksums when using toChecksumAddress() (breaks checksum backwards compatibility in current form), PR #1463

7.1.0 - 2021-07-08

Distribution Changes

Dual ES5 and ES2017 Builds

We significantly updated our internal tool and CI setup along the work on PR #913 with an update to ESLint from TSLint for code linting and formatting and the introduction of a new build setup.

Packages now target ES2017 for Node.js builds (the main entrypoint from package.json) and introduce a separate ES5 build distributed along using the browser directive as an entrypoint, see PR #921. This will result in performance benefits for Node.js consumers, see here for a releated discussion.

Included Source Files

Source files from the src folder are now included in the distribution build, see PR #1301. This allows for a better debugging experience in debug tools like Chrome DevTools by having working source map references to the original sources available for inspection.

EIP-2098 Support (Compact 64-byte Signatures)

The signature module comes with a new helper function toCompactSig(v: BNLike, r: Buffer, s: Buffer, chainId?: BNLike): string which allows to convert signature parameters into the format of Compact Signature Representation as defined in EIP-2098.

Other Changes

  • Renamed bnToRlp()helper function to bnToUnpaddedBuffer(), PR #1293

7.0.10 - 2021-03-31

  • Added Address.isPrecompileOrSystemAddress() method which returns true if address is in the address range defined by EIP-1352, PR #1170
  • Return false (instead of throwing) for non-hex-string values in account module isValidAddress, isValidChecksumAddress, isZeroAddress methods (it now gets enough to just handle the false case on function usage), PR #1173

7.0.9 - 2021-03-04

This release adds support for very high chainId numbers exceeding MAX_SAFE_INTEGER (an example is the chain ID 34180983699157880 used for the ephemeral Yolov3 testnet preparing for the berlin hardfork, but high chain IDs might be used for things like private test networks and the like as well), see PR #290.

Function signatures for methods in address and signature are therefore expanded to allow for a BNLike input type (BN | PrefixedHexString | number | Buffer) for chain ID related parameters.

All function signatures are still taking in a number input for backwards-compatibility reasons. If you use one of the following functions to implement generic use cases in your library where the chain ID is not yet known it is recommended to updated to one of the other input types (with plain Buffer likely be the most future-proof). Note that on some functions this changes the return value as well.

  • account: toChecksumAddresss(hexAddress: string, eip1191ChainId?: number): string
    • -> toChecksumAddress = function(hexAddress: string, eip1191ChainId?: BNLike): string
  • account: isValidChecksumAddress(hexAddress: string, eip1191ChainId?: number)
    • -> isValidChecksumAddress(hexAddress: string, eip1191ChainId?: BNLike)
  • signature: ecsign(msgHash: Buffer, privateKey: Buffer, chainId?: number): ECDSASignature
    • -> ecsign(msgHash: Buffer, privateKey: Buffer, chainId?: number): ECDSASignature (return value stays the same on number input)
    • -> ecsign(msgHash: Buffer, privateKey: Buffer, chainId: BNLike): ECDSASignatureBuffer (changed return value for other type inputs)
  • signature: ecrecover(msgHash: Buffer, v: number, r: Buffer, s: Buffer, chainId?: number): Buffer
    • -> ecrecover(msgHash: Buffer, v: BNLike, r: Buffer, s: Buffer, chainId?: BNLike): Buffer
  • signature: toRpcSig(v: number, r: Buffer, s: Buffer, chainId?: number): string
    • -> toRpcSig(v: BNLike, r: Buffer, s: Buffer, chainId?: BNLike): string
  • signature: isValidSignature(v: number, r: Buffer, s: Buffer, homesteadOrLater: boolean = true, chainId?: number)
    • -> isValidSignature(v: BNLike, r: Buffer, s: Buffer, homesteadOrLater: boolean = true, chainId?: BNLike)

Along there is a new toType() helper function which can be used to easily convert to a BNLike output type.

