The following people have made contributions to the project (in alphabetical order by last name) and are considered "The icepyx Developers":
- Nicole Abib - University of Oregon
- Anthony Arendt - University of Washington
- Kelsey Bisson - Oregon State University
- Shashank Bhushan - University of Washington
- Alessandro Di Bella - Technical University of Denmark
- Raphael Hagen - University of Washington
- Scott Henderson - University of Washington
- Thomas Johnson - University College London
- Zheng Liu - University of Washington
- Ted Maksym - Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
- Joachim Meyer - University of Utah
- Fernando Perez - University of California, Berkeley
- Romina Piunno - University of Toronto
- Facundo Sapienza - University of California, Berkeley
- Jessica Scheick - Unaffiliated (ORCID: 0000-0002-3421-4459)
- David Shean - University of Washington
- Ben Smith - University of Washington
- Amy Steiker - NSIDC, University of Colorado
- Anna Valentine - Colorado School of Mines
- Bruce Wallin - NSIDC, University of Colorado
- Molly Wieringa - University of Washington
- Bidhyananda Yadav - Ohio State University