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Detox can't seem to connect to the test app(s)! #4648

2 tasks done
SkPratihar1 opened this issue Nov 29, 2024 · 3 comments
2 tasks done

Detox can't seem to connect to the test app(s)! #4648

SkPratihar1 opened this issue Nov 29, 2024 · 3 comments


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What happened?

/** @type {Detox.DetoxConfig} */
module.exports = {
testRunner: {
args: {
'$0': 'jest',
config: 'e2e/jest.config.js'
jest: {
setupTimeout: 120000

apps: {
'ios.debug': {
type: '',
binaryPath: 'ios/build/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/',
build: 'xcodebuild -workspace ios/YOUR_APP.xcworkspace -scheme YOUR_APP -configuration Debug -sdk iphonesimulator -derivedDataPath ios/build'
'ios.release': {
type: '',
binaryPath: 'ios/build/Build/Products/Release-iphonesimulator/',
build: 'xcodebuild -workspace ios/YOUR_APP.xcworkspace -scheme YOUR_APP -configuration Release -sdk iphonesimulator -derivedDataPath ios/build'
'android.debug': {
type: 'android.apk',
binaryPath: 'android/app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk',
build: 'cd android && ./gradlew assembleDebug assembleAndroidTest -DtestBuildType=debug && cd ..',
reversePorts: [

'android.release': {
  type: 'android.apk',
  binaryPath: '/Users/it062305/dev/ProjectCode2024/ero-ev-frontend/android/app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk',
  build: 'cd android && ./gradlew assembleRelease assembleAndroidTest -DtestBuildType=release'

devices: {
simulator: {
type: 'ios.simulator',
device: {
type: 'iPhone 15'
attached: {
type: 'android.attached',
device: {
adbName: '2bc2f8c'

emulator: {
  type: 'android.emulator',
  device: {
    avdName: 'Pixel_9_API_31'
  packageName: ""

configurations: {
'ios.sim.debug': {
device: 'simulator',
app: 'ios.debug'
'ios.sim.release': {
device: 'simulator',
app: 'ios.release'
'android.att.debug': {
device: 'attached',
app: 'android.debug'
'android.att.release': {
device: 'attached',
app: 'android.release'
'android.emu.debug': {
device: 'emulator',
app: 'android.debug',
launchApp: {
waitForDebugger: true, // Optional: wait for debugger to be attached before continuing
connectionTimeout: 60000 // Optional: Set connection timeout to 60 seconds
'android.emu.release': {
device: 'emulator',
app: 'android.release'


app is install but app does not launch , "detox": "^20.28.0", "react-native": "0.75.1",

What was the expected behaviour?

No response

Was it tested on latest Detox?

  • I have tested this issue on the latest Detox release and it still reproduces.

Did your test throw out a timeout?

Help us reproduce this issue!

No response

In what environment did this happen?

Detox version:
React Native version:
Has Fabric (React Native's new rendering system) enabled: (yes/no)
Node version:
Device model:
Android version:
Test-runner (select one): jest / other

Detox logs

Detox logs An error occurred while waiting for the app to become ready. Waiting for disconnection... error: Failed to run application on the device

HINT: Most likely, your tests have timed out and called detox.cleanup() while it was waiting for "ready" message (over WebSocket) from the instrumentation process.
15:24:31.177 detox[18776] i The app disconnected.
15:24:31.179 detox[18776] i Login flow: should login successfully
15:24:31.182 detox[18776] i Login flow: should login successfully [FAIL]
15:24:31.185 detox[18776] i Detox can't seem to connect to the test app(s)!


The test app might have crashed prematurely, or has had trouble setting up the connection.
Refer to our troubleshooting guide, for full details:

FAIL e2e/starter.test.js (36.35 s)
Login flow
✕ should login successfully (3 ms)

● Login flow › should login successfully

Failed to run application on the device

HINT: Most likely, your tests have timed out and called detox.cleanup() while it was waiting for "ready" message (over WebSocket) from the instrumentation process.

  52 |   beforeAll(async () => {
  53 |     console.log('Starting beforeAll hook...');
> 54 |     await device.launchApp({
     |                  ^
  55 |       newInstance: true, 
  56 |       clearLogs: true,
  57 |       launchArgs: {

  at Object.launchApp (e2e/starter.test.js:54:18)
  at asyncGeneratorStep (node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/asyncToGenerator.js:3:17)
  at _next (node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/asyncToGenerator.js:17:9)
  at node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/asyncToGenerator.js:22:7
  at Object.<anonymous> (node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/asyncToGenerator.js:14:12)
paste logs here!

