Releases: xGinko/AnarchyExploitFixes
1.27.0 - Performance Improvements
Please consider contributing to AEF. 1.19 has many changes that break some AEF modules. It would be very helpful if you could fix or report some issues.
Changelog - Fix 1.18 issue with burrow
- Fixed an issue where player would be teleported above a slab if the slab was waterlogged, for some reason newer versions can now have watered slabs. This issue does not occur in 1.12. It is most likely not possible to properly fix this issue (by checking if water exists in the slab) because I would have to setup AEF with the newer minecraft version.
In non 1.12 versions, slabs simply won't be checked in the burrow patch. This may cause issues, such as 2 slabs stacked on eachother that won't be checked. However, it's not too big of a deal and can simply be disabled if needed.
AllowSlabsInBurrow: true # Disabled by default in 1.12, needs to be enabled to prevent a bug where players are teleported above a slab when the slab is underwater, only happens in newer versions.
- This also ONCE AGAIN fixes golden apples. IDK wtf happened last time, but now they're called LEGACY_GOLDEN_APPLE, and it messed up my code AGAIN! - Improvements
- Fixed issue where golden apples were removed on newer minecraft versions
- Added kick mode for packet elytra patch (#76) Disabled by default.
OnlyElytraPacketKick: false #If enabled, the plugin will not remove elytra from the player, but simply disconnect from the server. If you use this, do not turn off "PatchPacketElytraFly", otherwise it will not work.
- Added sound, and message for packet elytra fly patch
OnlyElytraPacketKick: false #If enabled, the plugin will not remove elytra from the player, but simply disconnect from the server.
enabled: false
message: "&cDisable Packet Elytra Fly." # for action bar and kick message - Minor changes and Silent join messages
- Silent join and leave messages (#75)
# If you want to hide yourself or someone else when logging into the game, just give these rights:
# anarchyexploitfixes.silentJoin
# anarchyexploitfixes.silentLeave
- Remove left over debug code that was in the specific data value code.
- Fix error warnings from command use, such as /anarchyexploitfixes:aef
- Send "Unknown command. Type "/help" for help." instead of "/aef"
- Add ender pearls to the coords exploit patch.
1.26.1 - Unbreakable whitelist and fix errors
- Add unbreakable whitelist (#71)
EnableWhitelist: false # If enabled, only items in the whitelist will be reverted.
- "DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE" # The name of the item in the spigot api
- Fixes the
Material cannot be null
This error is from setting the wrong BANNED_BLOCKS in config.yml
It has been changed to[20:39:44 WARN]: [AnarchyExploitFixes] BANNED_BLOCKS 'BEDROCKe' not recognized. Please change to correct value from
- Add config option to disable the warning completely if for some reason you want to keep the invalid block in config.
DisableBannedBlocksWarnings: false # Disable warnings for some reason
- Fix lag from large metadata (#74)
1.26.0 - Illegal Data Values
This release fixes illegal golden apples that were reported by STORMIN -
Please note that other items with illegal data values may not be fixed, you will need to add them to the SpecificDataValues
RevertSpecificDataValues: true # Required for rest of config options
RevertIllegalGoldenApple: true #Revert golden apples that aren't 0 or 1.
SpecificDataValues: # If you want to ban any other data values
- "SuperIllegalItem(0)" # (1) is the data value. For example GOLDEN_APPLE uses (0) for unenchanted and (1) for enchanted.
This release also adds an option to ban any items with a specific player added name, also suggested by STORMIN.
BANNED_NAMES: # Remove items that were custom named to a specific string. Suggested by STORMIN.
- "Super Insane Mega Sussy Item" # case sensitive - Bugfixes
- Fixed banned logins being bypassed (If the plugin uses evt.disallow to prevent people from logging in.) This was to due with the PreventInvalidNames feature, where it would allow or disallow you to join if your name is illegal.
- Patched enchantments on items that aren't supposed to have any enchants. (Before it would only patch if the enchantment level is higher than possible)
1.25.2 - Fix ChunkLoadEvent issue
This release attempts to fix an issue where the plugin would load chunks by itself.
Instead of using getChunk() on players, it will use the players coordinates instead, so it won't need to use the chunk.
Some server owners have also been having problems with ProtocolLib. It might be an issue with the newer version. Someone has made a fix for a similar issue, which might resolve the problem. Try using, it is from dmulloy2/ProtocolLib#1534. If that doesn't work, try rolling back to 4.7.0 as I haven't heard of this problem since the new release came out. - Netherite durability and remove debug code
Changes from
- If you're using 1.25.1, make sure to update, otherwise your console will be spammed with the debug code I accidently left in... It's harmless, however.
- Added portal options
PreventDropppedItemsInPortals: true # May prevent a lag exploit.
PreventAllEntitiesInPortals: false # Only enable if you must... Players are not affected.
Changes from 1.25.1
- Fix netherite tools/armor durability being set to maximum, when it's not supposed to. For the technical people, for some reason item.getType().getMaxDurability() was returning
for netherrite tools, diamond tools was fine. I'm assuming it's some mistake on the spigot/paper api. Only netherite tools/armor were affected. However, this is a bandaid fix, netherite tools will only be reverted if the durability is higher than the maximum durability of netherrite tools. For example, netherite armor could have more durability, and not be reverted. I believe newer versions should already fix unbreakable items anyway. (#59)
SkipZeroDurability: true # Make sure to keep enabled, otherwise netherite tools will mistakenly be set to maximum durability, due to some bug in spigot.
- Set AntiSpamCommandsUseWhitelist to true by default - It's very annoying for commands to not run because they've been sent before. Now only the specified commands will be triggered by default. Make sure to add any other commands that may cause a problem if spammed.
AntiSpamCommandsUseWhitelist: true # Only enable antispam for commands specified below.
1.25.0 - Bugfixes/Performance Improvements
[11:39:15] [Netty Epoll Server IO #1/WARN]: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Asynchronous Async Chunk Load! Blocking thread until it returns
- Fixed problem where enchanted golden apples would revert to normal golden apples due to the unbreakable patch. (Closes #56)
ItemsSkipped: # Items that won't be reverted from illegal enchants or unbreakablity.
- "GOLDEN_APPLE" # Make sure to keep this line here or else enchanted golden apples will be reverted to normal ones.