- update to hardhat-deploy latest
- README update
- it is now an extension to hardhat-ethers but it remove support for custom artifacts
- 1e54162: fallback on provider when no signer + add named signers
- f4b68f7: update from latest hardhat-ethers + fix compatibility issue with typechain
- a56433d: remove unecessary file
- a6053c7: typing on getContract etc..
- ff565e1: Update from @nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers
- 2ae92be: support waffle build with missing linkReferences field
- 71f0266: follow hardhat-ethers compilation output setup
- it is now an extension to hardhat-ethers but it remove support for custom artifacts
- follow hardhat-ethers compilation output setup
- support waffle build with missing linkReferences field
- remove unecessary file
- update from latest hardhat-ethers + fix compatibility issue with typechain
- typing on getContract etc..
- Update from @nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers
- fallback on provider when no signer + add named signers