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C-Space Tunnel Discovery for Puzzle Path Planning

This software is licensed under GPL2+, mainly due to its dependencies. For additional licensing options, please contract The Office of Technology Commercialization, The University of Texas at Austin.

This is the main repository of this project, and some components in the pipeline are located in submodules:

Quick Start

It is recommended to use our Docker Image to try our project. We provided two images based on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. The one tagged with u18_with_nn comes with neural networks support, and the other one tagged with u18_no_nn comes without.

The following command shows how to solve duet-g2 puzzle with our pipeline.

docker pull xinyazhang/siggraph2020_puzzle_tunnel_discovery:u18_no_nn
# Create a directory to store the results
mkdir u3
# Make this directory accessable inside the container.
chmod 777 u3

# Lanuch the container.
# This brings you into an interactive shell
docker run --privileged --rm -it --volume /dev/dri:/dev/dri --volume `pwd`/u3:/home/puz/PuzzleTunnelDiscovery/bin/u3 siggraph2020_puzzle_tunnel_discovery:u18_no_nn /bin/bash /home/puz/

######### The remaing commands are running inside the shell #########

## Create workspaces of all puzzles for single node execution
## Be aware u3 is supposed to be empty otherwise this command will ask for
## overwritting

## Solve the puzzle with MAN-only pipeline.
## --current_trial can be any integer, which allows us separate results among
## different trials
./ autorun9 u3/duet-g2/ --current_trial 1

## Translate the result into a blender file, for visualization.
./ tools blender --current_trial 1 --dir u3/duet-g2 --scheme nt --saveas u3/duet-g2/1.blender --quit --background --puzzle_name duet-g2

## Leave the container

If planner has found an solution (recall our algorithm is Monte Carlo!), the animation file will be stored at u3/duet-g2/1.blender.

A few things can be changed:

  • Pipeline names:
    1. autorun8 is EGR-only pipeline;
    2. autorun9 is MAN-only pipeline;
    3. autorun10 is NN-only pipeline, only available with Image u18_with_nn;
    4. autorun7 is the comprehensive pipeline that runs all three schemes, if you want to compare among schemes it is recommened to use this because it is more efficient (less redundant executions);
  • is hard-coded to create workspaces under u3
  • In generation of blender file, --scheme indicates the scheme used by the pipeline (different schemes have different output file names), where ge means EGR, nt means notch (MAN), nn means NN;
  • If you are no running inside a container and the application can access GUI (X11/Wayland) you can use the following command to visualize the solution with OpenGL: ./ tools animate --current_trial 1 u3/duet-g2 --scheme nt


Our system has a fair amount of dependencies. For reproducibility, it is recommended to use our Dockerfile to build the system in long term.

Install build dependencies on Ubuntu 18.04

sudo apt install -y --no-install-recommends \
    sudo git bash-completion vim python3-pip \
    make gcc g++ \
    libboost-dev libassimp-dev libpng-dev zlib1g-dev \
    libode-dev libgbm-dev libegl1-mesa-dev libccd-dev \
    linux-libc-dev libglvnd-dev libgmp-dev libmpfr-dev libcgal-dev \
    pkg-config mesa-utils-extra libgl1-mesa-dev cmake-curses-gui \
    libeigen3-dev python3-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-graph-dev libglm-dev libglfw3-dev \
    castxml python3-pygccxml
python3 -m pip install --user cmake progressbar2 scipy numpy imageio colorama h5py networkx setuptools pyplusplus

Install dependencies on Fedora 32

sudo dnf -y install \
    sudo git bash-completion vim python3-pip \
    make cmake gcc gcc-g++ egl-utils pkgconf-pkg-config \
    boost-devel assimp-devel libpng-devel zlib-devel \
    ode-devel mesa-libgbm-devel mesa-libEGL-devel mesa-libGL-devel libccd-devel \
    libglvnd-devel gmp-devel mpfr-devel CGAL-devel \
    python3-devel glm-devel glfw-devel
python3 -m pip install --user progressbar2 scipy numpy imageio colorama h5py networkx setuptools

Build Instructions

Prepare the source

# Our repository uses ssh to link submodule ompl, so git --recurse-submodules would fail in the middle
git clone
cd PuzzleTunnelDiscovery
git submodule init
git submodule update
(cd third-party/; git clone; cd ompl; git checkout goct-1.4.1_rrtforest)
# libgeokey contains visualization submodules, which are not used by our pipeline
(cd third-party/libgeokey; git submodule init external/libigl; git submodule update)
(cd third-party/libigl; git checkout customization-2.0.0)

Compile the source into binaries

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
make -j `nproc`

The compiled files are placed under PuzzleTunnelDiscovery/bin.

All binaries and python scripts are supposed to run inside PuzzleTunnelDiscovery/bin. Do NOT install the compiled files into your system. Our build system does not include essential commands for installation.

Runtime Environment

  • To accommodate demands among different stages of the pipeline, the computation is distributed into three types of nodes:
    1. A central control node;
    2. A GPU node for training and inferencing;
    3. A HTCondor node for CPU based parallel computing;
  • The central control node does not need GPU or HTCondor to run;
  • The GPU node needs Tensorflow 1.12.0 (exact version, 1.13.0+ won't work);
  • The GPU node also needs an EGL-enabled GPU system to run. This requirement can be met with
    1. Docker base image cudagl, for containers running on systems with NVIDIA GPUs;
      • Tested on docker-ce 19.03.5-3, CentOS 7.7;
      • You need nvidia-container-runtime to enable NVIDIA GPU support inside docker.
    2. Build the docker image with our Dockerfile, and run this image with docker run --privileged --volume /dev/dri;
      • Tested on podman engine, but should work with docker.
      • Note this is only for rendering, you cannot run GPU-based tensorflow with this approach
    3. Running directly on any Ubuntu 18+/Fedora 30+ system with an OpenGL enabled GPU.
      • Tested with stock mesa driver;
      • For NVIDIA GPU, 4xx series driver is recommended. 3xx series may have problems in supporting EGL.
  • We use HTCondor for parallel computing.
    • It is recommended to use a real parallel HTCondor to run our system. However, a "personal" HTCondor also works for simple puzzles.

Project Structure

  • The EGR and MAN feature detectors and configuration generators are located at submodule third-party/libgeokey/;
  • The NN relative functions can be found under lib/osr, and they are exported to python with lib/pyosr. The following functions are included.
    • Convert OMPL configuration spaces to a unit configuration space, so every geometry is resized to fit into a unit box;
    • Headless rendering of the puzzle geometries with OpenGL;
    • Shooting rays in the unit configuration space;
    • Necessary geometry processing and rendering functions to generate training data;
    • NN key configuration generation;
  • The RDTo planner is implemented inside our fork of and ompl.
    • To make it clear, the ompl library implements motion planning algorithms in a configuration-space agnoistic way. The then implements a few essential interfaces so that ompl can work in SE(2) and SE(3) congfiguration space.
  • The automation pipeline is implemented under src/GP.