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Whippet user's guide

Whippet is an embed-only library: it should be copied into the source tree of the program that uses it. The program's build system needs to be wired up to compile Whippet, then link it into the program that uses it.

Subtree merges

One way is get Whippet is just to manually copy the files present in a Whippet checkout into your project. However probably the best way is to perform a subtree merge of Whippet into your project's Git repository, so that you can easily update your copy of Whippet in the future.

Performing the first subtree merge is annoying and full of arcane incantations. Follow the subtree merge page for full details, but for a cheat sheet, you might do something like this to copy Whippet into the whippet/ directory of your project root:

git remote add whippet
git fetch whippet
git merge -s ours --no-commit --allow-unrelated-histories whippet/main
git read-tree --prefix=whippet/ -u whippet/main
git commit -m 'Added initial Whippet merge'

Then to later update your copy of whippet, assuming you still have the whippet remote, just do:

git pull -s subtree whippet main


To determine the live set of objects, a tracing garbage collector starts with a set of root objects, and then transitively visits all reachable object edges. Exactly how it goes about doing this depends on the program that is using the garbage collector; different programs will have different object representations, different strategies for recording roots, and so on.

To traverse the heap in a program-specific way but without imposing an abstraction overhead, Whippet requires that a number of data types and inline functions be implemented by the program, for use by Whippet itself. This is the embedder API, and this document describes what Whippet requires from a program.

A program should provide a header file implementing the API in gc-embedder-api.h. This header should only be included when compiling Whippet itself; it is not part of the API that Whippet exposes to the program.

Identifying roots

The collector uses two opaque struct types, struct gc_mutator_roots and struct gc_heap_roots, that are used by the program to record object roots. Probably you should put the definition of these data types in a separate header that is included both by Whippet, via the embedder API, and via users of Whippet, so that programs can populate the root set. In any case the embedder-API use of these structs is via gc_trace_mutator_roots and gc_trace_heap_roots, two functions that are passed a trace visitor function trace_edge, and which should call that function on all edges from a given mutator or heap. (Usually mutator roots are per-thread roots, such as from the stack, and heap roots are global roots.)

Tracing objects

The gc_trace_object is responsible for calling the trace_edge visitor function on all outgoing edges in an object. It also includes a size out-parameter, for when the collector wants to measure the size of an object. trace_edge and size may be NULL, in which case no tracing or size computation should be performed.

Tracing ephemerons and finalizers

Most kinds of GC-managed object are defined by the program, but the GC itself has support for two specific object kind: ephemerons and finalizers. If the program allocates ephemerons, it should trace them in the gc_trace_object function by calling gc_trace_ephemeron from gc-ephemerons.h. Likewise if the program allocates finalizers, it should trace them by calling gc_trace_finalizer from gc-finalizer.h.

Remembered-set bits

When built to support generational garbage collection, Whippet requires that all "large" or potentially large objects have a flag bit reserved for use of the garbage collector. A large object is one whose size exceeds the gc_allocator_large_threshold() (see gc-attrs.h), which is a collector-specific value. Currently the only generational collector is the in-place mmc collector, whose large object threshold is 4096 bytes. The gc_object_set_remembered, gc_object_is_remembered_nonatomic, and gc_object_clear_remembered_nonatomic embedder functions manage the remembered bit. Setting the remembered bit should be idempotent; multiple threads can race to call gc_object_set_remembered and do not synchronize. The query and clear functions are called without concurrent accessors and so don't have to be atomic.

Forwarding objects

When built with a collector that moves objects, the embedder must also allow for forwarding pointers to be installed in an object. There are two forwarding APIs: one that is atomic and one that isn't.

The nonatomic API is relatively simple; there is a gc_object_forwarded_nonatomic function that returns an embedded forwarding address, or 0 if the object is not yet forwarded, and gc_object_forward_nonatomic, which installs a forwarding pointer.

The atomic API is gnarly. It is used by parallel collectors, in which multiple collector threads can race to evacuate an object.

There is a state machine associated with the gc_atomic_forward structure from gc-forwarding.h; the embedder API implements the state changes. The collector calls gc_atomic_forward_begin on an object to begin a forwarding attempt, and the resulting gc_atomic_forward can be in the NOT_FORWARDED, FORWARDED, or BUSY state.