7.0.8 - 2021-02-01

  • New Address.equals(address: Address) function for easier address equality comparions, PR #285
  • Fixed a bug in fromRpcSig() in the signature module not working correctly for chain IDs greater than 110, PR #287

7.0.7 - 2020-10-15

  • Removed stateRoot check for Account.isEmpty() to make emptiness check EIP-161 compliant, PR #279
  • Added type AddressLike and helper bnToHex(), PR #279
  • Added account.raw() which returns a Buffer Array of the raw Buffers for the account in order, PR #279

7.0.6 - 2020-10-07

New Account class

This release adds a new Account class intended as a modern replacement for ethereumjs-account. It has a shape of Account(nonce?: BN, balance?: BN, stateRoot?: Buffer, codeHash?: Buffer).


The static factory methods assist in creating an Account object from varying data types: Object: fromAccountData, RLP: fromRlpSerializedAccount, and Array: fromValuesArray.

Methods: isEmpty(): boolean, isContract(): boolean, serialize(): Buffer

Example usage:

import { Account, BN } from 'ethereumjs-util'

const account = new Account(
  new BN(0), // nonce, default: 0
  new BN(10).pow(new BN(18)), // balance, default: 0
  undefined, // stateRoot, default: KECCAK256_RLP (hash of RLP of null)
  undefined // codeHash, default: KECCAK256_NULL (hash of null)

For more info see the documentation, examples of usage in test/account.spec.ts or PR #275.

New export: TypeScript types

A new file with helpful TypeScript types has been added to the exports of this project, see PR #275.

In this release it contains BNLike, BufferLike, and TransformableToBuffer.


The Address class has as a new method address.toBuffer() that will give you a copy of the underlying address.buf (PR #277).

toBuffer() now converts TransformableToBuffer

The toBuffer() exported function now additionally converts any object with a toBuffer() method (PR #277).

7.0.5 - 2020-09-09

This release adds a new module address - see README - with a new Address class and type which can be used for creating and representing Ethereum addresses.

Example usage:

import { Address } from 'ethereumjs-util'

const pubKey = Buffer.from(
const address = Address.fromPublicKey(pubKey)

In TypeScript the associated Address type can be used to more strictly enforce type checks (e.g. on the length of an address) on function parameters expecting an address input. So you can declare a function like the following: myAddressRelatedFunction(Address: address) to get more assurance that the address input is correct.

See PR #186

7.0.4 - 2020-08-04

  • Fixed BN.js and RLP re-export failures from TypeScript, PR #270
  • Fixed an issue along large-value input due to a string copy inconsistency within the assertIs* helper functions, issue affects most methods of the library, PR #269

7.0.3 - 2020-07-07

This release replaces the keccak and secp256k1 dependencies (PR #257) and instead uses the ethereum-cryptography package that uses native JS implementations for cryptographic primitives and makes use of modern and forward-compatible N-API implementations in Node wherever possible.

This is part of a larger initiative led by Nomic Labs to improve the developer experience within the Ethereum developer ecosystem, see ethereum/js-team-organization#18 for context.

Other Changes:

  • Added TypeScript definitions for ethjs-util methods, PR #248 and PR #260

7.0.2 - 2020-05-25

This patch release re-establishes the state of v7.0.0 release and upgrades the BN.js re-export version back to v5 since quick patches for both the v5 (v5.1.2) and the v4 branch (v4.11.9) have been released to fix interoperability issues between the BN.js versions.

This now makes it possible to move to the latest BN.js v5 version and profit from future upgrades and patches.

An upgrade is highly recommended, the v7.0.1 release will be marked as deprecated along this release.

See: Issue #250

7.0.1 - 2020-05-15

[DEPRECATED in favour of v7.0.2]

This patch release downgrades the re-exported BN.js version from v5 to v4 (so a continuation of what has being used within the v6.x versions). This is due to some unexpected interoperability problems in libraries using the older v4 BN.js branch in their some of their respective dependencies.

An upgrade is highly recommended, the v7.0.0 release will be marked as deprecated along this release.

See: Issue #250

7.0.0 - 2020-04-30

[DEPRECATED in favour of v7.0.1]

This release comes with significant changes to the API, updated versions of the core crypto libraries and substantial developer improvements in the form of a refactored test suite and API documentation.