Device logs

Device logs
paste your device.log here!
```  \n    <span class="cf-icon-server block md:hidden h-20 bg-center bg-no-repeat"></span>\n    <span class="cf-icon-error w-12 h-12 absolute left-1/2 md:left-auto md:right-0 md:top-0 -ml-6 -bottom-4"></span>\n    \n  </div>\n  <span class="md:block w-full truncate"></sp
11-29 13:34:28.185 21146 21146 W unknown:ReactNative: Packager connection already open, nooping.
11-29 13:34:29.125 21146 21146 W unknown:ReactNative: Packager connection already open, nooping.
11-29 13:34:30.681 21146 21197 I ReactNativeJS: Running "ERO EV" with {"rootTag":11}
11-29 13:34:31.488 21146 21197 W ReactNativeJS: 'In React 18, SSRProvider is not necessary and is a noop. You can remove it from your app.', { [Component Stack] name: 'Component Stack' }
11-29 13:34:31.754 21146 21197 W ReactNativeJS: 'Looks like you\'re passing an inline function for \'component\' prop for the screen \'Auth\' (e.g. component={() => <SomeComponent />}). Passing an inline function will cause the component state to be lost on re-render and cause perf issues since it\'s re-created every render. You can pass the function as children to \'Screen\' instead to achieve the desired behaviour.', { [Component Stack] name: 'Component Stack' }
11-29 13:34:32.118 21146 21198 W unknown:ReactNative: Attempt to set local data for view with unknown tag: -1
11-29 13:34:32.122 21146 21198 W unknown:ReactNative: Attempt to set local data for view with unknown tag: -1
11-29 13:34:32.123 21146 21198 W unknown:ReactNative: Attempt to set local data for view with unknown tag: -1
11-29 13:34:32.152 21146 21198 W unknown:ReactNative: Attempt to set local data for view with unknown tag: -1
11-29 13:34:32.154 21146 21198 W unknown:ReactNative: Attempt to set local data for view with unknown tag: -1
11-29 13:34:32.154 21146 21198 W unknown:ReactNative: Attempt to set local data for view with unknown tag: -1
11-29 13:34:32.400 21146 21146 I ReactNative: [GESTURE HANDLER] Initialize gesture handler for root view com.facebook.react.ReactRootView{7f15b8b V.E...... .......D 0,0-1080,2235 #b}
11-29 13:34:42.120 21146 21197 I ReactNativeJNI: Memory warning (pressure level: TRIM_MEMORY_UI_HIDDEN) received by JS VM, ignoring because it's non-severe
11-29 13:35:22.619 21465 21465 W unknown:ReactNative: Packager connection already open, nooping.
11-29 13:35:23.544 21465 21465 W unknown:ReactNative: Packager connection already open, nooping.
11-29 13:35:24.945 21465 21508 I ReactNativeJS: Running "ERO EV" with {"rootTag":11}
11-29 13:35:25.616 21465 21508 W ReactNativeJS: 'In React 18, SSRProvider is not necessary and is a noop. You can remove it from your app.', { [Component Stack] name: 'Component Stack' }
11-29 13:35:25.835 21465 21508 W ReactNativeJS: 'Looks like you\'re passing an inline function for \'component\' prop for the screen \'Auth\' (e.g. component={() => <SomeComponent />}). Passing an inline function will cause the component state to be lost on re-render and cause perf issues since it\'s re-created every render. You can pass the function as children to \'Screen\' instead to achieve the desired behaviour.', { [Component Stack] name: 'Component Stack' }
11-29 13:35:26.166 21465 21509 W unknown:ReactNative: Attempt to set local data for view with unknown tag: -1
11-29 13:35:26.171 21465 21509 W unknown:ReactNative: Attempt to set local data for view with unknown tag: -1
11-29 13:35:26.171 21465 21509 W unknown:ReactNative: Attempt to set local data for view with unknown tag: -1
11-29 13:35:26.185 21465 21509 W unknown:ReactNative: Attempt to set local data for view with unknown tag: -1
11-29 13:35:26.187 21465 21509 W unknown:ReactNative: Attempt to set local data for view with unknown tag: -1
11-29 13:35:26.188 21465 21509 W unknown:ReactNative: Attempt to set local data for view with unknown tag: -1
11-29 13:35:26.425 21465 21465 I ReactNative: [GESTURE HANDLER] Initialize gesture handler for root view com.facebook.react.ReactRootView{586b76f V.E...... .......D 0,0-1080,2235 #b}
