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Parser combinators

Today, we will learn about Parser Combinators and Nim. a parser is something (a function) accepts some text and creates a decent structure out of it (that's not formal definition by any means). First time I learned about Parser combinator when I was (still for sure) learning haskell, I was amazed by the expressiveness and composebility. Lots of languages has libraries based on parser combinators e.g python pyparsing

from pyparsing import Word, alphas
greet = Word(alphas) + "," + Word(alphas) + "!"
hello = "Hello, World!"
print(hello, "->", greet.parseString(hello))

The program outputs the following:

Hello, World! -> ['Hello', ',', 'World', '!']

Here in this program we literally said we want to create a greet parser that's the combination of a Word of alphas followed by a literal comma , then followed by another Word of alphas then followed by a literal exclamation point !. That greet parser is only capable of parsing a text that can be broken down to the small chunks (parsable parts) we mentioned.

Imagine in python you could express that json grammar using pyparsing in around 25 lines?

import pyparsing as pp
from pyparsing import pyparsing_common as ppc

def make_keyword(kwd_str, kwd_value):
    return pp.Keyword(kwd_str).setParseAction(pp.replaceWith(kwd_value))

TRUE = make_keyword("true", True)
FALSE = make_keyword("false", False)
NULL = make_keyword("null", None)

LBRACK, RBRACK, LBRACE, RBRACE, COLON = map(pp.Suppress, "[]{}:")

jsonString = pp.dblQuotedString().setParseAction(pp.removeQuotes)
jsonNumber = ppc.number()

jsonObject = pp.Forward()
jsonValue = pp.Forward()
jsonElements = pp.delimitedList(jsonValue)
jsonArray = pp.Group(LBRACK + pp.Optional(jsonElements, []) + RBRACK)
jsonValue << (
    jsonString | jsonNumber | pp.Group(jsonObject) | jsonArray | TRUE | FALSE | NULL
memberDef = pp.Group(jsonString + COLON + jsonValue)
jsonMembers = pp.delimitedList(memberDef)
jsonObject << pp.Dict(LBRACE + pp.Optional(jsonMembers) + RBRACE)

jsonComment = pp.cppStyleComment

A more formal definition According to wikipedia, In computer programming, a parser combinator is a higher-order function that accepts several parsers as input and returns a new parser as its output. In this context, a parser is a function accepting strings as input and returning some structure as output, typically a parse tree or a set of indices representing locations in the string where parsing stopped successfully. Parser combinators enable a recursive descent parsing strategy that facilitates modular piecewise construction and testing. This parsing technique is called combinatory parsing.

So today, we will try to create a small parser combinators (parsec library) in nim with the following expectation

What to expect

parsing just one letter

  let aParser = charp('a')
  let bParser = charp('b')
  echo $aParser.parse("abc")
  # <Right parsed: @["a"], remaining: bc >
  echo $bParser.parse("bca")
  # <Right parsed: @["b"], remaining: ca >

parsing a letter followed by another letter

  let abParser = charp('a') >> charp('b')
  echo $abParser.parse("abc")
  # <Right parsed: @["a", "b"], remaining: c >

parsing one or the other

  let aorbParser = charp('a') | charp('b')
  echo $aorbParser.parse("acd")
  # <Right parsed: @["a"], remaining: cd >

  echo $aorbParser.parse("bcd")
  # <Right parsed: @["b"], remaining: cd >

parsing abc

  let abcParser = parseString("abc")
  echo $abcParser.parse("abcdef")
  # <Right parsed: @["abc"], remaining: def >

parsing many a's

  let manyA = many(charp('a'))
  echo $manyA.parse("aaab")
  # <Right parsed: @["a", "a", "a"], remaining: b >

  echo $manyA.parse("bbb")
  # <Right parsed: @[], remaining: bbb >

parsing at least 1 a

  let manyA1 = many1(charp('a'))
  echo $manyA1.parse("aaab")
  # <Right parsed: @["a", "a", "a"], remaining: b >
  echo $manyA1.parse("bbb")
    Left Expecting '$a' and found 'b'

parsing many digits

  let manyDigits = many1(digit)
  echo $manyDigits.parse("1234")
  # <Right parsed: @["1", "2", "3", "4"], remaining:  >

parsing digits separated by comma

  let commaseparatednums = sep_by(charp(',').suppress(), digit)
  echo $commaseparatednums.parse("1,2,4")
  # <Right parsed: @["1", "2", "4"], remaining:  >