If the gc_atomic_forward's state is BUSY, the collector will call gc_atomic_forward_retry_busy; a return value of 0 means the object is still busy, because another thread is attempting to forward it. Otherwise the forwarding state becomes either FORWARDED, if the other thread succeeded in forwarding it, or ABORTED, indicating that the other thread failed to forward it.

If the forwarding state is FORWARDED, the collector will call gc_atomic_forward_address to get the new address.

If the forwarding state is NOT_FORWARDED, the collector may begin a forwarding attempt by calling gc_atomic_forward_acquire. The resulting state is ACQUIRED on success, or BUSY if another thread acquired the object in the meantime, or FORWARDED if another thread acquired and completed the forwarding attempt.

An ACQUIRED object can then be forwarded via gc_atomic_forward_commit, or the forwarding attempt can be aborted via gc_atomic_forward_abort. Also, when an object is acquired, the collector may call gc_atomic_forward_object_size to compute how many bytes to copy. (The collector may choose instead to record object sizes in a different way.)

All of these gc_atomic_forward functions are to be implemented by the embedder. Some programs may allocate a dedicated forwarding word in all objects; some will manage to store the forwarding word in an initial "tag" word, via a specific pattern for the low 3 bits of the tag that no non-forwarded object will have. The low-bits approach takes advantage of the collector's minimum object alignment, in which objects are aligned at least to an 8-byte boundary, so all objects have 0 for the low 3 bits of their address.

Conservative references

Finally, when configured in a mode in which root edges or intra-object edges are conservative, the embedder can filter out which bit patterns might be an object reference by implementing gc_is_valid_conservative_ref_displacement. Here, the collector masks off the low bits of a conservative reference, and asks the embedder if a value with those low bits might point to an object. Usually the embedder should return 1 only if the displacement is 0, but if the program allows low-bit tagged pointers, then it should also return 1 for those pointer tags.

External objects

Sometimes a system will allocate objects outside the GC, for example on the stack or in static data sections. To support this use case, Whippet allows the embedder to provide a struct gc_extern_space implementation. Whippet will call gc_extern_space_start_gc at the start of each collection, and gc_extern_space_finish_gc at the end. External objects will be visited by gc_extern_space_mark, which should return nonzero if the object hasn't been seen before and needs to be traced via gc_trace_object (coloring the object grey). Note, gc_extern_space_mark may be called concurrently from many threads; be prepared!

Configuration, compilation, and linking

To the user, Whippet presents an abstract API that does not encode the specificities of any given collector. Whippet currently includes four implementations of that API: semi, a simple semi-space collector; pcc, a parallel copying collector (like semi but multithreaded); bdw, an implementation via the third-party Boehm-Demers-Weiser conservative collector; and mmc, a mostly-marking collector inspired by Immix.

The program that embeds Whippet selects the collector implementation at build-time. In the case of the mmc collector, the program also configures a specific collector mode, again at build-time: generational or not, parallel or not, stack-conservative or not, and heap-conservative or not. It may be nice in the future to be able to configure these at run-time, but for the time being they are compile-time options so that adding new features doesn't change the footprint of a more minimal collector.

Different collectors have different allocation strategies: for example, the BDW collector allocates from thread-local freelists, whereas the semi-space collector has a bump-pointer allocator. A collector may also expose a write barrier, for example to enable generational collection. For performance reasons, many of these details can't be hidden behind an opaque functional API: they must be inlined into call sites. Whippet's approach is to expose fast paths as part of its inline API, but which are parameterized on attributes of the selected garbage collector. The goal is to keep the user's code generic and avoid any code dependency on the choice of garbage collector. Because of inlining, however, the choice of garbage collector does need to be specified when compiling user code.

Compiling the collector

Building the collector is not as easy as it should be. As an embed-only library, we don't get to choose the One True Build System and then just build the software in that way; instead Whippet needs to be buildable with any build system. At some point we will have snippets that embedders can include in their various build systems, but for now we document the low-level structure, so that people can craft the appropriate incantations for their program's build system.

Whippet consists of some collector-implementation-agnostic independent modules, and then the collector implementation itself. Though Whippet tries to put performance-sensitive interfaces in header files, users should also compile with link-time optimization (LTO) to remove any overhead imposed by the division of code into separate compilation units.

