- Resource Declarations
- Puppet Master
- Pulp Version Control
- Infrastructure
- Resources: videos
- Alternatives (Chef)
Puppet achieves the desired state of what is declared in resource declarations submitted to it.
Type | ensures |
package | installed |
file | present |
user | present |
service | running |
This is a less time-consuming and error-prone approach than procedural shell scripits.
Thus, Puppet automates repetitive tasks to ensure consistency among servers, to use shareable code (Puppet scripts) to automate server builds which are testable.
Puppet declarations specify generic resources, so providers in Puppet's Resource Abstraction Layer resolves differences among various operating systems and its package managers when implementing Puppet XML specs.
OS | package provider | Notes |
Red Hat | yum install | - |
Ubuntu | apt install | - |
Windows | Windows Nu-get | Chocolatey command cinst install package |
Mac OSX | Homebrew install | command brew install package |
Configuration management (CM) tools help to avoid manual install and configure once the hardware is in place.
Installable alternatives to Puppet (configuration management) include Chef, Ansable, Salt, CF Engine (Ruby), Pallet, Bcfg2, etc.
Cloud CM alternatives include Amazon OpsWorks and CloudFormation. Ubuntu's Juju. '
## Resource Declarations Puppet handles different type of resources (Package, File, Service).node 'injector01' {
package { 'jmeter':
ensure => 'installed',
file { '/readme.txt':
ensure => 'present',
content => "This file was created by Puppet",
user { 'larry':
ensure => 'present',
gid => sysadmin,
home => /mnt/home/larry,
service { 'ntpd':
ensure => 'running',
enable => true,
subscribe => Package['ntp'],
The first line specifies the resource type and title of the program. The => in attribute definitions is called a "fat commaa". Note the last line can contain a comma. Very cool.
Puppet does not run resources in top-down sequence.
## Commands 0. Get a list of users and their properties:puppet resource user >users.pp
Note the output is JSON format.
Facter discovers current inventory data every time puppet runs. The facts are written to operating system variables, so conditional logic can be performed.
echo $operatingsystem
- Facter facts are in pure Ruby.
Facter.add( computername ) do
confine :kernel => :darwin
setcode( scutil --get ComputerName )
Facter.add( printerlist ) do
setcode( scutil --get ComputerName )
$x( lpstat -a | cut -d ' ' -f 1).split("\n").join(",")
The Puppet Master is written in Ruby on Rails for Linux (no Windows version).
Each node pulls its configuration over its TCP port 8140 from the Puppet Master via RPM. The node sends information about itself like its OS, CPU, block devices, network collected by a facter on the node.
The Puppet Master requires manual creation of a SSH certificate to each node.
The master classifies node information and defines a catalog containing dependencies in a manifest sent to a node to enforce.
## No Master A manifest .pp file can be applied to a Puppet node locally by a command such as:puppet apply --_modulepath_/etc/puppet/modules ${HOSTTYPE}.pp
This references modules sent to nodes via RPM. (Instead of RPM, use FPM?)
After yum finishes installing puppet, an "at" script runs a RPM %postinst command to apply the Puppet config.
The above is advocated by Sam Bashton on "Continuously Integrated Puppet in a Dynamic Environment" at PuppetConf 2013 with slides at advocates a master-less Puppet within EC2 using Centos machines.
Sam likes use of a master like herding "pets".
He prefers to manage servers like a herd (of cattle).
His machines boot with a common, blank image on AWS and get configured at first boot (rather than different images with software already installed).
And manifests can be set to be read only by root.
## Pulp Version Control is a centralized repository to manage revisions of specs in Puppet.Pulp can scan all manifests to get lists such as which version of software is installed across all machines.
Pulp replicates its manifest repository across availability zones, which Puppet Masster does not do, which makes the Puppet Masters a single location point of failure.
From github, Pulp clones and copies repos from qa to stage to live.
- fetches code from git,
- runs lint test (using the Jenkins Warnings plugin)
- pull in modules (using librarian-puppet),
- builds a RPM which,
- if tests are successful, are
- added to a Pulp repo and installed on target machines (using Jenkins Promoted build plugin)
AWS CloudFormation manages infrastructure.
Extra facts from CloudFormation templates:
Keep database password to only machines which need them in:
Discover other information using EC2 API.
Look into:
## Download Choco JMeter package for internal Artifactory-
Define the folder to download from instead of Chocolatey. There is likely a hierarchy of utilities such as Java, 7zip, etc.
Scroll down to click Download.
Save Jmeter.2.12.nupkg (Binary File 4.5KB) from
Change extension from .nupkg to .zip.
Open zip file using unzip.
Drill into folder jmeter.2.12
Open .ps1 for edit.
Associate .ps1 with Sublime or whatever text editor you prefer (if you haven't already).
Change the download url to the one identified in the first step above.
$url = '' # download url ```
BTW, this URL can be downloaded using a PowerShell command such as this:
wget -OutFile ```
The above won't work if the server doesn't have a proxy connection to the public internet.
Zip the changed folder.
Rename the file exention to .nupkg.
Calculate SHA1 and MD5 hashes.
Put the hash values into 32-byte SHA1 and 40-byte MD5 files.
Open the Artifactory web aapp and upload to the folder designated.
Try it on a new build (to verify SHA1 and MD5). See below.
Try this to update an existing JMeter (with a previous version).
Using one command.
For example, after a server is provisioned with Application Cluster: p1w (Performance server on Windows), Puppet recognizes that tag and installs apps associated with p1w:
1. Chocolatey in Powershell.
2. Windows Explorer settings to show file extensions, etc.
3. Map Network Drive shares to app-specific test data files on another Windows machine.
4. Favorites in Internet Explorer and other browsers
5. 7Zip (used by other installers)
6. Firefox
7. Chrome
8. Java 8 (file jdk-8u66-windows-x64.exe for Windows)
9. Java 7 (for backward compatibility some utilities require?)
10. TestNG
11. JMeter
12. Selenium
13. Appium
14. LoadRunner Getting Started with Puppet - PuppetConf 2013 Getting Started with the Learning Puppet VM Intro to puppet ( slides + install screencast ) on Amazon EC2, with mistakes done purposely by Patrick Viet Learning Puppet Manifests Demo of Puppet Enterprise Setting up a Git Commit Workflow with Puppet Enterprise by Ben Piper (@_benpiper, explains in 5.5 hours how to setup a MediaWiki web server that runs Apache, PHP & MySQL on CentOS 6.5, via a Puppet Master. Puppet Module Best Practices - Puppet Camp SIlicon Valley 2014
## Alternatives: Chef Alternatives to Puppet include Chef or Ansible (Red Hat) or Salt.function start {
java -jar wiremock-${WIREMOCK_VERSION}-standalone.jar
--port ${PORT}
--proxy-via= ${PROXY-VIA}
--proxy-all= ${PROXY-ALL}
--verbose > /var/log/wiremock.log
2>&1 &
"5_run_chef": {
"command": { "Fn::Join": [ "",
[ "/usr/bin/chef-solo -c /var/chef/config/solo.rb -o 'role[",
{ "Ref": "Role" }, "]' -E '",
{ "Ref": "Environment" },
"'" ]