Creating the greet parser from pyparsing

  let greetparser = word >> charp(',').suppress() >> many(ws).suppress() >> word
  echo $greetparser.parse("Hello,   World")
  # <Right parsed: @["Hello", "World"], remaining:  >

Multiply parser

  echo $(letter*3).parse("abc")
  # <Right parsed: @["a", "b", "c"], remaining:  >

parsing UUIDs

  let uuidsample = "db9674c4-72a9-4ab9-9ddd-1d641a37cde4"
  let uuidparser =(hexstr*8).map(smashtransformer) >> charp('-') >> (hexstr*4).map(smashtransformer) >> charp('-') >>  (hexstr*4).map(smashtransformer) >> charp('-') >> (hexstr*4).map(smashtransformer) >> charp('-') >> (hexstr*12).map(smashtransformer)
  echo $uuidparser.parse(uuidsample)
  # <Right parsed: @["db9674c4", "-", "72a9", "-", "4ab9", "-", "9ddd", "-", "1d641a37cde4"], remaining:  >

parsing recursive nested structures (ints or list of [ints or lists])

  var listp: Parser
  var valref = (proc():Parser =digits|listp)
  listp = charp('[') >> sep_by(charp(',').suppress(), many(valref)) >> charp(']')
  var valp = valref()

  echo $valp.parse("1")
  # <Right parsed: @["1"], remaining:  >
  echo $valp.parse("[1,2]")
  # <Right parsed: @["[", "1", "2", "]"], remaining:  >
  echo $valp.parse("[1,[1,2]]")
  #<Right parsed: @["[", "1", "[", "1", "2", "]", "]"], remaining:  >


the idea of a parser is something that accepts a text and returns Either an success (with the info of what got consumed of the text and what is still remaining) or a failure with some error messages

                                        -> success( parsed, remaining)
stream of characters ->  [  parser  ]
                                        -> failure (what went wrong message)


  • if it was a failure we abort the parsing operation
  • if it was a success we try to continue with the next parser

that's the basic idea


import strformat, strutils, sequtils

well, we will be dealing with lots of strings and lists, so probably we need strformat, strutils, and sequtils

Either and its friends

Either is one of my favorite types, bit more advanced than a Maybe or Option, because it allows returning specific error message instead of just none that gives us no idea what went wrong.

data Either a b = Left a | Right b

Either a success Right with data of type b or failure Left with data of type a

we can try to describe it in Nim as variant as follows

  EitherKind = enum
    ekLeft, ekRight
  Either = ref object
    case kind*: EitherKind 
    of ekLeft: msg*: string
    of ekRight: val*: tuple[parsed: seq[string], remaining:string]

Here we defined the kind EitherKind that can be ekLeft or ekRight and on the variant Either we define msg in case if kind was ekLeft for error message msg and in case of ekRight we define val which is the "parsed and the remaining" parts of the input string.

proc map*(this: Either, f: proc(l:seq[string]):seq[string]): Either =
  case this.kind
  of ekLeft: return this
  of ekRight: 
    return Either(kind:ekRight, val:(parsed:f(this.val.parsed), remaining:this.val.remaining))