Usually you want to build with maximum optimization and no debugging assertions. Sometimes you want minimal optimization and all assertions. Here's what we do, as a Makefile snippet:

BUILD_CFLAGS_optdebug=-Og -g -DGC_DEBUG=1

So if you do just plain make, it will do an opt build. You can specify the build mode by setting BUILD on the command line, as in make BUILD=debug.

Then for the actual compilation flags, we do:

CFLAGS=-Wall -flto -fno-strict-aliasing -fvisibility=hidden -Wno-unused $(BUILD_CFLAGS)
LDFLAGS=-lpthread -flto

The actual include directory (the dot in -I.) should be adjusted as appropriate.

Collector-implementation-agnostic independent modules

There are currently four generic modules that don't depend on the choice of collector. The first is gc-stack.o, which has supporting code to associate mutators (threads) with slices of the native stack, in order to support conservative root-finding.

$(COMPILE) -o gc-stack.o -c gc-stack.c

The next is a generic options interface, to allow the user to parameterize the collector at run-time, for example to implement a specific heap sizing strategy.

$(COMPILE) -o gc-options.o -c gc-options.c

Next, where Whippet needs to get data from the operating system, for example the number of processors available, it does so behind an abstract interface that is selected at compile-time. The only implementation currently is for GNU/Linux, but it's a pretty thin layer, so adding more systems should not be difficult.

$(COMPILE) -o gc-platform.o -c gc-platform-$(PLATFORM).c

Finally, something a little more complicated: ephemerons. Ephemerons are objects that make a weak association between a key and a value. As first-class objects, they need to be classifiable by the user system, and notably via the gc_trace_object procedure, and therefore need to have a header whose shape is understandable by the embedding program. We do this by including the gc-embedder-api.h implementation, via -include, in this case providing foo-embedder.h:

$(COMPILE) -include foo-embedder.h -o gc-ephemeron.o -c gc-ephemeron.c

As for ephemerons, finalizers also have their own compilation unit.

$(COMPILE) -include foo-embedder.h -o gc-finalizer.o -c gc-finalizer.c

Compile-time options

There are a number of pre-processor definitions that can parameterize the collector at build-time:

  • GC_DEBUG: If nonzero, then enable debugging assertions.
  • NDEBUG: This one is a bit weird; if not defined, then enable debugging assertions and some debugging printouts. Probably Whippet's use of NDEBUG should be folded in to GC_DEBUG.
  • GC_PARALLEL: If nonzero, then enable parallelism in the collector. Defaults to 0.
  • GC_GENERATIONAL: If nonzero, then enable generational collection. Defaults to zero.
  • GC_PRECISE_ROOTS: If nonzero, then collect precise roots via gc_heap_roots and gc_mutator_roots. Defaults to zero.
  • GC_CONSERVATIVE_ROOTS: If nonzero, then scan the stack and static data sections for conservative roots. Defaults to zero. Not mutually exclusive with GC_PRECISE_ROOTS.
  • GC_CONSERVATIVE_TRACE: If nonzero, heap edges are scanned conservatively. Defaults to zero.

Some collectors require specific compile-time options. For example, the semi-space collector has to be able to move all objects; this is not compatible with conservative roots or heap edges.

Building semi

Finally, let's build a collector. The simplest collector is the semi-space collector. The entirety of the implementation can be had by compiling semi.c, providing the program's embedder API implementation via -include:

$(COMPILE) -DGC_PRECISE_ROOTS=1 -include foo-embedder.h -o gc.o -c semi.c

Building bdw

The next simplest collector uses BDW-GC. This collector must scan the roots and heap conservatively. The collector is parallel if BDW-GC itself was compiled with parallelism enabled.

  `pkg-config --cflags bdw-gc` \
  -include foo-embedder.h -o gc.o -c bdw.c

Building pcc

The parallel copying collector is like semi but better in every way: it supports multiple mutator threads, and evacuates in parallel if multiple threads are available.

  -include foo-embedder.h -o gc.o -c pcc.c

Building mmc

Finally, there is the mostly-marking collector. It can collect roots precisely or conservatively, trace precisely or conservatively, be parallel or not, and be generational or not.