API Changes

Changes to the API have been discussed in Issue #172 and are guided by the principles of:

  • Make the API more typestrict
  • Be less ambiguous regarding accepted values
  • Avoid implicit type conversions
  • Be more explicit on wrong input (just: throw)

While the implemented changes come with some additional need for manual type conversions depending on the usage context, they should finally lead to cleaner usage patterns on the cosuming side and a more predictable, robust and less error-prone control flow.

Some note: for methods where Buffer usage is now enforced you can use the Bytes.toBuffer() method for conversion.

Account Module

Enforced Hex Prefixing for Address Strings

PR: #241

Hex prefixing is now enforced for all address string inputs and functions will throw if a non-hex string is provided:

  • Account.isValidAddress()
  • Account.isZeroAddress()
  • Account.toChecksumAddress()
  • Account.isValidChecksumAddress()

The Account.isPrecompile() method was removed from the code base, PR #242

Enforce Buffer Inputs for Account Methods

PR: #245

Implicit Buffer conversions for the following methods have been removed and Buffer inputs are now enforced:

  • Account.generateAddress()
  • Account.generateAddress2()
  • Account.pubToAddress()
  • AccountprivateToPublic()
  • AccountimportPublic()

Bytes Module

Typestrict Methods and Type-Explicit Method Split-Up

PR: #244

  • Enforced Buffer input for Bytes.setLengthLeft(), Bytes.setLengthRight()
  • Bytes.setLength() has been removed (alias for Bytes.setLengthLeft())
  • Bytes.stripZeros() has been removed (alias for Bytes.unPad())
  • Bytes.unpad has been split up into:
    • Bytes.unpadBuffer()
    • Bytes.unpadHexString()
    • Bytes.unpadArray()

Hash Module

Typestrict Methods and Type-Explicit Method Split-Up

PR #247

The following methods are now Buffer-only:

  • Hash.keccak()
  • Hash.keccak256()
  • Hash.sha256()
  • Hash.ripemd160()

Hash.keccak() gets the following additional convenience methods:

  • Hash.keccakFromString()
  • Hash.keccakFromHexString() (hex string enforced) Hash.keccakFromArray()

Hash.sha256() gets the following additional convenience methods:

  • Hash.sha256FromString()
  • Hash.sha256FromArray()

Hash.ripemd160() gets the following additional convenience methods:

  • Hash.ripemd160FromString()
  • Hash.ripemd160FromArray()

Other Breaking Changes

  • Added support for Node 14, PR #249
  • Dropped support for Node 8 along PR #228
  • Updated BN.js library re-export from 4.x to 5.x, PR [#249], ethereumjs/ethereumjs-util#249
  • Removed secp2561 re-export (use methods provided or import directly), PR #228

Cryto Library Updates: Keccak, secp2561

Keccak dependency has been updated from 2.1.0 to 3.0.0. This version comes with prebuilds for Linux, MacOS and Windows so most users won't need to have node-gyp run on installation.

The version update also brings in feature compatibility with newer Node.js versions.

The secp2561 ECDSA dependency has been updated from 3.0.1 to 4.0.1.

Developer Improvements

  • Refactored test suite (module split-up, headless Firefox and Chrome), PR #231
  • Moved CI from Travis to GitHub Actions, PR #231
  • Improved and updated TypeDoc API documentation, PR #232 and PR #236
  • Basic API tests for re-exports (BN.js, RLP, ethjsUtil), PR #235

6.2.0 - 2019-11-06

This release comes with a new file structure, related functionality is now broken down into separate files (like account.js) allowing for more oversight and modular integration. All functionality is additionally exposed through an aggregating index.js file, so this version remains backwards-compatible.

Overview on the new structure:

  • account: Private/public key and address-related functionality (creation, validation, conversion)
  • byte: Byte-related helper and conversion functions
  • constants: Exposed constants (e.g. KECCAK256_NULL_S for the string representation of the Keccak-256 hash of null)
  • hash: Hash functions
  • object: Helper function for creating a binary object (DEPRECATED)
  • signature: Signing, signature validation, conversion, recovery

See associated PRs #182 and #179.