Here we define the map function for the type either, basically what happens when we apply a function on the either type, it should unwrap the data in Right, pass it to the function and return a new Either (transformed either) and in case of Left we return the same Either

proc `$`*(this:Either): string =
  case this.kind
  of ekLeft: return fmt"<Left {this.msg}>"
  of ekRight: return fmt("<Right parsed: {this.val.parsed}, remaining: {this.val.remaining} >")

converting the either to string by defining $ function

proc `==`*(this: Either, other: Either): bool =
  return this.kind == other.kind

here we define simple comparison for the either objects (basically checking if both are ekRight or both are ekLeft)

Now to the parsers

We can exploit the feature of the objects to hold some more instructions for the parser, but typically parser combinators are about composing higher order functions together to parse a text, we can try to emulate that with objects and taking a short cut

  Parser = ref object
    f* : proc(s:string):Either
    suppressed*: bool

Here we define a Parser type that

  • holds a function f (real parser that consumes the input string and returns an Either)
  • suppressed a flag to indicate we want to ignore the parsed text

suppressed can be very useful in ignoring/discarding dashes in a string (e.g uuid text) or commas in a CSV row.

proc newParser(f: proc(s:string):Either, suppressed:bool=false): Parser =
  var p = Parser()
  p.suppressed = suppressed
  p.f = f 
  return p

helper to create a new parser, from a real parsing function function proc(s:string):Either and suppressed flag,

proc `$`*(this:Parser): string =
  return fmt("<Parser:>")

allowing our parser to convert to string by defining $

proc parse*(this: Parser, s:string): Either =
  return this.f(s)

  • parse is a function that receives a string then executes the underlying parser in f from that input string to Either type.
proc map*(this:Parser, transformer:proc(l:seq[string]):seq[string]):Parser =
  proc inner(s:string):Either = 
    return this.f(s).map(transformer)
  return newParser(f=inner)

Here we define a map function to transform the underlying parser result once executed the idea here is we return a new parser wrapping an inner function with all transformation knowledge (if bit tricky move to next)

proc suppress*(this: Parser): Parser = 
    this.suppressed = true 
    return this

here we change the suppressed flag to true, should be used as in the examples mentioned in what to expect section

  let commaseparatednums = sep_by(charp(',').suppress(), digit)
  echo $commaseparatednums.parse("1,2,4")

Here we will be interested in the digits 1 and 2 and 4 and want to ignore the commas in the input string, so that's what suppress helps us with.

Parsing a single character

now we would like to be able to parse a single character and get parsed value and the remaining characters

  let aParser = charp('a')
  echo $aParser.parse("abc")
  # (parsed a, remaining bc)
proc charp*(c: char): Parser =
  proc curried(s:string):Either =
      if s == "":
          let msg = "S is empty"
          return Either(kind:ekLeft, msg:msg)
          if s[0] == c:
            let rem = s[1..<s.len]
            let parsed_string = @[$c]
            return Either(kind:ekRight, val:(parsed:parsed_string, remaining:rem))
              return Either(kind:ekLeft, msg:fmt"Expecting '${c}' and found '{s[0]}'")
  return newParser(curried)

here we defined a charp function that takes a character to parse and returns a Parser only capable of parsing that character

  • we check if empty string, we return Left Either with ekLeft kind
  • we check if the string starts with the character we want to parse, if so we return a an Either with a Right of that characater and the rest of the string or we return a Left if the string doesn't start with the character we plan to parse
  • all of the parsing logic we define in a function curried that we pass to newParser