  -include foo-embedder.h -o gc.o -c mvv.c

Compiling your program

Any compilation unit that uses the GC API should have the same set of compile-time options defined as when compiling the collector. Additionally those compilation units should include the "attributes" header for the collector in question, namely semi-attrs.h, bdw-attrs.h, pcc-attrs.h, or mmc-attrs.h. For example, for parallel generational mmc, you might have:

  -include mmc-attrs.h -o my-program.o -c my-program.c

Linking the collector into your program

Finally to link, pass all objects to the linker. You will want to ensure that the linker enables -flto, for link-time optimization. We do it like this:

$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o my-program \
  my-program.o gc-stack.o gc-platform.o gc-options.o gc-ephemeron.o

Using the collector

Whew! So you finally built the thing! Did you also link it into your program? No, because your program isn't written yet? Well this section is for you: we describe the user-facing API of Whippet, where "user" in this case denotes the embedding program.

What is the API, you ask? It is in gc-api.h.

Heaps and mutators

To start with, you create a heap. Usually an application will create just one heap. A heap has one or more associated mutators. A mutator is a thread-specific handle on the heap. Allocating objects requires a mutator.

The initial heap and mutator are created via gc_init, which takes three logical input parameters: the options, a stack base address, and an event listener. The options specify the initial heap size and so on. The event listener is mostly for gathering statistics; see below for more. gc_init returns the new heap as an out parameter, and also returns a mutator for the current thread.

To make a new mutator for a new thread, use gc_init_for_thread. When a thread is finished with its mutator, call gc_finish_for_thread. Each thread that allocates or accesses GC-managed objects should have its own mutator.

The stack base address allows the collector to scan the mutator's stack, if conservative root-finding is enabled. It may be omitted in the call to gc_init and gc_init_for_thread; passing NULL tells Whippet to ask the platform for the stack bounds of the current thread. Generally speaking, this works on all platforms for the main thread, but not necessarily on other threads. The most reliable solution is to explicitly obtain a base address by trampolining through gc_call_with_stack_addr.


There are some run-time parameters that programs and users might want to set explicitly; these are encapsulated in the options. Make an options object with gc_allocate_options(); this object will be consumed by its gc_init. Then, the most convenient thing is to set those options from gc_options_parse_and_set_many from a string passed on the command line or an environment variable, but to get there we have to explain the low-level first. There are a few options that are defined for all collectors:

  • GC_OPTION_HEAP_SIZE_POLICY: How should we size the heap? Either it's GC_HEAP_SIZE_FIXED (which is 0), in which the heap size is fixed at startup; or GC_HEAP_SIZE_GROWABLE (1), in which the heap may grow but will never shrink; or GC_HEAP_SIZE_ADAPTIVE (2), in which we take an adaptive approach, depending on the rate of allocation and the cost of collection. Really you want the adaptive strategy, but if you are benchmarking you definitely want the fixed policy.
  • GC_OPTION_HEAP_SIZE: The initial heap size. For a GC_HEAP_SIZE_FIXED policy, this is also the final heap size. In bytes.
  • GC_OPTION_MAXIMUM_HEAP_SIZE: For growable and adaptive heaps, the maximum heap size, in bytes.
  • GC_OPTION_HEAP_SIZE_MULTIPLIER: For growable heaps, the target heap multiplier. A heap multiplier of 2.5 means that for 100 MB of live data, the heap should be 250 MB.
  • GC_OPTION_HEAP_EXPANSIVENESS: For adaptive heap sizing, an indication of how much free space will be given to heaps, as a proportion of the square root of the live data size.
  • GC_OPTION_PARALLELISM: How many threads to devote to collection tasks during GC pauses. By default, the current number of processors, with a maximum of 8.

You can set these options via gc_option_set_int and so on; see gc-options.h. Or, you can parse options from strings: heap-size-policy, heap-size, maximum-heap-size, and so on. Use gc_option_from_string to determine if a string is really an option. Use gc_option_parse_and_set to parse a value for an option. Use gc_options_parse_and_set_many to parse a number of comma-delimited key=value settings from a string.


So you have a heap and a mutator; great! Let's allocate! Call gc_allocate, passing the mutator and the number of bytes to allocate.

There is also gc_allocate_fast, which is an inlined fast-path. If that returns NULL, you need to call gc_allocate_slow. The advantage of this API is that you can punt some root-saving overhead to the slow path.

Allocation always succeeds. If it doesn't, it kills your program. The bytes in the resulting allocation will be initialized to 0.

