Placeholder section to be used for future releases. Make no changes here.
- for new features.
- for changes in existing functionality.
- for soon-to-be removed features.
- for now removed features.
- for any bug fixes.
- Make weback.config.js extendable
- remove splitChunks from default webpack.config.js because of breaking none bio-element projects
- Added enhanced assets copying (assets in components folders are copied now to dist)
- BREAKING: you have to add a .browserlistrc file to your projects root folder you can use the default: Remove "browsers" option from autoprefixer section in projectConfig.js if it exists
- BREAKING: typescript updated from version 2.9.2 to 3.5.3 please see breaking changes in typescript for migration
- BREAKING: All linters are deactivated by default now and will be removed in 8.0 (Please see Deprecation section for more information). If you need to, You can still activate them by overwriting defaults in your projectConfig.js, otherwise if you have them activated in your projectConfig.js your should remove the following tasks: cssStats, htmlhint, linting
- Most dependencies updated
- Stability fixes
- Performance improvements
- All linters built into biotope-build are now deprecated. Please switch to the biotope-quality-gate instead:
- BREAKING: removed the support for Bower package manager
- Added file loader for videos and images to webpack
- Added cors for localhost server
- Add svg loader for scss and ts files
- Exchanged awesome-typescript-loader with ts-loader for a more common loader
- Update eslint config to ignore src/resources/js/polyfills
- fix scss task to build component scss files again
- Upgrade Babel
- Update eslint config to ignore src/resources/js/polyfills
- Remove check dependencies due to failure of custom tags
- Add configurable ts entry points.
- updated readme
- removed eot font creation from iconfont task
- sass compilation sometime not triggering when updateding partials
- css minification not working
- css charset getting removed
- fixed changing sass partials not triggering recompile
- added configuration to webpack to enable sass entry points - default is false
- changing a sass files triggers compilation of all sass files -> now only compiles the changed file
- Merge env data into handlebars global data object under
- Add support for
- ES6 modules from node_modules are now transpiled by Webpack (biotope#129)
- BREAKING: After updateing to 5.4.0 rename resources/scss/fonts/iconfont/_icons.scss → src/resources/scss/fonts/iconfont/_icons.tpl
- Support for env files added
- support for svg sprites added
- Support for ES6 added (uglifyjs)
- Updated all node modules to newest versions
- Disabled Uglify task prevents components from being copied (biotope#73)
- Welcome message in biotope console output ✨
- Added error message log for missing local projectConfig.js
- Webpack tasks is broken when no TS files are available
- Heap out of memory bug (biotope#48)
- Local tsconfig.json needs update:
"awesomeTypescriptLoaderOptions": {
"useCache": true,
"reportFiles": [
- Iconfont path checker
- Webpack4 Update - also added entry points support instead of piping vinyl files to webpack
- Useref task now handles html and hbs extension
- Useref task now uses bioHelpers
- Iconfont path checker
- Webpack now loads JS and JSX files with babel loader
- Missing semicolon in biotope handlebars helper injection
- Complete Handlebars Task Refactoring
- BREAKING: Change
according to
- BREAKING: Change
according to
- BREAKING: Change
according to
- BREAKING: Rename all {{ frontMatter.* }} expressions to {{ data.frontMatter.* }} - mostly used in layout template as title tag
- Copies "_mock" folders inside components to dist during build
- Writes version specified in package.json to resources/VERSION
- BREAKING: Repository name changed to Adjust your package.json
- BREAKING: Prefixed all handlebars helper functions with "bio", for example the helper "include" is now named "bioInclude". This reduces chance of naming collision with variables (see)
- BREAKING: "resources" and "components" in projectConfig.json have now to be strings instead of arrays (see)
- support for customizable hbs helper file added (add handlebarsHelper: "pathToHelperFile" to your project config). with that it is now possible to use same helper file for static and dynamic hbs rendering. (see issue)
- handlebars bioImg helper added. (#36)
- handlebars for-loop helper added.
- iconfont eot file generation is deprecated with this release and will be removed in 5.3.0 (all supported browsers can handle woff or ttf)
- livereload triggered multiple times fixes
- gulp startup performance improvements