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1041-What I Learned From Reading Every Amazon Shareholders

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What I Learned From Reading Every Amazon Shareholders Letter


湾区日报 2017/10/16 第1041期

Buffet每年的给股东的一封信让无数人追捧,投资者都会仔细研读。作者总结了他从Amazon自上市以来的shareholders letter所学到的东西。

  • Jeff Bezos is still Jeff Bezos


Customers love it, it can grow to very large size, it has strong returns on capital, and it’s durable in time.

Takeaway: 对你的生活或者工作建立一些核心原则,并将这些原则贯穿始终。

  • It’s not about the money, it’s about the fxxxing money



When forced to choose between optimizing the appearance of our GAAP accounting and maximizing the present value of future cash flows, we’ll take the cash flows.




Takeaway: 做正确的事情比把事情做好更重要,我们应该把注意力放在做正确的事情上来。不管生活和生意上都是如此。

  • Jeff doesn’t do math like mere mortals, because It’s ALWAYS Day 1

Jeff在每年的letter最后都会附上Amazon的第一封letter,并以“still Day 1”结尾。在2016年的letter里,Jeff写到变成Day2公司意味着倒退和死亡,因为他们会关注于过程并且行动迟缓。

Amazon采用的做高效和快速的决定的策略是:Disagree and commit. 如果Jeff否定你的想法,可能他会一直抱着否定的态度,但是他会立即给你开绿灯,让项目开始推进;当他同意你的想法时,反而要经过很长的时间。

Here’s a starter pack of essentials for Day 1 defense: customer obsession, a skeptical view of proxies, the eager adoption of external trends, and high-velocity decision making.

Takeaway: fight corporate entropy like your company’s life depends on it, because it does. Always operate as the hungry upstart in your life.

  • Elephants can dance, faster and faster.


Will you admire this person?
Will this person raise the average level of effectiveness of the group they’re entering?
Along what dimension might this person be a superstar?


Takeaway: 当规模增长时,仍然要提高团队的质量和自己的下决定的过程。在个人层面,即使你已经成功,也需要做出更好的工作。

  • Only the paranoid survive, but don’t focus on the competition.

看见这条,就想起来Peter Thiel的那句Competition is for losers. 2001年,Jeff提出不断的低价方案,和持续关注方便和选择。驱动Amazon的是他们的异想天开,不是竞争者。从一开始Jeff不忽略那些小的想法,即使现在成为一间大公司,他们认为小的ideas和大的一样重要。他们打败竞争者的秘籍就是持续不断的关注用户和发明。

Takeaway: 不停的学习和提高自己,甚至当你不必要如此的时候。因为如果当你想转换生活或者事业的时候,一切都不是太晚.

  • Move fast and break things, with stable infra.

2005年, Jeff提出必须要根据判断和数据一起作出决定。数据告诉我们低价策略并不是一个好的想法,但是判断告诉我们用低价策略来培养用户是一个长期的收益策略。


Many of the problems we face have no textbook solutions, and we — happily — invent new approaches.


This decentralized distribution of invention throughout the company — not limited to the company’s senior leaders — is the only way to get robust, high-throughput innovation.


In baseball, you are constrained to only getting a maximum of 4 runs, but in business, you can make a bet and get 1,000 runs (2015 letter). 

Takeaway: 公司和个人的成长都始于离开舒适区的那一步。有潜力实现不对称的结果来达到提高自己的目的

  • If you’re offered a seat on a rocket ship, don’t ask what seat. Just get on.

技术的发展(摩尔定律),可以保证Amazon在用户服务上的花费是一个定值。2014年,Jeff提出另一个让Amazon飞速发展的轮子是三件套FBA(Amazon物流服务保障), Marketplace, and Prime.

Takeaway: 发现你所在时代的大势所趋,找到自己的摩尔定律,结合自己的兴趣

  • Do things that don’t scale…drive the Chevy



Takeaway: Rule #1: execute every day. Rule #2: don’t forget Rule #1.