IDA Resource Collection. 450+ open source tools, ~300 blog posts.
- Tools
- RecentAdd
- (97) NoCategory
- Structure&&Class
- (3) Collection
- (9) Skin&&Theme
- (4) Firmware&&EmbedDevice
- Signature(FLIRT...)&&Diff&&Match
- (6) IDB
- (5) CollaborativeRE
- (9) SyncWithDebugger
- ImportExport&&SyncWithOtherTools
- SpecificTarget
- IDAPython
- (6) InstructRef&&Doc
- ScriptWritting
- (16) Ancient
- Debug&&DynamicData
- (13) Decompiler&&AST
- (7) DeObfuscate
- Nav&&QuickAccess&&Graph&&Image
- (7) Android
- Apple&&macOS&&iXxx&&Objective-C&&SWift&&Mach-O
- (9) ELF
- (5) Microcode
- (6) Emulator
- (4) PartOfOtherTool
- Vul
- (7) Patch
- (3) Other
- Function
- (3) TaintAnalysis&&SymbolicExecution
- (8) string
- (3) encrypt&&decrypt
- Video&&Post
- (146) NoCategory
- (9) Tips&&Tricks
- (15) Malware
- (6) Series-LabelessIntroduction
- (24) Series-ReversingWithIDAFromScrach
- Series-UsingIDAPythonToMakeYourLifeEasier
- (5) Series-ReversingCCodeWithIDA
- (50) Tool&&Plugin&&Script
- (5) Translate-TheIDAProBook
- (2) Translate-ReverseEngineeringCodeWithIDAPro
- (7) REPractice
- Mainly from Github
- [1037Star][2m] [Py] fireeye/flare-ida IDA Pro utilities from FLARE team
- StackStrings 自动恢复手动构造的字符串
- Struct Typer
- ApplyCalleeType This plugin allows you to specify or choose a function type for indirect calls as described here: Flare-Ida-Pro-Script
- argtracker 识别函数使用的静态参数
- idb2pat FLIRT签名生成
- objc2_analyzer 在目标Mach-O可执行文件的与Objective-C运行时相关的部分中定义的选择器引用及其实现之间创建交叉引用
- MSDN Annotations 从XML文件中提取MSDN信息,添加到IDB数据库中
- ironstrings 使用代码模拟执行(flare-emu), 恢复构造的字符串
- Shellcode Hashes 生成Hash数据库
- [732Star][6m] [Py] devttys0/ida None
- wpsearch 查找在MIPS WPS checksum实现中常见的立即数
- md5hash 纯Python版的MD5 hash实现(IDA的hashlib有问题)
- alleycat 查找向指定的函数内代码块的路径、查找两个或多个函数之间的路径、生成交互式调用图、可编程
- codatify 定义IDA自动化分析时miss的ASCII字符串、函数、代码。将data段的所有未定义字节转换为DWORD(于是IDA可识别函数和跳转表指针)
- fluorescence 高亮函数调用指令
- leafblower 识别常用的POSIX函数:printf, sprintf, memcmp, strcpy等
- localxrefs 在当前函数内部查找所有对任意选择文本的引用
- mipslocalvars 对栈上只用于存储寄存器的变量进行命名,简化栈数据分析(MISP)
- mipsrop 在MIPS可执行代码中搜寻ROP。查找常见的ROP
- rizzo 对2个或多个IDB之间的函数进行识别和重命名,基于:函数签名、对唯一字符串/常量的引用、模糊签名、调用图
- [308Star][1m] [C] ohjeongwook/darungrim A patch analysis tool
- [295Star][1y] [C++] nevermoe/unity_metadata_loader None
- [272Star][3m] [Py] jpcertcc/aa-tools Artifact analysis tools by JPCERT/CC Analysis Center
- Volatility插件, 检测APT17相关的恶意代码并提取配置
- emdivi_postdata_decoder 解码Emdivi post的数据
- emdivi_string_decryptor IDAPython脚本, 解密Emdivi内的字符串
- [114Star][1y] [Py] vallejocc/reverse-engineering-arsenal Useful Scripts for helping in reverse engeenering
- WinDbg Windbg脚本收集
- IDA-set_symbols_for_addresses 遍历所有区段查找与指定的(地址,符号)匹配的DWORD地址,并将对应地址的值命名
- IDA-stack_strings_deobfuscator_1 反混淆栈字符串
- [80Star][3m] [Py] takahiroharuyama/ida_haru scripts for IDA Pro
- bindiff 使用BinDiff对多个二进制文件进行对比,可多达100个
- eset_crackme ESET CrackMe driver VM loader/processor
- fn_fuzzy 快速二进制文件对比
- stackstring_static 静态恢复栈上的字符串
- [73Star][9m] [Py] secrary/ida-scripts IDAPro scripts/plugins
- dumpDyn 保存动态分配并执行的代码的相关信息:注释、名称、断点、函数等,之后此代码在不同基址执行时使保存内容依然可用
- idenLib 库函数识别
- IOCTL_decode Windows驱动的IO控制码
- XORCheck
- [60Star][2y] [Py] tmr232/idabuddy A Reverse-Engineer's best friend.
- [59Star][2y] [C++] alexhude/loadprocconfig IDA plugin to load processor configuration files.
- [57Star][1m] [Py] williballenthin/idawilli IDA Pro resources, scripts, and configurations
- hint_calls 以Hint的形式战士函数引用的call和字符串
- dynamic_hints 演示如何为动态数据提供自定义hint的示例插件
- add_segment 将已存在文件的内容添加为新的segment
- color 对指令进行着色
- find_ptrs 扫描.text区段查找可能为指针的值,并进行标记
- yara_fn 创建yara规则,匹配当前函数的basic block
- [54Star][1y] [Py] zardus/idalink Some glue facilitating remote use of IDA (the Interactive DisAssembler) Python API.
- [52Star][3y] [C++] sektioneins/wwcd What Would Capstone Decode - IDA plugin that implements a Capstone powered IDA view
- [51Star][2y] [Py] cseagle/ida_clemency IDA cLEMENCy Tools
- [50Star][2m] [Py] lich4/personal_script None
- Also In Section: Tools/ImportExport&&SyncWithOtherTools/Frida |
- 010Editor 010Editor的多个脚本
- ParamChecker Burp插件
- Frida Frida多个脚本
- IDA IDA多个脚本
- IDA插件,识别程序中的中文字符
- IDA-add_xref_for_macho 辅助识别Objective-C成员函数的caller和callee
- IDA-add_info_for_androidgdb 使用gdbserver和IDA调试Android时,读取module列表和segment
- IDA-trace_instruction 追踪指令流
- IDA-detect_ollvm 检测OLLVM,在某些情况下修复(Android/iOS)
- IDA-add_block_for_macho 分析macho文件中的block结构
- [49Star][11m] [Py] agustingianni/utilities Uncategorized utilities
- [47Star][3y] [Py] jjo-sec/idataco IDATACO IDA Pro Plugin
- [45Star][7y] [Py] carlosgprado/milf An IDA Pro swiss army knife (with a sexy name!)
- milf 辅助漏洞挖掘
- [40Star][6m] [Visual Basic] dzzie/re_plugins misc reverse engineering plugins I have released over the years
- IDASrvr wm_copydata IPC 服务器,通过WM_COPYDATA机制监听远程消息, 可从其他进程中想IDA发送命令,查询数据,控制接口显示
- IDA_JScript 通过IDASrvr,使用JavaScript编写IDA脚本(依赖ActiveX)
- IDA_JScript_w_DukDbg IDA_JScript进阶版
- IDASrvr2 IDASrvr进阶版,添加x64支持
- IdaUdpBridge
- IdaVbScript
- OllySrvr
- Olly_hittrace
- Olly_module_bpx
- Olly_vbscript
- PyIDAServer 测试在IDA中运行IPC服务器
- Wingraph32
- rabc_gui
- swfdump_gui
- gleegraph
- hidden_strings
- memdump_conglomerate
- memdump_embedder
- rtf_hexconvert
- uGrapher
- wininet_hooks Hook以下API调用并记录关键信息:HttpOpenRequest,InternetConnect,InternetReadFile,InternetCrackUrl,HttpSendRequest
- [40Star][2y] [Py] mxmssh/idametrics IDA plugin for software complexity metrics assessment
- [40Star][4y] [C++] nihilus/guid-finder None
- [38Star][2y] [Py] saelo/ida_scripts Collection of IDA scripts
- kernelcache 识别并重命名iOS kernelcache函数stub。ARM64 Only
- ssdt 解析Windows内核中的syscall表
- [34Star][4y] [Py] madsc13ntist/idapython My collection of IDAPython scripts.
- [32Star][5y] [Py] iphelix/ida-pomidor IDA Pomidor is a plugin for Hex-Ray's IDA Pro disassembler that will help you retain concentration and productivity during long reversing sessions.
- [28Star][5m] [Py] enovella/re-scripts IDA, Ghidra and Radare2 scripts. Also Android scripts to make your life easier.
- [28Star][1y] [Py] xyzz/vita-ida-physdump None
- [27Star][1y] [Py] daniel_plohmann/simplifire.idascope None
- [26Star][5y] [Py] bastkerg/recomp IDA recompiler
- [26Star][7m] [C++] offlinej/ida-rpc Discord rich presence plugin for IDA Pro 7.0
- [25Star][3y] [Py] zyantific/continuum Plugin adding multi-binary project support to IDA Pro (WIP)
- [23Star][9m] [C++] trojancyborg/ida_jni_rename IDA JNI调用重命名
- [22Star][5y] [Py] nihilus/idascope None
- [22Star][4y] [Py] onethawt/idapyscripts Collection of my IDAPython scripts
- DataXrefCounter 枚举指定区段的所有交叉引用,计算使用频率
- [22Star][3y] [C++] patois/idaplugins Random IDA scripts, plugins, example code (some of it may be old and not working anymore)
- [21Star][2m] [Py] nlitsme/idascripts IDApro idc and idapython script collection
- [21Star][1m] [Py] rceninja/re-scripts None
- Hyperv-Scripts
- IA32-MSR-Decoder 查找并解码所有的MSR码
- IA32-VMX-Helper 查找并解码所有的MSR/VMCS码
- [20Star][1y] [Py] hyuunnn/ida_python_scripts ida python scripts
- [20Star][2y] [C#] zoebear/radia Radia is a tool designed to create an interactive and immerse environment to visualize code, and to augment the task of reverse engineering binaries. The tool takes decompiled binaries extracted through IDA Pro, and visualizes the call graph in 3D space as a force directed graph. Radia tags functions that could be potential problems, as well as …
- [20Star][3y] [Py] ztrix/idascript Full functional idascript with stdin/stdout handled
- [20Star][1y] [Py] hyuunnn/ida_python_scripts ida python scripts
- [20Star][29d] [Py] mephi42/ida-kallsyms None
- [19Star][8m] [Py] yellowbyte/reverse-engineering-playground Scripts I made to aid me in everyday reversing or just for fun...
- [18Star][1y] [Py] a1ext/ida-embed-arch-disasm Allows IDA PRO to disassemble x86-64 code (WOW64) in 32-bit database
- [17Star][1y] [Py] honeybadger1613/etm_displayer IDA Pro плагин для отображения результата Coresight ETM трассировки perf'а
- [16Star][4y] fabi/idacsharp C# 'Scripts' for IDA 6.6+ based on
- [15Star][7m] [CMake] google/idaidle A plugin for the commercial IDA Pro disassembler that warns users if they leave their instance idling for too long.
- [14Star][4y] [C++] nihilus/fast_idb2sig_and_loadmap_ida_plugins None
- [13Star][2y] [Py] cisco-talos/pdata_check None
- [13Star][11m] [C++] nihilus/graphslick IDA Plugin - GraphSlick
- [13Star][1y] [Py] cxm95/ida_wrapper An IDA_Wrapper for linux, shipped with an Function Identifier. It works well with Driller on static linked binaries.
- [12Star][1y] [Assembly] gabrielravier/cave-story-decompilation Decompilation of Cave Story. Made with IDA Pro
- [11Star][2y] [Py] 0xddaa/iddaa idapython scripts
- [11Star][5y] [Py] dshikashio/idarest Expose some basic IDA Pro interactions through a REST API for JSONP
- [11Star][9m] [C++] ecx86/ida7-supportlib IDA-SupportLib library by sirmabus, ported to IDA 7
- [10Star][4y] [C++] revel8n/spu3dbg Ida Pro plugin that supports debugging with the anergistic spu emulator
- [9Star][4y] [Py] nfarrar/ida-colorschemes A .clr colorscheme generator for IDA Pro 6.4+.
- [9Star][5y] [Ruby] rogwfu/plympton Library to work with yaml exported IDA Pro information and run statistics
- [9Star][8m] [Py] 0xcpu/relieve RE scripts, snippets (IDA, lief, gdb, etc.)
- [8Star][5y] [Py] daniel_plohmann/idapatchwork None
- [8Star][2y] [C++] ecx86/ida7-segmentselect IDA-SegmentSelect library by sirmabus, ported to IDA 7
- [8Star][12d] [Py] lanhikari22/gba-ida-pseudo-terminal IDAPython tools to aid with analysis, disassembly and data extraction using IDA python commands, tailored for the GBA architecture at some parts
- [8Star][16d] [C++] nlitsme/idcinternals IDA plugin investigating the internal representation of IDC scripts
- [8Star][3y] [Py] pwnslinger/ibt IDA Pro Back Tracer - Initial project toward automatic customized protocols structure extraction
- [8Star][2y] [C++] shazar14/idadump An IDA Pro script to verify binaries found in a sample and write them to disk
- [7Star][2y] [Py] swackhamer/ida_scripts IDA Python scripts
- [7Star][9m] [Py] techbliss/ida_pro_http_ip_geolocator Google maps http and ip lookup for ida pro
- [7Star][5y] [Py] techbliss/processor-changer Tool to change processor inside ida
- [7Star][1y] [C++] tenable/mida None
- [6Star][2y] [CMake] elemecca/cmake-ida Build IDA Pro modules with CMake
- [6Star][2y] [Py] fireundubh/ida7-alleycat Alleycat plugin by devttys0, ported to IDA 7
- [6Star][8m] [Py] geosn0w/dumpanywhere64 An IDA (Interactive Disassembler) script that can save a chunk of binary from an address.
- [6Star][1y] [C++] ecx86/ida7-hexrays-invertif Hex-Rays Invert if statement plugin for IDA 7.0
- [5Star][3y] [Py] andreafioraldi/idavshelp IDAPython plugin to integrate Visual Studio Help Viewer in IDA Pro >= 6.8
- [5Star][4m] [Py] fdiskyou/ida-plugins Dirty IDA scripts dump.
- [5Star][3y] [Py] gh0st3rs/idassldump IDAPython script for dump SSL traffic to file
- [5Star][1y] [C++] lab313ru/m68k_fixer IDA Pro plugin fixer for m68k
- [5Star][5y] [C#] npetrovski/ida-smartpatcher IDA apply patch GUI
- [5Star][4y] [Py] tmr232/tarkus Plugin Manager for IDA Pro
- [4Star][2m] [Py] gitmirar/idaextapi IDA API utlitites
- [4Star][3y] [Py] hustlelabs/joseph IDA Viewer Plugins
- [4Star][1y] savagedd/samp-server-idb None
- [4Star][1m] [Py] spigwitmer/golang_struct_builder IDA 7.0+ script that auto-generates structs and interfaces from runtime metadata found in golang binaries
- [3Star][9m] [Py] gdataadvancedanalytics/ida-python None
- [3Star][2y] [Py] ypcrts/ida-pro-segments It's very hard to load multiple files in the IDA GUI without it exploding. This makes it easy.
- [3Star][1y] abarbatei/ida-utils links, information and helper scripts for IDA Pro
- [2Star][2y] [C++] ecx86/ida7-oggplayer IDA-OggPlayer library by sirmabus, ported to IDA 7
- [2Star][2y] [Py] mayl8822/ida Some useful ida script plugin
- [2Star][5y] [C++] nihilus/ida-x86emu None
- [2Star][4y] [Py] nihilus/idapatchwork
- [2Star][2y] [Py] sbouber/idaplugins None
- [2Star][1m] [Py] psxvoid/idapython-debugging-dynamic-enrichment None
- [1Star][2y] [Py] andreafioraldi/idamsdnhelp IdaPython plugin to open MSDN Help Search page
- [1Star][1y] [Py] farzonl/idapropluginlab4 An ida pro plugin that tracks def use chains of a given x86 binary.
- [1Star][2m] [Py] voidsec/ida-helpers Collection of IDA helpers
- [0Star][3y] [Py] kcufid/my_ida_python My idapython decode data
- [0Star][12m] [Py] ruipin/idapy Various IDAPython libraries and scripts
- [0Star][8m] [Py] tkmru/idapython-scripts IDAPro scripts
- [924Star][16d] [OCaml] airbus-seclab/bincat Binary code static analyser, with IDA integration. Performs value and taint analysis, type reconstruction, use-after-free and double-free detection
- Also In Section: Tools/TaintAnalysis&&SymbolicExecution |
- [649Star][4m] [Py] igogo-x86/hexrayspytools IDA Pro plugin which improves work with HexRays decompiler and helps in process of reconstruction structures and classes
- [168Star][12m] [Py] bazad/ida_kernelcache An IDA Toolkit for analyzing iOS kernelcaches.
- Also In Section: Tools/Apple&&macOS&&iXxx&&Objective-C&&SWift&&Mach-O/kernelCache |
- [138Star][4y] [C++] nihilus/hexrays_tools None
- [103Star][2m] [Py] lucasg/findrpc Idapython script to carve binary for internal RPC structures
- [4Star][3y] [C#] andreafioraldi/idagrabstrings IDAPython plugin to search strings in a specified range of addresses and map it to a C struct
- Also In Section: Tools/string |
[595Star][2m] [Py] 0xgalz/virtuailor IDAPython tool for creating automatic C++ virtual tables in IDA Pro
Also In Section: Tools/Debug&&DynamicData/DebuggerData |
[168Star][9m] [C++] ecx86/classinformer-ida7 ClassInformer backported for IDA Pro 7.0
[128Star][2y] [Py] nccgroup/susanrtti Another RTTI Parsing IDA plugin
[91Star][1y] [C++] rub-syssec/marx Uncovering Class Hierarchies in C++ Programs
[68Star][7y] [C] nektra/vtbl-ida-pro-plugin Identifying Virtual Table Functions using VTBL IDA Pro Plugin + Deviare Hooking Engine
[35Star][5y] [C++] nihilus/ida_classinformer IDA ClassInformer PlugIn
[32Star][2y] [Py] krystalgamer/dec2struct Python plugin to easily setup vtables in IDA using declaration files
[16Star][2y] [C++] mwl4/ida_gcc_rtti Class informer plugin for IDA which supports parsing GCC RTTI
- [1732Star][1m] onethawt/idaplugins-list A list of IDA Plugins
- [356Star][8m] fr0gger/awesome-ida-x64-olly-plugin A curated list of IDA x64DBG and OllyDBG plugins.
- [10Star][1y] [Py] ecx86/ida-scripts Collection of IDA Pro/Hex-Rays configs, scripts, and plugins
- [712Star][5m] [Py] zyantific/idaskins Advanced skinning plugin for IDA Pro
- [257Star][7y] eugeneching/ida-consonance Consonance, a dark color scheme for IDA.
- [103Star][5m] [CSS] 0xitx/ida_nightfall A dark color theme for IDA Pro
- [58Star][7y] gynophage/solarized_ida Solarized Dark IDA Pro Theme
- [10Star][7y] [Py] luismiras/ida-color-scripts IDA Color Theme Scripts
- [8Star][2y] [CSS] gbps/x64dbg-consonance-theme A dark x64dbg color theme based on IDA Consonance
- [6Star][5y] [Py] techbliss/ida-styler Small Plugin to change the style off Ida Pro
- [3Star][2m] rootbsd/ida_pro_zinzolin_theme None
- [1Star][12m] [C] albertzsigovits/idc-dark A dark-mode color scheme for Hex-Rays IDA using idc
- [5105Star][16d] [Py] refirmlabs/binwalk Firmware Analysis Tool
- [483Star][3m] [Py] maddiestone/idapythonembeddedtoolkit IDA Python Embedded Toolkit -- IDAPython scripts for automating analysis of firmware of embedded devices
- [173Star][2y] [Py] duo-labs/idapython A collection of IDAPython modules made with
- Also In Section: Tools/Apple&&macOS&&iXxx&&Objective-C&&SWift&&Mach-O/NoCategory |
- cortex_m_firmware 整理包含ARM Cortex M微控制器固件的IDA Pro数据库
- amnesia 使用字节级启发式在IDA Pro数据库中的未定义字节中查找ARM Thumb指令
- REobjc 在Objective-C的调用函数和被调用函数之间进行适当的交叉引用
- [90Star][20d] [Py] pagalaxylab/vxhunter ToolSet for VxWorks Based Embedded Device Analyses
- [416Star][25d] [C] mcgill-dmas/kam1n0-community The Kam1n0 Assembly Analysis Platform
- Also In Section: Tools/PartOfOtherTool |
- IDA插件
- kam1n0
- [147Star][1y] [C++] ajkhoury/sigmaker-x64 IDA Pro 7.0 compatible SigMaker plugin
- [128Star][1y] [Py] cisco-talos/bass BASS - BASS Automated Signature Synthesizer
- [71Star][4y] [Py] icewall/bindifffilter IDA Pro plugin making easier work on BinDiff results
- [70Star][5y] [Py] arvinddoraiswamy/slid Statically linked Library detector
- [50Star][1m] [Py] vrtadmin/first-plugin-ida None
- [45Star][1y] [Py] l4ys/idasignsrch IDA_Signsrch in Python
- [33Star][3y] [Py] g4hsean/binauthor None
- [31Star][1y] [Py] cisco-talos/casc None
- [25Star][2y] [LLVM] syreal17/cardinal Similarity Analysis to Defeat Malware Compiler Variations
- [23Star][5m] [Py] xorpd/fcatalog_server Functions Catalog
- [21Star][3y] [Py] xorpd/fcatalog_client fcatalog idapython client
- [18Star][5y] [Py] zaironne/snippetdetector IDA Python scripts project for snippets detection
- [16Star][8y] [C++] alexander-pick/idb2pat idb2pat plugin, fixed to work with IDA 6.2
- [14Star][8y] [Standard ML] letsunlockiphone/iphone-baseband-ida-pro-signature-files IDA PRO signature files that can be used in reversing the iPhone baseband. On an iPhone 4 firmware can pickup upto 800 functions when all the sigs applied.
- Also In Section: Tools/Apple&&macOS&&iXxx&&Objective-C&&SWift&&Mach-O/NoCategory |
- [3Star][4y] [Py] ayuto/discover_win IDA scripts which compare Linux and Windows binaries to automatically rename unnamed Windows functions.
- Also In Section: Tools/Function/Rename&&Prefix&&Tag |
- [0Star][1y] [Py] gh0st3rs/idaprotosync IDAPython plugin for identifies functions prototypes between two or more IDBs
- [589Star][11d] [Max] maktm/flirtdb A community driven collection of IDA FLIRT signature files
- [303Star][4m] push0ebp/sig-database IDA FLIRT Signature Database
- [5Star][8m] cloudwindby/ida-pro-sig IDA PRO FLIRT signature files MSVC2017的sig文件
- [58Star][10m] [Py] push0ebp/allirt Tool that converts All of libc to signatures for IDA Pro FLIRT Plugin. and utility make sig with FLAIR easily
- [42Star][7m] [Py] nwmonster/applysig Apply IDA FLIRT signatures for Ghidra
- Also In Section: Tools/ImportExport&&SyncWithOtherTools/Ghidra |
- [1525Star][24d] [Py] joxeankoret/diaphora Diaphora, the most advanced Free and Open Source program diffing tool.
- [353Star][3m] [Py] checkpointsw/karta Karta - source code assisted fast binary matching plugin for IDA
- [328Star][11m] [Py] joxeankoret/pigaios A tool for matching and diffing source codes directly against binaries.
- [136Star][12m] [Py] nirizr/rematch REmatch, a complete binary diffing framework that is free and strives to be open source and community driven.
- [94Star][6m] [Visual Basic] dzzie/idacompare IDA disassembly level diffing tool, - read more->
- [74Star][4y] [C] nihilus/ida_signsrch IDA Signsrch
- [72Star][5y] [Py] binsigma/binsourcerer BinSourcerer
- [71Star][3y] vrtadmin/first None
- [52Star][5y] [C++] filcab/patchdiff2 IDA binary differ. Since seemed abandoned, I did the obvious thing…
- [14Star][3y] [Py] 0x00ach/idadiff IDAPython script in order to auto-rename subs
- [14Star][5y] [C++] binsigma/binclone None
- [424Star][26d] [Py] polymorf/findcrypt-yara IDA pro plugin to find crypto constants (and more)
- Also In Section: Tools/encrypt&&decrypt |
- [92Star][1m] [Py] hyuunnn/hyara Yara rule making tool (IDA Pro & Binary Ninja Plugin)
- [92Star][1m] [Py] hyuunnn/hyara Yara rule making tool (IDA Pro & Binary Ninja Plugin)
- [81Star][1y] [Py] oalabs/findyara IDA python plugin to scan binary with Yara rules
- [16Star][10m] [Py] bnbdr/ida-yara-processor IDA Processor for Compiled YARA Rules
- Also In Section: Tools/SpecificTarget/Loader&Processor |
- [14Star][1y] [Py] alexander-hanel/ida_yara A python script that can be used to scan data within in an IDB using Yara.
- [14Star][1y] [Py] souhailhammou/idaray-plugin IDARay is an IDA Pro plugin that matches the database against multiple YARA files which themselves may contain multiple rules.
- [312Star][5m] [Py] williballenthin/python-idb Pure Python parser and analyzer for IDA Pro database files (.idb).
- [144Star][14d] [Py] nccgroup/idahunt idahunt is a framework to analyze binaries with IDA Pro and hunt for things in IDA Pro
- [84Star][4m] [C++] nlitsme/idbutil Library and tool for reading IDApro databases.
- [78Star][3m] [Py] nlitsme/pyidbutil A python library for reading IDA pro databases.
- [18Star][1y] [Py] kkhaike/tinyidb Some python scripts are used to export userdata from huge idb(ida's database),ida 7.0 support only
- [0Star][4y] [C] hugues92/idaextrapassplugin None
- [504Star][10m] [Py] idarlingteam/idarling Collaborative Reverse Engineering plugin for IDA Pro & Hex-Rays
- [257Star][1y] [C++] dga-mi-ssi/yaco YaCo is an Hex-Rays IDA plugin. When enabled, multiple users can work simultaneously on the same binary. Any modification done by any user is synchronized through git version control.
- [88Star][5y] [Py] cubicalabs/idasynergy A combination of an IDAPython Plugin and a control version system that result in a new reverse engineering collaborative addon for IDA Pro. By
- [71Star][20d] [C++] cseagle/collabreate Collaborative reverse engineering plugin for IDA Pro. Latest version, including IDA 7.0 support, is not back ward compatible with earlier versions. Substantial changes have been made to the protocol and database.
- [4Star][2y] [Py] argussecurity/psida None
- [448Star][21d] [C] bootleg/ret-sync ret-sync is a set of plugins that helps to synchronize a debugging session (WinDbg/GDB/LLDB/OllyDbg2/x64dbg) with IDA/Ghidra disassemblers.
- [285Star][10m] [C] a1ext/labeless Labeless is a multipurpose IDA Pro plugin system for labels/comments synchronization with a debugger backend, with complex memory dumping and interactive Python scripting capabilities.
- [168Star][12m] [Py] andreafioraldi/idangr Use angr in the IDA Pro debugger generating a state from the current debug session
- [128Star][2y] [Py] comsecuris/gdbida gdbida - a visual bridge between a GDB session and IDA Pro's disassembler
- [98Star][4y] [C++] quarkslab/qb-sync qb-sync is an open source tool to add some helpful glue between IDA Pro and Windbg. Its core feature is to dynamically synchronize IDA's graph windows with Windbg's position.
- [43Star][3m] [JS] sinakarvandi/windbg2ida Windbg2ida lets you dump each step in Windbg then shows these steps in IDA
- [36Star][9m] [Py] anic/ida2pwntools a IDA 7.0 plugins that helps to attach process created by pwntools and debug pwn
- [28Star][1y] [Py] iweizime/dbghider An IDA plugin aims to hide debugger from processes
- [17Star][7y] [Py] rmadair/windbg2ida Import debugging traces from WinDBG into IDA. Color the graph, fill in the value of all the operands, etc.
- [159Star][1m] [Py] x64dbg/x64dbgida Official x64dbg plugin for IDA Pro.
- [143Star][1m] [C++] alschwalm/dwarfexport Export dwarf debug information from IDA Pro
- [95Star][2y] [Py] robindavid/idasec IDA plugin for reverse-engineering and dynamic interactions with the Binsec platform
- [67Star][11m] [Py] lucasg/idamagnum idamagnum is a plugin for integrating MagnumDB requests within IDA
- [58Star][11d] [Py] binaryanalysisplatform/bap-ida-python integration with IDA
- [35Star][5y] [Py] siberas/ida2sym IDAScript to create Symbol file which can be loaded in WinDbg via AddSyntheticSymbol
- [29Star][5y] [C++] oct0xor/deci3dbg Ida Pro debugger module for Playstation 3
- Also In Section: Tools/SpecificTarget/PS3&&PS4 |
- [28Star][4m] [C++] thalium/idatag IDA plugin to explore and browse tags
- [19Star][2y] [Py] brandon-everhart/angryida Python based angr plug in for IDA Pro.
- [16Star][4y] [C++] m417z/mapimp This is an OllyDbg plugin which will help you to import map files exported by IDA, Dede, IDR, Microsoft and Borland linkers.
- [16Star][5y] [Py] danielmgmi/virusbattle-ida-plugin The plugin is an integration of Virus Battle API to the well known IDA Disassembler.
- [8Star][7y] [C++] patois/madnes IDA plugin to export symbols and names from IDA db so they can be loaded into FCEUXD SP
- [3Star][1y] [Py] r00tus3r/differential_debugging Differential debugging using IDA Python and GDB
- [288Star][3m] [Py] cisco-talos/ghida None
- [235Star][8m] [Py] daenerys-sre/source Daenerys: A framework for interoperability between IDA and Ghidra
- [85Star][3m] [Py] cisco-talos/ghidraaas None
- [47Star][1m] [Py] utkonos/lst2x64dbg Extract labels from IDA .lst or Ghidra .csv file and export x64dbg database.
- [42Star][7m] [Py] nwmonster/applysig Apply IDA FLIRT signatures for Ghidra
- Also In Section: Tools/Signature(FLIRT...)&&Diff&&Match/FLIRT/FLIRTSignatureGenerate |
- [378Star][17d] [C++] google/binexport Export disassemblies into Protocol Buffers and to BinNavi databases
- [213Star][3y] [PLpgSQL] cseagle/freedom capstone based disassembler for extracting to binnavi
- [25Star][7y] [Py] tosanjay/bopfunctionrecognition This python/jython script is used as plugin to BinNavi tool to analyze a x86 binanry file to find buffer overflow prone functions. Such functions are important for vulnerability analysis.
- [67Star][8m] [Py] lunixbochs/revsync realtime cross-tool collaborative reverse engineering
- [60Star][5m] [Py] zznop/bnida Suite of plugins that provide the ability to transfer analysis data between Binary Ninja and IDA
- ida_export 将数据从IDA中导入
- ida_import 将数据导入到IDA
- binja_export 将数据从BinaryNinja中导出
- binja_import 将数据导入到BinaryNinja
- [14Star][5m] [Py] cryptogenic/idc_importer A Binary Ninja plugin for importing IDC database dumps from IDA.
- [125Star][7m] [Py] danigargu/syms2elf A plugin for Hex-Ray's IDA Pro and radare2 to export the symbols recognized to the ELF symbol table
- Also In Section: Tools/ELF |Tools/Function/NoCategory |
- [123Star][28d] [Py] radare/radare2ida Tools, documentation and scripts to move projects from IDA to R2 and viceversa
- [129Star][3y] [Py] friedappleteam/frapl FRAPL Framework
- Also In Section: Tools/Debug&&DynamicData/DBIData |
- IDA插件
- Frida脚本
- [81Star][5y] [Py] techbliss/frida_for_ida_pro Frida PluginFor Ida Pro
- [50Star][2m] [Py] lich4/personal_script None
- Also In Section: Tools/NoCategory |
- 010Editor 010Editor的多个脚本
- ParamChecker Burp插件
- Frida Frida多个脚本
- IDA IDA多个脚本
- IDA插件,识别程序中的中文字符
- IDA-add_xref_for_macho 辅助识别Objective-C成员函数的caller和callee
- IDA-add_info_for_androidgdb 使用gdbserver和IDA调试Android时,读取module列表和segment
- IDA-trace_instruction 追踪指令流
- IDA-detect_ollvm 检测OLLVM,在某些情况下修复(Android/iOS)
- IDA-add_block_for_macho 分析macho文件中的block结构
- [133Star][1y] [Py] carlosgprado/jarvis "Just Another ReVersIng Suite" or whatever other bullshit you can think of
- Also In Section: Tools/Debug&&DynamicData/DBIData |Tools/Vul/NoCategory |
- IDA插件
- PinTracer
- [43Star][3y] [Batchfile] maldiohead/idapin plugin of ida with pin
- [539Star][2y] [Py] anatolikalysch/vmattack VMAttack PlugIn for IDA Pro
- Also In Section: Tools/DeObfuscate |
- [195Star][4y] [Py] f8left/decllvm 针对OLLVM的IDA分析插件
- [117Star][1y] [Py] xerub/idastuff IDA Pro/Hexrays plugins
- [93Star][3m] [Py] themadinventor/ida-xtensa IDAPython plugin for Tensilica Xtensa (as seen in ESP8266)
- [81Star][4y] [C++] wjp/idados Eric Fry's IDA/DOSBox debugger plugin
- Also In Section: Tools/Debug&&DynamicData/NoCategory |
- [74Star][2m] [Py] coldzer0/ida-for-delphi IDA Python Script to Get All function names from Event Constructor (VCL)
- [59Star][2y] [Py] isra17/nrs NSIS Reversing Suite with IDA Plugins
- [58Star][2d] [Py] fboldewin/com-code-helper Two IDAPython Scripts help you to reconstruct Microsoft COM (Component Object Model) Code
- [54Star][3m] [Py] giantbranch/mipsaudit IDA MIPS静态扫描脚本,汇编审计辅助脚本
- [53Star][5m] [C++] troybowman/dtxmsg None
- [47Star][2y] [C++] antid0tecom/aarch64_armv81extension IDA AArch64 processor extender extension: Adding support for ARMv8.1 opcodes
- [47Star][8m] [C] lab313ru/smd_ida_tools Special IDA Pro tools for the Sega Genesis/Megadrive romhackers
- [33Star][3y] [Py] sam-b/windows_syscalls_dumper A dirty IDAPython script to dump windows system call number/name pairs as JSON
- [23Star][3y] [Py] pfalcon/ida-xtensa2 IDAPython plugin for Tensilica Xtensa (as seen in ESP8266), version 2
- [21Star][11m] [Py] howmp/comfinder IDA plugin for COM
- Also In Section: Tools/Function/Rename&&Prefix&&Tag |
- [20Star][5y] [Py] digitalbond/ibal None
- [17Star][2y] [C] andywhittaker/idaproboschme7x IDA Pro Bosch ME7x C16x Disassembler Helper
- [16Star][3y] [Py] 0xdeva/ida-cpu-risc-v RISCV-V disassembler for IDA Pro
- [15Star][5y] [Py] dolphin-emu/gcdsp-ida An IDA plugin for GC DSP reverse engineering
- [11Star][2y] [C++] hyperiris/gekkops Nintendo GameCube Gekko CPU Extension plug-in for IDA Pro 5.2
- [4Star][3y] [Py] neogeodev/idaneogeo NeoGeo binary loader & helper for the Interactive Disassembler
- [2Star][4m] [C] extremlapin/glua_c_headers_for_ida Glua module C headers for IDA
- [2Star][4m] [Py] lucienmp/idapro_m68k Extends existing support in IDA for the m68k by adding gdb step-over and type information support
- [0Star][8m] [C] 0xd0cf11e/idcscripts Scripts used when analyzing files in IDA
- emotet-decode 解码emotet
- [0Star][1m] [C++] marakew/emuppc simple PowerPC emulator for unpack into IDAPro some PowerPC binary
- [363Star][8m] [Py] sibears/idagolanghelper Set of IDA Pro scripts for parsing GoLang types information stored in compiled binary
- [285Star][26d] [Py] strazzere/golang_loader_assist Making GO reversing easier in IDA Pro
- [303Star][1y] [Py] fsecurelabs/win_driver_plugin A tool to help when dealing with Windows IOCTL codes or reversing Windows drivers.
- [216Star][1y] [Py] nccgroup/driverbuddy DriverBuddy is an IDA Python script to assist with the reverse engineering of Windows kernel drivers.
- [73Star][4y] [Py] tandasat/winioctldecoder IDA Plugin which decodes Windows Device I/O control code into DeviceType, FunctionCode, AccessType and MethodType.
- [23Star][1y] [C] ioactive/kmdf_re Helper idapython code for reversing kmdf drivers
- [68Star][2m] [C] aerosoul94/ida_gel A collection of IDA loaders for various game console ELF's. (PS3, PSVita, WiiU)
- [55Star][7y] [C++] kakaroto/ps3ida IDA scripts and plugins for PS3
- [44Star][2y] [C] aerosoul94/dynlib IDA Pro plugin to aid PS4 user mode ELF reverse engineering.
- Also In Section: Tools/ELF |
- [29Star][5y] [C++] oct0xor/deci3dbg Ida Pro debugger module for Playstation 3
- Also In Section: Tools/ImportExport&&SyncWithOtherTools/NoCategory |
- [205Star][1y] [Py] fireeye/idawasm IDA Pro loader and processor modules for WebAssembly
- [158Star][1m] [Py] nforest/droidimg Android/Linux vmlinux loader
- Also In Section: Tools/Android |Tools/ELF |
- [155Star][2y] [Py] crytic/ida-evm IDA Processor Module for the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)
- [138Star][1m] [Py] argp/iboot64helper IDAPython loader to help with AArch64 iBoot, iBEC, and SecureROM reverse engineering
- [127Star][2y] [C] gsmk/hexagon IDA processor module for the hexagon (QDSP6) processor
- [106Star][1y] pgarba/switchidaproloader Loader for IDA Pro to support the Nintendo Switch NRO binaries
- [72Star][2y] [Py] embedi/meloader Intel Management Engine firmware loader plugin for IDA
- [54Star][5m] [C++] mefistotelis/ida-pro-loadmap Plugin for IDA Pro disassembler which allows loading .map files.
- [37Star][11m] [C++] patois/nesldr Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) ROM loader module for IDA Pro
- [35Star][1y] [Py] bnbdr/ida-bpf-processor BPF Processor for IDA Python
- [32Star][5y] [Py] 0xebfe/3dsx-ida-pro-loader IDA PRO Loader for 3DSX files
- [32Star][1y] [C++] teammolecule/toshiba-mep-idp IDA Pro module for Toshiba MeP processors
- [28Star][4y] [C] gdbinit/teloader A TE executable format loader for IDA
- [27Star][3y] [Py] w4kfu/ida_loader Some loader module for IDA
- [25Star][2m] [Py] ghassani/mclf-ida-loader An IDA file loader for Mobicore trustlet and driver binaries
- [23Star][1y] [C++] balika011/belf Balika011's PlayStation 4 ELF loader for IDA Pro 7.0/7.1
- [23Star][6y] vtsingaras/qcom-mbn-ida-loader IDA loader plugin for Qualcomm Bootloader Stages
- [20Star][3y] [C++] patois/ndsldr Nintendo DS ROM loader module for IDA Pro
- [18Star][8y] [Py] rpw/flsloader IDA Pro loader module for Infineon/Intel-based iPhone baseband firmwares
- [17Star][8m] [C++] gocha/ida-snes-ldr SNES ROM Cartridge File Loader for IDA (Interactive Disassembler) 6.x
- [16Star][10m] [Py] bnbdr/ida-yara-processor IDA Processor for Compiled YARA Rules
- Also In Section: Tools/Signature(FLIRT...)&&Diff&&Match/Yara |
- [16Star][8m] [C++] gocha/ida-65816-module SNES 65816 processor plugin for IDA (Interactive Disassembler) 6.x
- [16Star][12m] [Py] lcq2/riscv-ida RISC-V ISA processor module for IDAPro 7.x
- [16Star][1y] [Py] ptresearch/nios2 IDA Pro processor module for Altera Nios II Classic/Gen2 microprocessor architecture
- [13Star][2y] [Py] patois/necromancer IDA Pro V850 Processor Module Extension
- [13Star][1y] [Py] rolfrolles/hiddenbeeloader IDA loader module for Hidden Bee's custom executable file format
- [10Star][4y] [C++] areidz/nds_loader Nintendo DS loader module for IDA Pro 6.1
- [10Star][6y] [Py] cycad/mbn_loader IDA Pro Loader Plugin for Samsung Galaxy S4 ROMs
- [7Star][1y] [C++] fail0verflow/rl78-ida-proc Renesas RL78 processor module for IDA
- [5Star][8m] [C++] gocha/ida-spc700-module SNES SPC700 processor plugin for IDA (Interactive Disassembler)
- [3Star][8m] [C++] gocha/ida-snes_spc-ldr SNES-SPC700 Sound File Loader for IDA (Interactive Disassembler)
- [2Star][2m] [C] cisco-talos/ida_tilegx None
- [87Star][4m] [C++] mixaill/fakepdb Tool for PDB generation from IDA Pro database
- [38Star][1y] [Py] ax330d/ida_pdb_loader IDA PDB Loader
- [14Star][1y] [CMake] gdataadvancedanalytics/bindifflib Automated library compilation and PDB annotation with CMake and IDA Pro
- [2Star][5m] [Py] clarkb7/annotate_lineinfo Annotate IDA with source and line number information from a PDB
- [33Star][1y] [Py] kasperskylab/actionscript3 Tools for static and dynamic analysis of ActionScript3 SWF files.
- [27Star][4y] [C++] nihilus/ida-pro-swf None
- [9Star][2y] [Py] d00rt/easy_way_nymaim An IDA Pro script for creating a clearer idb for nymaim malware
- [8Star][3y] [Py] thngkaiyuan/mynaim IDAPython Deobfuscation Scripts for Nymaim Samples
- Also In Section: Tools/DeObfuscate |
- [4Star][2y] [Py] immortalp0ny/fyvmdisassembler IDAPython scripts for devirtualization/disassembly FinSpy VM
- [4Star][7m] [C] lacike/gandcrab_string_decryptor IDC script for decrypting strings in the GandCrab v5.1-5.3
- Also In Section: Tools/string |
- [130Star][2y] [Py] pwning/defcon25-public Publicly released tools/plugins from PPP for DEFCON 25 CTF Finals
- [707Star][10d] [Py] idapython/src IDAPython project for Hex-Ray's IDA Pro
- [365Star][1m] [Py] tmr232/sark IDAPython Made Easy
- [249Star][2y] [Py] intezer/docker-ida Run IDA Pro disassembler in Docker containers for automating, scaling and distributing the use of IDAPython scripts.
- [79Star][4y] idapython/bin IDAPython binaries
- [65Star][2y] [Py] alexander-hanel/idapython6to7 None
- [43Star][1y] [Py] nirizr/pytest-idapro A pytest module for The Interactive Disassembler and IDAPython; Record and Replay IDAPython API, execute inside IDA or use mockups of IDAPython API.
- [28Star][2y] [Py] kerrigan29a/idapython_virtualenv Enable Virtualenv or Conda in IDAPython
- [23Star][3y] [Py] devttys0/idascript None
- [232Star][2m] [Py] inforion/idapython-cheatsheet Scripts and cheatsheets for IDAPython
- [494Star][12m] [PLpgSQL] nologic/idaref IDA Pro Instruction Reference Plugin
- [441Star][3m] [C++] alexhude/friend Flexible Register/Instruction Extender aNd Documentation
- Also In Section: Tools/Nav&&QuickAccess&&Graph&&Image/NoCategory |
- [242Star][2y] [Py] gdelugre/ida-arm-system-highlight IDA script for highlighting and decoding ARM system instructions
- [104Star][28d] [Py] neatmonster/amie A Minimalist Instruction Extender for the ARM architecture and IDA Pro
- [45Star][8y] [Py] zynamics/msdn-plugin-ida Imports MSDN documentation into IDA Pro
- [25Star][3y] [AutoIt] yaseralnajjar/ida-msdn-helper IDA Pro MSDN Helper
- [383Star][3y] [Py] 36hours/idaemu idaemu is an IDA Pro Plugin - use for emulating code in IDA Pro.
- Also In Section: Tools/Emulator |
- [271Star][10d] [Py] fireeye/flare-emu None
- Also In Section: Tools/Emulator |
- [135Star][11d] [Py] arizvisa/ida-minsc IDA-minsc is a plugin for IDA Pro that assists a user with scripting the IDAPython plugin that is bundled with the disassembler. This plugin groups the different aspects of the IDAPython API into a simpler format which allows a reverse engineer to script aspects of their work with very little investment. Smash that "Star" button if you like this.
- [97Star][26d] [Py] patois/idapyhelper IDAPyHelper is a script for the Interactive Disassembler that helps writing IDAPython scripts and plugins.
- [74Star][3m] [C++] 0xeb/ida-qscripts An IDA plugin to increase productivity when developing scripts for IDA
- Also In Section: Tools/Nav&&QuickAccess&&Graph&&Image/NoCategory |
- [42Star][5m] [C++] 0xeb/ida-climacros Create and use macros in IDA's CLIs
- [32Star][2y] [CMake] zyantific/ida-cmake IDA plugin CMake build-script
- [22Star][1y] [Py] nirizr/idasix IDAPython compatibility library. idasix aims to create a smooth ida development process and allow a single codebase to function with multiple IDA/IDAPython versions
- [4Star][6m] inndy/idapython-cheatsheet scripting IDA like a Pro
- [25Star][12m] techbliss/ida_pro_ultimate_qt_build_guide Ida Pro Ultimate Qt Build Guide
- [13Star][2m] [Py] tmr232/cute Cross-Qt compatibility module for IDAPython.
- [9Star][3y] [Py] techbliss/ida_pro_screen_recorder PyQt plugin for Ida Pro for Screen recording.
- [260Star][20d] [Py] eset/ipyida IPython console integration for IDA Pro
- [231Star][2y] [Jupyter Notebook] james91b/ida_ipython An IDA Pro Plugin for embedding an IPython Kernel
- [175Star][4m] [Py] techbliss/python_editor Better CodeEditor for Ida Pro.
- [5Star][2y] [C++] patois/ida_vs2017 IDA 7.x VisualStudio 2017 Sample Project for IDA and HexRays plugins (works with Community Edition)
- [4Star][5y] [JS] nihilus/ida-pro-plugin-wizard-for-vs2013 None
- [22Star][3y] [Java] cblichmann/idajava Java integration for Hex-Rays IDA Pro
- [8Star][3y] [C++] nlitsme/idaperl perl scripting support for IDApro
- [163Star][4y] [Py] osirislab/fentanyl Fentanyl is an IDAPython script that makes patching significantly easier
- [127Star][6y] [C++] crowdstrike/crowddetox None
- [94Star][5y] [Py] nihilus/ida-idc-scripts Varoius IDC-scripts I've collected during the years.
- [83Star][6y] [Py] einstein-/hexrays-python Python bindings for the Hexrays Decompiler
- [76Star][5y] [PHP] v0s/plus22 Tool to analyze 64-bit binaries with 32-bit Hex-Rays Decompiler
- [63Star][5y] [C] nihilus/idastealth None
- [40Star][6y] [C++] wirepair/idapinlogger Logs instruction hits to a file which can be fed into IDA Pro to highlight which instructions were called.
- [39Star][10y] izsh/ida-python-scripts IDA Python Scripts
- [39Star][8y] [Py] zynamics/bincrowd-plugin-ida BinCrowd Plugin for IDA Pro
- [35Star][8y] [Py] zynamics/ida2sql-plugin-ida None
- [27Star][4y] [C++] luorui110120/idaplugins ida插件
- [21Star][10y] [C++] sporst/ida-pro-plugins Collection of IDA Pro plugins I wrote over the years
- [18Star][10y] [Py] binrapt/ida Python script which extracts procedures from IDA Win32 LST files and converts them to correctly dynamically linked compilable Visual C++ inline assembly.
- [15Star][7y] [Py] nihilus/optimice None
- [10Star][10y] jeads-sec/etherannotate_ida EtherAnnotate IDA Pro Plugin - Parse EtherAnnotate trace files and markup IDA disassemblies with runtime values
- [6Star][10y] [C] jeads-sec/etherannotate_xen EtherAnnotate Xen Ether Modification - Adds a feature to Ether that pulls register values and potential string values at each instruction during an instruction trace.
- [390Star][11m] [C++] cseagle/sk3wldbg Debugger plugin for IDA Pro backed by the Unicorn Engine
- Also In Section: Tools/Emulator |
- [184Star][5y] [C++] nihilus/scyllahide None
- [105Star][2m] [Py] danielplohmann/apiscout This project aims at simplifying Windows API import recovery on arbitrary memory dumps
- [81Star][4y] [C++] wjp/idados Eric Fry's IDA/DOSBox debugger plugin
- Also In Section: Tools/SpecificTarget/NoCategory |
- [56Star][7y] [Py] cr4sh/ida-vmware-gdb Helper script for Windows kernel debugging with IDA Pro on VMware + GDB stub
- [42Star][5y] [Py] nihilus/idasimulator IDASimulator is a plugin that extends IDA's conditional breakpoint support, making it easy to augment / replace complex executable code inside a debugged process with Python code. Specifically, IDASimulator makes use of conditional breakpoints in the IDA debugger to hijack the execution flow of a process and invoke Python handler functions whene…
- [38Star][2y] [Py] thecjw/ida_android_script some idapython scripts for android debugging.
- Also In Section: Tools/Android |
- [22Star][5y] [Py] techbliss/scylladumper Ida Plugin to Use the Awsome Scylla plugin
- [14Star][5y] [Py] techbliss/free_the_debuggers Free_the_Debuggers
- [0Star][2y] [Py] benh11235/ida-windbglue Humble suite of scripts to assist with remote debugging using IDA pro client and winDBG server.
- [929Star][12m] [Py] gaasedelen/lighthouse Code Coverage Explorer for IDA Pro & Binary Ninja
- coverage-frida 使用Frida收集信息
- coverage-pin 使用Pin收集覆盖信息
- 插件 支持IDA和BinNinja
- [133Star][1y] [Py] carlosgprado/jarvis "Just Another ReVersIng Suite" or whatever other bullshit you can think of
- Also In Section: Tools/ImportExport&&SyncWithOtherTools/IntelPin |Tools/Vul/NoCategory |
- IDA插件
- PinTracer
- [129Star][3y] [Py] friedappleteam/frapl FRAPL Framework
- Also In Section: Tools/ImportExport&&SyncWithOtherTools/Frida |
- IDA插件
- Frida脚本
- [121Star][5y] [C++] zachriggle/ida-splode Augmenting Static Reverse Engineering with Dynamic Analysis and Instrumentation
- [117Star][2y] [C++] 0xphoenix/mazewalker Toolkit for enriching and speeding up static malware analysis
- [88Star][8y] [C] neuroo/runtime-tracer Dynamic tracing for binary applications (using PIN), IDA plugin to visualize and interact with the traces
- [79Star][3y] [Py] davidkorczynski/repeconstruct None
- [51Star][10m] [Py] cisco-talos/dyndataresolver None
- [20Star][8m] [C++] secrary/findloop findLoop - find possible encryption/decryption or compression/decompression code
- [15Star][12m] [C++] agustingianni/instrumentation Assorted pintools
[595Star][2m] [Py] 0xgalz/virtuailor IDAPython tool for creating automatic C++ virtual tables in IDA Pro
Also In Section: Tools/Structure&&Class/C++Class&&VirtualTable |
[383Star][4m] [Py] ynvb/die Dynamic IDA Enrichment
[378Star][4y] [Py] deresz/funcap IDA Pro script to add some useful runtime info to static analysis
[103Star][3y] [Py] c0demap/codemap Codemap
[1661Star][6m] [C++] yegord/snowman Snowman decompiler
[1317Star][1y] [C++] rehints/hexrayscodexplorer Hex-Rays Decompiler plugin for better code navigation
Also In Section: Tools/Nav&&QuickAccess&&Graph&&Image/NoCategory |
View Details
- 自动类型重建
- 虚表识别/导航(反编译窗口)
- C-tree可视化与导出
- 对象浏览
[465Star][4y] [Py] einstein-/decompiler A decompiler with multiple backend support, written in Python. Works with IDA and Capstone.
[400Star][2m] [C++] avast/retdec-idaplugin RetDec plugin for IDA
[291Star][5y] [C++] smartdec/smartdec SmartDec decompiler
[286Star][5y] [Py] aaronportnoy/toolbag The IDA Toolbag is a plugin providing supplemental functionality to Hex-Rays IDA Pro disassembler.
[225Star][6m] [Py] patois/dsync IDAPython plugin that synchronizes disassembler and decompiler views
- Also In Section: Tools/Nav&&QuickAccess&&Graph&&Image/NoCategory |
[167Star][1y] [Py] tintinweb/ida-batch_decompile Decompile All the Things - IDA Batch Decompile plugin and script for Hex-Ray's IDA Pro that adds the ability to batch decompile multiple files and their imports with additional annotations (xref, stack var size) to the pseudocode .c file
[149Star][1y] [Py] ax330d/hrdev Hex-Rays Decompiler Enhanced View
- Also In Section: Tools/Nav&&QuickAccess&&Graph&&Image/GUIEnhencement |
[103Star][7m] [Py] sibears/hrast PoC of modifying HexRays AST
[89Star][5m] [Py] patois/hrdevhelper HexRays decompiler plugin that visualizes the ctree of decompiled functions.
- Also In Section: Tools/Nav&&QuickAccess&&Graph&&Image/GUIEnhencement |
[41Star][30d] [Py] patois/mrspicky MrsPicky - An IDAPython decompiler script that helps auditing calls to the memcpy() and memmove() functions.
- Also In Section: Tools/Vul/NoCategory |
[23Star][1y] [C++] dougallj/dj_ida_plugins Plugins for IDA Pro and Hex-Rays
- [1351Star][2m] [Py] fireeye/flare-floss FireEye Labs Obfuscated String Solver - Automatically extract obfuscated strings from malware.
- Also In Section: Tools/string |
- floss
- IDA插件
- [539Star][2y] [Py] anatolikalysch/vmattack VMAttack PlugIn for IDA Pro
- Also In Section: Tools/SpecificTarget/NoCategory |
- [290Star][3m] [C++] rolfrolles/hexraysdeob Hex-Rays microcode API plugin for breaking an obfuscating compiler
- Also In Section: Tools/Microcode |
- [202Star][2y] [Py] tkmru/nao Simple No-meaning Assembly Omitter for IDA Pro (CURRENTLY UNDER DEVELOPMENT)
- Also In Section: Tools/Emulator |
- [47Star][2y] [Py] riscure/drop-ida-plugin Experimental opaque predicate detection for IDA Pro
- [22Star][3m] [Py] jonathansalwan/x-tunnel-opaque-predicates IDA+Triton plugin in order to extract opaque predicates using a Forward-Bounded DSE. Example with X-Tunnel.
- Also In Section: Tools/TaintAnalysis&&SymbolicExecution |
- [8Star][3y] [Py] thngkaiyuan/mynaim IDAPython Deobfuscation Scripts for Nymaim Samples
- Also In Section: Tools/SpecificTarget/MalwareFamily |
[1317Star][1y] [C++] rehints/hexrayscodexplorer Hex-Rays Decompiler plugin for better code navigation
Also In Section: Tools/Decompiler&&AST |
View Details
- 自动类型重建
- 虚表识别/导航(反编译窗口)
- C-tree可视化与导出
- 对象浏览
[441Star][3m] [C++] alexhude/friend Flexible Register/Instruction Extender aNd Documentation
- Also In Section: Tools/InstructRef&&Doc |
[362Star][1m] [Py] l4ys/lazyida Make your IDA Lazy!
Also In Section: Tools/string |Tools/Vul/NoCategory |
[327Star][2m] [Py] pfalcon/scratchabit Easily retargetable and hackable interactive disassembler with IDAPython-compatible plugin API
[225Star][6m] [Py] patois/dsync IDAPython plugin that synchronizes disassembler and decompiler views
- Also In Section: Tools/Decompiler&&AST |
[183Star][28d] [Py] danigargu/dereferencing IDA Pro plugin that implements more user-friendly register and stack views
[130Star][2y] [Py] comsecuris/ida_strcluster extending IDA's string navigation capabilities
- Also In Section: Tools/string |
[98Star][1y] [Py] darx0r/stingray IDAPython plugin for finding function strings recursively
- Also In Section: Tools/string |Tools/Function/Nav&&Search |
[80Star][1y] [Py] ax330d/functions-plus IDA Pro plugin to show functions in a tree view
- Also In Section: Tools/Function/Nav&&Search |
[74Star][3m] [C++] 0xeb/ida-qscripts An IDA plugin to increase productivity when developing scripts for IDA
- Also In Section: Tools/ScriptWritting/NoCategory |
[48Star][2m] [C++] jinmo/ifred IDA command palette & more (Ctrl+Shift+P, Ctrl+P)
[40Star][4m] [Py] tmr232/brutal-ida Block Redo & Undo To Achieve Legacy IDA
[23Star][6y] [C++] cr4sh/ida-ubigraph IDA Pro plug-in and tools for displaying 3D graphs of procedures using UbiGraph
[17Star][2y] [Py] tmr232/graphgrabber None
[5Star][2y] [Py] handsomematt/ida_func_ptr Easily create and copy function pointers to functions in IDA.
- [200Star][1m] [Py] patois/idacyber Data Visualization Plugin for IDA Pro
- [149Star][1y] [Py] ax330d/hrdev Hex-Rays Decompiler Enhanced View
- Also In Section: Tools/Decompiler&&AST |
- [104Star][2y] [Py] danigargu/idatropy IDAtropy is a plugin for Hex-Ray's IDA Pro designed to generate charts of entropy and histograms using the power of idapython and matplotlib.
- [89Star][5m] [Py] patois/hrdevhelper HexRays decompiler plugin that visualizes the ctree of decompiled functions.
- Also In Section: Tools/Decompiler&&AST |
- [47Star][1m] [Py] patois/xray Hexrays decompiler plugin that colorizes and filters the decompiler's output based on regular expressions
- [20Star][3m] [C++] revspbird/hightlight a plugin for ida of version 7.2 to help know F5 window codes better
- [5Star][3y] [Py] oct0xor/ida_pro_graph_styling Advanced Ida Pro Instruction Highlighting
- [5Star][2y] [C] teppay/ida my files related to IDA
- [4Star][2y] [Py] andreafioraldi/idaretaddr Highlight the return address of a function in the Ida Pro debugger
- Also In Section: Tools/Function/NoCategory |
- [2562Star][4m] [Java] google/binnavi BinNavi is a binary analysis IDE that allows to inspect, navigate, edit and annotate control flow graphs and call graphs of disassembled code.
- [231Star][2y] [C++] fireeye/simplifygraph IDA Pro plugin to assist with complex graphs
- [39Star][8m] [Py] rr-/ida-images Image preview plugin for IDA disassembler.
- [149Star][2y] [Py] ga-ryo/idafuzzy Fuzzy search tool for IDA Pro.
- Also In Section: Tools/Function/Nav&&Search |
- [64Star][3y] [Py] xorpd/idsearch A search tool for IDA
- [23Star][5m] [Py] alexander-hanel/hansel Hansel - a simple but flexible search for IDA
- [223Star][2y] [Py] strazzere/android-scripts Collection of Android reverse engineering scripts
- [158Star][1m] [Py] nforest/droidimg Android/Linux vmlinux loader
- Also In Section: Tools/ELF |Tools/SpecificTarget/Loader&Processor |
- [115Star][4y] [Py] cvvt/dumpdex IDA python script to dynamically dump DEX in memory
- [79Star][2y] [Py] zhkl0228/androidattacher IDA debugging plugin for android armv7 so
- [39Star][5y] [Py] techbliss/adb_helper_qt_super_version All You Need For Ida Pro And Android Debugging
- [38Star][2y] [Py] thecjw/ida_android_script some idapython scripts for android debugging.
- Also In Section: Tools/Debug&&DynamicData/NoCategory |
- [16Star][7y] [C++] strazzere/dalvik-header-plugin Dalvik Header Plugin for IDA Pro
- [173Star][2y] [Py] duo-labs/idapython A collection of IDAPython modules made with
- Also In Section: Tools/Firmware&&EmbedDevice |
- cortex_m_firmware 整理包含ARM Cortex M微控制器固件的IDA Pro数据库
- amnesia 使用字节级启发式在IDA Pro数据库中的未定义字节中查找ARM Thumb指令
- REobjc 在Objective-C的调用函数和被调用函数之间进行适当的交叉引用
- [167Star][8y] [Py] zynamics/objc-helper-plugin-ida Simplifies working with Objective-C binaries in IDA Pro
- [19Star][2y] aozhimin/ios-monitor-resources 对各厂商的 iOS SDK 性能监控方案的整理和收集后的资源
- [17Star][9y] [C++] alexander-pick/patchdiff2_ida6 patched up patchdiff2 to compile and work with IDA 6 on OSX
- [14Star][8y] [Standard ML] letsunlockiphone/iphone-baseband-ida-pro-signature-files IDA PRO signature files that can be used in reversing the iPhone baseband. On an iPhone 4 firmware can pickup upto 800 functions when all the sigs applied.
- Also In Section: Tools/Signature(FLIRT...)&&Diff&&Match/NoCategory |
- [168Star][12m] [Py] bazad/ida_kernelcache An IDA Toolkit for analyzing iOS kernelcaches.
- Also In Section: Tools/Structure&&Class/NoCategory |
- [137Star][8y] stefanesser/ida-ios-toolkit Collection of idapython scripts for dealing with the iOS kernelcache
- [50Star][1y] [Py] synacktiv-contrib/kernelcache-laundering load iOS12 kernelcaches and PAC code in IDA
- [47Star][7m] [C] gdbinit/extractmacho IDA plugin to extract Mach-O binaries located in the disassembly or data
- [18Star][3y] [C] cocoahuke/iosdumpkernelfix This tool will help to fix the Mach-O header of iOS kernel which dump from the memory. So that IDA or function symbol-related tools can loaded function symbols of ios kernel correctly
- [17Star][8y] [C] gdbinit/machoplugin IDA plugin to Display Mach-O headers
- [17Star][3y] [Py] tylerha97/swiftdemang IDA Pro IDAPython Script to Demangle Swift
- [17Star][4y] [Py] gsingh93/ida-swift-demangle An IDA plugin to demangle Swift function names
- Also In Section: Tools/Function/demangle |
- [518Star][2y] [C] lunixbochs/patchkit binary patching from Python
- Also In Section: Tools/Patch |
- IDA插件
- patchkit
- [202Star][5y] [C] snare/ida-efiutils Some scripts for IDA Pro to assist with reverse engineering EFI binaries
- [158Star][1m] [Py] nforest/droidimg Android/Linux vmlinux loader
- Also In Section: Tools/Android |Tools/SpecificTarget/Loader&Processor |
- [125Star][7m] [Py] danigargu/syms2elf A plugin for Hex-Ray's IDA Pro and radare2 to export the symbols recognized to the ELF symbol table
- Also In Section: Tools/ImportExport&&SyncWithOtherTools/Radare2 |Tools/Function/NoCategory |
- [90Star][2y] [C++] gdbinit/efiswissknife An IDA plugin to improve (U)EFI reversing
- [83Star][2m] [Py] yeggor/uefi_retool
- [44Star][2y] [C] aerosoul94/dynlib IDA Pro plugin to aid PS4 user mode ELF reverse engineering.
- Also In Section: Tools/SpecificTarget/PS3&&PS4 |
- [44Star][4y] [Py] danse-macabre/ida-efitools Some scripts for IDA Pro to assist with reverse engineering EFI binaries
- [43Star][4y] [Py] strazzere/idant-wanna ELF header abuse
- [290Star][3m] [C++] rolfrolles/hexraysdeob Hex-Rays microcode API plugin for breaking an obfuscating compiler
- Also In Section: Tools/DeObfuscate |
- [186Star][4m] [C++] chrisps/hexext Hexext is a plugin to improve the output of the hexrays decompiler through microcode manipulation.
- [60Star][4m] [Py] patois/genmc Display Hex-Rays Microcode
- [43Star][1m] [Py] idapython/pyhexraysdeob A port of Rolf Rolles'
- [19Star][8m] [Py] neatmonster/mcexplorer Python portage of the Microcode Explorer plugin
- [482Star][12m] [Py] alexhude/uemu Tiny cute emulator plugin for IDA based on unicorn.
- [390Star][11m] [C++] cseagle/sk3wldbg Debugger plugin for IDA Pro backed by the Unicorn Engine
- Also In Section: Tools/Debug&&DynamicData/NoCategory |
- [383Star][3y] [Py] 36hours/idaemu idaemu is an IDA Pro Plugin - use for emulating code in IDA Pro.
- Also In Section: Tools/ScriptWritting/NoCategory |
- [271Star][10d] [Py] fireeye/flare-emu None
- Also In Section: Tools/ScriptWritting/NoCategory |
- [202Star][2y] [Py] tkmru/nao Simple No-meaning Assembly Omitter for IDA Pro (CURRENTLY UNDER DEVELOPMENT)
- Also In Section: Tools/DeObfuscate |
- [124Star][3y] [Py] codypierce/pyemu x86 Emulator in Python
- [1515Star][16d] [Py] lifting-bits/mcsema Framework for lifting x86, amd64, and aarch64 program binaries to LLVM bitcode
- [416Star][25d] [C] mcgill-dmas/kam1n0-community The Kam1n0 Assembly Analysis Platform
- Also In Section: Tools/Signature(FLIRT...)&&Diff&&Match/NoCategory |
- IDA插件
- kam1n0
- [27Star][4y] [Scheme] yifanlu/cgen CGEN with support for generating IDA Pro IDP modules
- [23Star][2y] [Py] tintinweb/unbox
[489Star][6m] [Py] danigargu/heap-viewer An IDA Pro plugin to examine the glibc heap, focused on exploit development
[376Star][2y] [Py] 1111joe1111/ida_ea A set of exploitation/reversing aids for IDA
[362Star][1m] [Py] l4ys/lazyida Make your IDA Lazy!
Also In Section: Tools/string |Tools/Nav&&QuickAccess&&Graph&&Image/NoCategory |
[137Star][7m] [Py] iphelix/ida-sploiter IDA Sploiter is a plugin for Hex-Ray's IDA Pro disassembler designed to enhance IDA's capabilities as an exploit development and vulnerability research tool.
[133Star][1y] [Py] carlosgprado/jarvis "Just Another ReVersIng Suite" or whatever other bullshit you can think of
[41Star][30d] [Py] patois/mrspicky MrsPicky - An IDAPython decompiler script that helps auditing calls to the memcpy() and memmove() functions.
- Also In Section: Tools/Decompiler&&AST |
[32Star][6y] [Py] coldheat/quicksec IDAPython script for quick vulnerability analysis
- [53Star][3y] [Py] patois/drgadget dr.rer.oec.gadget IDAPython plugin for the Interactive Disassembler
- [19Star][1y] [Py] lucasg/idarop ROP database plugin for IDA
- [713Star][12m] [Py] keystone-engine/keypatch Multi-architecture assembler for IDA Pro. Powered by Keystone Engine.
- [518Star][2y] [C] lunixbochs/patchkit binary patching from Python
- [87Star][5y] [Py] iphelix/ida-patcher IDA Patcher is a plugin for Hex-Ray's IDA Pro disassembler designed to enhance IDA's ability to patch binary files and memory.
- [42Star][3y] [C++] mrexodia/idapatch IDA plugin to patch IDA Pro in memory.
- [30Star][3m] [Py] scottmudge/debugautopatch Patching system improvement plugin for IDA.
- [16Star][8y] [C++] jkoppel/reprogram Patch binaries at load-time
- [0Star][7m] [Py] tkmru/genpatch genpatch is IDA plugin that generates a python script for patch
- [120Star][2y] [Shell] feicong/ida_for_mac_green IDA Pro for macOS绿化
- [28Star][4m] angelkitty/ida7.0
- [16Star][2y] jas502n/ida7.0-pro some people share IDA7.0!
- [125Star][7m] [Py] danigargu/syms2elf A plugin for Hex-Ray's IDA Pro and radare2 to export the symbols recognized to the ELF symbol table
- Also In Section: Tools/ELF |Tools/ImportExport&&SyncWithOtherTools/Radare2 |
- [11Star][2y] [C++] fireundubh/ida7-functionstringassociate FunctionStringAssociate plugin by sirmabus, ported to IDA 7
- [4Star][2y] [Py] andreafioraldi/idaretaddr Highlight the return address of a function in the Ida Pro debugger
- Also In Section: Tools/Nav&&QuickAccess&&Graph&&Image/GUIEnhencement |
- [2Star][4m] [Py] farzonl/idapropluginlab3 An Ida plugin that does static analysis to describe what malware is doing.
- [285Star][1m] [Py] a1ext/auto_re IDA PRO auto-renaming plugin with tagging support
- [117Star][5y] [C++] zyantific/retypedef Name substitution plugin for IDA Pro
- [95Star][2y] [Py] gaasedelen/prefix Function Prefixing for IDA Pro
- [47Star][3y] [Py] alessandrogario/ida-function-tagger This IDAPython script tags subroutines according to their use of imported functions
- [21Star][11m] [Py] howmp/comfinder IDA plugin for COM
- Also In Section: Tools/SpecificTarget/NoCategory |
- [3Star][4y] [Py] ayuto/discover_win IDA scripts which compare Linux and Windows binaries to automatically rename unnamed Windows functions.
- Also In Section: Tools/Signature(FLIRT...)&&Diff&&Match/NoCategory |
- [178Star][5m] [Py] hasherezade/ida_ifl IFL - Interactive Functions List (plugin for IDA Pro)
- [149Star][2y] [Py] ga-ryo/idafuzzy Fuzzy search tool for IDA Pro.
- Also In Section: Tools/Nav&&QuickAccess&&Graph&&Image/Search |
- [98Star][1y] [Py] darx0r/stingray IDAPython plugin for finding function strings recursively
- Also In Section: Tools/string |Tools/Nav&&QuickAccess&&Graph&&Image/NoCategory |
- [80Star][1y] [Py] ax330d/functions-plus IDA Pro plugin to show functions in a tree view
- Also In Section: Tools/Nav&&QuickAccess&&Graph&&Image/NoCategory |
- [33Star][3y] [Py] darx0r/reef IDAPython plugin for finding Xrefs from a function
- [17Star][4y] [Py] gsingh93/ida-swift-demangle An IDA plugin to demangle Swift function names
- Also In Section: Tools/Apple&&macOS&&iXxx&&Objective-C&&SWift&&Mach-O/Swift |
- [14Star][1y] [Py] ax330d/exports-plus IDA Pro plugin to view Exports
- [924Star][16d] [OCaml] airbus-seclab/bincat Binary code static analyser, with IDA integration. Performs value and taint analysis, type reconstruction, use-after-free and double-free detection
- Also In Section: Tools/Structure&&Class/NoCategory |
- [863Star][2y] [C++] illera88/ponce IDA 2016 plugin contest winner! Symbolic Execution just one-click away!
- [22Star][3m] [Py] jonathansalwan/x-tunnel-opaque-predicates IDA+Triton plugin in order to extract opaque predicates using a Forward-Bounded DSE. Example with X-Tunnel.
- Also In Section: Tools/DeObfuscate |
[1351Star][2m] [Py] fireeye/flare-floss FireEye Labs Obfuscated String Solver - Automatically extract obfuscated strings from malware.
- Also In Section: Tools/DeObfuscate |
- floss
- IDA插件
[362Star][1m] [Py] l4ys/lazyida Make your IDA Lazy!
Also In Section: Tools/Nav&&QuickAccess&&Graph&&Image/NoCategory |Tools/Vul/NoCategory |
[178Star][17d] [Py] joxeankoret/idamagicstrings An IDA Python script to extract information from string constants.
[130Star][2y] [Py] comsecuris/ida_strcluster extending IDA's string navigation capabilities
- Also In Section: Tools/Nav&&QuickAccess&&Graph&&Image/NoCategory |
[98Star][1y] [Py] darx0r/stingray IDAPython plugin for finding function strings recursively
- Also In Section: Tools/Nav&&QuickAccess&&Graph&&Image/NoCategory |Tools/Function/Nav&&Search |
[45Star][5y] [Py] kyrus/ida-translator A plugin for IDA Pro that assists in decoding arbitrary character sets in an IDA Pro database into Unicode, then automatically invoking a web-based translation service (currently Google Translate) to translate that foreign text into English.
[4Star][3y] [C#] andreafioraldi/idagrabstrings IDAPython plugin to search strings in a specified range of addresses and map it to a C struct
- Also In Section: Tools/Structure&&Class/NoCategory |
[4Star][7m] [C] lacike/gandcrab_string_decryptor IDC script for decrypting strings in the GandCrab v5.1-5.3
- Also In Section: Tools/SpecificTarget/MalwareFamily |
- [424Star][26d] [Py] polymorf/findcrypt-yara IDA pro plugin to find crypto constants (and more)
- Also In Section: Tools/Signature(FLIRT...)&&Diff&&Match/Yara |
- [122Star][2m] [Py] you0708/ida IDA related stuff
- [41Star][7y] [C++] vlad902/findcrypt2-with-mmx IDA Pro findcrypt2 plug-in with MMX AES instruction finding support
- Add more tools and posts
- 2019.10 [amossys] Exploring Hex-Rays microcode
- 2019.07 [kienbigmummy] Cách export data trong IDA
- 2019.05 [360_anquanke_learning] IDAPython实战项目——DES算法识别
- 2019.05 [carbonblack] fn_fuzzy: Fast Multiple Binary Diffing Triage with IDA
- 2019.05 [aliyun_xz] 混淆IDA F5的一个小技巧-x86
- 2019.03 [freebuf] Ponce:一键即可实现符号执行(IDA插件)
- 2019.03 [360_anquanke_learning] 为CHIP-8编写IDA processor module
- 2019.01 [pediy_new_digest] [原创]IDA7.2安装包分析
- 2019.01 [pediy_new_digest] [原创]IDA 在解析 IA64 中的 brl 指令时存在一个 Bug
- 2019.01 [ly0n] Cracking with IDA (redh@wk 2.5 crackme)
- 2018.11 [hexblog] IDA 7.2 – The Mac Rundown
- 2018.11 [pediy_new_digest] [原创]IDA动态调试ELF
- 2018.10 [pediy_new_digest] [原创] 修复 IDA Pro 7.0在macOS Mojave崩溃的问题
- 2018.10 [ptsecurity_blog] Modernizing IDA Pro: how to make processor module glitches go away
- 2018.10 [aliyun_xz] IDA-minsc在Hex-Rays插件大赛中获得第二名(2)
- 2018.10 [aliyun_xz] IDA-minsc在Hex-Rays插件大赛中获得第二名(1)
- 2018.10 [aliyun_xz] 通过两个IDAPython插件支持A12 PAC指令和iOS12 kernelcache 重定位
- 2018.09 [cisco_blogs] IDA-minsc Wins Second Place in Hex-Rays Plugins Contest
- 2018.09 [dustri] IDAPython vs. r2pipe
- 2018.06 [pediy_new_digest] [翻译]在IDA中使用Python Z3库来简化函数中的算术运算
- 2018.05 [hexblog] IDAPython: wrappers are only wrappers
- 2018.05 [tradahacking] So sánh binary bằng IDA và các công cụ bổ trợ
- 2018.04 [pediy_new_digest] [翻译]IDAPython-Book(Alexander Hanel)
- 2018.03 [hexblog] IDA on non-OS X/Retina Hi-DPI displays
- 2018.03 [pediy_new_digest] [翻译]IDA v6.5 文本执行
- 2018.02 [pediy_new_digest] [原创]逆向技术之熟悉IDA工具
- 2018.01 [pediy_new_digest] [原创]ARM Linux下搭建IDA Pro远程调试环境
- 2018.01 [pediy_new_digest] [翻译]对抗IDA Pro调试器ARM反汇编的技巧
- 2017.12 [youtube_OALabs] Debugging shellcode using BlobRunner and IDA Pro
- 2017.12 [pediy_new_digest] [原创]IDA7.0 Mac 插件编译指南
- 2017.12 [pediy_new_digest] [原创]IDA 插件- FRIEND 的安装和使用
- 2017.12 [youtube_BinaryAdventure] IDAPython Tutorial with example script
- 2017.11 [youtube_OALabs] How To Defeat Anti-VM and Anti-Debug Packers With IDA Pro
- 2017.11 [pediy_new_digest] [原创]IDAPython脚本分享 - 自动在JNI_OnLoad下断点
- 2017.11 [pediy_new_digest] [求助]IDA Pro调试so,附加完毕,跳到目标so基址,但是内容都是DCB伪指令?
- 2017.11 [youtube_OALabs] IDA Pro Malware Analysis Tips
- 2017.10 [hexblog] IDA and common Python issues
- 2017.10 [pediy_new_digest] [分享]IDA + VMware 调试win7 x64
- 2017.06 [pediy_new_digest] [翻译]IDA Hex-Rays反编译器使用的一些小技巧
- 2017.06 [qmemcpy] IDA series, part 2: debugging a .NET executable
- 2017.06 [qmemcpy] IDA series, part 1: the Hex-Rays decompiler
- 2017.05 [3gstudent] 逆向分析——使用IDA动态调试WanaCrypt0r中的tasksche.exe
- 2017.05 [pediy_new_digest] [原创] IDA导入Jni.h
- 2017.05 [oct0xor] Advanced Ida Pro Instruction Highlighting
- 2017.05 [repret] Improving Coverage Guided Fuzzing, Using Static Analysis
- 2017.04 [osandamalith] Executing Shellcode Directly
- 2017.04 [hexacorn] IDA, hotpatched functions and signatures that don’t work…
- 2017.04 [_0xec] Remote debugging in IDA Pro by http tunnelling
- 2017.03 [pediy_new_digest] [翻译]如何让 IDA Pro 使用我们提供的 Python 版本以及如何在 Chroot 的环境中运行 IDA Pro
- 2017.01 [kudelskisecurity] SANS Holiday Hack Challenge 2016
- 2016.12 [adelmas] API Hooking with IDA Pro
- 2016.12 [hexacorn] IDA, function alignment and signatures that don’t work…
- 2016.10 [_0x90] Build IDA Pro KeyPatch for Fedora Linux
- 2016.05 [lucasg] Do not load dll from System32 directly into IDA
- 2016.04 [hexacorn] Creating IDT/IDS files for IDA from MS libraries with symbols
- 2016.02 [pediy_new_digest] [原创]翻译,IDA调试Dalvik
- 2016.01 [pediy_new_digest] [原创]Android 5.0 + IDA 6.8 调试经验分享
- 2016.01 [insinuator] Dynamic IDA Enrichment (aka. DIE)
- 2016.01 [360_anquanke_learning] 在OSX上编译非osx ida pro插件
- 2016.01 [adventuresincyberchallenges] SANS Holiday Hack Quest 2015
- 2015.12 [yifan] CGEN for IDA Pro
- 2015.12 [pediy_new_digest] 调试篇---安卓arm/x86平台之IDA or GDB长驱直入
- 2015.12 [hexacorn] IDAPython – making strings decompiler-friendly
- 2015.12 [pediy_new_digest] [原创]IDA Pro 6.8 安装密码爆破的可行性分析
- 2015.11 [govolution] Very first steps with IDA
- 2015.08 [pediy_new_digest] [原创]一步步搭建ida pro动态调试SO环境。
- 2015.07 [hexblog] Hack of the day #0: Somewhat-automating pseudocode HTML generation, with IDAPython.
- 2015.06 [msreverseengineering_blog] Transparent Deobfuscation with IDA Processor Module Extensions
- 2015.02 [pediy_new_digest] [原创]使用IDA PRO+OllyDbg+PEview 追踪windows API 动态链接库函数的调用过程。
- 2014.12 [hexblog] Augmenting IDA UI with your own actions.
- 2014.10 [vexillium] SECURE 2014 slide deck and Hex-Rays IDA Pro advisories published
- 2014.10 [pediy_new_digest] [原创]解决IDA的F5(hexray 1.5)不能用于FPU栈用满的情况
- 2014.08 [3xp10it_archive] ida插件使用备忘录
- 2014.08 [3xp10it_archive] ida通过usb调试ios下的app
- 2014.08 [3xp10it_archive] ida批量下断点追踪函数调用
- 2014.08 [3xp10it_archive] ida插件使用备忘录
- 2014.08 [3xp10it_archive] ida插件mynav
- 2014.08 [3xp10it_archive] ida通过usb调试ios下的app
- 2014.08 [3xp10it_archive] ida批量下断点追踪函数调用
- 2014.07 [hexblog] IDA Dalvik debugger: tips and tricks
- 2014.04 [hexblog] Extending IDAPython in IDA 6.5: Be careful about the GIL
- 2014.03 [zdziarski] The Importance of Forensic Tools Validation
- 2014.03 [evilsocket] Programmatically Identifying and Isolating Functions Inside Executables Like IDA Does.
- 2014.02 [silentsignal_blog] From Read to Domain Admin – Abusing Symantec Backup Exec with Frida
- 2013.12 [hexblog] Interacting with IDA through IPC channels
- 2013.06 [trustwave_SpiderLabs_Blog] Debugging Android Libraries using IDA
- 2013.05 [v0ids3curity] Defeating anti-debugging techniques using IDA and x86 emulator plugin
- 2013.05 [hexblog] Loading your own modules from your IDAPython scripts with idaapi.require()
- 2013.04 [hexblog] Installing PIP packages, and using them from IDA on a 64-bit machine
- 2013.03 [pediy_new_digest] [原创]IDA Demo6.4破解笔记
- 2012.11 [redplait] pyside for ida pro 6.3 - part 2
- 2012.10 [redplait] AVX/XOP instructions processor extender for IDA Pro
- 2012.10 [redplait] IDA Pro 6.3 SDK is broken ?
- 2012.10 [redplait] pyside for ida pro 6.3
- 2012.09 [redplait] IDA loader of .dcu files from XE3
- 2012.08 [tencent_security_blog] 浅谈IDA脚本在漏洞挖掘中的应用
- 2012.07 [cr4] VMware + GDB stub + IDA
- 2012.06 [pediy_new_digest] [原创]PRX loader for IDA
- 2012.06 [pediy_new_digest] [翻译]API Call Tracing - PEfile, PyDbg and IDAPython
- 2012.05 [redplait] dcu files loader for ida pro v2
- 2012.05 [redplait] dcu files loader for ida pro
- 2012.03 [redplait] updated perl binding for IDA Pro
- 2012.03 [pediy_new_digest] [原创]IDA批量模式
- 2012.02 [pediy_new_digest] [原创]IDA Android Remote Debug
- 2012.01 [pediy_new_digest] [原创]IDA 6.1 bool 及 默认对齐 sizeof 设置永久修复
- 2011.12 [redplait] IDA 5.60 PICode analyzer plugin for win64
- 2011.10 [reverse_archives] How to create IDA C/C++ plugins with Xcode
- 2011.10 [pediy_new_digest] [转帖]IDA PRO 6.1 远程调试 Android
- 2011.09 [pediy_new_digest] [推荐]IDA sp-analysis failed 不能F5的 解决方案之(一)
- 2011.08 [pediy_new_digest] [原创]用IDA Pro + OD 来分析扫雷
- 2011.08 [pediy_new_digest] [原创]IDA + GDBServer实现iPhone程序远程调试
- 2011.08 [redplait] perl inside IDA Pro
- 2011.07 [redplait] несколько pdb в ida pro
- 2011.07 [pediy_new_digest] [原创]IDA + Debug 插件 实现64Bit Exe脱壳
- 2011.06 [pediy_new_digest] [翻译]使用VMWare GDB和IDA调试Windows内核
- 2011.05 [pediy_new_digest] [分享]IDA 6.1 版本不能F5的解决办法
- 2011.05 [pediy_new_digest] [原创]IDAPython+OdbgScript动态获取程序执行流程
- 2011.03 [pediy_new_digest] [原创]Ida Pro Advanced 6.0 中木马分析
- 2011.03 [pediy_new_digest] [原创]IDA SDK合并jmp乱序插件代码示例阅读
- 2011.01 [hexblog] IDA & Qt: Under the hood
- 2010.12 [pediy_new_digest] [原创]ida 静态分析 破除时间限制
- 2010.10 [pediy_new_digest] [下载]IDA pro代码破解揭秘的随书例子下载
- 2010.10 [hexblog] Calculating API hashes with IDA Pro
- 2010.09 [publicintelligence] (U//FOUO) FBI Warning: Extremists Likely to Retaliate Against Florida Group’s Planned “International Burn A Koran Day”
- 2010.08 [mattoh] Exporting IDA function for IDC Script Usage
- 2010.07 [hexblog] Implementing command completion for IDAPython
- 2010.07 [hexblog] Running scripts from the command line with idascript
- 2010.06 [hexblog] Extending IDC and IDAPython
- 2010.04 [hexblog] Kernel debugging with IDA Pro / Windbg plugin and VirtualKd
- 2010.03 [hexblog] Using custom viewers from IDAPython
- 2010.01 [hexblog] Debugging ARM code snippets in IDA Pro 5.6 using QEMU emulator
- 2009.12 [pediy_new_digest] [原创]Symbian_Remote_Debugger_With_IDA
- 2009.10 [pediy_new_digest] [原创]IDA学习笔记
- 2009.09 [hexblog] Develop your master boot record and debug it with IDA Pro and the Bochs debugger plugin
- 2009.02 [hexblog] Advanced Windows Kernel Debugging with VMWare and IDA’s GDB debugger
- 2008.10 [evilcodecave] IDA Pro Enhances Hostile Code Analysis Support
- 2008.09 [pediy_new_digest] [原创]ShellCode Locator for IDA 5.2
- 2008.08 [evilcodecave] IDA Debugger Malformed SEH Causes Crash
- 2008.04 [pediy_new_digest] [原创]idb_2_pat for ida pro V5.2
- 2007.08 [pediy_new_digest] [原创]基于 ida 的反汇编转换 Obj 的可行性 笔记(1)
- 2007.04 [pediy_new_digest] [翻译]Pinczakko的AwardBIOS逆向工程指导
- 2007.02 [pediy_new_digest] IDA Plugin 编写基础
- 2006.09 [pediy_new_digest] [翻译]Using IDA Pro's Debugger
- 2006.09 [pediy_new_digest] [翻译]Customizing IDA Pro
- 2006.08 [msreverseengineering_blog] Defeating HyperUnpackMe2 with an IDA Processor Module
- 2004.11 [pediy_new_digest] 又说 IDA 边界修改插件
- 2019.07 [hexacorn] Batch decompilation with IDA / Hex-Rays Decompiler
- 2019.06 [openanalysis] Disable ASLR for Easier Malware Debugging With x64dbg and IDA Pro
- 2019.06 [youtube_OALabs] Disable ASLR For Easier Malware Debugging With x64dbg and IDA Pro
- 2019.06 [openanalysis] Reverse Engineering C++ Malware With IDA Pro: Classes, Constructors, and Structs
- 2019.06 [youtube_OALabs] Reverse Engineering C++ Malware With IDA Pro
- 2019.03 [aliyun_xz] IDA Pro7.0使用技巧总结
- 2018.06 [checkpoint_research] Scriptable Remote Debugging with Windbg and IDA Pro
- 2015.07 [djmanilaice] Pycharm for your IDA development
- 2015.07 [djmanilaice] Auto open dlls and exe in current directory for IDA
- 2019.04 [360_anquanke_learning] 两种姿势批量解密恶意驱动中的上百条字串
- 2019.03 [cyber] Using IDA Python to analyze Trickbot
- 2019.01 [youtube_OALabs] Lazy String Decryption Tips With IDA PRO and Shade Ransomware Unpacked!
- 2018.09 [4hou] Hidden Bee恶意软件家族的定制IDA装载模块开发
- 2018.09 [4hou] 用IDAPython解密Gootkit中的字符串
- 2018.05 [youtube_OALabs] Unpacking Gootkit Part 2 - Debugging Anti-Analysis Tricks With IDA Pro and x64dbg
- 2018.04 [youtube_OALabs] Unpacking VB6 Packers With IDA Pro and API Hooks (Re-Upload)
- 2018.03 [youtube_OALabs] Unpacking Gootkit Malware With IDA Pro and X64dbg - Subscriber Request
- 2018.01 [youtube_OALabs] Unpacking Pykspa Malware With Python and IDA Pro - Subscriber Request Part 1
- 2017.11 [youtube_OALabs] Unpacking Process Injection Malware With IDA PRO (Part 2)
- 2017.11 [youtube_OALabs] Unpacking Process Injection Malware With IDA PRO (Part 1)
- 2017.06 [hackers_arise] Reverse Engineering Malware, Part 3: IDA Pro Introduction
- 2017.05 [4hou] 逆向分析——使用IDA动态调试WanaCrypt0r中的tasksche.exe
- 2017.05 [3gstudent] 逆向分析——使用IDA动态调试WanaCrypt0r中的tasksche.exe
- 2012.06 [trustwave_SpiderLabs_Blog] Defeating Flame String Obfuscation with IDAPython
- 2018.10 [checkpoint] Labeless Part 6: How to Resolve Obfuscated API Calls in the Ngioweb Proxy Malware - Check Point Research
- 2018.10 [checkpoint] Labeless Part 5: How to Decrypt Strings in Boleto Banking Malware Without Reconstructing Decryption Algorithm. - Check Point Research
- 2018.10 [checkpoint] Labeless Part 4: Scripting - Check Point Research
- 2018.08 [checkpoint] Labeless Part 3: How to Dump and Auto-Resolve WinAPI Calls in LockPos Point-of-Sale Malware - Check Point Research
- 2018.08 [checkpoint] Labeless Part 2: Installation - Check Point Research
- 2018.08 [checkpoint] Labeless Part 1: An Introduction - Check Point Research
- 2019.11 [kienbigmummy] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P25)
- 2019.10 [kienbigmummy] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P24)
- 2019.10 [tradahacking] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P23)
- 2019.09 [kienbigmummy] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P21)
- 2019.08 [kienbigmummy] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P20)
- 2019.08 [kienbigmummy] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P19)
- 2019.07 [kienbigmummy] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P18)
- 2019.07 [kienbigmummy] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P17)
- 2019.06 [kienbigmummy] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P16)
- 2019.06 [kienbigmummy] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P15)
- 2019.05 [kienbigmummy] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P14)
- 2019.05 [kienbigmummy] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P13)
- 2019.04 [kienbigmummy] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P12)
- 2019.04 [kienbigmummy] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P11)
- 2019.03 [kienbigmummy] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P10)
- 2019.03 [kienbigmummy] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P9)
- 2019.03 [kienbigmummy] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P8)
- 2019.03 [kienbigmummy] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P7)
- 2019.03 [tradahacking] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P6)
- 2019.03 [kienbigmummy] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P5)
- 2019.03 [kienbigmummy] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P4)
- 2019.02 [kienbigmummy] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P3)
- 2019.02 [kienbigmummy] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P2)
- 2019.02 [kienbigmummy] REVERSING WITH IDA FROM SCRATCH (P1)
- 2016.06 [paloaltonetworks] Using IDAPython to Make Your Life Easie
- 2016.01 [paloaltonetworks] Using IDAPython to Make Your Life Easie
- 2016.01 [paloaltonetworks] Using IDAPython to Make Your Life Easie
- 2016.01 [paloaltonetworks] Using IDAPython to Make Your Life Easie
- 2015.12 [paloaltonetworks] Using IDAPython to Make Your Life Easie
- 2015.12 [paloaltonetworks] Using IDAPython to Make Your Life Easie
- 2016.01 [freebuf] IDAPython:让你的生活更美好(五)
- 2016.01 [freebuf] IDAPython:让你的生活更美好(四)
- 2016.01 [freebuf] IDAPython:让你的生活更美好(三)
- 2016.01 [freebuf] IDAPython:让你的生活更美好(二)
- 2016.01 [freebuf] IDAPython:让你的生活更美好(一)
- 2019.01 [ly0n] Reversing C code with IDA part V
- 2019.01 [ly0n] Reversing C code with IDA part IV
- 2019.01 [ly0n] Reversing C code with IDA part III
- 2018.12 [ly0n] Reversing C code with IDA part II
- 2018.01 [ly0n] Reversing C code with IDA part I
- 2019.10 [vmray_blog] VMRay IDA Plugin v1.1: Streamlining Deep-Dive Malware Analysis
- 2019.10 [talosintelligence_blog] New IDA Pro plugin provides TileGX support
- 2019.09 [talosintelligence_blog] GhIDA: Ghidra decompiler for IDA Pro
- 2019.04 [_0xeb] climacros – IDA productivity tool
- 2019.04 [_0xeb] QScripts – IDA Scripting productivity tool
- 2019.03 [_0xeb] Daenerys: IDA Pro and Ghidra interoperability framework
- 2019.02 [kitploit_home] HexRaysCodeXplorer - Hex-Rays Decompiler Plugin For Better Code Navigation
- 2019.02 [kitploit_home] Ponce - IDA Plugin For Symbolic Execution Just One-Click Away!
- 2019.01 [talosintelligence_blog] Dynamic Data Resolver (DDR) - IDA Plugin
- 2018.12 [securityonline] HexRaysCodeXplorer: Hex-Rays Decompiler plugin for better code navigation
- 2018.11 [4hou] FLARE脚本系列:使用idawasm IDA Pro插件逆向WebAssembly(Wasm)模块
- 2018.10 [aliyun_xz] 用idawasm IDA Pro逆向WebAssembly模块
- 2018.10 [fireeye_threat_research] FLARE Script Series: Reverse Engineering WebAssembly Modules Using the idawasm IDA Pro Plugin
- 2018.10 [vmray_blog] Introducing the IDA Plugin for VMRay Analyzer
- 2018.09 [ptsecurity_blog] How we developed the NIOS II processor module for IDA Pro
- 2018.09 [talosintelligence_blog] IDA-minsc Wins Second Place in Hex-Rays Plugins Contest
- 2018.09 [msreverseengineering_blog] Weekend Project: A Custom IDA Loader Module for the Hidden Bee Malware Family
- 2018.08 [360_anquanke_learning] Lua程序逆向之为Luac编写IDA Pro处理器模块
- 2018.06 [dougallj] Writing a Hex-Rays Plugin: VMX Intrinsics
- 2018.05 [freebuf] HeapViewer:一款专注于漏洞利用开发的IDA Pro插件
- 2018.03 [pediy_new_digest] [翻译]使用 IDAPython 写一个简单的x86模拟器
- 2018.03 [_0xeb] Using Z3 with IDA to simplify arithmetic operations in functions
- 2018.02 [securityonline] IDAPython Embedded Toolkit: IDAPython scripts for automating analysis of firmware of embedded devices
- 2018.02 [_0xeb] Writing a simple x86 emulator with IDAPython
- 2018.01 [fireeye_threat_research] FLARE IDA Pro Script Series: Simplifying Graphs in IDA
- 2017.12 [ret2] What's New in Lighthouse v0.7
- 2017.12 [youtube_OALabs] Using Yara Rules With IDA Pro - New Tool!
- 2017.11 [youtube_hasherezade] IFL - Interactive Functions List - a plugin for IDA Pro
- 2017.11 [securityonline] IDA EA: A set of exploitation/reversing aids for IDA
- 2017.06 [reverse_archives] EFI Swiss Knife – An IDA plugin to improve (U)EFI reversing
- 2017.04 [redplait] etwex - ida plugin for Etw traces IIDs searching
- 2017.04 [360_anquanke_learning] IDAPython:一个可以解放双手的 IDA 插件
- 2017.03 [duksctf] Make IDA Pro Great Again
- 2017.03 [redplait] ida plugin for RFG fixups processing
- 2017.02 [argus_sec] Collaborative Reverse Engineering with PSIDA - Argus Cyber Security
- 2016.01 [eugenekolo] A walk through the binary with IDA
- 2015.12 [360_anquanke_learning] 适用于IDA Pro的CGEN框架
- 2015.12 [freebuf] FLARE IDA Pro的脚本系列:自动化提取函数参数
- 2015.04 [nul] VMProtect + IDA Pro 做一回强悍的加密
- 2015.03 [joxeankoret] Diaphora, a program diffing plugin for IDA Pro
- 2014.10 [devttys0] A Code Signature Plugin for IDA
- 2014.09 [freebuf] 火眼(FireEye)实验室FLARE IDA Pro脚本系列:MSDN注释插件
- 2014.08 [3xp10it_archive] ida插件mynav
- 2014.05 [oct0xor] Deci3dbg - Ida Pro Debugger Module for Playstation 3
- 2013.11 [quarkslab_blog] IDA processor module
- 2013.06 [redplait] IDA loader of .dcu files from XE4
- 2012.07 [reverse_archives] ExtractMachO: an IDA plugin to extract Mach-O binaries from disassembly
- 2011.11 [reverse_archives] Display Mach-O headers plugin for IDA
- 2011.04 [hexblog] VirusTotal plugin for IDA Pro
- 2010.05 [joxeankoret] MyNav, a python plugin for IDA Pro
- 2008.10 [pediy_new_digest] [翻译]The IDA Pro Book 第六章
- 2008.10 [pediy_new_digest] [翻译](20081030更新)The IDA Pro Book 第12章:使用FLIRT签名识别库
- 2008.10 [pediy_new_digest] [翻译]The IDA Pro Book(第二章)
- 2008.10 [pediy_new_digest] [翻译]The IDA Pro book 第5章---IDA DATA DISPLAY
- 2008.10 [pediy_new_digest] [翻译]The IDA Pro Book(第一章)
- 2009.01 [pediy_new_digest] [原创]Reverse Engineering Code with IDA Pro第七章中文译稿
- 2008.06 [pediy_new_digest] [翻译]Reverse Engineering Code with IDA Pro(第一、二章)
- 2019.06 [devco] 破密行動: 以不尋常的角度破解 IDA Pro 偽隨機數
- 2019.04 [venus_seebug] 使用 IDA Pro 的 REobjc 模块逆向 Objective-C 二进制文件
- 2018.11 [somersetrecon] Introduction to IDAPython for Vulnerability Hunting - Part 2
- 2018.07 [360_anquanke_learning] 如何使用 IDAPython 寻找漏洞
- 2018.07 [somersetrecon] Introduction to IDAPython for Vulnerability Hunting
- 2018.03 [duo_blog_duo_labs] Reversing Objective-C Binaries With the REobjc Module for IDA Pro
- 2006.05 [pediy_new_digest] Themida v1008 驱动程序分析,去除花指令的 IDA 文件
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