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STA 663 Syllabus (Spring 2016)

Learning Objectives

  • Practice writing code for analysis that is reproducible

Use of git, Jupyter, testing and role of automation

  • Achieve fluency in Python

Write idiomatic Python 3 code. There will be ample programming exercises for you to develop this skill.

  • Become familiar with the most useful Python packages for solving analysis problems

Such packages include numpy, scipy, matplotlib, pandas, scikit-learn, statsmodels, pymc3, pystan, pyspark and others

  • Develop intuition for concepts (e.g. geometry) underlying statistical algorithms

How do optimization routines, EM and MCMC actually do their magic?

  • Learn how to develop statistical algorithms in Python

Final class project requires you to develop, optimize, test and apply a statistical algorithm from the research literature

  • Profile and optimize code to make good use of available resources (e.g parallel environments)

From interpreted to compiled code (Python to C), multi-core parallelism, GPU programming and distributed computing for big data


Office Hours

  • Cliburn Chan: Thursday 6pm to 7pm Old Chem 116
  • Christine Chai (TA): Monday 1pm to 3 pm Old Chem 211A
  • Yuhao Liang (TA): Tuesday 7pm to 9pm Old Chem 211A

Requirements for Class

Please bring a laptop for each class as you will often be expected to type along. You are expected to provide your own laptop.


  • Homework assignments 50%

There will be up to 10 homework assignments, each of equal weight. These will typically require significant programming effort.

  • Mid-term exams 25%

This will be an in-class series of programming challenges. If you have been working hard on homework assignments these challenges should be well within your ability.

  • Final project 25%

For the final project, you will implement, test, optimize and apply a statistical algorithm from a research paper. You will submit a Github repository containing all documentation and code created. There will also be a class presentation of the project.

Final grade calculations

  • A = 90 - 100
  • B = 70 - 89
  • C = 50 - 69
  • D = Below 50

Fractional final scores will be rounded UP.

Homework assignments

Homework will be assigned on Thursdays and due the following Wednesday before 4 PM. Late homework will not be accepted (automatic 0) as solutions will generally be discussed during the Wednesday lab session.

Instructions for how to submit homework will be provided shortly.


All notebooks, data sets and homework assignment will be posted to the GitHub repository at

A searchable web-accessible version of the notebooks is at

Honor Code

Please follow the Duke honor code. All work submitted should be from your individual effort unless given explicit instructions otherwise.

Lecture Sequence (subject to revision)

Lecture 1: Introduction to Course

  • Using Jupyter in Docker
  • Setting up account on AWS (Amazon Web Services) cloud computing platform
  • Using git: Cloning, pulling, pushing
  • Jupyter: Literate and multi-language programming
  • Python: Data structures and control flow


  • Log into Duke VM
  • Create AWS account and VM
  • Install packages with conda
  • Set up virtual environment with conda
  • Learn to use Jupyter notebook for markdown and
  • Using R in Jupyter
  • Use Python as an interactive calculator

Lecture 2: Basics of Python

  • Python: Functions
  • Python: Text
  • Python: I/O
  • string, re, itertools, functools, requests


  • Write custom functions in Python
  • Functional programming building blocks - map, filter, reduce
  • Load and save data from files and URLs
  • Basic string data munging

Lecture 3: Working with numeric data in numpy

  • Python: Numbers
  • numpy, scipy


  • Create and manipulate vectors and matrices in Python

Lecture 4: Data analysis with pandas

  • Python: Data
  • Python: Databases
  • Python: Graphics
  • SQL, sqlite3, matpltolib, seaborn


  • Getting data into DataFrames
  • Selection of data in DataFrames
  • Data summaries and cleaning
  • Split-apply-combine
  • Basic use of SQL to query relational databases
  • Creating and customizing plots in Python

Lecture 5: Machine learning with scikit-learn

  • Preprocessing
  • Dimension reduction
  • Clustering
  • Supervised learning
  • Probabilistic (generative) methods
  • Analysis pipelines
  • Validation


  • Exposure to machine learning examples before we dive into the underlying algorithmic ideas
  • Ability to run standard analysis on small to moderate data sets

Lecture 6: Numerical methods

  • Computer arithmetic
  • Linear algebra 1
  • numpy.linalg and scipy.linalg


  • Appreciate what floating point numbers are
  • See catastrophic cancellation
  • Understand basic concepts of linear algebra
  • Use linalg library to do do linear algebra routines

Lecture 7: Numerical methods

  • Linear algebra 2
  • scipy.blas and scipy.lapack


  • Understand matrix decomposition algorithms
  • Use linalg to solve linear algebra problems

Lecture 8: Numerical methods

  • Theory: PCA, SVD and LSA
  • scikit-learn and gensim


  • Understand PCA and related algorithms
  • Apply PCA for dimension reduction in topic modeling

Lecture 9: Numerical methods

  • Theory: Root finding and optimization
  • numpy and scipy.optimize


  • Statistical problems as maximizing log likelihood
  • Understand Newton method in 1D
  • Understand relationship between root-finidng and optimization

Lecture 10: Numerical methods

  • Theory: Multivariate optimization 1
  • scipy.optimize and scikit-learn


  • Intuition for the Jacobian
  • Understand gradient descent and stochastic gradient descent
  • Apply gradient descent to solve a regression problem