Sequential parsers

now we would like to parse a then b sequentially. possible if we create parser for a and a parser for b and try to (parse a andThen parse b). the statement can be converted to proc `andThen(parserForA, parserForB). let's define that function

  let abParser = charp('a') >> charp('b')
  echo $abParser.parse("abc")
  # parse: [a, b] and remaining c
proc andThen*(p1: Parser, p2: Parser): Parser =
    proc curried(s: string) : Either= 
        let res1 = p1.parse(s)
        case res1.kind
        of ekLeft:
          return res1
        of ekRight:
            let res2 = p2.parse(res1.val.remaining) # parse remaining chars.
            case res2.kind
            of ekLeft:
              return res2
            of ekRight:
                let v1 = res1.val.parsed
                let v2 = res2.val.parsed
                var vs: seq[string] = @[]
                if not p1.suppressed: #and _isokval(v1):
                if not p2.suppressed: #and _isokval(v2):
                return Either(kind:ekRight, val:(parsed:vs, remaining:res2.val.remaining)) 
            return res2

    return newParser(f=curried)

proc `>>`*(this: Parser, rparser:Parser): Parser =
  return andThen(this, rparser)

Straight forward

  • if parsing with p1 fails, we fail with Left
  • if parsing with p1 succeed, we try to parse with p2
    • if parsing p2 works the whole thing returns Right
    • if it doesn't we return Left
  • we create >> function to a more pleasing api

alternate parsing

Now we want to try parsing with one parse or the other and only fail if both can't parse

  let aorbParser = charp('a') | charp('b')
  echo $aorbParser.parse("acd")
  echo $aorbParser.parse("bcd")

Here we want to be able to parse a or b

proc orElse*(p1, p2: Parser): Parser =
    proc curried(s: string):Either=
        let res = p1.parse(s)
        case res.kind
        of ekRight:
          return res
        of ekLeft:
          let res = p2.parse(s)
          case res.kind
          of ekLeft:
            return Either(kind:ekLeft, msg:"Failed at both")
          of ekRight:
            return res

    return newParser(curried)

proc `|`*(this: Parser, rparser: Parser): Parser =
  return orElse(this, rparser)

  • if we are able to parse with p1 we return with Right

  • if we can't parse with p1 we try to parse with p2

    • if we succeed we return a Right
    • if we can't we return failure with Left
  • we define more pleasing syntax |

Parsing n times

we want to parse with a parsers n times so instead of doing this

threetimesp1 = p1 >> p1 >> p1

we want to write

threetimesp1 = p1*3
proc n*(parser:Parser, count:int): Parser = 
    proc curried(s: string): Either =
        var mys = s
        var fullparsed: seq[string] = @[]
        for i in countup(1, count):
            let res = parser.parse(mys)
            case res.kind
            of ekLeft:
                return res
            of ekRight:
                let parsed = res.val.parsed
                mys = res.val.remaining

        return Either(kind:ekRight, val:(parsed:fullparsed, remaining:mys))
    return newParser(f=curried)

proc `*`*(this:Parser, times:int):Parser =
       return n(this, times) 
  • here we try to apply the parser count times
  • we create * function for more pleasing api

parsing letters, upper, lower, digits

now we want to be able to parse any alphabet letter and digits with something like

let letter = anyOf(strutils.Letters)
let lletter = anyOf({'a'..'z'})
let uletter = anyOf({'A'..'Z'})
let digit = anyOf(strutils.Digits)

for digit we can do

digit = charp("1") | charp("2") | charp("3") | charp("4") ...

but definitely it looks much nicer with anyOf syntax, so the idea is we create parsers for the elements in the set and try to orElse between them

Here we define choice

proc choice*(parsers: seq[Parser]): Parser = 
    return foldl(parsers, a | b)

proc anyOf*(chars: set[char]): Parser =
    return choice(mapIt(chars, charp(it)))
  • choice is generic function over any Parsers seq that tries them in order
  • anyOf takes in characters that then gets converted to parser using mapIt and charp parser generator (from character to a Parser)

Parsing a complete string

Now we would like to parse complete string "abc" from "abcdef" instead of doing

abcParser = charp('a') >> charp('b') >> charp('c')

we want an easier syntax that gets expanded to that have

abcParser = parseString("abc)
parseString parser
proc parseString*(s:string): Parser =
  var parsers: seq[Parser] = newSeq[Parser]()
  for c in s:
  var p = foldl(parsers, a >> b)
  return[string]):seq[string] = @[join(l, "")])


What if we want to mark a parser as optional to exist? for example if we are parsing a greet statement and it's valid to not to have ! for instance ("Hello World" and "Hello World !") both should be parsable without greet parser.

