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History / test_sequence_interface Class Reference


  • Create new source YAML file and regenerate all. Previously I was hand-editing Step-Definition-Macros.docstring.yaml. Then I realized to my horror that the hand-edited file would be deleted by `make clean`. The solution is to create a new YAML file with a different suffix: Step-Definition-Macros.src.yaml. In the make file, "generate" (i.e., copy) the src YAML to the docstring YAML. Now the docstring YAML is once again a temporary file that can be safely cleaned while the source is preserved. Regenerated all the other Markdown files due to an earlier script commit that changes inline code single backticks into double backticks. - modified: Makefile - Make Step-Definition-Macros.docstring.yaml differently, with a specific recipe. - modified: Step-Definition-Macros/.gitignore - Added the temporary YAML file back. - renamed: Step-Definition-Macros/Step-Definition-Macros.docstring.yaml -> Step-Definition-Macros/Step-Definition-Macros.src.yaml - Renamed to protected src suffix. - modified: Step-Definition-Macros/ - modified: feature_sequence_interface-Class-Reference/ - modified: rule_sequence_interface-Class-Reference/ - modified: scenario_sequence_interface-Class-Reference/ - modified: step_attributes_interface-Class-Reference/ - modified: test_sequence_interface-Class-Reference/ - Regenerated.

    @williaml33moore williaml33moore committed Sep 20, 2024
  • Regenerate.

    @williaml33moore williaml33moore committed Sep 18, 2024
  • New feature_sequence_interface docstring. Also, fixed trailing double-quote bug. - modified: Makefile - Remove `.touch` files when doing `make clean`. - modified: scripts/ - Strip closing double quote. - When I put a newline between the closing quote and the `*)`, the quote leaked out into the generated markdown. - modified: feature_sequence_interface-Class-Reference/ - modified: rule_sequence_interface-Class-Reference/ - modified: scenario_sequence_interface-Class-Reference/ - modified: step_attributes_interface-Class-Reference/ - modified: step_definition_interface-Class-Reference/ - modified: test_sequence_interface-Class-Reference/ - Regenerated.

    @williaml33moore williaml33moore committed Sep 18, 2024
  • New test_sequence_interface class reference. - modified: Makefile - New test_sequence_interface class reference. - modified: step_attributes_interface-Class-Reference/ - Minor edits. - deleted: - new file: test_sequence_interface-Class-Reference/ - Created the file on the web; moved it on the command-line. - Regenerated. - new file: test_sequence_interface-Class-Reference/.gitignore - Ignore everything except the final `.md` file.

    @williaml33moore williaml33moore committed Sep 17, 2024