11-29 13:36:05.353 21465 21508 I ReactNativeJS: { data: '<!DOCTYPE html>\n<!--[if lt IE 7]> <html class="no-js ie6 oldie" lang="en-US"> <![endif]-->\n<!--[if IE 7]>    <html class="no-js ie7 oldie" lang="en-US"> <![endif]-->\n<!--[if IE 8]>    <html class="no-js ie8 oldie" lang="en-US"> <![endif]-->\n<!--[if gt IE 8]><!--> <html class="no-js" lang="en-US"> <!--<![endif]-->\n<head>\n\n\n<title> | 522: Connection timed out</title>\n<meta charset="UTF-8" />\n<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />\n<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge" />\n<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" />\n<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1" />\n<link rel="stylesheet" id="cf_styles-css" href="/cdn-cgi/styles/main.css" />\n\n\n</head>\n<body>\n<div id="cf-wrapper">\n    <div id="cf-error-details" class="p-0">\n        <header class="mx-auto pt-10 lg:pt-6 lg:px-8 w-240 lg:w-full mb-8">\n            <h1 class="inline-block sm:block sm:mb-2 font-light text-60 lg:text-4xl text-black-dark leading-tight mr-2">\n              <span class="inline-block">Connection timed out</span>\n              <span class="code-label">Error code 522</span>\n            </h1>\n            <div>\n               Visit <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a> for more information.\n            </div>\n            <div class="mt-3">2024-11-29 08:06:07 UTC</div>\n        </header>\n        <div class="my-8 bg-gradient-gray">\n            <div class="w-240 lg:w-full mx-auto">\n                <div class="clearfix md:px-8">\n                  \n<div id="cf-browser-status" class=" relative w-1/3 md:w-full py-15 md:p-0 md:py-8 md:text-left md:border-solid md:border-0 md:border-b md:border-gray-400 overflow-hidden float-left md:float-none text-center">\n  <div class="relative mb-10 md:m-0">\n    \n    <span class="cf-icon-browser block md:hidden h-20 bg-center bg-no-repeat"></span>\n    <span class="cf-icon-ok w-12 h-12 absolute left-1/2 md:left-auto md:right-0 md:top-0 -ml-6 -bottom-4"></span>\n    \n  </div>\n  <span class="md:block w-full truncate">You</span>\n  <h3 class="md:inline-block mt-3 md:mt-0 text-2xl text-gray-600 font-light leading-1.3">\n    \n    Browser\n    \n  </h3>\n  <span class="leading-1.3 text-2xl text-green-success">Working</span>\n</div>\n\n<div id="cf-cloudflare-status" class=" relative w-1/3 md:w-full py-15 md:p-0 md:py-8 md:text-left md:border-solid md:border-0 md:border-b md:border-gray-400 overflow-hidden float-left md:float-none text-center">\n  <div class="relative mb-10 md:m-0">\n    <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">\n    <span class="cf-icon-cloud block md:hidden h-20 bg-center bg-no-repeat"></span>\n    <span class="cf-icon-ok w-12 h-12 absolute left-1/2 md:left-auto md:right-0 md:top-0 -ml-6 -bottom-4"></span>\n    </a>\n  </div>\n  <span class="md:block w-full truncate">Mumbai</span>\n  <h3 class="md:inline-block mt-3 md:mt-0 text-2xl text-gray-600 font-light leading-1.3">\n    <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">\n    Cloudflare\n    </a>\n  </h3>\n  <span class="leading-1.3 text-2xl text-green-success">Working</span>\n</div>\n\n<div id="cf-host-status" class="cf-error-source relative w-1/3 md:w-full py-15 md:p-0 md:py-8 md:text-left md:border-solid md:border-0 md:border-b md:border-gray-400 overflow-hidden float-left md:float-none text-center">\n  <div class="relative mb-10 md:m-0">\n    \n    <span class="cf-icon-server block md:hidden h-20 bg-center bg-no-repeat"></span>\n    <span class="cf-icon-error w-12 h-12 absolute left-1/2 md:left-auto md:right-0 md:top-0 -ml-6 -bottom-4"></span>\n    \n  </div>\n  <span class="md:block w-full truncate"></sp


### More data, please!

_No response_
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stale bot commented Jan 22, 2025

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs.
If you believe the issue is still relevant, please test on the latest Detox and report back.

Thank you for your contributions!

For more information on bots in this repository, read this discussion.

@stale stale bot added the 🏚 stale label Jan 22, 2025
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is this resolved

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stale bot commented Feb 1, 2025

The issue has been closed for inactivity.

@stale stale bot closed this as completed Feb 1, 2025
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2 participants