We probably want to define it like that

  let greetparser = word >> charp(',').suppress() >> many(ws).suppress() >> word >> optionally(charp('!'))
  echo $greetparser.parse("Hello,   World")
  #<Right parsed: @["Hello", "World", ""], remaining:  >
  echo $greetparser.parse("Hello,   World!")
  # <Right parsed: @["Hello", "World", "!"], remaining:  >

Notice the optionally(charp('!')) it marks a parser as an option.

proc optionally*(parser: Parser): Parser =
    let myparsed = @[""]
    let nonproc = proc(s:string):Either = Either(kind:ekRight, val:(parsed:myparsed, remaining:s))
    let noneparser = newParser(f=nonproc)
    return parser | noneparser

What we basically do is we fake a success parser that we try to parse with the parser passed and if we can't we succeed with noneparser

many: zero or more

Here we try to parse as many as we can of a specific parser, e.g parse as many as as we can from a string.

proc parseZeroOrMore(parser: Parser, inp:string): Either = #zero or more
    let res = parser.parse(inp)
    case res.kind
    of ekLeft:
      let myparsed: seq[string] = @[]
      return Either(kind:ekRight, val:(parsed:myparsed, remaining:inp))
    of ekRight:
      let firstval = res.val.parsed
      let restinpafterfirst = res.val.remaining
      # echo "REST INP AFTER FIRST " & restinpafterfirst
      let res = parseZeroOrMore(parser, restinpafterfirst)
      case res.kind
      of ekRight:
        let subseqvals = res.val.parsed
        let remaining = res.val.remaining
        var values:seq[string] = newSeq[string]()
        # echo "FIRST VAL: " & firstval
        # echo "SUBSEQ: " & $subseqvals
        return Either(kind:ekRight, val:(parsed:values, remaining:remaining))
      of ekLeft:
        let myparsed: seq[string] = @[]
        return Either(kind:ekRight, val:(parsed:myparsed, remaining:restinpafterfirst))

proc many*(parser:Parser):Parser =
    proc curried(s: string): Either =
        return parse_zero_or_more(parser,s)

many1: one or more

proc many1*(parser:Parser): Parser =
    proc curried(s: string): Either =
        let res = parser.parse(s)
        case res.kind
        of ekLeft:
          return res
        of ekRight:
          return many(parser).parse(s)
    return newParser(f=curried)
  • Here we try to parse once manually
    • if parsing succeed we invoke the many parser
    • if parsing fails we return a left

Separated by parser

Most of the times the data we parse are separated by something a comma, space, a dash.. etc and we would like to have a simple way to parse data without hassling with commas, .. etc To make something like that possible

  let commaseparatednums = sep_by(charp(',').suppress(), digit)
  echo $commaseparatednums.parse("1,2,4")
proc sep_by1*(sep: Parser, parser:Parser): Parser =
    let sep_then_parser = sep >> parser
    return (parser >> many(sep_then_parser))

proc sep_by*(sep: Parser, parser:Parser): Parser =
  let myparsed = @[""]
  let nonproc = proc(s:string):Either = Either(kind:ekRight, val:(parsed:myparsed, remaining:s))
  return (sep_by1(sep, parser) | newParser(f=nonproc))

How does that work? Lets assume the example a,b,c we want to describe it as sepBy commaParser letterParser. perfect. then how do we mentally reason about parts? well we start with parsing a letter then comma then letter then comma then letter

so letter then (separator >> letter) many times, that's exactly this line in sep_by1

    return (parser >> many(sep_then_parser))

