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File metadata and controls

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Day 8: minitest

I'm a big fan of Practical Common Lisp and It has a chapter on building a unittest framework using macros and I didn't get the chance to tinker with nim macros just yet, So today we will be building almost the same thing in nim.

So what's up?

Imagine you want to check for some expression and print a specific message donating the expression

  doAssert(1==2, "1 == 2 failed")

Here we want to assure that 1==2 or show a message with 1==2 failed and it goes on for whatever we want to check for

  doAssert(1+2==3, "1+2 == 3 failed")
  doAssert(5*2==10, "5*2 == 10 failed")

We can already see the boilerplate here, repeating the expression twice one for the check and one for the message itself.

What to expect?

We expect having a DSL to remove the boilerplate we're suffering from in the prev. section.

  check(6+5*2 == 16)

And this will print

3 == 1 + 2 .. passed
6 + 5 * 2 == 16 .. passed

And it should evolve to allow grouping of test checks

  check(6+5*2 == 16)
  suite "Arith":

  suite "Strs":
    check("HELLO".toLowerAscii() == "hello")
    check("".isNilOrEmpty() == true)

Resulting something like this

3 == 1 + 2 .. passed
6 + 5 * 2 == 16 .. passed
 1 + 2 == 3 .. passed
 3 + 2 == 5 .. passed
 "HELLO".toLowerAscii() == "hello" .. passed
 "".isNilOrEmpty() == true .. passed


So nim has two way to do macros


Which are like functions that called in compilation time like preprocessor

From the nim manual

template `!=` (a, b: untyped): untyped =
  # this definition exists in the System module
  not (a == b)

assert(5 != 6) # the compiler rewrites that to: assert(not (5 == 6))

so in compile time 5 != 6 will be converted into not ( 5 == 6) and the whole expression will be assert(not ( 5== 6))

So what're we gonna do is check for the passed expression to convert it to a string to be printed in the terminal output and if the expression fails we append failed message or any other custom failure message

template check*(exp:untyped, failureMsg:string="failed", indent:uint=0): void =
  let indentationStr = repeat(' ', indent) 
  let expStr: string = astToStr(exp)
  var msg: string
  if not exp:
    if msg.isNilOrEmpty():
      msg = indentationStr & expStr & " .. " & failureMsg
    msg = indentationStr & expStr & " .. passed"
  • untyped means the expression doesn't have to have a type yet, imagine passing variable name that doesn't exist yet defineVar(myVar, 5) so here myVar needs to be untyped or the compiler will complain. check the manual for more info

  • astToStr converts the AST exp to a string

  • indent amount of spaces prefixing the message.


Nim provides us with a way to access the AST in a very low level when we templates don't cut it.

What we expected is having a suite macro

  suite "Strs":
    check("HELLO".toLowerAscii() == "hello")
    check("".isNilOrEmpty() == true)

that takes a name for the suite and bunch of statements

  • Please note there're two kind of macros and we're interested in the statements macro here
  • Statments macro is a macro that has colon : operator followed by bunch of statements


dumpTree is amazing to debug the ast and print them in a good visual way

    suite "Strs":
      check("HELLO".toLowerAscii() == "hello")
Ident ident"suite"
    StrLit Strs
        Ident ident"check"
          Ident ident"=="
              StrLit HELLO
              Ident ident"toLowerAscii"
          StrLit hello

  • dumpTree says it got Identifier Ident named suite
  • suite contains StringLiteral node with value Strs
  • suite contains StmtList node
  • first statement in StmtList is a call statement
  • call statement consist of procedure name check in this case and args list and so on..
macro suite*(name:string, exprs: untyped) : typed = 

Here, we define a macro suite takes name and bunch of statements exprs

  • Macro must return an AST in our case will be list of statements of check call statemenets
  • Need the messages to be indented

To achieve the indentation we can either print tab before calling check or overwrite check to pass indent option, we will go with overwrite the check call ASTs

  var result = newStmtList()

We will be returning a list of statments right?

  let equline = newCall("repeat", newStrLitNode("="), newIntLitNode(50))

statement node that equals repeat("=", 50)

  let writeEquline = newCall("echo", equline)

statement node the equals echo repeat("=", 50)

  add(result, writeEquline, newCall("echo", name))
  add(result, writeEquline)

this will generate


Now we iterate over the passed statements to suite macro and check for its kind

  for i in 0..<exprs.len:
    var exp = exprs[i]
    let expKind = exp.kind
    case expKind
    of nnkCall:
      case exp[0].kind
      of nnkIdent:
        let identName = $exp[0].ident
        if identName == "check":
  • If we're in a check call we will convert it from check(expr) => check(expr, "", 1)
          var checkWithIndent = exp
          add(result, checkWithIndent)

otherwise we add any other statement as is unprocessesed.

        add(result, exp) 
  return result

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