Today we will implement RESP (REdis Serialization Protocol) in Nim. Hopefully you read Day 2 on bencode data format (encoding/parsing) because we will be using the same techniques.
From redis protocol page.
Redis clients communicate with the Redis server using a protocol called RESP (REdis Serialization Protocol). While the protocol was designed specifically for Redis, it can be used for other client-server software projects.
RESP is a compromise between the following things:
Simple to implement.
Fast to parse.
Human readable.
RESP can serialize different data types like integers, strings, arrays. There is also a specific type for errors. Requests are sent from the client to the Redis server as arrays of strings representing the arguments of the command to execute. Redis replies with a command-specific data type.
So, basically we have 5 types (ints, strings, bulkstrings, errors, arrays)
- able to decode strings into Reasonable structures in Nim
echo decodeString("*3\r\n:1\r\n:2\r\n:3\r\n\r\n")
# # @[1, 2, 3]
echo decodeString("+Hello, World\r\n")
# # Hello, World
echo decodeString("-Not found\r\n")
# # Not found
echo decodeString(":1512\r\n")
# # 1512
echo $decodeString("$32\r\nHello, World THIS IS REALLY NICE\r\n")
echo decodeString("*2\r\n+Hello World\r\n:23\r\n")
# @[Hello World, 23]
echo decodeString("*2\r\n*3\r\n:1\r\n:2\r\n:3\r\n\r\n*5\r\n:5\r\n:7\r\n+Hello Word\r\n-Err\r\n$6\r\nfoobar\r\n")
# @[@[1, 2, 3], @[5, 7, Hello Word, Err, foobar]]
echo $decodeString("*4\r\n:51231\r\n$3\r\nfoo\r\n$-1\r\n$3\r\nbar\r\n")
# @[51231, foo, , bar]
- able to encode Nim structures representing Redis values into RESP
echo $encodeValue(RedisValue(kind:vkStr, s:"Hello, World"))
# # +Hello, World
echo $encodeValue(RedisValue(kind:vkInt, i:341))
# # :341
echo $encodeValue(RedisValue(kind:vkError, err:"Not found"))
# # -Not found
echo $encodeValue(RedisValue(kind:vkArray, l: @[RedisValue(kind:vkStr, s:"Hello World"), RedisValue(kind:vkInt, i:23)] ))
# #*2
# #+Hello World
# #:23
echo $encodeValue(RedisValue(kind:vkBulkStr, bs:"Hello, World THIS IS REALLY NICE"))
# #$32
# # Hello, World THIS IS REALLY NICE
Let's starts with main imports
import strformat, strutils, sequtils,
const CRLF = "\r\n"
const REDISNIL = "\0\0"
- CRLF is really important because lots of the protocol depends on that separator
to representNil
Again, as in Bencode chapter we will define a variant RedisValue
that represents All redis datatypes strings, errors, bulkstrings, ints, arrays
ValueKind = enum
vkStr, vkError, vkInt, vkBulkStr, vkArray
RedisValue* = ref object
case kind*: ValueKind
of vkStr: s*: string
of vkError : err*: string
of vkInt: i*: int
of vkBulkStr: bs*: string
of vkArray: l*: seq[RedisValue]
Let's add $
, hash
, ==
import hashes
proc `$`*(obj: RedisValue): string =
result = case obj.kind
of vkStr : obj.s
of vkBulkStr:
of vkInt : $obj.i
of vkArray: $obj.l
of vkError: obj.err
proc hash*(obj: RedisValue): Hash =
result = case obj.kind
of vkStr : !$(hash(obj.s))
of vkBulkStr: !$(hash(
of vkInt : !$(hash(obj.i))
of vkArray: !$(hash(obj.l))
of vkError: !$(hash(obj.err))
proc `==`* (a, b: RedisValue): bool =
## Check two nodes for equality
if a.isNil:
result = b.isNil
elif b.isNil or a.kind != b.kind:
result = false
case a.kind
of vkStr:
result = a.s == b.s
of vkBulkStr:
result = a.s == b.s
of vkInt:
result = a.i == b.i
of vkArray:
result = a.l == b.l
of vkError:
result = a.err == b.err
Encoding is just converting the variant RedisValue
to the correct representation according to RESP
To encode simple strings specs says OK
should be +OK\r\n
proc encodeStr(v: RedisValue) : string =
return fmt"+{v.s}{CRLF}"
To encode errors we should precede it with -
and end it with \r\n
. So Notfound
should be encoded as -Notfound\r\n
proc encodeErr(v: RedisValue) : string =
return fmt"-{v.err}{CRLF}"
Ints are encoded :NUM\r\n
so 95 is :95\r\n
proc encodeInt(v: RedisValue) : string =
return fmt":{v.i}{CRLF}"
From RESP page
Bulk Strings are used in order to represent a single binary safe string up to 512 MB in length.
Bulk Strings are encoded in the following way:
A "$" byte followed by the number of bytes composing the string (a prefixed length), terminated by CRLF.
The actual string data.
A final CRLF.