Lecture 11: Numerical methods

  • Theory: Multivariate optimization 2
  • statsmodels


  • Intuition for the Hessian, Fisher and observed information
  • Understand Newton and conjugate gradient methods
  • Understand how Newton method is used in IRLS

Lecture 12: Numerical methods

  • Theory: Expectation-Maximization 1
  • numpy


  • Understand EM and data augmentations
  • Apply EM to simple Bernoulli/Binomal models

Lecture 13: Numerical methods

  • Theory: Expectation-Maximization 2
  • pymix


  • Deeper understanding of EM
  • Applying to mixture of Gaussians
  • EM for the MAP

Lecture 14: Probabilistic methods

  • Probability and random number generation
  • numpy.random and scipy.stats


  • Intuition for how random number generators work
  • The CDF and inverse transform method for generating random numbers
  • Using discrete and continuous distributions

Lecture 15: Probabilistic methods

  • Simulation and resampling
  • Monte Carlo methods
  • numpy.random and scipy.stats


  • Use of simulations for point and interval estimates
  • Code simple machine learning and cross-validation example
  • Using Monte Carlo methods for estimating integrals

Lecture 16: Probabilistic methods

  • MCMC 1: Gibbs and Metropolis
  • numpy.random and scipy.stats


  • Hand-coding of Metropolis sampler
  • Hadn-coding of Gibbs sampler
  • Inference and posterior predictive checks

Lecture 17: Probabilistic methods

  • MCMC 2: Slice and HMC
  • pymc3 and pystan


  • Intuition for slice and Hamiltonian samplers
  • Use of MCMC packages to fit hierarchical models

Lecture 18: Improving performance

  • Algorithmic complexity
  • Benchmarking and profiling
  • Code optimization
  • Using appropriate data structures
  • Classic algorithmic approaches to speed up code


  • Intuition for performance of algorithms and data structures
  • Use of Big O notation
  • Benchmarking and profiling

Lecture 19: Improving performance

  • Working with cython and numba
  • How to go from interpreted to compiled code using cython
  • Using numba to compile code - jit, njit, vectorize
  • Using numba on the GPU


  • Get speed-ups with compiled code

Lecture 20: Improving performance

  • Introduction to parallel programming
  • Benefits of functional approach
  • Synchronous and asynchronous programs
  • Embarrassingly parallel programs
  • Master-worker paradigm
  • IPython. Parallel, dask, and multiprocessing


  • Understand common parallel idioms
  • Run embarrassingly parallel programs on multiple cores
  • Run shared memory programs on multiple cores

Lecture 21: Distributed computing

  • Working with massive data sets
  • Setting up Spark locally
  • Setting Spark up on a cluster
  • Introduction to Spark
  • Working with RDDs (transforms and actions)
  • Using pyspark


  • Intuition for how distributed computing works
  • Working with Spark Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDD)
  • Minimizing data shuffles: Accumulators, broadcast values and partitioning

Lecture 22: Conserving RAM

  • Efficient storage for numeric data (dense and sparse arrays)
  • Efficient storage of stings (tries)
  • Distinct value sketches and probabilistic data structures
  • Yes/No oracle - the Bloom filter


  • Understand hardware latencies and why modern CPUs are starved
  • Working with massive data sets without running out of memory

Lecture 23: Distributed Computing

  • Spark Streaming
  • Spark SQL, DataFrames and DataSets
  • NoSQL and big data formats and databases


  • Stateless and stateful processing of streaming data
  • Using Spark SQL and its efficient data structures

Lecture 24: Distributed Computing

  • Using Spark MLLib with examples
  • Using Spark GraphX with examples


  • Machine learning with MLLib
  • Graph algorithms with GraphX

Laboratory Sequence (subejct to revision)

Lab 1

  • Reproducible analysis with
    • version control (git)
    • virtual environments (conda)
    • literate programming (Jupyter)
    • testing (doctesst, unittest, hypothesis)
  • Review of homework 1

Lab 2

  • Data science with Python
  • Review of homework 2

Lab 3

  • Numerical recipes with Python
  • Review of homework 3

Lab 4

  • Topic models
  • Review of homework 4

Lab 5

  • Symbolic algebra with sympy and theano
  • Review of homework 5

Lab 6 (Mid-terms)

  • Coding challenges

Lab 7

  • One arm bandits
  • Review of homework 6

Lab 8

  • Optimizing distance matrix calculations
  • Review of homework 7

Lab 9

  • Dynamic programming
  • Review of homework 8

Lab 10

  • Introduction to C Part 1
  • Review of homework 9

Lab 11

  • Introduction to C Part 2
  • Review of homework 10

Lab 12 (Finals)

  • Final project presentations

Possible alternative topics

  • Gaussian processes
  • Latent Dirichlet Allocation
  • Hierarchical Dirichlet process
  • Computer vision with cv2
  • Machine learning with scikit-learn
  • Packaging and distributing Python applications

Removed in revision

Lecture 19: Improving performance (GPU programming)

  • CUDA 2
  • numba


  • GPU hardware concepts
  • Understand memory hierarchy
  • Grids, blocks and threads
  • CUDA kernels
  • Using numba for easy CUDA
  • First CUDA program

Lecture 20: Improving performance (GPU programming)

  • CUDA 2
  • numba


  • Code matrix multiplication routines without shared memory
  • Code matrix multiplication routines with shared memory

Lecture 21: Improving performance (GPU programming)

  • CUDA 3
  • numba


  • Coding a Gaussian mixture model with CUDA kernels