Starter template for a Markdown-based docs site
This is a template for a simple but elegant docs site built on Docsify which magically turns your markdown in your docs
directory into a docs site.
This is a statically-built site - just commit and push and your Github Pages site will re-deploy.
Docsify.js runs as a Single-Page Application on index.html
- it relies on JavaScript to pull in content from markdown file, within the app shell. This gives a modern progressive web-app experience for instant page loads. But, this not SEO-friendly as crawlers don't like to or can't load JavaScript. So use a static site instead if you need to be found on search engines.
If you want learn about Docsify and how to customize a docs like this, follow this tutorial:
How to create your own docs site like this one
Click the button below to create your own copy of this repo.
Then follow instructions in the original GitHub repo linked below. The
file covers how to set up docs site like this one.
TODO: Complete with your content - such as a screenshot of your app or command-line usage. You can also rename Preview to Sample.
TODO: Add your instructions here or link to an page.
TODO: Add your instructions here or link to a page.
This section showcases some functionality of Docsify.
echo "Hello, World"
Sample quote
?> Sample hint
!> Sample warning