The allocation fast path is parameterized by collector-specific attributes. JIT compilers can also read those attributes to emit appropriate inline code that replicates the logic of gc_allocate_fast.

Write barriers

For some collectors, mutators have to tell the collector whenever they mutate an object. They tell the collector by calling a write barrier; in Whippet this is currently the case only for generational collectors.

The write barrier is gc_write_barrier; see gc-api.h for its parameters.

As with allocation, the fast path for the write barrier is parameterized by collector-specific attributes, to allow JIT compilers to inline write barriers.


Sometimes Whippet will need to synchronize all threads, for example as part of the "stop" phase of a stop-and-copy semi-space collector. Whippet stops at safepoints. At a safepoint, all mutators must be able to enumerate all of their edges to live objects.

Whippet has cooperative safepoints: mutators have to periodically call into the collector to potentially synchronize with other mutators. gc_allocate_slow is a safepoint, so if you a bunch of threads that are all allocating, usually safepoints are reached in a more-or-less prompt fashion. But if a mutator isn't allocating, it either needs to temporarily mark itself as inactive by trampolining through gc_call_without_gc, or it should arrange to periodically call gc_safepoint. Marking a mutator as inactive is the right strategy for, for example, system calls that might block. Periodic safepoints is better for code that is active but not allocating.

Thing is, though, gc_safepoint is not yet implemented :) It will be, though!

Also, the BDW collector actually uses pre-emptive safepoints: it stops threads via POSIX signals. gc_safepoint is (or will be) a no-op with BDW.


Sometimes a mutator or embedder would like to tell the collector to not move a particular object. This can happen for example during a foreign function call, or if the embedder allows programs to access the address of an object, for example to compute an identity hash code. To support this use case, some Whippet collectors allow the embedder to pin objects. Call gc_pin_object to prevent the collector from relocating an object.

Pinning is currently supported by the bdw collector, which never moves objects, and also by the various mmc collectors, which can move objects that have no inbound conservative references.

Pinning is not supported on semi or pcc.

Call gc_can_pin_objects to determine whether the current collector can pin objects.


Sometimes a program would like some information from the GC: how many bytes and objects have been allocated? How much time has been spent in the GC? How many times has GC run, and how many of those were minor collections? What's the maximum pause time? Stuff like that.

Instead of collecting a fixed set of information, Whippet emits callbacks when the collector reaches specific states. The embedder provides a listener for these events when initializing the collector.

The listener interface is defined in gc-event-listener.h. Whippet ships with two listener implementations, GC_NULL_EVENT_LISTENER, and GC_BASIC_STATS. Most embedders will want their own listener, but starting with the basic stats listener is not a bad option:

#include "gc-api.h"
#include "gc-basic-stats.h"
#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
  struct gc_options *options = NULL;
  struct gc_heap *heap;
  struct gc_mutator *mut;
  struct gc_basic_stats stats;
  gc_init(options, NULL, &heap, &mut, GC_BASIC_STATS, &stats);
  // ...
  gc_basic_stats_print(&stats, stdout);

As you can see, GC_BASIC_STATS expands to a struct gc_event_listener definition. We pass an associated pointer to a struct gc_basic_stats instance which will be passed to the listener at every event.

The output of this program might be something like:

Completed 19 major collections (0 minor).
654.597 ms total time (385.235 stopped).
Heap size is 167.772 MB (max 167.772 MB); peak live data 55.925 MB.

There are currently three different sorts of events: heap events to track heap growth, collector events to time different parts of collection, and mutator events to indicate when specific mutators are stopped.

There are three heap events:

  • init(void* data, size_t heap_size): Called during gc_init, to allow the listener to initialize its associated state.
  • heap_resized(void* data, size_t new_size): Called if the heap grows or shrinks.
  • live_data_size(void* data, size_t size): Called periodically when the collector learns about live data size.

The collection events form a kind of state machine, and are called in this order:

  • requesting_stop(void* data): Called when the collector asks mutators to stop.
  • waiting_for_stop(void* data): Called when the collector has done all the pre-stop work that it is able to and is just waiting on mutators to stop.
  • mutators_stopped(void* data): Called when all mutators have stopped; the trace phase follows.
  • prepare_gc(void* data, enum gc_collection_kind gc_kind): Called to indicate which kind of collection is happening.
  • roots_traced(void* data): Called when roots have been visited.
  • heap_traced(void* data): Called when the whole heap has been traced.
  • ephemerons_traced(void* data): Called when the ephemeron fixpoint has been reached.
  • restarting_mutators(void* data): Called right before the collector restarts mutators.

