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Day 4: LinksChecker

What to expect ?

We will be writing a simple linkschecker in both sequential and asynchronous style in nim


Step 0: Imports

import  os, httpclient
import strutils
import times
import asyncdispatch

Step 1: Data types

    LinkCheckResult = ref object 
        link: string
        state: bool

LinkCheckResult is a simple representation for a link and its state

Step 2: GO Sequential!

proc checkLink(link: string) : LinkCheckResult  =
    var client = newHttpClient()
        return LinkCheckResult(link:link, state:client.get(link).code == Http200)
        return LinkCheckResult(link:link, state:false)

Here, we have a proc checkLink takes a link and returns LinkCheckResult

  • newHttpClient() to create a new client
  • client.get to send a get request to a link and it returns a response
  • response.code gives us the HTTP status code, and we consider a link is valid if its status == 200
  • client.get raises error for invalid structured links that's why we wrapped it a try/except block
proc sequentialLinksChecker(links: seq[string]): void = 
    for index, link in links:
        if link.strip() != "":
            let result = checkLink(link)
            echo, " is ", result.state

Here, sequentialLinksChecker proc takes sequence of links and executes checkLink on them sequentially

LINKS: @["", "", "", "https://none.nonadasdet", "", ""]
SEQUENTIAL:: is true is true is true
https://none.nonadasdet is false is true

On my lousy internet it took 7.7 seconds to finish :(

Step 3: GO ASYNC!

We can do better than waiting on IO requests to finish

proc checkLinkAsync(link: string): Future[LinkCheckResult] {.async.} =
    var client = newAsyncHttpClient()

    let future = client.get(link)
    yield future
    if future.failed:
        return LinkCheckResult(link:link, state:false)
        let resp =
        return LinkCheckResult(link:link, state: resp.code == Http200) 

Here, we define a checkLinkAsync proc

  • to declare a proc as async we use async pragma
  • notice the client is of type newAsyncHttpClient that doesn't block on .get calls
  • client.get returns immediately a future that can either fail, and we can infer know that from future.failed or succeed
  • yield future means okay i'm done for now dear event loop you can schedule other tasks and continue my execution when you have more update on my fancy future when the eventloop comes back because the future now has some updates
  • clearly, if the future failed we return the link with a false state
  • otherwise, we get the response object that's enclosed in the future by calling read
proc asyncLinksChecker(links: seq[string]) {.async.} = 
    # client.maxRedirects = 0
    var futures = newSeq[Future[LinkCheckResult]]()
    for index, link in links:
        if link.strip() != "":
    # waitFor -> call async proc from sync proc, await -> call async proc from async proc
    let done = await all(futures)
    for x in done:
        echo, " is ", x.state

Here, we have another async procedure asyncLinksChecker that will take a sequence of links and create futures for all of them and wait when they finish and give us some results

  • futures is a sequence for the future results of all the LinkCheckResults for all the links passed to asyncLinksChecker proc
  • we loop on the links and get future for the execution of checkLinkAsync and add it to the futures sequence.
  • we now ask to force to block until we get all of the results out of the futures into done variable
  • then we print all the results
  • Please notice await is used only to call async proc from another async proc, and waitFor is used to call async proc from sync proc
ASYNC:: is true is true is true
https://none.nonadasdet is false is true
 is false

Step 4 simple cli

proc main()=
    echo "Param count: ", paramCount()
    if paramCount() == 1:
        let linksfile = paramStr(1)
        var f = open(linksfile, fmRead)
        let links = readAll(f).splitLines()
        echo "LINKS: " & $links
        echo "SEQUENTIAL:: "
        var t = epochTime()
        echo epochTime()-t
        echo "ASYNC:: "
        t = epochTime()
        waitFor asyncLinksChecker(links)
        echo epochTime()-t

        echo "Please provide linksfile"

the only interesting part is waitFor asyncLinksChecker(links) as we said to call async proc from sync proc like this main proc you will need to use waitFor

Extra, threading

import threadpool
proc checkLinkParallel(link: string) : LinkCheckResult {.thread.} =
    var client = newHttpClient()
        return LinkCheckResult(link:link, state:client.get(link).code == Http200)
        return LinkCheckResult(link:link, state:false)

Same as before, only thread pragma i used to note that proc will be executed within a thread

proc threadsLinksChecker(links: seq[string]): void = 
    var LinkCheckResults = newSeq[FlowVar[LinkCheckResult]]()
    for index, link in links:
        LinkCheckResults.add(spawn checkLinkParallel(link))  
    for x in LinkCheckResults:
        let res = ^x
        echo, " is ", res.state
  • spawned tasks or threads returns a value of type FlowVar[T], where T is the return value of the spawned proc
  • To get the value of a FlowVar we use ^ operator.

Note: you should use nim.cfg with flags -d:ssl to allow working with https