| 1 | +" Vim auto-load script |
| 2 | +" Author: Anthony Naddeo <[email protected]> |
| 3 | +" Last Change: December 14, 2014 |
| 4 | +" URL: https://github.com/naddeoa |
| 5 | + |
| 6 | +function! xolox#notes#mediawiki#view() " {{{1 |
| 7 | + " Convert the current note to a Mediawiki document and show the converted text. |
| 8 | + let note_text = join(getline(1, '$'), "\n") |
| 9 | + let mediawiki_text = xolox#notes#mediawiki#convert_note(note_text) |
| 10 | + vnew |
| 11 | + call setline(1, split(mediawiki_text, "\n")) |
| 12 | + setlocal filetype=mediawiki |
| 13 | +endfunction |
| 14 | + |
| 15 | +function! xolox#notes#mediawiki#convert_note(note_text) " {{{1 |
| 16 | + " Convert a note's text to the [Mediawiki text format] [mediawiki]. The syntax |
| 17 | + " used by vim-notes has a lot of similarities with Mediawiki, but there are |
| 18 | + " some notable differences like the note title and the way code blocks are |
| 19 | + " represented. This function takes the text of a note (the first argument) |
| 20 | + " and converts it to the Mediawiki format, returning a string. |
| 21 | + " |
| 22 | + " [mediawiki]: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki |
| 23 | + let starttime = xolox#misc#timer#start() |
| 24 | + let blocks = xolox#notes#parser#parse_note(a:note_text) |
| 25 | + call map(blocks, 'xolox#notes#mediawiki#convert_block(v:val)') |
| 26 | + let mediawiki = join(blocks, "\n\n") |
| 27 | + call xolox#misc#timer#stop("notes.vim %s: Converted note to Mediawik in %s.", g:xolox#notes#version, starttime) |
| 28 | + return mediawiki . "\n\n" |
| 29 | +endfunction |
| 30 | + |
| 31 | +function! xolox#notes#mediawiki#convert_block(block) " {{{1 |
| 32 | + " Convert a single block produced by `xolox#misc#notes#parser#parse_note()` |
| 33 | + " (the first argument, expected to be a dictionary) to the [Mediawiki text |
| 34 | + " format] [mediawiki]. Returns a string. |
| 35 | + if a:block.type == 'title' |
| 36 | + let text = s:make_urls_explicit(a:block.text) |
| 37 | + return printf("= %s =", text) |
| 38 | + elseif a:block.type == 'heading' |
| 39 | + let marker = repeat('=', 1 + a:block.level) |
| 40 | + let text = s:make_urls_explicit(a:block.text) |
| 41 | + return printf("%s %s %s", marker, text, marker) |
| 42 | + elseif a:block.type == 'code' |
| 43 | + return printf('<source lang="%s">%s</source>', a:block.language, a:block.text) |
| 44 | + elseif a:block.type == 'divider' |
| 45 | + "TODO is there an equivelant here for mediawiki? |
| 46 | + return '' |
| 47 | + elseif a:block.type == 'list' |
| 48 | + let items = [] |
| 49 | + if a:block.ordered |
| 50 | + let counter = 1 |
| 51 | + for item in a:block.items |
| 52 | + let indent = repeat('#', item.indent + 1) |
| 53 | + let text = s:make_urls_explicit(item.text) |
| 54 | + if text =~ "DONE" |
| 55 | + call add(items, printf("%s ~~%s~~", indent, text)) |
| 56 | + else |
| 57 | + call add(items, printf("%s %s", indent, text)) |
| 58 | + endif |
| 59 | + let counter += 1 |
| 60 | + endfor |
| 61 | + else |
| 62 | + for item in a:block.items |
| 63 | + let indent = repeat('*', item.indent + 1) |
| 64 | + let text = s:make_urls_explicit(item.text) |
| 65 | + if text =~ "DONE" |
| 66 | + call add(items, printf("%s ~~%s~~", indent, text)) |
| 67 | + else |
| 68 | + call add(items, printf("%s %s", indent, text)) |
| 69 | + endif |
| 70 | + endfor |
| 71 | + endif |
| 72 | + let counter = 1 |
| 73 | + return join(items, "\n") |
| 74 | + elseif a:block.type == 'block-quote' |
| 75 | + let lines = [] |
| 76 | + for line in a:block.lines |
| 77 | + let prefix = repeat('>', line.level) |
| 78 | + call add(lines, printf('%s %s', prefix, line.text)) |
| 79 | + endfor |
| 80 | + return join(lines, "\n") |
| 81 | + elseif a:block.type == 'paragraph' |
| 82 | + let text = s:make_urls_explicit(a:block.text) |
| 83 | + if len(text) <= 50 && text =~ ':$' |
| 84 | + let text = printf("'''%s'''", text) |
| 85 | + endif |
| 86 | + return text |
| 87 | + else |
| 88 | + let msg = "Encountered unsupported block: %s!" |
| 89 | + throw printf(msg, string(a:block)) |
| 90 | + endif |
| 91 | +endfunction |
| 92 | + |
| 93 | +function! s:make_urls_explicit(text) " {{{1 |
| 94 | + " In the vim-notes syntax, URLs are implicitly hyperlinks. |
| 95 | + " In Mediawiki syntax they have to be wrapped in [[markers]]. |
| 96 | + return substitute(a:text, g:xolox#notes#url_pattern, '\= s:url_callback(submatch(0))', 'g') |
| 97 | +endfunction |
| 98 | + |
| 99 | +function! s:url_callback(url) |
| 100 | + let label = substitute(a:url, '^\w\+:\(//\)\?', '', '') |
| 101 | + return printf('[%s %s]', a:url, label) |
| 102 | +endfunction |
| 103 | + |
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