The collectors in Whippet will call all of these event handlers, but it may be that they are called conservatively: for example, the single-mutator, single-collector semi-space collector will never have to wait for mutators to stop. It will still call the functions, though!

Finally, there are the mutator events:

  • mutator_added(void* data) -> void*: The only event handler that returns a value, called when a new mutator is added. The parameter is the overall event listener data, and the result is mutator-specific data. The rest of the mutator events pass this mutator-specific data instead.
  • mutator_cause_gc(void* mutator_data): Called when a mutator causes GC, either via allocation or an explicit gc_collect call.
  • mutator_stopping(void* mutator_data): Called when a mutator has received the signal to stop. It may perform some marking work before it stops.
  • mutator_stopped(void* mutator_data): Called when a mutator parks itself.
  • mutator_restarted(void* mutator_data): Called when a mutator restarts.
  • mutator_removed(void* mutator_data): Called when a mutator goes away.

Note that these events handlers shouldn't really do much. In particular, they shouldn't call into the Whippet API, and they shouldn't even access GC-managed objects. Event listeners are really about statistics and profiling and aren't a place to mutate the object graph.


Whippet supports ephemerons, first-class objects that weakly associate keys with values. If the an ephemeron's key ever becomes unreachable, the ephemeron becomes dead and loses its value.

The user-facing API is in gc-ephemeron.h. To allocate an ephemeron, call gc_allocate_ephemeron, then initialize its key and value via gc_ephemeron_init. Get the key and value via gc_ephemeron_key and gc_ephemeron_value, respectively.

In Whippet, ephemerons can be linked together in a chain. During GC, if an ephemeron's chain points to a dead ephemeron, that link will be elided, allowing the dead ephemeron itself to be collected. In that way, ephemerons can be used to build weak data structures such as weak maps.

Weak data structures are often shared across multiple threads, so all routines to access and modify chain links are atomic. Use gc_ephemeron_chain_head to access the head of a storage location that points to an ephemeron; push a new ephemeron on a location with gc_ephemeron_chain_push; and traverse a chain with gc_ephemeron_chain_next.

An ephemeron association can be removed via gc_ephemeron_mark_dead.


A finalizer allows the embedder to be notified when an object becomes unreachable.

A finalizer has a priority. When the heap is created, the embedder should declare how many priorities there are. Lower-numbered priorities take precedence; if an object has a priority-0 finalizer outstanding, that will prevent any finalizer at level 1 (or 2, ...) from firing until no priority-0 finalizer remains.

Call gc_attach_finalizer, from gc-finalizer.h, to attach a finalizer to an object.

A finalizer also references an associated GC-managed closure object. A finalizer's reference to the closure object is strong: if a finalizer's closure closure references its finalizable object, directly or indirectly, the finalizer will never fire.

When an object with a finalizer becomes unreachable, it is added to a queue. The embedder can call gc_pop_finalizable to get the next finalizable object and its associated closure. At that point the embedder can do anything with the object, including keeping it alive. Ephemeron associations will still be present while the finalizable object is live. Note however that any objects referenced by the finalizable object may themselves be already finalized; finalizers are enqueued for objects when they become unreachable, which can concern whole subgraphs of objects at once.

The usual way for an embedder to know when the queue of finalizable object is non-empty is to call gc_set_finalizer_callback to provide a function that will be invoked when there are pending finalizers.

Arranging to call gc_pop_finalizable and doing something with the finalizable object and closure is the responsibility of the embedder. The embedder's finalization action can end up invoking arbitrary code, so unless the embedder imposes some kind of restriction on what finalizers can do, generally speaking finalizers should be run in a dedicated thread instead of recursively from within whatever mutator thread caused GC. Setting up such a thread is the responsibility of the mutator. gc_pop_finalizable is thread-safe, allowing multiple finalization threads if that is appropriate.

gc_allocate_finalizer returns a finalizer, which is a fresh GC-managed heap object. The mutator should then directly attach it to an object using gc_finalizer_attach. When the finalizer is fired, it becomes available to the mutator via gc_pop_finalizable.