Surrounded By

if we want to make sure something is surrounded by something e.g single quotes or | we can use surroundedBy helper

  let sur3pipe = surroundedBy(charp('|'), charp('3'))
  echo $sur3pipe.parse("|3|")
  #<Right parsed: @["|", "3", "|"], remaining:  >

Implementation should be as easy as

let surroundedBy = proc(surparser, contentparser: Parser): Parser =
    return surparser >> contentparser >> surparser


between is more generic that surroundedBy because the opening and closing can be different e.g (3)

  let paren3 = between(charp('('), charp('3'), charp(')') )
  echo paren3.parse("(3)")
  # <Right parsed: @["(", "3", ")"], remaining:  >

Implementation should be as easy as

let between = proc(p1, p2, p3: Parser): Parser =
    return p1 >> p2 >> p3

Parsing recursive nested structures

Next, we have a very simple language where you can have

  • chars
  • list of chars or list

It's going to be very easy to express

  var listp: Parser
  var valref = (proc():Parser =letters|listp)

  listp = charp('[') >> sep_by(charp(',').suppress(), many(valref)) >> charp(']')
  var valp = valref()

Here's probably the tricky part, let's think about it for a second, we want to says

lang = list | letter and list = list of lang, we need to delay one of them to be able to reference, and delaying usually means "convert to a function" or at least have it's info "declared already", and that's what we do with listp: Parser just giving nim the info that there will be listp at some point and for the lang parser we create a function that returns list | letter (that's the reason you will find some of our parsec parsers accept proc in some of their overloads instead of just parser only) and once we are done with the declaration of listp now we can invoke valref function to get an actual usable parser to use.

  var inps = @["a", "[a,b]", "[a,[b,c]]"]
  for inp in inps:
      echo &"inp : {inp}"
      let parsed = valp.parse(inp)
      if parsed.kind == ekRight:
          let data = parsed.val.parsed
          echo inp, " => ", $parseToNimData(data)

we only need a function parseToNimData to convert, typically we should be able to use enhance the usage of maps to actually convert the data to the desired type "in the same time of the parsing"

Before defining parseToNimData, let's define the language elements first

  # recursive lang ints and list of ints or lists
    LangElemKind = enum
        leChr, leList
    LangElem = ref object
        case kind*: LangElemKind 
        of leChr: c*: char
        of leList: l*: seq[LangElem]

  proc `$`*(this:LangElem): string =
    case this.kind
    of leChr: return fmt"<Char {this.c}>"
    of leList: return fmt("<List: {this.l}>")

  proc `==`*(this: LangElem, other: LangElem): bool =
    return this.kind == other.kind

We state that our language can have two kind of LangElemKind

  • leChr: for chracters
  • leList: for lists of any langauge element.
  proc parseToNimData(data: seq[string]) : LangElem =
    result = LangElem(kind:leList, l: @[])
    let dataIsList = data[0][0] == '['
    for el in data:
      var firstchr = el[0]
      if firstchr.isAlphaAscii():
        var elem = LangElem(kind:leChr, c:firstchr)
        if dataIsList == false:
            return elem
             result.l[result.l.len-1].l.add(LangElem(kind:leChr, c:firstchr))

      elif firstchr == '[':
          result.l.add(LangElem(kind:leList, l: @[]))

parseToNimData is a simple transformer that builds the tree of the suceessfully parsed strings converting them into LangElems This is how the final result looks like

inp : a
@["parsed data: ", "a"]
a => <Char a>
inp : [a,b]
@["parsed data: ", "[", "a", "b", "]"]
[a,b] => <List: @[<List: @[<Char a>, <Char b>]>]>
inp : [a,[b,c]]
@["parsed data: ", "[", "a", "[", "b", "c", "]", "]"]
[a,[b,c]] => <List: @[<List: @[<Char a>]>, <List: @[<Char b>, <Char c>]>]>

That's it!

More resources on the topic

Thank you for reading! and please feel free to open an issue or a PR to improve to content of Nim Days or improving the very young nim-parsec :)