  • account: Added EIP-1191 address checksum algorithm support for toChecksumAddress(), PR #204

Bug Fixes

  • bytes: toBuffer() conversion function now throws if strings aren't 0x-prefixed hex values making the behavior of toBuffer() more predictable respectively less error-prone (you might generally want to check cases in your code where you eventually allowed non-0x-prefixed input before), PR #197

Dependencies / Environment

  • Dropped Node 6, added Node 11 and 12 to officially supported Node versions, PR #207
  • Dropped safe-buffer dependency, PR #182
  • Updated rlp dependency from v2.0.0 to v2.2.3 (TypeScript improvements for RLP hash functionality), PR #187
  • Made @types/bn.js a dependency instead of a devDependency, PR #205
  • Updated keccak256 dependency from v1.4.0 to v2.0.0, PR #168

6.1.0 - 2019-02-12

First TypeScript based release of the library, now also including a type declaration file distributed along with the package published, see PR #170.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug in isValidSignature() not correctly returning false if passed an s-value greater than secp256k1n/2 on homestead or later. If you use the method signature with more than three arguments (so not just passing in v, r, s and use it like isValidSignature(v, r, s) and omit the optional args) please read the thread from PR #171 carefully and check your code.


  • Updated @types/node to Node 11 types, PR #175
  • Changed browser from Chrome to ChromeHeadless, PR #156

6.0.0 - 2018-10-08

  • Support for EIP-155 replay protection by adding an optional chainId parameter to ecsign(), ecrecover(), toRpcSig() and isValidSignature(), if present the new signature format relying on the chainId is used, see PR #143
  • New generateAddress2() for CREATE2 opcode (EIP-1014) address creation (Constantinople HF), see PR #146
  • [BREAKING] Fixed signature to comply with Geth and Parity in toRpcSig() changing v from 0/1 to 27/28, this changes the resulting signature buffer, see PR #139
  • [BREAKING] Remove deprecated sha3-named constants and methods (see v5.2.0 release), see PR #154

5.2.0 - 2018-04-27

  • Rename all sha3 hash related constants and functions to keccak, see this EIP discussion for context (tl;dr: Ethereum uses a slightly different hash algorithm then in the official SHA-3 standard)
  • Renamed constants:
    • SHA3_RLP_S -> KECCAK256_RLP_S
    • SHA3_RLP -> KECCAK256_RLP
  • Renamed functions:
    • sha3() -> keccak() (number of bits determined in arguments)
  • New keccak256() alias function for keccak(a, 256)
  • The usage of the sha-named versions is now DEPRECATED and the related constants and functions will be removed on the next major release v6.0.0

5.1.5 - 2018-02-28

  • Fix browserify issue leading to 3rd-party build problems, PR #119

5.1.4 - 2018-02-03

  • Moved to ES5 Node distribution version for easier toolchain integration, PR #114
  • Updated isPrecompile() with Byzantium precompile address range, PR #115

5.1.3 - 2018-01-03

  • ES6 syntax updates
  • Dropped Node 5 support
  • Moved babel to dev dependencies, switched to env preset
  • Usage of safe-buffer instead of Node Buffer
  • Do not allow capital 0X as valid address in isValidAddress()
  • New methods zeroAddress() and isZeroAddress()
  • Updated dependencies

5.1.2 - 2017-05-31

  • Add browserify for ES2015 compatibility
  • Fix hex validation

5.1.1 - 2017-02-10

  • Use hex utils from ethjs-util
  • Move secp vars into functions
  • Dependency updates

5.1.0 - 2017-02-04

  • Fix toRpcSig() function
  • Updated Buffer creation (Buffer.from)
  • Dependency updates
  • Fix npm error
  • Use keccak package instead of keccakjs
  • Helpers for eth_sign RPC call

5.0.1 - 2016-11-08

  • Fix bufferToHex()

5.0.0 - 2016-11-08

  • Added isValidSignature() (ECDSA signature validation)
  • Change v param in ecrecover() from Buffer to int (breaking change!)
  • Fix property alias for setting with initial parameters
  • Reject invalid signature lengths for fromRpcSig()
  • Fix sha3() width param (byte -> bit)
  • Fix overflow bug in bufferToInt()

4.5.0 - 2016-17-12

  • Introduced toMessageSig() and fromMessageSig()

Older releases: