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Add checksums (for resume) and decompression on FTP uploads
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wqweto committed Dec 3, 2023
1 parent 1fe401b commit 8ea192b
Showing 1 changed file with 136 additions and 40 deletions.
176 changes: 136 additions & 40 deletions src/cVncServer.cls
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -188,6 +188,10 @@ Private Declare Function IPropertyBag2_Write_Proxy Lib "windowscodecs" (ByVal pP
#End If
Private Declare Function GetEnvironmentVariable Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetEnvironmentVariableW" (ByVal lpName As Long, ByVal lpBuffer As Long, ByVal nSize As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function SetEnvironmentVariable Lib "kernel32" Alias "SetEnvironmentVariableW" (ByVal lpName As Long, ByVal lpValue As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CreateFile Lib "kernel32" Alias "CreateFileW" (ByVal lpFileName As Long, ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, ByVal dwShareMode As Long, ByVal lpSecurityAttributes As Long, ByVal dwCreationDisposition As Long, ByVal dwFlagsAndAttributes As Long, ByVal hTemplateFile As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function SetFilePointerEx Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Long, ByVal liDistanceToMove As Currency, ByVal lpNewFilePointer As Long, ByVal dwMoveMethod As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function SetEndOfFile Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
#End If
Private Declare Function D3D11CreateDevice Lib "d3d11" (ByVal pAdapter As IUnknown, ByVal DriverType As D3D_DRIVER_TYPE, ByVal Software As Long, ByVal Flags As D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_FLAG, pFeatureLevels As Any, ByVal FeatureLevels As Long, ByVal SDKVersion As Long, ppDevice As ID3D11Device, pFeatureLevel As D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL, ppImmediateContext As ID3D11DeviceContext) As VBHRESULT
Private Declare Function CreateDXGIFactory1 Lib "dxgi" (riid As VBD3D11.VBGUID, ppFactory As IDXGIFactory1) As VBHRESULT
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -476,20 +480,24 @@ Private Enum RfbFileTransferProtocolEnum
rfbFtpADirRecursiveListItem = 10
rfbFtpADirRecursiveSize = 11

' Content params -- rfbFtpCommand Command
' Content params -- rfbFtpCommand
rfbFtpCDirCreate = 1 ' Request the server to create the given directory
rfbFtpCDirDelete = 2 ' Request the server to delete the given directory
rfbFtpCFileCreate = 3 ' Request the server to create the given file
rfbFtpCFileDelete = 4 ' Request the server to delete the given file
rfbFtpCFileRename = 5 ' Request the server to rename the given file
rfbFtpCDirRename = 6 ' Request the server to rename the given directory

' Errors -- content params or "size" field
' Size param - Errors
rfbFtpSErrorUnknownCmd = 1 ' Unknown FileTransfer command.
rfbFtpSErrorCmd = -1 ' Error when a command fails on remote side (ret in "size" field)
rfbFtpSProtocolEnabled = 1 ' for rfbFtpAbortFileTransfer

' Size param - rfbFtpAbortFileTransfer
rfbFtpSProtocolEnabled = 1
rfbFtpSProtocolDisabled = -1
rfbFtpSPacketUncompressed = 0 ' for rfbFtpFilePacket

' Size param - rfbFtpFilePacket
rfbFtpSPacketUncompressed = 0
rfbFtpSPacketCompressed = 1
rfbFtpSPacketAlreadyThere = 2
End Enum
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1731,7 +1739,7 @@ Private Function pvSendFileTransferFileContent(uOutput As UcsBuffer, pStream As
On Error GoTo EH
ReDim baBuffer(0 To rfbFtpProtocolPacketSize - 1) As Byte
Do While Not m_oSocket.HasPendingEvent
If pvCheckHResult(IStream_Read(pStream, pvArrayPtr(baBuffer), pvArraySize(baBuffer), lRead)) < 0 Then
If pvCheckHResult(IStream_Read(pStream, pvArrayPtr(baBuffer), pvArraySize(baBuffer), lRead), FUNC_NAME) < 0 Then
If Not pvSendFileTransfer(uOutput, rfbFtpAbortFileTransfer) Then
End If
Expand All @@ -1749,7 +1757,7 @@ Cleanup:
End If
If pChecksums Is Nothing Then
lChecksum = 0
ElseIf IStream_Read(pChecksums, VarPtr(lChecksum), 4) < 0 Then
ElseIf IStream_Read(pChecksums, VarPtr(lChecksum), 4) < 0 Then '-- don't check hResult
lChecksum = 0
Set pChecksums = Nothing
ElseIf lChecksum <> pvCalcAdler32(1, baBuffer, 0, lRead) Then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1797,6 +1805,8 @@ Private Function pvHandleFileTransfer(uOutput As UcsBuffer, uMsg As RfbFileTrans
Dim sFile As String
Dim lBufferSize As Long
Dim bDelaySend As Boolean
Dim aChecksum() As Long
Dim pStream As stdole.IUnknown

On Error GoTo EH
If uMsg.ContentType <> rfbFtpFilePacket And uMsg.ContentType <> rfbFtpFileChecksums Then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1934,9 +1944,9 @@ Private Function pvHandleFileTransfer(uOutput As UcsBuffer, uMsg As RfbFileTrans
#End If
If SHCreateStreamOnFile(StrPtr(sPath), STGM_READ, m_pFtpSendStream) < 0 Then
cStreamSize = ERROR_VALUE
ElseIf pvCheckHResult(IStream_Seek(m_pFtpSendStream, 0, STREAM_SEEK_END, cStreamSize)) < 0 Then
ElseIf pvCheckHResult(IStream_Seek(m_pFtpSendStream, 0, STREAM_SEEK_END, cStreamSize), FUNC_NAME) < 0 Then
cStreamSize = ERROR_VALUE
ElseIf pvCheckHResult(IStream_Seek(m_pFtpSendStream, 0, STREAM_SEEK_SET)) < 0 Then
ElseIf pvCheckHResult(IStream_Seek(m_pFtpSendStream, 0, STREAM_SEEK_SET), FUNC_NAME) < 0 Then
cStreamSize = ERROR_VALUE
sPath = sPath & "," & Format$(pvGetFileDateTime(sPath), FORMAT_FILEDATETIME)
Expand All @@ -1960,7 +1970,33 @@ Private Function pvHandleFileTransfer(uOutput As UcsBuffer, uMsg As RfbFileTrans
End If
Case rfbFtpFileTransferOffer
m_sFtpRecvFileName = Split(sPath, ",", Limit:=2)(0)
If pvCheckHResult(pvCreateStreamOnFile(m_sFtpRecvFileName, STGM_WRITE Or STGM_CREATE, m_pFtpRecvStream)) < 0 Then
If pvCreateStreamOnFile(m_sFtpRecvFileName, STGM_READ, pStream) < 0 Then '--- don't check hResult
GoTo SkipChecksums
End If
If pvCheckHResult(IStream_Seek(pStream, 0, STREAM_SEEK_END, cStreamSize), FUNC_NAME) < 0 Then
GoTo SkipChecksums
End If
cStreamSize = cStreamSize * 10000@
If pvCheckHResult(IStream_Seek(pStream, 0, STREAM_SEEK_SET), FUNC_NAME) < 0 Then
GoTo SkipChecksums
End If
ReDim baBuffer(0 To rfbFtpProtocolPacketSize - 1) As Byte
ReDim aChecksum(0 To Int((cStreamSize + rfbFtpProtocolPacketSize - 1) / rfbFtpProtocolPacketSize)) As Long
For lIdx = 0 To UBound(aChecksum)
If IStream_Read(pStream, pvArrayPtr(baBuffer), pvArraySize(baBuffer), lSize) < 0 Or lSize = 0 Then '--- don't check hResult
Exit For
End If
aChecksum(lIdx) = pvCalcAdler32(1, baBuffer, 0, lSize)
If lIdx > 0 Then
If Not pvSendFileTransfer(uOutput, rfbFtpFileChecksums, Ptr:=VarPtr(aChecksum(0)), Size:=lIdx * 4) Then
End If
End If
lIdx = IIf(pStream Is Nothing, STGM_CREATE, 0)
Set pStream = Nothing
If pvCheckHResult(pvCreateStreamOnFile(m_sFtpRecvFileName, STGM_WRITE Or lIdx, m_pFtpRecvStream), FUNC_NAME) < 0 Then
eStatus = rfbFtpSErrorCmd
End If
baBuffer = StrConv(m_sFtpRecvFileName, vbFromUnicode, GetSystemDefaultLCID())
Expand All @@ -1969,13 +2005,55 @@ Private Function pvHandleFileTransfer(uOutput As UcsBuffer, uMsg As RfbFileTrans
End If
Case rfbFtpFilePacket
If IStream_Write(m_pFtpRecvStream, pvArrayPtr(baData), pvArraySize(baData)) < 0 Then
If Not pvSendFileTransfer(uOutput, rfbFtpAbortFileTransfer) Then
If m_pFtpRecvStream Is Nothing Then
End If
If uMsg.Size = rfbFtpSPacketAlreadyThere Then
If pvCheckHResult(IStream_Seek(m_pFtpRecvStream, uMsg.Length / 10000@, STREAM_SEEK_CUR), FUNC_NAME) < 0 Then
GoTo AbortRecv
End If
ElseIf uMsg.Size = rfbFtpSPacketCompressed Then
#If ImplZlib Then
Dim hCtx As Long
Dim lOutputPtr As Long
Dim lOutputSize As Long
With New cZipArchive
hCtx = .InflateInit()
'--- skip prefix (2 bytes zlib header) and suffix (4 bytes adler32 checksum)
.InflateBlob hCtx, VarPtr(baData(2)), pvArraySize(baData) - 2 - 4, lOutputPtr, lOutputSize
.InflateEnd hCtx
If lOutputSize = 0 Then
GoTo AbortRecv
End If
ReDim baData(0 To lOutputSize - 1) As Byte
Call CopyMemory(baData(0), ByVal lOutputPtr, lOutputSize)
Call CoTaskMemFree(lOutputPtr)
End With
#If ImplUseDebugLog Then
DebugLog MODULE_NAME, FUNC_NAME, "Compression not compiled (VNC_NO_ZLIB = 1)", vbLogEventTypeError
#End If
GoTo AbortRecv
#End If
uMsg.Size = rfbFtpSPacketUncompressed
End If
If uMsg.Size = rfbFtpSPacketUncompressed Then
If pvCheckHResult(IStream_Write(m_pFtpRecvStream, pvArrayPtr(baData), pvArraySize(baData)), FUNC_NAME) < 0 Then
Set m_pFtpRecvStream = Nothing
If Not pvSendFileTransfer(uOutput, rfbFtpAbortFileTransfer) Then
End If
End If
End If
Case rfbFtpEndOfFile
If pvCheckHResult(IStream_Seek(m_pFtpRecvStream, 0, STREAM_SEEK_CUR, cStreamSize), FUNC_NAME) < 0 Then
cStreamSize = -1
End If
Set m_pFtpRecvStream = Nothing
If cStreamSize >= 0 Then
SetFileLen m_sFtpRecvFileName, cStreamSize * 10000@
End If
#If ImplZlib Then
If Right$(m_sFtpRecvFileName, sizeof_ZIP_SUFFIX) = STR_ZIP_SUFFIX Then
sPath = Mid$(m_sFtpRecvFileName, InStrRev(m_sFtpRecvFileName, "\") + 1)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2082,15 +2160,15 @@ Private Function pvHandleTightFileTransfer(uOutput As UcsBuffer, uMsg As UcsTigh
pvBufferWriteBlob uOutput, pvArrayPtr(uList.Data), uList.Size
Case rfbMsgTightUploadStartRequest
sFile = Mid$(uMsg.Path, 2)
If pvCheckHResult(pvCreateStreamOnFile(sFile, STGM_WRITE Or IIf((uMsg.Flags And 1) <> 0, STGM_CREATE, 0), m_pFtpRecvStream)) < 0 Then
If pvCheckHResult(pvCreateStreamOnFile(sFile, STGM_WRITE Or IIf((uMsg.Flags And 1) <> 0, STGM_CREATE, 0), m_pFtpRecvStream), FUNC_NAME) < 0 Then
GoTo Failed
End If
If pvCheckHResult(IStream_Seek(m_pFtpRecvStream, uMsg.Offset, STREAM_SEEK_SET)) < 0 Then
If pvCheckHResult(IStream_Seek(m_pFtpRecvStream, uMsg.Offset, STREAM_SEEK_SET), FUNC_NAME) < 0 Then
GoTo Failed
End If
pvBufferWriteLong uOutput, rfbMsgTightUploadStartReply, Size:=4
Case rfbMsgTightUploadDataRequest
If pvCheckHResult(IStream_Write(m_pFtpRecvStream, pvArrayPtr(baData), pvArraySize(baData))) < 0 Then
If pvCheckHResult(IStream_Write(m_pFtpRecvStream, pvArrayPtr(baData), pvArraySize(baData)), FUNC_NAME) < 0 Then
GoTo Failed
End If
pvBufferWriteLong uOutput, rfbMsgTightUploadDataReply, Size:=4
Expand All @@ -2099,16 +2177,16 @@ Private Function pvHandleTightFileTransfer(uOutput As UcsBuffer, uMsg As UcsTigh
pvBufferWriteLong uOutput, rfbMsgTightUploadEndReply, Size:=4
Case rfbMsgTightDownloadStartRequest
m_sFtpRecvFileName = Mid(uMsg.Path, 2)
If pvCheckHResult(pvCreateStreamOnFile(m_sFtpRecvFileName, STGM_READ, m_pFtpSendStream)) < 0 Then
If pvCheckHResult(pvCreateStreamOnFile(m_sFtpRecvFileName, STGM_READ, m_pFtpSendStream), FUNC_NAME) < 0 Then
GoTo Failed
End If
If pvCheckHResult(IStream_Seek(m_pFtpSendStream, uMsg.Offset, STREAM_SEEK_SET)) < 0 Then
If pvCheckHResult(IStream_Seek(m_pFtpSendStream, uMsg.Offset, STREAM_SEEK_SET), FUNC_NAME) < 0 Then
GoTo Failed
End If
pvBufferWriteLong uOutput, rfbMsgTightDownloadStartReply, Size:=4
Case rfbMsgTightDownloadDataRequest
pvArrayAllocate baBuffer, Clamp(uMsg.DataSize, , 2 ^ 20), FUNC_NAME & ".baBuffer"
If pvCheckHResult(IStream_Read(m_pFtpSendStream, pvArrayPtr(baBuffer), pvArraySize(baBuffer), lSize)) < 0 Then
If pvCheckHResult(IStream_Read(m_pFtpSendStream, pvArrayPtr(baBuffer), pvArraySize(baBuffer), lSize), FUNC_NAME) < 0 Then
GoTo Failed
End If
If lSize = 0 Then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2839,14 +2917,14 @@ Private Function pvCaptureSend(uFrame As UcsCaptureFrame, uOutput As UcsBuffer)
#If ImplUseDebugLog Then
sDebugInfo = sDebugInfo & " H=" & Format$(cTemp, "0.00") & " QL=" & lQualityLevel
#End If
If pvCheckHResult(IStream_Seek(m_pImageStream, 0, STREAM_SEEK_SET)) < 0 Then
If pvCheckHResult(IStream_Seek(m_pImageStream, 0, STREAM_SEEK_SET), FUNC_NAME) < 0 Then
End If
If Not pvWicConvertImage(m_pImageStream, m_aWicFormatJpeg, Clamp(lQualityLevel, 1, 100), _
uTile.Data, .Tiles(lIdx).Width, .Tiles(lIdx).Height, m_aWicFormat32bppBGR) Then
End If
If pvCheckHResult(IStream_Seek(m_pImageStream, 0, STREAM_SEEK_CUR, cTemp)) < 0 Then
If pvCheckHResult(IStream_Seek(m_pImageStream, 0, STREAM_SEEK_CUR, cTemp), FUNC_NAME) < 0 Then
End If
lSize = cTemp * 10000
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3081,43 +3159,43 @@ Private Function pvWicConvertImage( _
Dim aBag(0 To 7) As Long

On Error GoTo EH
If pvCheckHResult(IWICImagingFactory_CreateBitmapFromMemory_Proxy(m_pWicFactory, lWidth, lHeight, aPixelFormat(0), lWidth * 4, UBound(baInput) + 1, baInput(0), pBitmap)) < 0 Then
If pvCheckHResult(IWICImagingFactory_CreateBitmapFromMemory_Proxy(m_pWicFactory, lWidth, lHeight, aPixelFormat(0), lWidth * 4, UBound(baInput) + 1, baInput(0), pBitmap), FUNC_NAME) < 0 Then
End If
If pvCheckHResult(IWICImagingFactory_CreateStream_Proxy(m_pWicFactory, pWicStream)) < 0 Then
If pvCheckHResult(IWICImagingFactory_CreateStream_Proxy(m_pWicFactory, pWicStream), FUNC_NAME) < 0 Then
End If
If pvCheckHResult(IWICStream_InitializeFromIStream_Proxy(pWicStream, pOutput)) < 0 Then
If pvCheckHResult(IWICStream_InitializeFromIStream_Proxy(pWicStream, pOutput), FUNC_NAME) < 0 Then
End If
If pvCheckHResult(IWICImagingFactory_CreateEncoder_Proxy(m_pWicFactory, aContainerFormat(0), ByVal 0, pEncoder)) < 0 Then
If pvCheckHResult(IWICImagingFactory_CreateEncoder_Proxy(m_pWicFactory, aContainerFormat(0), ByVal 0, pEncoder), FUNC_NAME) < 0 Then
End If
If pvCheckHResult(IWICBitmapEncoder_Initialize_Proxy(pEncoder, pWicStream, WICBitmapEncoderNoCache)) < 0 Then
If pvCheckHResult(IWICBitmapEncoder_Initialize_Proxy(pEncoder, pWicStream, WICBitmapEncoderNoCache), FUNC_NAME) < 0 Then
End If
If pvCheckHResult(IWICBitmapEncoder_CreateNewFrame_Proxy(pEncoder, pFrame, pPropBag)) < 0 Then
If pvCheckHResult(IWICBitmapEncoder_CreateNewFrame_Proxy(pEncoder, pFrame, pPropBag), FUNC_NAME) < 0 Then
End If
If lImageQuality <> 0 Then
aBag(3) = StrPtr("ImageQuality")
If pvCheckHResult(IPropertyBag2_Write_Proxy(pPropBag, 1, aBag(0), CSng(lImageQuality) / 100!)) < 0 Then
If pvCheckHResult(IPropertyBag2_Write_Proxy(pPropBag, 1, aBag(0), CSng(lImageQuality) / 100!), FUNC_NAME) < 0 Then
End If
End If
If pvCheckHResult(IWICBitmapFrameEncode_Initialize_Proxy(pFrame, pPropBag)) < 0 Then
If pvCheckHResult(IWICBitmapFrameEncode_Initialize_Proxy(pFrame, pPropBag), FUNC_NAME) < 0 Then
End If
If pvCheckHResult(IWICBitmapFrameEncode_SetSize_Proxy(pFrame, lWidth, lHeight)) < 0 Then
If pvCheckHResult(IWICBitmapFrameEncode_SetSize_Proxy(pFrame, lWidth, lHeight), FUNC_NAME) < 0 Then
End If
If pvCheckHResult(IWICBitmapFrameEncode_WriteSource_Proxy(pFrame, pBitmap, ByVal 0)) < 0 Then
If pvCheckHResult(IWICBitmapFrameEncode_WriteSource_Proxy(pFrame, pBitmap, ByVal 0), FUNC_NAME) < 0 Then
End If
If pvCheckHResult(IWICBitmapFrameEncode_Commit_Proxy(pFrame)) < 0 Then
If pvCheckHResult(IWICBitmapFrameEncode_Commit_Proxy(pFrame), FUNC_NAME) < 0 Then
End If
If pvCheckHResult(IWICBitmapEncoder_Commit_Proxy(pEncoder)) < 0 Then
If pvCheckHResult(IWICBitmapEncoder_Commit_Proxy(pEncoder), FUNC_NAME) < 0 Then
End If
'--- success
Expand All @@ -3128,18 +3206,16 @@ EH:
PrintError FUNC_NAME
End Function

Private Function pvCheckHResult(ByVal hResult As Long, Optional vErrSource As Variant) As Long
Const FUNC_NAME As String = "pvCheckHResult"

Private Function pvCheckHResult(ByVal hResult As Long, sFunction As String) As Long
On Error GoTo EH
If hResult < 0 Then
Err.Raise hResult, vErrSource
Err.Raise hResult
End If
pvCheckHResult = hResult
Exit Function
PrintError IIf(IsMissing(vErrSource), FUNC_NAME, vErrSource)
PrintError sFunction
Resume QH
End Function

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3334,19 +3410,20 @@ Private Sub pvBufferWriteCurrency(uOutput As UcsBuffer, cValue As Currency)
End Sub

Private Sub pvBufferWriteStream(uOutput As UcsBuffer, pStream As stdole.IUnknown)
Const FUNC_NAME As String = "pvBufferWriteStream"
Dim cTemp As Currency
Dim lSize As Long

If pvCheckHResult(IStream_Seek(pStream, 0, STREAM_SEEK_CUR, cTemp)) < 0 Then
If pvCheckHResult(IStream_Seek(pStream, 0, STREAM_SEEK_CUR, cTemp), FUNC_NAME) < 0 Then
End If
lSize = cTemp * 10000
If lSize > 0 Then
pvBufferWriteBlob uOutput, 0, lSize
If pvCheckHResult(IStream_Seek(pStream, 0, STREAM_SEEK_SET)) < 0 Then
If pvCheckHResult(IStream_Seek(pStream, 0, STREAM_SEEK_SET), FUNC_NAME) < 0 Then
End If
If pvCheckHResult(IStream_Read(pStream, VarPtr(uOutput.Data(uOutput.Size - lSize)), lSize)) < 0 Then
If pvCheckHResult(IStream_Read(pStream, VarPtr(uOutput.Data(uOutput.Size - lSize)), lSize), FUNC_NAME) < 0 Then
End If
End If
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3703,6 +3780,25 @@ End Property
Private Function Zn(sText As String, Optional IfEmptyString As Variant = Null, Optional EmptyString As String) As Variant
Zn = IIf(sText = EmptyString, IfEmptyString, sText)
End Function

Private Function SetFileLen(sFile As String, ByVal cFileSize As Currency, Optional ByVal Exclusive As Boolean) As Boolean
Const GENERIC_WRITE As Long = &H40000000
Const OPEN_EXISTING As Long = 3
Const FILE_SHARE_READ As Long = &H1
Const FILE_BEGIN As Long = 0
Dim hFile As Long

hFile = CreateFile(StrPtr(sFile), GENERIC_WRITE, IIf(Exclusive, 0, FILE_SHARE_READ), 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0)
If hFile <> 0 Then
If SetFilePointerEx(hFile, cFileSize / 10000@, 0, FILE_BEGIN) <> 0 Then
If SetEndOfFile(hFile) <> 0 Then
'--- success
SetFileLen = True
End If
End If
Call CloseHandle(hFile)
End If
End Function
#End If

Expand Down

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