So the string "foobar" is encoded as follows:
When an empty string is just:
RESP Bulk Strings can also be used in order to signal non-existence of a value using a special format that is used to represent a Null value. In this special format the length is -1, and there is no data, so a Null is represented as:
proc encodeBulkStr(v: RedisValue) : string =
return fmt"${}{CRLF}{}{CRLF}"
To encode an array we do *
followed by array length then \r\n
then encode each element then end the array encoding with \r\n
- As we are calling
we should forward declared it
proc encode*(v: RedisValue) : string
proc encodeArray(v: RedisValue): string =
var res = "*" & $len(v.l) & CRLF
for el in v.l:
res &= encode(el)
res &= CRLF
return res
So for instance to encode encodeValue(RedisValue(kind:vkArray, l: @[RedisValue(kind:vkStr, s:"Hello World"), RedisValue(kind:vkInt, i:23)] ))
The result should be
+Hello World\r\n
Here we switch on the passed variant and dispatch the encoding to the reasonable encoder.
proc encode*(v: RedisValue) : string =
case v.kind
of vkStr: return encodeStr(v)
of vkInt: return encodeInt(v)
of vkError: return encodeErr(v)
of vkBulkStr: return encodeBulkStr(v)
of vkArray: return encodeArray(v)
Decoding is converting RESP representation into the correct Nim structures RedisValue
, Basically the reverse of what we did in the previous chapter
Please note: Basic strategy is Returning the RedisValue
and the length of processed characters
proc decodeStr(s: string): (RedisValue, int) =
let crlfpos = s.find(CRLF)
return (RedisValue(kind:vkStr, s:s[1..crlfpos-1]), crlfpos+len(CRLF))
So, Here we are creating RedisValue of kind vkStr
of the string between +
and \r\n
proc decodeError(s: string): (RedisValue, int) =
let crlfpos = s.find(CRLF)
return (RedisValue(kind:vkError, err:s[1..crlfpos-1]), crlfpos+len(CRLF))
Here we are creating RedisValue of kind vkError
of the string between -
and \r\n
Nums as we said are the values between :
and \r\n
so we parseInt
of the characters between :
and \r\n
and create RedisValue of kind vkInt
with that parsed int.
proc decodeInt(s: string): (RedisValue, int) =
var i: int
let crlfpos = s.find(CRLF)
let sInt = s[1..crlfpos-1]
if sInt.isDigit():
i = parseInt(sInt)
return (RedisValue(kind:vkInt, i:i), crlfpos+len(CRLF))
Bulkstrings are between $
followed by the string length and \r\n
- string length == 0: empty string
- string length == -1: nil
- string length > 0: string with data
proc decodeBulkStr(s:string): (RedisValue, int) =
let crlfpos = s.find(CRLF)
var bulklen = 0
let slen = s[1..crlfpos-1]
bulklen = parseInt(slen)
var bulk: string
if bulklen == -1:
bulk = nil
return (RedisValue(kind:vkBulkStr, bs:REDISNIL), crlfpos+len(CRLF))
let nextcrlf = s.find(CRLF, crlfpos+len(CRLF))
bulk = s[crlfpos+len(CRLF)..nextcrlf-1]
return (RedisValue(kind:vkBulkStr, bs:bulk), nextcrlf+len(CRLF))
This is the trickiest part is to decode array
- first we need to get the length between
- then decode objects
array length
times, and add them toarr
- As we are calling
we should forward declared it
proc decode(s: string): (RedisValue, int)
proc decodeArray(s: string): (RedisValue, int) =
var arr = newSeq[RedisValue]()
var arrlen = 0
var crlfpos = s.find(CRLF)
var arrlenStr = s[1..crlfpos-1]
if arrlenStr.isDigit():
arrlen = parseInt(arrlenStr)
var nextobjpos = s.find(CRLF)+len(CRLF)
var i = nextobjpos
if arrlen == -1:
return (RedisValue(kind:vkArray, l:arr), i)
while i < len(s) and len(arr) < arrlen:
var pair = decode(s[i..len(s)])
var obj = pair[0]
i += pair[1]
return (RedisValue(kind:vkArray, l:arr), i+len(CRLF))
So this RESP
+Hello World\r\n
Should be decoded to RedisValue(kind:vkArray, l: @[RedisValue(kind:vkStr, s:"Hello World"), RedisValue(kind:vkInt, i:23)] )
Based on the first character we dispatch to the correct decoder then we skip the processed count
in the string to decode the next object.
proc decode(s: string): (RedisValue, int) =
var i = 0
while i < len(s):
var curchar = $s[i]
if curchar == "+":
var pair = decodeStr(s[i..s.find(CRLF, i)+len(CRLF)])
var obj = pair[0]
var count = pair[1]
i += count
return (obj, i)
elif curchar == "-":
var pair = decodeError(s[i..s.find(CRLF, i)+len(CRLF)])
var obj = pair[0]
var count = pair[1]
i += count
return (obj, i)
elif curchar == "$":
var pair = decodeBulkStr(s[i..len(s)])
var obj = pair[0]
var count = pair[1]
i += count
return (obj, i)
elif curchar == ":":
var pair = decodeInt(s[i..s.find(CRLF, i)+len(CRLF)])
var obj = pair[0]
var count = pair[1]
i += count
return (obj, i)
elif curchar == "*":
var pair = decodeArray(s[i..len(s)])
let obj = pair[0]
let count = pair[1]
i += count
return (obj, i)
echo fmt"Unrecognized char {curchar}"
In redis, commands are sent as List of RedisValues
is converted to *2\r\n$3\r\nGET\r\n$4\r\nUSER\r\n\r\n
proc prepareCommand*(this: Redis, command: string, args:seq[string]): string =
let cmdArgs = concat(@[command], args)
var cmdAsRedisValues = newSeq[RedisValue]()
for cmd in cmdArgs:
cmdAsRedisValues.add(RedisValue(kind:vkBulkStr, bs:cmd))
var arr = RedisValue(kind:vkArray, l: cmdAsRedisValues)
return encode(arr)
That day is based on nim-resp project, and on-going effort to create a redis client in Nim, it supports pipelining feature and all of the previous code. Feel free to send PRs or open issues